SUPPLEMENT TO THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER SOFTBALL LEAGUE aiuKi*-"*1 By Dk'k Smith f 'f'he 16-inch softball league. in j ; an abbreviated week because of I I the V.F.W. carnival, played only j j four games this past week. How- | have caught lire Against advice , eVer, the four games sure had ,> of experts, \v<- pick 'em to win j plenty to do with the standings j Jerry Miller phoned to*"ask us tsb mention the K. of C. golf outing to be held next Sunday at Pistakee Golf Club. K. of C. members and guests are invited But, Jerry wants you to get your name in right away The crowd is growing, call either Jerry or Ed Buss, Jr. The Malpedes will see that you have a good time arid won't l»l you go home hungry. That Shamiock game at mond will sta_rt at 1:30 p.m.. says Larry -Stilling. ir The American Legion team s game will be played in McHemy next Sunday. Wo have Mrs. Tom Bolger's word for it. Joe Quzzardo and Bob Lept made Larry Nimsgern say he is a v\'hit<? S°x fan- 11 happened on the 18th hole at Richmond Country Club last Sunday. Larry's ball went in the water hole o „ , . . . his "pals" took him by the feet ber _of boats a• nd. ,d ri„v ers o.n Mar- and ;lo wered, .h i.m over the emme Day. We tnmk Russ deserves ent t0 ,naKe ^ recovery., a large measu-.e ot cred.t to „uessed it They wouldn't woik. but he is quicJt to hand ... Got to talking with RuSs Switler about the tremendous tasU Of handling the increasing nuni- ; pull him up until he made the i admission. his the credit to the Everett Hunters for their generosity and cooperation in providing valuable giound and pit space for the drivers. , This time we are going to stick Russ says the Hunters made a up for "Muggs. ' We received a big hit with the diivers for their letter with an Erin Go Bragh efforts. Such sidelights arc some- ' pin enclosed. Oh. what that letter times missed in the busy whirl • said about the Irish! It was so we like to pass a pat on the i signed "The African Druggist, back along to those who are de- Mayor of Skidrow. ' As bad as serving he is. our span ing partner never ; wrote that letter. The writing I thesius jp(d hits by Todd, Brand We hear some favorable re- resembles that of a certain well- and Hansen made it five to two ports on the Johnsburg Rescue' rounded barber of our acquain- at the-end of the second. A single Squad work and hope the public tance. j by Buss, a hit by Kraus and anwill .give the boys support by, - j other double by Peise:rt made-it purchasing tickets to their fall j Qur "Brenda," Jim Doran and j 5 t0 4 in 1116 * IK' . eI.f- t) dance. Never know when a help- J ^olby of Crystal Lake en-j Buss Motors on\y scor ing hand may mean eveiything I te-ed th? Lake County tennis s'xth- ^ine rll"s e ' , to one of us. . ... tournament this year aid came innings for-the Palace made r • , 14 to n Ed Todd and Hansen . through with flying colors. j " ^ ^ four for fom, Jones Jai>k and -Timt a reai good ; 0a,Mt.t ,aH Rnss Motors with since <• JuUy-w« went. ..into a slump and lost all three of their games. The thiee losses* dropped them into third place, a game and a half out of first and a half game behind Pa's Yanks. Thursday night Blatz Beer can tie Buss Motors with a victory over Bimbo's Bombers. Friday night Pa's Yanks play the Palace Recreation and this will be a game of real importance. If the Blatz team wins and the Yanks lose there will be a three way tie for second. If Pa s Yanks^ beat the Recreation Friday nigVthen the Palace Recreation- Knights of Columbus game Monday night will be of real importance. A victory for the K. of C.. team would make a two way tie for first. In the Palace-Buss Motors game resulting in a 14 to victory for the Palace, a single Sonny Miller, an err, double by Peisert scpred two foi* the Motor bo; ing. A double by Hansen, ror and a 1/ong fly by Cable tied the score. /A home run by M>uiC n y" • Fror.