| Fo\ River VRU^V Camp Meets Sept. 7 5.SP THE McHENRY PLAWDEALER •N Fox River Valley ciimp. No. 3251, R.N.A., will hold its next regular meeting .Tuesday evening, Sept. 7, at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. William Wissell. Some Day farm, on Rt. 31. .TT. -- ;Hold Bull ¥attey Gala. Party ^fonrrs A ! Show-sSept. 4142 Constant hie-. Kout.-, ' *' '•> . Mr; and M»s:. -. CmiM.;mVin:r <Sou: • sos, summer* residents M>£, LAiv moor, celebrated th'pir pilvt-rw <•«» ding anniversary recently, ^"hei a surprise luncheon WHS J;i\ E: in their honor by their t h r o - children, Mary, Vasilia and !>«' metrios. While Mi-, and M:s. Rnutsu. attended the Sunday liturgy a St. Demetrios church in Wauke J vuvu Party llorn'rs/:,- . . ynthu Vurrsc Happy. - bB-thday.-v wa-a- sung > to "vnthia \*a|ese at a. lawn, party ,ive.n,in. hi>iTO£ of. her sixth- birth !nv. .niiiivjM'sam- on Sunday, Aug. . . V Guests Wh\helped her cele- C°U"t7/lub SePl 11 and, 12 K! mte wei e DeboXh Lynn Varese. i SL'heduleci 'to represent a day -of \'a:»-se and \~onnie Hinspa- J .'1 The: sixth annunl-.flower show? of the Bui! Valley Garden club, j to be held at the Woodstock feasting and begins with four tabl.es entitled. "Before the Shooting Begins," a breakfast for the men. These tables' will nt' McHeniy. %?heryl Diane la1 any. Cathy, Iwinski, Stephmie and David C%"ta. Connie.. . ^ IHI Kurt Ouzay all three of | ^ done by the McHenry Garden gan, guests; were arriving li.»r. , Chicago, Cicero, Ucwyn, Pa la j tine. Crystal Lake and Lrilymoo: i Among those p r e s e n t from L:i\ moor were Mi", and Mis P M;rl . alaj-os, Mr. and Mrs. A. Gku!w i poulas, Philip M. Ooige, Mi and Mis. H. Crawley Mr. a:i. Mrs. H. Seifeit. Mr. and Mis. 1- j lichelan Bahy Karmel, Mr. and Mis. D. Leski j s ( hrNtened heir friends, all of Cllicago. ' Parents of the childien. also njoye i, a delightful aktejnosm. Cynthia is tlie--^iaugh^er of Mr. ! Lake, nd Mis. Ralph Varese, who wol'e | -This •' i>st> at the party. Her brother. •' ^ ^ .'i was also present. club, the Woodstock Garden club, the Green Twig Garden club of Ciystal Lake and the Countryside Garden club ut", Crvstal of course, will be followed Dove Luncheon" for the ERSONALS ; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schoewer of Waukegan spent a day last week visiting her sister, Mrs. Eleanor YoOng. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Bodaista,b of Mucinann's1- subdivision, have been entertain8--- .the «H. •l'or two \vce>k.". . ••• • • " < Mrs. Ed Holle of Oak -Parlt and Mr.- and- Mrs,. Lynn, Smith- of Rockton were weekend guests in the Martin Conway hoine. Mrs. Margaret Rasmussen and Mrs. Mary McCabe of Chicago spent the weekend with Miss Genevieve Knox. Bill Weber and Gus Unli spent last week vacationing in Wiscon-, sin. ' £ Mr. ^and Mis. Robert Justen have been on a vacation trip in the North, Mrs. Curtis Lenox of LaGrange attended the wake of Cecil Rothladies, four tables done by the I e,'mel McHenry last weekend. Subdivision Residents Bid Farewell To Summer members of Garden club. the Bull Valley Mr and Mrs. V. Bassi. Mr. an- Mrs. B. Hollenbach, Roy Mullen bach. Mrs. J. Golberk. Mrs H Fantus, Mrs. E Tobey. M s. !S Danko, Mrs. Farrara and M's "P^Kdinando. The\ guests, numbering 100 were served but let., style in tlr Soutsos home. After a deliciou reek-Ameriean nn-al. cliniaxei with Greek pastiv and a three tier cake, the guests \ve> e entei tained with Greek folk dancing and music. Mary. Vasilia and Demetrio 'are grateful and appreciative fo the remarkable cooperation ex tended