Lake News / II ft By Vanesse > Sells THE McHENRY PUUNDEALES Thursday, October 14,1954 Memorial Hospital Kick-off An expanded group from the , Wonder Lake-Ringwood area met Monday evening at Mill Inn to receive their cards and instructions Klnlfey Engvalson and Horace oVfcagner stated that thi§ is the most challenging and humanitarian effort ever presented to this area. They further stated that When the people understood the dire need of Memorial hospital, there Would be no question, of the Ifcihgwood-Wonder Lake area • meeting their quota of the $375,-. ' 000 expansion program. ; «* » Kinley Engvalson's teams are ^captained by Gerald Elbersenj * "Carl Hallstrom, John McGraw, 1 Clarence Pearson and Frank , Wiedemann. Workers on these fbur teams are Charles Bergdahl, Marius Hansen, Benjamin Hayes, T. P. Mathews, Arthur Meeker/ Charles G. Miller, Robert Sandgrcn, Steve and Frank White. Horace Wagner's teams are captained by Ed Alderson, John Feyerer, Victor Milbrandi and Sam Yokley Workers on these four teams are Walter J. Dean, Peter Rendl, Steven Duttko, Fred Marks, William A. Moore, Walter Rocheford, Albert Shrosbree and Stanley Wilson. three badge requirements but are . still too young to become Boy I Scouts. Meiswinkel is also insti-' ttitional representative for the | t'ubij and serves as intermediary! between the Legion, which spon- ; soi s the pack, and the Cub Scouts. Harold Armstrong has been elected chairman of the commissions and den mothers committee. All members of the committee will attend a meeting in McHenry this evening and receive tips on the theme for November. Homecoming Candidates Two Wonder Lake youngsters are candidates for homecoming crowns tomorrow night following McHenry high school's football game. They are Virginia Audino, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Audino of Indian Ridge, and Richard Yokley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Yokley of Deep Spring Woods. Virginia has already done many outstanding things at the high school and " is presently president of the Girls' Athletic association, one of the school's highest honors, and is president of the orchestra. Richard Yokley is vice-president of the senior class. Whether or not they receive the crowns, just being members of the court is considered an honor as these young people are chosen by a popularity vote. Only seniors are eligible. Legion Auxiliary Lillian Belshaw, legislative chairman for the auxiliary, will explain the reapportionment section of the Blue Ballot at the next meeting of the Wonder Lake American Legion auxiliary on Oct. 21. The auxiliary is anxious to sign new members and women who are eligible to join are invited to attend the meeting next Thursday. Refreshments will be served. The Blue Ballot concerns a new manner in districting, the state so that better representation may be secured. The ballot will be voted on in November. Cub Scouts At the first Cub pack meeting Of this fall, Walter Aufrecht, Mc- Henry's neighborhood commissioner, awarded bobcat badges to a number of Cub Scouts. Those receiving the award were Patrick Wyatt, Joseph Lundborg, Donald Anderson, Ronald Dohejty, Edward De Laurier, Edward Barry and Ricky Belshaw. The next pack meeting will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 19, at the i.egion Home. Youngsters between the ages of eight and twelve are invited to become Cub Scouts. Roy Meiswinkel is the new Webelo den leader. TOiese Scouts are Cubs who have passed all Nativity Church Rev. Burton Schroeder of Wonder Lake's Nativity Lutheran church will preach a sermon entitled "The Law of Love" at both the 8 and 10:45 a.m. services on Sunday. Sunday school at Nativity convenes at 9:15 a.m. On Monday, Oct. 18, the Brotherhood of Nativity church will meet to plan for a charter night and to adopt a constitution. All men interested in becoming a founder of the Brotherhood are invited to attend the Monday meeting. Larry Haug will show slides of pictures he took while he was stationed in Korea. Boy Scout Drive There will be a finance drive for the Wonder Lake Boy Scouts on Tuesday, Oct. 19, according to Bill Kamp, chairman of