-, the bcok "HcVi to Plc.y' published by FINAL ADVICE Chapter 13 A note from Vaughn 1 peisert led Buss Motors says that he and "Muggs" have doubles team, won the men's three for three. been trying tp figure out what doubles championship last Thurs- . r^i,,mhn« nnl'- our middle initial stands fgr. We ,jav their finals opponents being 1 e Kmg o have never been too sure of the | Bo'b oihm and Darrell Bader. spelling so just use the "R." The j Gn Tuesday night, "Brenda" name, is that of a great saint- | unci Jack won the finals, 6-1 and boy.OCan you make.'some thing of i g o from Bob VYeismantle, the * ?* • singles 'champion of the tourna- .ment. and Betty Lou Young of Larry Stilling. Shamrock man- j L<akp Bluff, who formerly held ager, has recovered fiom that j t),e Wisconsin state championshock of losing to Johnsburg in : the ninth inning last Sunday and ; Ti0 ^ bp awarded at a phoned to say that his team will j b Pl in September travel to Richmond next Sunday. When I broke into professional ball, most of the catchers, especially those in the major leagues and in the ace minor loops, were big, husky fellows. My small size was, considered a handicap. But it actually wasn't, I can say in all fairness, after looking: back at my years with the White Sox, during most of which I served as firstrString catcher. So if catching is the position you have picked out, height and weight will be no barrier. It is more important i to have the urge to show youf I have a good head on your J shoulders, to take the man- | ager's orders and lay off the umpires. I had pretty good luck in baseball. So did Muddy Ruel, who was just about any size. It's the ability, not the build, that will help you most. It is true the catcher gets m o r e f i n g e r s a n d t h u m b s bunged up and hands dented in the course of a game than any other player. That's only natural. What is the best thing to use in doctoring such bruises? I recommend epsom salts in hot water. It is the prescription that worked for me and brought quick relief from pain that was hard to bear. Remember, you cannot' whip nature. Assume you ar« Running, a b^ll. team is tough We/ DAILY PINUPS: Th e" 'V ise- nvan- taowj^' what> te>- days. We,Wouldn't know where I do next; the skilled man knows the H9por^ pf^oynei^.-y^ars are, ! how to do»it; the clever man but „do ktfoV^that when sonv ' manages to do it. teanis in the county .league pass Live wires are seldom-.stepped the hat they hardly get enough I on. to pay the umpires. An acrobat actually turns a ~ T flop into a success. Those nickels and dimes don : j p0or information leads count up very fast. As, one wag vvav {0 puny judgment.. put it. "Where do they think j theyfea ue* -- in church ? " A retentive memory is a preventative To happiness. The best ingredient to a good Anonymous YOU can't beat those Texans. , ... * u . Pauft Richards says his White' ls Plent-V of shor^mng. Sox inay still win that pennant. Mus| remember to order our serieg tickets. tf - Wjt tried ,to keep it quiet, but new$ will leait out. Yep. We joinfljjl our "S.B.C" and our better ^jalf„ (both^ Cub. fans) and went to see the W^igley 'entry play^ the Redlegs m a doubleheadfcr. TOni Bolger's Legion team could have beaten the Cubs that-da v. JOHNSBURG JUNIOR LEGION IN NINTH STRAIGHT VICTORY The Johnsburg Juniors hung up their ninth straight Junio. Legion win when they nipped McHenry 3 to 2 in extra innin at Johnsburg last Sunday Johnsburg scored in the firs'. le way „Ra l,p ,h Kiner and. ; in.n .i ng when johnn. y Huff led off Hank Sauer played the outfield j W1 that' day we wouldn't have hea.