Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Sep 1954, p. 5

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M,., * - c. 0 pwad*y, September 23. NEWLYWEDS o ' *;Sff ;"•'» •' *__$ x - i "'^ "' / THElJcHENRY PLAINDEALER <' t 'I' 'I14' 'i1 •!• 'B' 'J1 <• •> 'I1 •? 'fr 'I' <• fr •{• •!• •!• •}• 'I1 <• 4 Warwick Photo THE MARVIN OLSONS Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Olson; ar& shown shortly after their marriage- Saturday, sept^L..Jij.-: at 2> o'clock in the afternoon in the Community Methodist church. The bride is the former Miss Marion Springman, daughter of the Carl Springmans. RECORD MINOB ACCIDEMTS IM CITY ON SUNDAY A minor accident occurred Sunday evening about 7 o'clock at the corner of Main and Green streets when cars driven by Carole Lee Steinert of Chicago and Bruce W. Klontz of McHenry collided. Another accident in which only property damage was reported occurred last Sunday when the auto driven by Lawrence J. Thompson of McHenry collided with the rear of a car driven by George Wrecka, who had slowed up on Rt. 176, two miles west of Wauconda, to make a left turn. The accident occurred about 4 p.m. Damages to the Thompson auto were estimated at $400 and to the Wrecka car ak $100. OBITUARY .... Michael Schaefer, lif Along resident of this area, died in Victory Memorial hospital, Waukegan, on Sept. 15, following an illness of ^ne. day. Death wds attributed to £k*fcart attack. . % Jfred&ceatxHi •was"t>om in Johnsbur£ "on " Aprif729r:1884. ^ Survivors include three brotherst Joseph and John of Johnsburg and tlenry M. of McHenry, also several nieces and nephews residing in and around McHenry, Waukegan and Arlington Heights. He was preceded in death by three brothers, Nicholas, Anthony and Jacob, and a sister, Mrs. Josephine WeLngart. The deceased worked as a younger man as a carpenter with his brother, Jacob, but had been retired in recent years. His hobbies included an interest in bowling and baseball, as well as card games which he enjoyed with old friends. He was a member of the Old Timers bowling league for over twenty years. Mr. Schaefer also held membership in the Catholic Order of Fbresters. The body rested at the George Justen funeral home until 9:30 o'clock Saturday, when last rites Were conducted at St. Mary's church, with Fr. Reuland officiating. Interment was in the church cemetery. ' THANK YOU! I want to take this means of thanking friends and neighbors for cards, visits and prayers while I was in the hospital. Special thanks go to Fr. Blitsch and Fr. Petit, the latter of Woodstock, for their services. •20 CLARENCE J. STILLING. Shop at Home •and SAVE! If it's a fob for Bottled Gat ff§ a j®s -fit SHKLLANK of At d KRUSE HARDWARE COMPANY Richmond, McHenry County, I1L Long Distance Phono 101 COMING EVENTS September 27 Johnsburg Public School P.T.A. Meeting -- 8 p.m. -- School Basement September 25 Ringwood W.S.C.S. Rummage Sale -- Memorial Hall, Richmond -- 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Benefit Softball Game for Injured Players -- V.F.W. Field -- 8 p.m. September 27 V.F.W. Auxiliary Meeting -- Fifth District President Mary Hicks, Guest -- 8 p.m. -- Clubhouse September 28 O.E.S. Stated Meeting -- 8 p.m. -- Acacia Hall Quarterly Conference, McHenry Community Methodist Church McHenry Garden Club Meeting -- Mrs. Peter M. Justen Home -- 1 p.m. ~ September SO Lecture Luncheon Club -- Martinetti's -- 12:30 p.m. October '2 Bake Sale -- Huppy & Leo's Store 1 p'.m. --Sponsored -by, Friendship: Guild;. Zion Lutheran Church. October 8 •• Ring\vood Unit, Home Bureau -- 1:30 p.m. -- Lou Plotner Residence, Wonder Lake October 6 St. Mary's First P.T.A. Meeting October 7 Public Party -- Sponsored by C.D.