by 4heH\wondei-ful Lily moor neighboi-s an3\their Chicago friends. Their sincere generosity enabled the luncheon to be ; genuine suj pi ise and a real sue eess. ' Mr. Soutiwj*' Is* h^Ld of th> Soutsos Decorating ...cpijapany ii Chicago. Mary is a^?::$^clter a: St. Gertiude school w^jh'icago her sister.' Vasilia. is an Sit ma jor and senior class president a! Mundelein college, and Demetrio.1 will enrol! at Amundsen hig: school this fall Bill Creeden of Brockton, Mass., .spent last week visiting "After the Shooting is Over" Pro and Mrs. Julius Goffo at the McHenry Country club. He has just been retired frojn The little son of Mr. and Mrs. I a cocktail buffet is the next Vn Michelau of Grayslake -was ! item on the cay's program. , iiristened John -James at St. j These will be presented by the twenty-three years service with iilbert's church, Grayslake, re- | Crystal Lake Garden club, the ently Sponsors were the baby's ! Woodstock Men's Garden clab, unt. Mrs. Ami Hook, and an j Kishwaukee Garden club and the ncle. Joseph Jackgon. I Home Garden club of Crystal (By Marie S<'haett«fen) A farewell to summer and to .some., of the summer residents of Howell's Villa and other subdivisions adjoining the Chapel HU1 Country club took the form of' another party at the clubhouse. Last Saturday evening about ^ninety , guests •• gathered- •.Lhej'c"fo:- a' socia 1 evening and some games:. After the games, a fine lunch was served. There- were the usual good' home-made cakes, as well as barbecued'hamburger and lots of good coffee. Mrs. E. Danford, Mrs. R. Holm, Mrs. Dubow and Keith Clow of Crystal Lake, who has relatives in Chapel Hill subidvision, won beautiful gifts-. The most important reason for these parties has been to raise funds to improve the road and to try to build a sort of park for the children -of the vicinity. The entire neighborhood has cooperated beautifully to try to bring this project to a successful conclusion. 4-H NEWS The Miehelaus (she was the I Lake. o: liter Katherine Jackson i have Last, but not least, there will •ne other child, a daughter, I be a game dinner consisting of >ebbie. . four tables done by the members Guests in Uie Michelau home j °f the Bull Valley club, entitle^ fter the baptism were the spon- j "We Got Our Limit." <>rs and the grandparents, Mr. : There will also be a "Lesson nd Mrs Ford Jackson and Mrs. ' for the Hostess," featuring six Vnna Michelau. and an uncle, I exemplary arrangements of the oseph Michelau. ' six basic forms of flower arrangements done. by experis. ; These will not be in competition. \ Again this year the accent is of the ' »n the junior exhibits and the v". H. C. Yegge. family was held \ children are invited to participate ast 'Saturday at the Louis Yegge in the hunting weekend. There ,iome in Woodstock, with dinner | will' be four invitational tables ind super served to twenty-three I done by the 'teen-agers called quests. ' ! "You Are Invited to a Hayride." Attending Hie get-together i Three 4-H groups, the Dunham k'egge Family teunion Aug. 28 The annual reunion th/^Nkvy^ Mrs. Edith McAndrews of Chicago has been spending the week with her son. Earl, and family. Mrs. Edward Letcher of Chicago, a former McHenry resident, spent Saturday visiting with the Misses Lena and Clara Stoffel. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Kuhlman and daughters, Debbie and Jenny, spent Thursday at the Wisconsin sta^e fair in Milwaukee. Mr. Kuhlman was enjoying a vara- , , (<rv .t•io n f„r om ,h •i s d, u.t.ie s as arc.h.i.te . c.t sn1 oke on Different Kinds of Milk." Happy Clover Club The Ringwood Happy Clover -1-H club travelled to the home of Marita Thomson at Plato Center for their meeting Aug. 25. The meeting was called to order by the president, Charlotte Smith. All members led in the 4-H pledge. Record books were finished at this meeting. A safety talk was given by each member. Karen Schmelzer gave a talk on "Use of Cheese." Annette Smith then NEWLYWEDS Thursday, September 2, 1954 -M f ' 4 &" MM , :0| at Tonyan Construction company. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Yegge and five children of DeWitt. Iowa, spent the weekend in the Norbert Yegge home. Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Rix spent Tuesday at the Wisconsin state fair at Milwaukee. Miv and Mis. Charles Prieve Kaien gchmelzer, reporter AMONG THE SICK c Howard Gr^ith returned home last weekend from Resurrection hospital in \~;hicago, where he •vere Mr. and Mrs. V. H. c. ; Girls, the Lucky 4-H ers and the j of Little Paw Paw Lake, Colo-«i was" confined fbr about ten days, lids, will all com- i. j L«._ I . . ; Crista s Celebrate . 35th Anniversary Sunday, Aug. 29,. daj not soon to be forgotten for Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth. Cristy of th< Ringwood i - Wonder Lake commy* tity, Who celebr>*ed theiL fkiirD-jjfxffiy anrnv^r.^a^iT Open house was held {or theii friends and relatives, vftio began to arrive at 1 o'clock, and continued through the.<eVj|18S^ hours. The Cristys have fblr sons and one daughter, John, HUnnpth, Jr., Nelson, Jerry, apd Ws. Bobette Fossum; also elevqnf grandchildren. ' '* ' Ice cream, cake, coffee and punch were served to about 300 giaests, with Nancy ,.ajnd Jane Cristy, nieces, aerv^ig;- l'egge. Mr. and Mrs. Henry < Rural Handymaids, com i'egge and family and Mr. and-,-j T»ete for honors along with the .Irs. Harvey Frank and daugh- | Junior Gai den club of Crystal er. all of DeWitt, Iowa, Mr. and j Lake. a Mrs. Norbert Yegge and son, and ' "Mv Tea Party" is the theme Mrs. John Sullivan of McHenry, ' for "the girls' flower arrangema, Mich., were weekend guests recoveiing from.1' injuries sustainin the home of Mr. and Mt£. \ ed in an auto accident. Reginald Rix. Mrs. Prieve is a ! Joy Ann, 3-year-old daughter sister of Mrs ...Rix. ( of Mr. and Mrs. James Hetter- Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Staines ! mann of Johnsburg, is a patient and son visited in the home of 1 in St. Therese hospital, Wauke- Mr, and Mrs. Louis \egge and i ments and this class will be open j hjs parents, the William Staines, j gan. hildren and Mrs. Lena Riley of ; to all girls between the ages of Woodstock. 8 and 11. Gills 12 to 15 will ---- - arrange flowers for "Our Sunday Hold Shower l-'or Dinner," while the boys from 8 Phyllis Bauer I to 15 will show their dexterity A. surprise , pink ' .and blue | in "Country Cut-Outs," fruits laowtr -giv^rt for Phyllis j and vegetables eirt out or tooth- Bauer on Sunday, Aug. 29, at , picked together to form faces the home of Terry Wilde. Hos- j and animals. Sunday. Mrs. Irene Guffey spent the weekend in Elmljurst with' litfr CARD OF THANKS We would like to take this opsister and family, the Leslie j po; tunity to thank everyone who Bungards. Miss Gerry Carey has returned after a few weeks spent in t^e home of her aunt and uncle, Atty. and Mrs. J. . Albert Woll, Dorothy Adams. Hold Surprise Pink-Blue Shower A surprise pink and blue shower was given by Mrs. Elsie Behnke and Miss Dorothy Behn- Those from distan^ in at- j ke on Thursday evening, Aug. 19, tendance 'wteei Itffe Mrs. j for Mrs. Marilyn Siekerman. Harry Nelson Wis., j After Mrs Siekerman opened Mr .and Mrs, Sheqjaian Nelson of the many lovely gifts presented Ann Arbor, Mich,-, Mrs. A. B. j her, guests enjoyed a lovely buf- Cristy and daughter .