- I in^* tated to challenge them to a foot I race for' a little side bet. Next j day they beat Milwaukee and ; out s,leillin& and anoth" oul a,1- we rread how Kiner sprinted all 1 to score on a wild ove^ that outfield. Must hav£! c beelt somebody under an assumed narr^e that we saw. ed the upset of the year in beating Buss Motors 30 to 26 The K. of C. team piled up a 15 to 4 lead in two innings and fought' back every challenge made by Buss Motors to overtake them. The score at the end of the fifth was K. of C. 20, Buss 19. Ten i; in the last two innings for the Knights while Buss scored only 3 made the final score 30 to 26. Weingart, Brand and Boston led the Knights, five hits fo- Weingart and four for Brand and Boston. Sonny Miller had five' 'ouforsTx-W "ttfe Motbr team. Bob Peisert had four hits, a triple and three home runs. His home runs came in the last three innings and each onef came i with two men on base. Other J home run hitters (there were 13 j hit for a new two team record > the j were G. Schaefer. Kraus, crouch, j Steinsdoerfer, Haag, Brand (2). Boston, Howard and Manto. Pa's Yanks and Buss Motors put on a real show Tuesday night with the Yanks winning 9 to 8. Buss Motors led 4 to 2 until the third. The Yanks tied the score on an error and a hit by Wally i Smith. A triple by Meyer, a j double by Doyle and a single by ' Jager scored three moie for the i Yanks in the fourth. A home run ' by Jackson in the fifth made the score 8 to 4. Peisert and Steinsdoerfer hit the first-string catcher ofi tKe club and are working behind the bat, game after game, week after week. Well, never try to accomplish the impossible. If you know you are giving out, and need a rest, report to your manager. That is far better than to stay in the game when you know you are not in top condition. The manager will want you to let him know when you haven't all your pep or physical endurance. My final advice to the young player is this: Contact the best people as you come through in baseball, and save your money. Like all others, I made progress, and also mistakes, when I was in the game. It's mighty fine to have your own business and some money in the bank after your baseball career is over. I hope my advice to young players will prove helpful. Just keep in shape, follow orders, lay off umpires and t a l k , e a t , t h i n k a n d s l e e p baseball. Also cash in on the chance you get to meet some real people all over the country. And be smart enough to bank some of your pay cheel: on the first and fifteenth of •very month. *A« related to Harold W. NEXT WEEK - "FIRST BASE'/ By GEORGE SISLER This i* the thirteenth in a wrics of articlei to help give proper instruction to boys in Hoto to Play Bate bad. Future columns will contin u« lnfielding and then Outfleldinjj and Base Running. Chapters prior fo this are available from this newspaper, or you can order "HOW TO PLAY," confuting o/ 112 pages, from Tn Sromifo NlM, 2018 Washington Ave., SU Lmis 3, Mo., JOT fifty cents a copy. Murphy, rf 4 0 1 H. Stilling, If 3 12 H. Knox, cf 4 1 1 Phil Judson, ss 2 0 1 J. Molidor, lb 3 0 1 G. Bolger, c 4 0 1 Totals 33 3 10 Score by - innings. Johnsburg 000 000 004--4 Shamrocks 100 002 000--3 Two base hits: Paul Judson (2)i Barth, Meyer,, Peisert, Pierce- Stolen bases: Phil Judson, Hilleir. Sacrifices: H. Knox? Murphy; Phil- Judson. Dbuble plays: Murphy