the finance committee. • HUNTER'S SUPPLIES • GUNS • AMMUNITION V'/iTi/ 1 rv.' a j GEO. COLLETTE, Owner 103 Riverside Dr. McHenry PHONE 459 SMART ALL-WEATHER Jackets and Surcoais Zippered jacket; lined; Water-repellent. Rain or shine .;. . snow or blow . . , all kinds of weather look alike to our smart, snqg jackets and surrra*-. On you, they'll look good (and feel even better) from first frost 'til late Spring. Illustrated are just two of the. many popular styles that await your selection here and now. Come on in, the shopping's fine! $10.95 and up About thirty volunteers will visit the homes in Wonder Lake and seek donations to keep the Scouting at Wonder Lake. Members of the committee, Other than Bill Kamp, include Ed Druml, manager of the salesmen; Joe Lun, chairman of special gifts; Larry Silva, chairman of prospect and rating; Dorothy Hampton, auditor; and Herb Howorka, publicity and Scout aides. The lioy ^coul movement at Wonder Lake is most comprehensive as it has Scouts of all ages, from the little Cubs up through the big 'teen-agers who are Explorers. Undoubtedly, Scouting has kept delinquency at a minimum in an area where there is no entertainment for the young people other than that provided by their interest in organizations. Hospital Auxiliary News Mrs. Neva Funrer was hostess on Thursday, Oct. 7, to the Wonder Woods card group that meets for a good time and contributes money to the hospital .building fund. At this meeting, she served pineapple cake with whipped cream and coffee. Six dollars was turned over as the contribution to the fund. Also at this meeting a new member was signed up, Mrs. Gertrude Lange of Rt, 1, Ringwood. Those playing were Freda Hoefler, Kay Druml. Gertrude Lange. Marie Milbrandt, Jean Motulewicz, Betty Miller, Judy Rasmussen and the hostess. : Center died at his homt lait Thursday of a heart attack. Mr.. Borchers had been ill with pneu- | monia and had only returned to r his home the Tuesday before. • Well known in Chicago as * j jewelry engraver, Mr. Borchers I and his wife had been residents ' of Wonder Lake off and on tot a number of years. Mrs. Grac&l : Sellek is a daughter of Mr. Borchers. . - ' Jomthon Burr, wno had been Visiting his son in Deep Spiting Woods for two months, died there last Friday. Hia son is Alfred Burr of that subdivision. P.T.A. Meeting The Harrison school P.T.A. met Tuesday evening and discusfted' changing the meeting liight. It was decided that next month's meeting should be held on. the evening of Nov. 2 and that £t chili supper would be served. Mro. Francis Marion,. president of the P.T.A., presided at the meeting. Dui ing the program, Mrs. Boy Swanson reported on her trip tOs the district meeting of the P,T.A.' and Mrs. Jane Setzler introduced Van Sells, who explained the Blue Ballot. Fire at LaGreca's The Wonder Lake fire department was called to the LaGreca Lakeview Inn Sunday night to put out a fire on the roof of the inn. The fire was said to .have been caused by a short circuit in a neon sign. A fire signal on Monday evening proved to be a false alarm. Two Residents Die Edward Borchers of Wonder Injures Ann Gale Wrede of Wickline Bay, an employee of the Ringwood Chemical plant, was injured at his work last week. The ice breaking machine slashed his arm so badly ' that 21 stitches were required to close the wound. Wrede attributed the injury to carelessness. Gospel Church Jfews •the Sunday School plans *or the opening of the annual contest, which will begin next Sunday, Oct. 24. We are looking forward "to our annual missionary conference, which is scheduled to open on Wednesday evenihg, Nov. 10, and will continue ovei Sunday, Nov. 14. Missionaries .representing three mission fields will participate. They are Mr. and Mrs Julius W. Bergstrom,, China, Mr. and Mrs. H. Will Norton, Africa, and Mr. and Mis. Lincoln Clubinc, Philippine Islands. . Next Sunday, Oct. 17, the pastor will ' speak -at the morning worship service at 11 o'clock on the subject "Celebrating a Great Evebt." in the evening at 7:30, a group of student nurses from the Mission Covenant hospital will present an unusual program of sacred music. This is an event no one can afford to miss; Their programs are really out of the ordinary. Be Sure to come. and bring your friends. Sunday Bible School is at 10 AYIAVARB RITES Relatives and friends were sorry to learn of the death of Edward Aylward of Hebron on Oct. 5, following a lingering illness. He was a native of the Richmond community antf had long. engaged in the livestock business. Services* were conducted Oct. 8 from St.