©f New Lon- | fet luncheon Those attending tess-s \*ere Doris Andreas and j The jlinior •norticulture division j in Washington, D.C. Mrs. Wilde. Relatives and friends j is open to fl,f chiWren the only Uenjoyed games with prizes won j ,-eqUjSjtP being that the items ' ^ by Mary Steinsdoerfer. Mayme entered must be grown b the Freund. Martha Freuad and phUd Boys and ghls may a]sf) sent floral offerings and extended other kindnesses at the time of our bereavement in the passing of our wife and mother. Everything was greatly appreciated. 17 Mr. J. Tompkins and Family win a ribbon for the best collection of named wild flowers and the best collection of named weeds. One of the main features of the show this year will be a lectin e on composting your garden refuse and the methods will be shown on an actual compost pile outside the show. There will also i be a vegetable cart for the sale of home grown fi nit and vegedon, Wis., Mrs. Merle ' Granberg ] were Mrs. Maigaret Pahls. Mrs. ! tal,'es and a wishin£ wel1 done of Oshkosh, Wis.. Mr. and Mrs. j Audrey Hall and Mrs Joanne j ,llp P1:,n^ flower and fruit Truman Potts of Waupaca. Wis., Mr. and Mrs. Myron Godfrey of Waupaca, wis.. Rev. and Mrs! B. L. Marceil and four children of Wisconsin Rapids, Mr. and Mrs. John Cristy and family of Kochanski of Chicago. Mrs. Grace Siekerman and Mrs. Jeannette Grundset of LaGiange Park, Mrs. Alex Lit-sik of Prospect Heights, and Mrs. Gladys Wowczuk, Mrs. Louise Behnke, Holiday Entertainment guild. Hours of the show will be Saturday from 2 p.m. to 9 p.m. and Sunday from noon to 6 p.m. Advertise In The Plaindealer ' Fri. & Sun. Niies ALYCE JOYCE At The HAMMOND SATURDAY NIGHT "Golden Tones" at CLUB LILYMOOR THE H, V. LEPIN8KES Rev. D. A. Diedrich, pastor of St. Mauirice/ Roman Catholic church, Chic igo, bestowed the Papal Blesaif g .upon the former Lee Kicu" ar 3 Harry c. Lepinske following th -ir marriajge in Five. Holy M^ftyrs church, Chicago, at a nuptiai mass rea.d in July. Following a three-week honeymoon trip which included a 5,000- mile aiz! flight and island motor trip , in tiie West Indies, the newlyw^; «3 ' are now making their home in an jjipartment at 4510 S. Spaulditig, Cpicago. Mr.- Ljpiniike, son of, the Harry H. Lepinske/s of McCullom Lake, is a gi'S.duiir.e of DePaul university, forrjier naval instructor and high school teacher, he is now a newspaper editor. The bride, daughter of the John K'jpu.1 s of Chicago, is a graduate o:' St., Elizabeth Sshool of Nursing, and is continuing\ier career. 1 CAK'£ OF THANKS We would like to take this means of th;inking friends and neighbors at, '.Tohder Lake, Mrs. Bisbee of Sh; n-gra-la, and* the George Juste.'). & Son funeral home for theii. I;indne3ses . at the time of the de^th of our mother. *17 Mrs. Anita Horton and Fuipily PUBLIC PULSE BEACH FUND Do you have a "Is my face red" column? I was appointed to hire guards fot the beach so we did not have a repeat of two years ago the lives of two youngsters were lost by. drowning in the river. T h e y ; ; m I . f h a v ^ . , ' b P X t c n ' dren* • As you.