to J. Molidor; Phil Judson to Paul Judson to J. Molidor. Strikeouts: Miller, 2; Freund, 3; Klapperich, 1. Bases on balls: Miller, 1; Toomey, 4: Freund, 1: Klapperich, 1. WRESTLING SHOW FOR POLIO FUND AT ROUND LAK£ Thursday, August 26, 1954 stalemate, both combines being disqualified, and the Sheik and Gypsy retained their Midwest tag teafn crown. All four principals have made national names via the TV networks. Other bouts will be: Bearded Ivan Rasputin against Mexican Champ Juan Hernandez, and Gordon Hassel The Round Lake area will benefit in its March of Dimes polio drive from a wrestling show Friday night at the Lake i meeting Johnny Casey, an Ajui- County Stadium in .Round Lake,j,och pfodigy.>-. Ttee show will ber Park- I p-in at 8:30 p.m. Friday. The BROME GRASS "fhis has been a great year for "Bromis Inermis" or the grass known to most as Brome grass. It grew well during the cold, dry May weather and developed j in the Indian - Hill section, and into a terrific crop during June. | she has a staff plodding the en- It was the outstanding spring tire area on behalf of the show. , Mrs. Ann Crowfoot,' chairlady; of the Polio Foundation, in this section,., announced this week her hopes for a capacity house to watch some of the richest and best-known grapplers in the industry opetate on each other in the interests of polio's potential defeat. Strange, the partnership of the polio fund and wrestling. But Mrs. Crowfoot has said, "Each hamfrierlock will be another blow against the dread disease." Mrs. Crowfoot has been gelling tickets for the show from her home at 809 Tomahawk Trail i prices are $2 and $1.25, with a special 75 cents, general admission for youngsters Trtider 12. . . The card prdmises as much excitement as Round Lake Park has witnessed all summer. It is under the promotion of Fred Kohler. pasture where used for grazing. Where allowed to develop to be cut for hay or grass silage it produced a very heavy tonnage, and those who let the seed crop mature found that they had a tremendous amount of roughage to harvest after the seed heads were combined. The use of Brome grass either ajone or in mixtures j the last one reaiched with legumes for grass silage is a growing practice. In this form it is stored as palatable "\viiiter pasture" for livestock. Alexander Hamilton iVas killed in a duel with Aaron Burr *on Wee-hawken Heights, New Jersey, July 11, 1804. ailHIIIHIllllllKllllllhlllllllllHIIIIHIIIIWItllHIHIHHUS Sales are also handled at Lake County Stadium and Zeman's Drug Store in Round Lake Park. The attractive card will be I g featured by the Sheik of Araby, j §j in beard and turban, and the j § ruffian Gypsy Joe in a tag brawl 5 against Billy Goelz and Johnny ' ~ Balbo. It's a return bout, since bloody T C W N E ULTRA-MODERN GIANT CINEMASCOPE SCREEN 2 Shows Nightly = First Show Starts at Dusk, = about 8:00. Grand Avenue, Fox Lake, 111. Phone Fox Lake 7-1611 PLENTY OF FREE PARKING -- FRI. & SAT. MJG. 27-28 "TANGANYIKA" Technicolor Van Heflin - Ruth Roman Howard Duff JOHNSBURG WINS AGAIN 4 TO 3 IN PLAY-OFFS Tigers Bounce Up In Ninlh To Wipe Out Shamrock Lead The old story that a ball g^ime is never over until the last man is out was never truer than shown on the local diamond last Sunday when Tigers rose up in the ninth inning to turn a 3 to 0 shutout into a 4 to 3 victory. This was the second and last home runs for Buss j game of the play-offs between Motors in the sixth to bring them ; the two teams, Johnsburg having within two runs of the Yanks. In ! the seventh, Matt Schmitt singled with one out. Sonny Miller singled to put two men on. Gene single and scored