Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Oct 1954, p. 12

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* f } *<<-'> * $$ijp ..• ,-m+ -' -:-\f f feif-...*• -'-.Sik^- r f <p THEMdHfiNBY LAKEMOOR & LILYMOOR JS -- By Marcella Foss Chicken Tower Fire turday night about 12 o'clock jtifttrons sitting in the Chicken S^wer enjoying a snack suddenly ~""t very warm. Suddenly the ceman on duty walked in and them the Tower was on fire. TCfcie McHenry fire department #as notified immediately and #ere there in just a few minutes. All of our men were out in a minutes, helping to put out tile fire/ Mr. Hoppert, our chief <H police, handled all the traffic "wry well, keeping all cars out of tfte way of the fire fighting e- ^Uipment, No one was injured, i It was a very fortunate thing t&at there was no wind blowing :d the rain was coming down torrents. Our men were out there fighting and getting soaked the skin as no firemen's rai.nftts were there. A siren will be installed on the fire hoilse £0 that" in future emergencies the en can be notified sooner. The use of the fire has not as yet $een determined. The Chicken Tpower has been closed urrtil further notice or until the Tower :S been repaired, or removed., Out of the misfortune came ite a humorous story -which I ot help but relate. The next lOrning when "yours truly" went pick up her papers at the local riety store, Miss Schaefer said dhe did not bother to look out of her windows when she heard fne commotion because it sounded lUte the regular Saturday night lioise in town and therefore never Knew there was a fire right next ^store" to her. L.I.A. Party i Saturday night will be a costume party at the fire house at 8:30 p.m. Games will be played ftnd prizes awarded for costumes, ftefreshments will be served. This jneeting will also be a membership drive and each member is asked to try to bring a new member. General News The Fosses had company last Saturday afternoon from Milwaukee, Wis. They were Marcella's brother, Brother Eugene Sohm, Brother Gerheardt and rather John Leis. All are teachers at Don Bosco high school in Milwaukee. Father Leis is the nephew of Lottie Bransford an'd had not seen her in fifteen years. A very pleasant evening was spent reminiscing with Lottie. t Attending Convention Mr. McDermott, Mr. Booster and Mr. Buchwalter went to Spt irigfield to attend the Illinois Municipal League convention. Mr. McDermott went down to see what could be done about the channel leading into Pistakee Bay because of the water which floods some of our property at the time of heavy rains. LAKEMOOR'S POLICE DEPARTMENT The village of Lakemoor points with pride to its sev$n-lman police department, members of which are shown here in new uniforms and caps. Their squad e&rVis equipped a two-way jradio and fire and riot equipment. v •' From left to right they are Harry J. Brady, police m^j&trate; Patrolmen Frank Pogany, John Kraus, Roy Erickson, Edward Steadman and Harold Foss, -j£jgt. John (Curley) Kraus, Chief Henry Hoppert and Claude F. McDermott, village president. ,4 Rummage Side !• The rummage sale, due to the iain will again be held Friday, the twenty-second, and Saturday, the twenty-third of October, from £ a.m. to 8 p.m. in the fire house. Ifhere will also be many articles jbf furniture for sale at this time, $>lus clothing. For any other information, please contact Mrs. Vi fVineer. Mrs. Vineer thanks everyone who helped her at the rum- Inage sale and all who donated. Confirmation Rozanne Brzezinski will be confirmed Thursday evening and Helen Para is her sponsor. Friday evening her mother had a party for her, with neighbors and friends attending. Edward Steadman will also- be confirmed Thursday evening at St. Mary's church in McHenry. STATE FARMERS UNDERTAKE "GET' OUT VOTE" CAMPAIGN FOODS EXPERT ADVISES KEEPING COOKY JAR FILLED 1/ Brownie Sunday at 3 p.m. the families all Brownies are invited to Attend their investiture program, fnrhich will be held in the Com- ^nunity house. , New Arrival ; At 4 a.m. Thursday morning, jthe Steadman family welcomed a Jnew arrival to their family. A girl, named Janice, weigh- 7xk pounds, was brought lome from the Woodstock hos- tital Sunday afternoon. Congratuitions, Winnie and Ed. Ladies League Meeting Last Wednesday evening the Ladies League held its monthly meeting in the