- kJiow; tlic funds-arft made' up- by public donations. Now comes time to, pay these guards and we are short of funds. We need donations to cover the guards' salaries. When our appeal was made, three citizens answered the call with donations. Now the question is, who pays the balance? Do your children use the beach ? Please, send your contribution to -Beach Fund, McHenry, 111. i , Gertrude Barbian Treasurer BIR THS Residence Changes Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hurckes and three sons, Bobby, Tommy and Jimmy, of Chicago, have moved into their new home in Pistakee Highlands. Mrs. Hurckes the former Lorraine Rix, is a granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schulz and Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Rix. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jackson of Woodstock, are the parents of a daughter, Susan, born. Aug. 22. Mrs. Jackson is the former Betty Schons, daughter of Gerard Schons. The Jacksons have a son, Randy. ; Patric'p... ,is. the name selected by Mr, and ~«Mrs. • Robert Hess^ for their , new baby, born Aug. 15. Mi's. Hess is the former-Agnes O'oenauf„ daughter of the Martin Obenaufs of Huntley, formerly of McHenry. This is £heir first child. *. A son, Roger Allen, was born Saturday to Mr. and Mrs. itichard Gladu of Shalimar. f Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pet|jr§on are the parents of their first child, a daughter, born at the Woodstock hospital Aug. 24. A daughter was born Aug. 26 at the Woodstock hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pogany. A 9 lb. 1 oz. son was born to Staff Sgt. atnd Mrs. Lyle Ladefoged at Brooke Army hospital, San Antonio, Texas, on Aug. 11. He h£ls been named Jeffrey Jay. The Ladefogeds have one other child, also a son, Robert Lyle, years old. Mrs. Ladefoged is the former Joan Heilman of Wonder Lake. Read The Want Ads! First bathtub n the U.S. was installed in ISii'. by Adam Thompson in Cincinnati. rki ' - , Coal mineBfo'have been burning in Pennsylvania since the time of the Civil War. NOTICE! The McHenry State Bank Will Be CLOSED "MONDAY SEPT. 6,1954 In Observance of Labor Day And Will Be OPEN On Wednesday SEPT. 8, 1954 Greenwood and Kenneth Cristy, •, Mrs. Jean Booster and Mrs. Myr- i Jr., of Chicago. • 1 tie Booster of McHenry. ' I 1 HARDY MUMS ! | FIELD CLUMPS ! % 6 or more at wholesale ? I 50C each I | KULIN NURSERY ! t Rt. 12 - 1 Mile South of Volo Rt. 120- ? X PHONE McHENRY 524-M-2 t MARJOIii YOUNG School of Dancing announces the opening of her .Fall Season Legion Hall - McHenry, III. BALLET -- TOE -- TAP MODERN -- CHARACTER & ACROBATIC Enroll Thurs., Sept. 9th And Each Thursday, 1:00 to 7:00 Call Antioch 405-M-1 Women's Headquarters for Bowling Uniforms We have a complete sample line of dresses, blouses and skirts for all women and teams, to order. All sizes, colors and styles to choose from. STOP in and order your's NOW! % \ t Gladstone's -"DEPT. STORE "The Store for Everyone" 203 S. Green St. PHONE 182 ' , <• : McHenry, I1L S J ^ ct, -J NOMIC? r & £ . ' 4 HEY KID'S! Come in and Get Your FREE 1954 "Lionel" Train Catalogue GEO. OOLLETTE, Owner 108 Riverside Dr. McHenry PHONE 459 IT is to s e r v e you, and all our other neighbors -- to accept and safeguard your deposits, for instance; to transfer funds for you; to lend you money for worth-while purposes. Helping you helps our business. In turn, the better our business, the better v>e can serve you. You are invited to make our bank "headquarters" for all your money matters. McHENRY STATE BANK MEMBER FEDERAL. DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS DEPOSITED PRONE 1040 FRESH CANDY HEADQUARTERS! Our Whitman's refrigerator gives you kitchen-fresh candy all year 'round... Get some today 1 - fR($* 0 Pi CHOCOLATES BOLGER'S drug store 103 S. GREEN STREET PHONE 40 McHENRY, ILL.