followwalk and an error. Further scoring was ave:ted when Charlie Olson threw one runner on Schaefer forced Schmitt at thiicl | v\'ith a 3-0 lead, it appeared that for the second out. With both runneis on the go. Bud Kraus Hillpr ltd off with a hit and went to second on a safe blow t,by Katz. Si Meyers' grounder to iisiwart hit Hiller. Hiller was out, J£&V!ng " two runners on base 'Barth flied to left for the second out. Richard Fieund's hit to center scored Katz. Pierce batted for Loren Freund and got a double when Harry Stilling charged in and the ball got past him. That tied the scoie. By this time the Tigers had their hitting clothes on ar.d up came Bob Reisert, after four futile attempts, to double home the winning run. Howie Freund got the wood on the"*~Johnsbu'rg I the ba"* but Murphy was deep and in the right spot to make it the third out. Willie Klapperich pitched the final inning for Johnsburg with no trouble except a walk to Harry Stilling after two were out. The ball game was over. Johns- With Sonny Miller pitching | •5,ir£ whooped it up while Mc- ! Henry was stunned at the sudden change of fortune. won a t to 2 game on thenhome grounds the previous week great ball going into the ninth FRI. & SAT. AUG. 27-28 "Black Horse Canyon1 Joel McCrea, Mari Blanehard SUN. & MON. AUG. 29-30 "APACHE" Technicolor Burt Lancaster - Jean Peters ft TUES., WED. & THURS. AUG*, 31, SEPT. 1-2 "THEM" James Whitmore - Joan Weldon Edmund Gwenn SUN., MON., TUES. & WED. AUG. 29-30-31, SEPT. 1 "3 Coins in the rountain Clifton Webb, Dorothy McGuire COMING "GONE WITH THE WIND" SEPT. 22-23-24-25 £ THURS., FRI. & SAT. § 1 AUG. 26-27-28 H Color by Technicolor g S Danny Kaye - Jfai Zetterllng S j|"KNOCK ON WOOD"! § Also (3) Color Cartoons fi = SUN., MON., TUES. & WE|D | AUG. 29 to SEPT. 1 jg Sin Cinemascope, Color Deluxe § ||Clifton Webb, Dorothy McGuire3 = Jean Peters § | "THREE COINS IN I 1 THE FOUNTAIN" | H Also (3) Color Cartoons g ^STARTING THURS., SEPT. 2g = Circus in Cinemascope called § J "RING OF FEAR" | =Where • the traihed Lions ^Tigers, and the Big Cats h&ld|| fjtheir own. A Mickey Spillaneg Ustory, starring -- § =Mickey Spillane, Sean McClory.g ' =Pat O'Brien, Clyde Beattv. || = Also (3) Color Cartoons # nJlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllITi ; ; THU$S., FRI. & SAT. SEPT. 2-3-4 "Ring of Fear" Clyde Beatty, Mickey Spillane jRT." 176 WAUCONDA • AIR CONDITIONED COpen Daily 6:40 p.m. - Sun. 4:451 THURS., FRI. & SAT. AUG. 26-27-28 'KNOCK ON WOOD' (Technicolor) Danny Kaye WED., THURS., FRI. & SAT, AUG. 25-26-27-28 i"KNOCK ON WOOD" • Danny Kaye, Mai Zetterling SUN., MON. & TUES. j; AUG. 29-30-31 i»This program will start Sun-, fday 4:45 Weekdays at 6:45^ P Van Heflin - Ruth Roman I "TANGANYIKA" Also - Walt Disney's "STORMY" Ope nicet thing about that double-header^ We got to see the entire Cub pitching staff. Butch Nowak's second hit and fielder for three bases. He stayed a bunt hit by Wally Kiett led to there on Liptrot's grqunder to another Johnsburg run in the j short and sr-ored on Dick Weber's fourth. long fly to left. Final score: Pa's McHenry tied the score in the | Yanks 9, Buss Motors 8. seventh when Jim Mahal led off Standings , with a hit, John Vycital walked j Palace We'd trade the whole team for and Al Uebsohn was hit by a i pa's Yanks that big Kluszewski who plays j pitched ball. Krett bi-aced to get Buss Motors first base for Cincinnati. He i the next two batters, but walked , Blatz Beer fields fancy and hits hard. Cluck Sales and Don Ho,jnacki j Bimbo's scoring Moti Tiitus,, running for j McHenry Sand & G-avel Vycital, and Liebsohn. Wonder