Charm House due to the fact that work, was being done in the fire house at that {time. Thanks to the Boosters for Ibeing so kind as to let us use "their place of business at this time. Hostesses were Mrs. Vallone, | Mrs. Simons and Winnie Steadt| man but due to the stork's arrival Winnie was unable to atgtend. The ladies voted on char terming a bus and going into Chicago ^.and seeing the Ice Capades in Homemade cookies are a family favorite as a dessert, a surprise in the lunchbox or an inbetween snack with a glass of milk. Mrs. Barnara McGrath, foods specialist at the University of Illinois, says cookies have a better keeping quality than cakes and are quick and easy to bake. Just use your favorite recipe -- the one that always turns out so well -- and make a big batch of dough. Divide it into several portions and dress each batch up differently. Whether you make drop, bar, rolled or refrigerator cookies -- there are many ways to vary the basic recipe. Add different flavois to the dough by flavoring it with any kind of chopped dried or candied fruit, chopped nuts or chocolate chip. Or you might add such spice as cinnamon, mace or nutmeg. Or try to get variety With different frostings and >. toppings There are those • you dm^put on cookies before' baking and those that you can put on afterwards. From lemon-flavored frosting to coffee-flavored ones, there is a wide array" to change the appearance and taste of your basic dough. Mrs. McGrath says to keep the size and thickness of the cookies on one cookie sheet alike. It will help them to bake more evenly and satisfactorily. If you don't have the time to cut out individual cookies? make cookie bars. Bake the dough in a flat pan, and cut it when still warm into strips or aquars. If you use small pan, you might even bake the cookies at the same time as a casserole dish. Keep Bome ice-box or refriger ator dough ready to slice and bake. The dough will keep well for over a week. And fresh cookies will always be a special treat. Illinois farmers are starting CKI a "Get Out the Vote" campaign to get every eligible downstate voter to the polls Nov. 2, Charles B. Shuman, president of the Illinois Agricultural association, has announced. Plans for local campaigns to be carried on by county Farm Bureau organizations were formed at a series of meetings the last two weeks, Shuman said. The IAA is the statewide Farm Bureau organization. The IAA and the county Farm Bureaus are sponsoring such a citizenship campaign because the success of a democracy certainly depends upon a high proportion of the population who care enough to participate in government and civic affairs, Shuman declared. "Less than half of the eligible voters normally vote in elections," he said. "Is it possible that these non-participants and non-voters do not care if our democracy is replaced by a socialist or communist dictatorship, or are they merely careless ? "Many governments and civilizations have failed because the people have been unwilling to accept responsibility for their government," Shuman continued. "There seems to be an alarming 'I don't care - let someone else do it' philosophy developing in - the minds of many people. This manifests itself in the tendency to turn ^to government for trie sohition ^of man^eeoricnrtic and social problems Which 'we once considered to be the responsibility of the individual. "We in America believe that our particular type of democracy gives the greatest opportunity 1Q, all citizens for improvement and progre."". -v "However, many Americans have not yet recognized that;Msgs|vj unchanging law of society is that as opportunity increases for the individual, his responsibilities to his fellow citizens also becomes greater. One way to fulfill this obligation is to vote Nov. 2," Shuman said. Previous "Get Out the Vote" drives sponsored by the IAA and the county -Farm • Bureaus have increased participation among rural voters In former years, according to Shuman. The county Farm Bureaus will s&zk the cooperation of local service clubs and other civic groups in the vote campaign. Renewed interest i^ 'local, county, state and national elections must be developed if our present form of government [;,is to be retained, Shuman concluded. SPRING GROVE By Mrs. Charles Freund llinitllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllilllllllllllllilllitllllllHIIIIII/ Mr. and Mrs. Ed Buesseler weri saddened by the news of the death last week of their nephew, Robert Buesseler, of Minneapolis, Minn. He was the victim of a plane crash. Survivors are his mother, his wife and four small children, two sisters and two brothers. Funeral services were held upon the arrival of his brothers. Frank is an officer in the Coast Guard in Guam and Melvin is an officer in the Air Force in Florida. The deceased was released from the Navy two years ago and had been employed with the Post Office department. Mrs. Frank Tinney was hostess to the members of her club on Thursday afternoon. Games of five hundred * were played and prizes went to Mrs. Math Nimsgern, Mrs. Peter May, Mrs. Ben May, Mrs. Wm. Engels and Mrs. C. Helbling. A lovely lunch "was served after cards; • Frank Tinney and daughter, Kitty, Mrs. Mayme Tinney and Ginny Dawson, Dr. and Mrs. L. L. Kagan and family visited their sons, Buddy Tinney and Leigh and Pat Kagan at Salvatorian seminary at St. Nazianz, Wis., last Sunday. I^uissdiiy, October 1419^1 Excessive speed^ ranked- firifc among .22 causes for.traffic accidents, according to an analysis of 10,883 motor vehicle accidents oh Illinois highways outside cities during the first six months of this year. The report, made public by Edwin A; Rosenstone, director of Public Works Wid Buildings, showed that abouj one-he J f of the 19,439 drivera^ involved were Violating some law at the time of the mishap. Bead The Want Ada! a • i Sign of a Gracious Home Visit Our Show Rooms Structural Steel & Ornamental Iron FREE ESTIMATES SCHROEPER IRON WORKS PHONE McHENRY 950 S Miles SfK of McHenry on Route Sl.„ • • 9 • m m m • m m m m •m• 9 •9 m m only Gas i gives you January. Shop at Home and SAVE! CREAM plus FLAME-KISSED FLAVOR! I ROBERT HAY I "THE I LOW I ' OVERHEAD ! WAY" I General Contractor | New Construction and Remodeling LET US FIGURE FOR YOU j Phone 622-W-2 ROUTE 4 McHENRY, ILLINOIS ro Make her proud of your appearance . . . of your new-looking, spotless suit, perfectly pressed, neatly creased „ . . all miracles we perform by skilled eariing methods. Call Now for FREE Pickup and Delivery Service PHONE McHENRY 20 LOCAL CLEANERS 206 S. Green St. McHenry, HL Try lfc* cigarette liit to prove why GAS broiling is smokalvts. Hold a lighted match over a lighted cigarette. See how the flame eati up every wisp of smoke. Smoke is stopped before it starts -can't escape into your kitchen-- whon a GAS flame broils food. Still the "Finest" Ice Cream made . . . Try it Today! All Flavors. Buy it at . . . BOLGER'S DRUG STORE 8. GREEN ST. PHONE 40 McHENRY, ILL. ,•V • a a e No Other Winter Tire Con Match It! Ttre$to*u WINTER TREADS APPLIED ON YOUR OWN TIRES OR ON GUARANTEED TBRI BODIES Made with Firestone's exclusive POLAR GRIP Tread Rubber They said it couldn't be done . . . but here it is! We took the world's greatest' winter tread design -- the Town & Coun- ... and used our special skid-resistiog tread rubber with "Icocels" to produce millions of tiny abrasive edges that GRIP the road and resist skidding. These amazing treads can be applied to your tires---or we have your size with treads already applied! Mere's How They Outperform Any Other Traction Tire Pull You Through • • • New widely-spaced, slotted * f ^ .. L f Nothing beats the smokeless broiling of a modern.GAS Range... nothing beats the genuine flame-kissed flavor. Only a GAS Range lets you broil with the door closed (there's no smoke to let out, anyway!) because the clean blue flame consumes rising food vapors, helps keep your kitchen cleaner. 30* model with the famous "Swit^-Out" High Broiler and Red Wheel Oven Regulator. 4 economy cooking Uni-Bum«rs; timer clock; attractive fluorescent work light. Yours for |ust $10.00 down WAS *289" NOW*2299S (pad your old rang*) INSTALIED See Magic Chef and other GAS bargtant of our nearesf sfor» or your dealer's. GAS does it Better...for LESS! Protect Against Skids ... Millions of gripping edges in the tread resist skids. Smoother Running, Quieter Tool Permanent Type ANTI-FREEZE WE HAVE 1 ' M • FOR ALL MAKES CARS and TRUCKS 1 Up To $5.00 Trade-in For Your Old Battery McHENRY TIRE MART WALT FREUND and BOB THURWELL, Props. 526 Main Street Phone: 294 or 295-J McHenry, I1L . V - •

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