„of A. -X October 10 Open House and Consecration Service -- Methodist Church -- 2 to 4 p.m. -- Dr. Ray Bond, Guest October 16 McHenry Masonic Lodge Centennial Celebration -- Dinner, 5:30 to 7:30 -- Entertainment October 19, St. Patrick's Mother's Club Meeting -- Church Hall -- 2:45 p.m. October 28 O.E.S. Smorgasbord and Bazaar -- 6:30 p.m. -- Acacia Hall November 2 "Lunch, is Served" -- St. Pat- Tick's Mother's Club Stop Taking Harsh Drugs for Constipation Avoid Intestinal Upset! Get Relief Hfc Gentle Vegetable Laxative Way! Porconstip*aoa, «Mrtikeh*ah<b»gfc They atase brntal cramps and griping, disrupt normal bowel action, make Defeated dotes seem needed. When yon are temporarily constipated, get sure but gentle relief--without salts, without harsh drugs. Take Dr. Caldwell's Senna Laxative contained in Syrup Pepsin. The extract of Senna in Dr. Caldwell's is one of the finest nstmrsJ laxatives known to medicine. Dr. Caldwell's Senna Laxative tastes good-, gives gentle, comfortable, satislying relief of temporary constipation for every member of the family. Helps you get "on schedule" without repeated doses. Even relieves stomach sourness that constipation often brings. Buy Dr. Caldwell's. Money back if not satisfied. Mail bottle to Box 280, New York 18. N. Y. niiiiiiiiiuiiiiiii:)iiiiiiiiiiittintiiiniittHiiiiiiHiiHiiiiiiiH SPRING GROVE By Mrs. Charles FrSund iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimimiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ray May on their new little girl weighing 8 lb. 5 oz., born Tuesday, Sept. 14, at St. Therese hospital. Approximately 100 ladies attended the luncheon and card party held at St. Peter's church hall on Tuesday afternoon. A delicious chicken a la king lunch was .served and games of cards and buhco were played throughout ithe' afternpon. Many prizes were\»v^n away. Mr. and Mrs. peorge Richardson and granddaughter, Tamar Medley, sailed for England last week. They will visit Lt. and Mrs. Connell Medley. Lt. Medley is a dentist at an air base in England, near London. Rev. John Daleiden and the ushers met at the Ben. May home on Wednesday night for their regular meeting. There was also an evening at ca^p and refreshments were servfeoT Mr. and Mrs. - Lionel • Whiff in 1 and family have moved from the Ben May building to a house, in .Solon. The Holy Name bowling league began their season of bowling on Sunday night at the Johnsburg alleys. Some of the ladies went along, too, and enjoyed an evening of bowling. Mrs. William Bntz entertained members of her club, at her home on Thursday afternoon. Prizes in cards went to Mrs. M^th Nimsgern, Mrs. Peter May, Mr^. Wm. Engels, Mrs. Frank Tinneyxand Mrs. Ben May. A lovely I was served after cards. Ginny Dawson invited several of her friends to her home on Monday to help her celebrate her birthday. It was an outdoor party and all enjoyed the "barbecue cooked on an open grate outside. 'Car Tunes" By Justen 1U ~'2teke, I know ha\v you can git yolre windshield Washed -- Just buy j£as at JUSTEN'S STANDARD SERVICE!" We "WAX-WASH" cars . . . Auto-Magically! From top to bottom with Choldun's "Auto- Magic Car Wash." GUARANTEED not to harm the wax on your car! JUSTEN'S STANDARD SERVICE Corner of 120 & Richmond Rd. Phone 375 McHenry, HI. DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST At 136 S. Green Street, McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) EYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS HOURS: DAILY 0 to 12 A.M. anq 1 to 5 P.M. FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 to 8:80 P.M. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE McHENRY 452 An Invitation You and your family are cordially invited to help us celebrate our THIRD ANNIVERSARY AT PRESSLER S RESORT Vz mile north of Rte. 176 on black top west end of' Burton's Bridge in Riverside Park subdivision SAT. & SUN., SEPT. 25 - 26 Entertainment Lunch ADAM PRESSLER, PROP. Page Five Ginny received many lovely gifts. Those present were Mary Anne May, LaVerne Meyer, Kitty Tinny, Peggy Schueneman, Patsy Popelka, Mary Ellen Williams, Mary Lou. Kagan, Elaine Huff and Judy Rose., Wesley Smith, Jerry Miller, Kenny Maxson, Joe Popelka 'and, Dan and Vic Freund were among those from here who enjoyed ' a birthday party at the home of Tbm Lewis in Fox Lake on Saturday afternoon. Football was the main source of entertainment and there was