Lake Repair Johnsburg won the game in the I K. of C eighth when a hit batsman, a | Illinois Boll walk and an error loaded the | Plav-off D&tes bases. With two out. Salt's walked Jim Huemann on pitch to force in Butch Nowak with the winning run. and McHenry will md game of the two out of three game series next Sunday. Johnsburg (X) AB R Huff. 2b a thi:d game would be necessary ! to decide the issue. Then it singled to left center and the , happened. But, let's look at the score was tied 8 to 8. In the j gani(> froni t_he start and work last of the seventh, ! up to that sudden and ferocious Freund hit a high fly to right I UprjHjnK that got away f:om the light John Toomey was the Tiger Now the final tussle fo: the county league play-off championship begins. Algonquin shut out j Richmond 4 to 0 last Sunday 1 while Johnsburg beat McHenry 4 to 3. Next Sunday Johnsburg travels to Algonquin to start what we _ , ^ hear is a five game series. That ' ° ns UI® a can be a tough one. Both teams , ^* le seconc pitcher at the stait and he walked the first batter, Gerry Molidor. Paul Judson fouled out to Barth. Miller hit to right, putting Gerry on third. Murphy followed with a looper to right. Molidor scoring and Miller going to third. Harry Stilling, who had two hits and two walks in five t^ips. d:ew his first pass. Toomey then got Howard Knox on a fly . to Hiller and Phil Judson on a j grounder to Lloyd Freund. ' Double plays in the first and j second innings killed off Tig'-r , chances. They threatened at . . 1 times such as in the seventh „ , i First four teams as per tneu ; a r> 3 - 2 i gs on .th. e last game of '• w h e n 1S0i M e y e r s l e d o f f w i t h a !i .th. e yea"r. B_e s.t ,tw o ou,t o,f three d o u b l e a n d f a i l e d t o s c o r e . i games. W 11 11 11 10 8 8 4 3 1 Johnsburg (4) Peisert, rf Howie Freund, 3b Lloyd Freund, ss C Hiller, 2b Katz, lb S. Meyer, cf Bairth, c R. Freund, If Toomey, p Jim Freund. ph I L. Freund, p pierce, ph Klapperich, p Totals Shamrocks (8) G. Molidor, 3b Paul Judson, 2b S. Miller, p AR It 11 5 0 1 5 0 2 4 0 0 4 0 3 4 1 1 3 1 2 4 0 1 4 1 1 2\ 0 0 1 > 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 . 0 0 0 37 4 1" AB R 11 4 1 0 ft 0 2 4 0 1 SUN. & MON. AUG. 29-30. ; "GYPSY COLT" • Donna Carcoras - Ward Bond, Also "TALL IN THE SADDLE" • Ella Raines - Ward Bond : ? WED. & YmJRS. SEPT. 1-2. Double Feature "THE MAN IN THE ATTIC" and THE NEBRASKAN' TUES., WED. & THURS. AUG. 31, SEPT. 1-2 RACHEL AND THE STRANGER" •Loretta Young - Wfn. Holdei Special Matinee Wed. ^ Sept. 1 - 1:00 p.m. •The Nebraskan and 5 Cartoons XOne Show Only. All proceeds^ 4*to Wauconda grade school bandy J All Seats 30c X THURS.FRI. &. SAT. SUN., MON. & TUES. AUG. 29-31 Continuous Sun. from 2j00 " 6 " 1 KUSIC*U JawVOWltilUard Kttl 4 DAYS - STARTS WED. SEPT. 1 Spencer Tracy, Robert Wagner Jean Peters, Richard Widmark "BROKEN LANCE" in Color COMING - SAT., SEPT. 4 Giant Kiddies Back-To-School Matinee! Free Candy - Prizes & School Supplies! On Screen - All Your Favorite Cartoon & Comedy Characters! WATCH FOR IT! Bom have power and .both have winning -W4VS. " The Tigers have come a Ion?, way since early season and have i I*- Oeffling, cf a flexible lineup with good bench ** Oeffling. ss strength. . F: rund. c • Nowak. If "^e saw the flexible side last ! Fretl, p Sunday when Manager Howie j Weber, lb ,Kajj& had to make a switch due B. Huemann. ;»b to ?Tom Huemann being on the ; Smith, rf sicli?. list. Howie Freund was 1 -1 Huemann. rf brdflght in from left field to \ Totals play third base. He played it : MeJleory (2) well. Richard "Tony" Freund Freund, ;ib weiti to left field and covered Bastian, lb ground, threw well and hit wh« n 1 Sales, p it liurt the Shamrocks most. 1 Hojnacki. ss A j May, cf You can see the story of the C. Olson, c gape to learn' how the boys Stromstedt. 