- Joseph's church, Richmond. Lend Uncle Sam your savings. I I > a • • a a a By Marie Sehaettgen F>r4a nees Matchen, president of the American Legion auxiliary, announces that October is the month When our activities center around • that important phase of auxiliary work, the. education of orphans of veterans. Many sources or educational! aid for children of war veterans are available. Nearly all colleges and universities have scholarships of different Kinca. The federal government and many state governments offer educational aid. A large number of private organizations, such as clubs'arid societies, state associations and national organizations give scholarships to * ' | Nationally Advertised FUHNITimE KROEHLER" Living Room Suites "HOWELL" Famous Kitchen Sets "SIMMONS" _ • Beauty-Rest Mattress - $69.50 ' Floors & ' ^ Furniture Phone 88 or 787 523 Main St. McHenry, 111. yourig people who meet their qualifications. There are many places to look for help in obtaining higher education. Past experience has snown that many students fail. to obtain scholarships because they delay too long in making their applications. Early planning is essential. The high school counselor or principal is the place for the student to seek information about scholarships. t May we remind our members that Miriam Miller and Georgia Steuben, among others, would like very much to have your does before Nov. 11. I Especially for | 1 Pet Owners .. g < ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiirjiiiiiriiiiiiii ii'iJi"'1'11 t Infected, loose or decayed teeth in dogs, need not always be - ^ extracted. Medication and sterilization of infected gum areas may save them. : Baldness and molt in parakeets have been remedied by exposing the birds to ultraviolet light for brief periods daily,1 and administering thyroid tablets dissolved in drinking water. This should always be done under veterinary supervision. Double Birthday Charles Majercik was 16 year? old on Oct. 7, almost a birthday present for his father^ Joe Majercik, who celebrates his birthday on Oct. 21. The Majerciks are long time residents of the Wonder Lake area, and young Chuck is presently a hefty member of the McHenry high school football team. Ready Mixed (r9 Concrete \>8 DANCE Sat., Oct. 23 rd at the Woodstock Armory FREE ADMISSION Music by "THE NITE OWLS" Sponsored by: LEGION POST 1169 Wonder Lake, 111. .. .CUTS DOWN WASTE Stop wasting materials by on-the-job mixing! Tell us your specifications and we'll deliver the right amount of the right concrete mix right on time! ^ McHenry Sand & Gravel Co. "RADIO DISPATCHED*' * PHONE 920 Vk 6 ft g Cigarette Cases & Lighter's • Ronson • A.S.R. "Ascot* • Zippo $3.95 to $16.85 Will He Remember that Sunday ' Ikr." - # • MEN'S ONYX "INITIAL" RING with Diamond $32.50 Also - Massive Intaglio Rings > As Low As $18.75 Ladies' & Men's Star Sapphires $129.50 Oct. 17th is STORE FOR MEN PHONE 47 117 SO. GREEN ST. McHENRY, ii.i. Open Daily:** a.m. to « p.m. -- Fridays: 8 a.m. to 9 p.m Sundays: 9 a.m. 'til Noon SWEETEST DAY ?" traditional vDay for GivfPH Sifts to the "Sweetest" Person in your Life Whitman's .CANDY .PERFUME .COSMETICS Remember her with a Gift From BOLGER'S 10S S. Green St. Ladies' COCKTAIL RINGS $25.00";' Also Made-To-Order Custom Settings PHONE 40 DRUG STORE McHenry, HL Columbia "Tm-Fit" BRIDAL-DUO As Low As $59.50 For Both Electric Razors • Sunbeam • Remington • Schick r v*; • _; 'Kofelro: Free 14 Day Home Trial $24.95*;d ASK ABOUT OUR TRADE-IN PLAN We Can Arrange E-Z Payment Terms on Any Purchase if You Desire . . . We also have a fine Selection, of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS -- Come in and see them! Steffan's Jewelry Phone 123-J 514 Main St. McHenry, 111.