a big lunch for hearty appetites which included a birthday cake and ice cfeam. MEMORIAL SCHOOL The new Clarence Olson school in Woodstock has been opened this fall, a fine tribute to the popular band man who died last December. The children's v»fng is designed separate frc-fS the junior •high branch. * '"Three among every five pupils enrolled in elementary and secondary schools last year received basic lessons in volunteer service for others through Junior Red Cross programs in the Schools. v Itap Vnharee livestock producers who nav» «been losing lambs, calves, and pigs to vultures can .eliminate the birdi by trapping and killing them. Plana for building a buzzard trap can be obtained through the local county •lent Arthritis? ALPHA TABLETS containing concentrated powdered extract of the amazing vitamin and mineral rich ALFALFA plant plus fast working pain relieving agents offer effective same day relief from the agonizing^ pains pf arthritis, rheumatism, neuritis, and neuralgia. ALPHA TAB* I JETS are sold on a money back guarantee. 100 Alpha Tablets $2.49 -- 300 Tablets $555 BOLGER'S Drug Store PHONE 40 108 So. Green St. McHenry, 111. Farm Service Way AUCTION Henry Freeman and Earl Elfers, Auctione*e rs The undersigned will sell at Public Auction on the old Ledger Farm located 3 miles South of Elkhorn, Wis., on highway 67 to Radar Station then %'miie East or 3 miles North of Lake Geneva, Wis., on highwa^ 12 to Como Store then West 2 miles, on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 1954. Sale to Start at 12:80 PJM. CST 51 HIGRADE HOLSTEIN CATTLE 24 COWS. 14 springing or with calves by side; 11 heifers springing; 12 heifers, 1 yr old; 3 heifers, 6 to 8 months; 1 pore bred bull, 21 months. All cattle calf hood vaccinated. Herd average 474 lbs. butterfat MILKING EQUIP.--3 Surge milking mach.; Arctic Jet cooling unit; 15 10-gal. milk cans; 2 milk pails; 2 milk strainers. * Mr. AHen has built one of the finest Holstein herds not only in Walworth County but in the state of Wisconsin. Constructive breeding practices were established and they have been maintained until the herd averages 474 lbs. butterfat today. Caifhood vaccination has been followed for several years and all of the heifers and most of the cows are now officially vaccinated. SI ALLEN. JR. arid NELL F. ALLEN FARM AUCTION SERVICE, INC., Clerking wyu Yeiir feed' defter will «£© ferifcer wltei? yec d© voer grocery shop at a CM8PIED Certified is America's Fastest Growing Food Stores At Your CERTIFIED FOOD STORE Thursday - Friday & Saturday ONLY Try Ceriified's Raggedy Ann Quality Label KERBER'S COUNTRY CURED! BACON GOOD BACON NEED NOT BE EXPENSIVE BOY ALL YOU WANT! NO LIMIT! SLICED 1 LB. PKG. MEATY FRESH - PORK NECK BONES . . For Spaghetti Sauce or Cooking with Kraut! 19 lb. KERBER'S TOP GRADE SELECTED - SLICED PORK LIVER Extra tender - Also rich in vitantins 19 c lb. BONELESS - ROLLED LEAN FRESH PORK ROAST Cut from young tender porkers 49 c lb. ARMOUR'S CHOICE GRADE! SIRLOIN STEAK The way to a man's heart - Serve a tender steak! 69 c lb. 1 \ Fresh Produce f f Extra Fancy Red - Delicious Eating APPLES 2 »>. 29' Fancy - Yellow Dry ONIONS 3 k. 1 5< Yam Sweet Potatoes 3,bs-29' Banks- - 10 Oz. Pkg. French Fries 2 pta- Piggy Bank - 10 Oz. Pkg. PEAS 2** 25* Pan Redi - 10 Oz. Pkg. - Breaded SHRIMP 59Sk« • PURE GROUND BEEF with a steak flavor 3 *100 DOMINO PURE CANE SUGAR 5 lb. bag 49C CIIARMIN - 400 COUNT FACIM TISSUE 21' CHARMIN T0LIET TISSUE 3°26v n §tiii RINSO ' 49* » IO( BLUE with DETERGENT coupon with coupon 1 MONEY SAVER 10c with Coupon RINSO 49' SOAP LUX F L A K E S 49c'» 10c L I Q U I D 29tS59t with coupon with coupon - with coupon LIFEBUOY SOAP «o 3* 19* ^3-29* ' with coufjzri • v* ..with coupCiV - GOOD IUCK *25' MARGARINE with coupon PEPSODENf T 35 TOOTH PASTE Whi/9 or Chlorophyll GIANT ECONOMY 49 with coupon -%-i yjt-: I a (We Reserve The Right To TJml^ Quantities) BARGAINS GALORE At Your Certified Store WATCH FOR WEEKLY SPECIALS CORNERS OF GREEN & ELM STREETS

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