2b canoe off the bench to turn the j Mahal, rf • victpry trick. I D. Olson, rf ' vycital- Earlier in the season we would Tiitus, 2b have* picked Algonquin without Leibsohn. if hesitation. Today, the Tigers Totals 2' 1 O 0 A 0 4 0 2 1 2 0 4 1 4 0 2 0 0 0 27 3 AB R 2 0 4 0 1 0 0 4 0 3 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 1 1 2 1 26 2 Aug. 31 vs. 3 Sept. 1 vs. 4 Sept. 2 7:15, 1 vs. 4; 8:15, 7:15. 2 vs 3; 8:15, Op<*n. Play-offs Under 28 Yearn Sept. 3 1 vs. 2. Sept. 7 1 vs. 2. OOrNTY BURGLARIES in Paul Judson stlired up a little home crowd interest with a leadoff double in the third, but trying to stretch it into a triple proved to be a mistake". The Shamrocks had scoring opportunities in the next two innings that flubbed out. Came the sixth rind two runs. Harry Stilling singled to left and Howard Knox did the samp to right. Hairy legged it to third on the hit. Threp burglaries were reported ( judson sacrificed Howard to McHenry county last ^weekend, , seconc| Jack Molidor was given an intentional pass. With the squeeze play on, Guv Bolger laid down a perfect bunt for a safe hit as Harry Stilling slid across the plate. Gerry Molidor lashed a hit to center that wasn't a hit when Guv was thrown out at second base, but Knox scored on the play. i Manager Howie Katz put some Score by innings: good bench strength into use in McHenry 000 000 20 -2 the final innings and the strate- Johnsburg 100 100 Ol-.-.ljg-y paid off. Loren Freund pitch- Double play: F Oeffling l> Huff to Weber. Strikeouts: Frett 12, Sales 6 Bases on balls: Frett 7, Sales 6. Runs batted in: J. Huemann, Sales, Hojnacki. none in this area. The l3ieckman implement store on Rt. 47, near Woodstock, was entered and almost $1,000 was taken. At Marengo, two outboard motors were taken from the Herbert Thurow 1 ! store, a tavern near Union was 0 i entered Saturday night and be- 0 j tween $40 and $50 in cash taken. 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 5 THE RIVIERA Show Place of the Middle V\ est Lake Geneva. Wisconsin One Night Only Ralph Marterie 8t His Orchestra NEXT TUESDAY (AUG. 31) Dancing Nightly Jimmy Featherstone SEPT. 5 The Crew Cuts ed the seventh and eighth, getting a couple of base runners each inning but keeping them away from home plate. Now for that ninth. Charlie ! SEPT. 6 Louis Armstrong Now Playing ENDS SAT. AUG. 28 "Hell Below Zero" In Technicolor Starring Alan Ladd Also "Paris Playboys'J Starring The Bowery Boys SUN. & MON. AUG. 29-30 Academy Award Winner For Best Documentary of 1953. Walt Disney's THE LIVING DESERT' In Technicolor -- Also Walt Disney's "Ben and Me" TUES., & WED. AUG. 31 - SEPT. 1 "Jennifer" Ida Lupino - Howard Duff Also WORLD FOR RANSOM Starring Dan Duryea OUTDOOR THEATRE OREEN 4ox0O t E. ROUTE 120 - 21 Open 7:00 p.m. -- First Show At Dusk -- Come Early -- CHILDREN UNDER 12 IN CAR FREE -- We Show First-Run Features THE NEWEST LATEST AND BEST WEDNESDAY thru SATURDAY AUG. 25*28 SECRET OF INCPSM techn/color Stamrif CWARDDN HEST0N • ROBERT VOlJSG MC0LE MAI/REY TH0MAS Sl/MAC ' .natrerw v RWiAlD HtidWlttoU SYDNEY BOfHH ^..SrOKnaam- * Pnamaml ftctorc SUN., MON. & TUES. She tops her Academy Award triumph in "Come Back, Little Sheba:' SHIRLEY BOOTH ROBERT RYAN IN HAL WALLIS PRODUCTION : AB0LT MRS LESLIE MARJIE MILLAR-ALEX NICOL • Directed by DANIEL MANN AUG. 29-30-31 WEDNESDAY thru SATURDAY "LIVING IT UP" Dean Martin - Jerrv Lewis SEPT. 1-2-3-*