Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Oct 1954, p. 6

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<*$ ^ ^ •mm :Wf:iv'"i4 < "M. t;- *?*&,.<i-;A - WANT ADS PROVE THAT GIGANTIC JOBS ARE DONE BY MIDGETS - RING 3.400 DOOR BELLS FOR $1.00 WITH A PLAIN&EALEB WANT AD enry Plaindealer ~~,i'", •"; *"uWished every Thursday at ICcHenry, 111., by the McHenry ptUifihing Company, Inc. HAflONAL EDITORIAL AsTbcfATldN Z? vJ ^r MMMHMBH.TOH BURFlBINDT, Gen'l Manager :('.4>ELE FROEHLICH, Editor IS W. i v; Plaindealer Want'Ads 1.1 &o ad counted iess.S^P&n 25 " • cards, $1.00 mininrtftfa. &jf insertion . *v $l.ffi). >f (Count 5 words per line) jj 25c servioe charge on all blind Gash witfc order! of Thanks--$l,b0 Minimum Want Ads close promptly at lift e m. Wednesday. BUSINESS SERVICE CESS POOLS - SEPTIC TANKS dumped and Cleaned PHONE 1480 If no answer, call 1383-R-2 G. A. DOUGLAS Lakeland Park, Rt. 120 McHenry 6-tf SZ32ZT ' x£r**fJFAe Css!/ ticffe. --• 2.Tneh Minimum.*1 CH&sslIiect: Display Musi include a tfltei'r'.Tri of one 18 pt. head and <®te 18 pt. signature, or its equivalent. 3 lines of 8 pt. allowed per inch. CASH WITH ORDER on following classifications: Wanted to Rent Situations Wanted Business Opportunities SUBSCRIPTION RATE In McHenry County 1 Year $3.00 6 Months $1.75 3 Months $1.00 Outside McHenry County 1 Year $3.50 Q Months $2.00 3 Months $1.25 --mm-? miOTin / Entered as second-Glass matter at the post office at McHenry, QL, under, the act of May 8, 1879. AUTOMOTIVE REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR ALL OARS Accessories and Seat Covers OOKMCKCT AUTO SUPPLY Rouxe i2v • l Block East of the River Bridge W«et Days 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. 6IIIHI||K 9 a.m. to 1 pun. 12-tf F. and S. EXCAVATING cb. Trenching and Footings Complete Septic Systems Installed and. Repaired Dry Weils - Drain Fields Phone McHenry 518-W-2 or 513-J-2 McHenry, 111. 23-4 • wxdl tiling" >ur b:!rs.r""?. - not, a sideline. Prompt guaranteed work. Fcee Estimates. Tall Cary 6164 or Harrington 1276 2-tf BUSINESS SERVICE K I N G ' S PLUMBING and HEATING iSOB FRISBY, Jr. Quality Flntures - Radiant Heating Gas and Electric Water Heaters Water Systeans - Water Softeners Repairs - Free Estimates Phone McHenry 289-M 7-eow PIANO TUNNING. Repairing and Rebuilding Member of American Soeiety of Piane Technicians. E. ZABOTH ,v Lake Zurich 5341 or 5342 12-tf janitorial and Maintenance Service Wall Washing Floor Maintenance Screen and Storm Window Installation Window Washing Window Glazing (glass replacement) Gutter Cleaning and Painting Quality Workmanship Assured Phone McHenry 1383-J-2 H. V. Jackson Tuck Pointing, Acid Cleaning Waterproofing, Caulking Chimney Repair, etc. Phone McHenry 924-W After 6 p.n^. 47-tf ALHOM Aluminum Windows and Doors Standard 24" $15.00 Under 24" . $13.50 Standard Door $50.00 with Hardware Plus Installation . Phone Wauconda 3164 -f-- £uUy Guaranteed USED CAR SPECIALS ItBBl Willys 4 wheel drive Station Wagon, heater. ;1952 Willys 4 wheel drive, Station Wagon, heater. 11953 Willys 4 wheel drive, Station Wagon, heater, radio, j _ 6 cyL engine. 1952 Willys 4 wheel drive, Pick- I up. [1958 Willys 4 wheel drive, Pickup. Very low mileage. 1951 Willys Station Wagon, 6 i , cyL, heater, overdrive. 1951 Kaiser 2 door, heater, radio, completely rebuilt engine. !cHenry Garage { Kaiser-Willys i SALES & SERVICE i f TEL. 403 ;600 Front St. McHenry MACHINE TRENCHING & DIGGING Septic Systems - Water Lines Dry Wells - Seepage Beds WELLS DRILLED & DRIVEN GARRELTS & ROGERS Rt. 4 McHenry, 111. Phone 534-W-l or 539-R-l 16-tf EXPERT SEWING MACHINE and VACUUM CLEANER REPAIR For Sales and Service Call Singer Sewing Machine Co. J 221 Benton St., Woodstock, 294 j 52-tf I Acousticon Hearing Center Batwiies, cords, supplies for all makes of instruments; Loancr instnamec-tsr available. •G&E'" f<r:' fiio-:- dc^-^5 at your convenience. RENA SCKEID 207 N. Green St. Tel. 125-R 23-25 WINTERIZE NOW Wisco Combination Storm Windows and Doors installed by competent factory trained mechanics, easy FHA terms, 10 day delivery from the Richmond, Illinois plant, up to 36 months to pay. Let us estimate your needs. May Construction, Richmond, Illinois, 4381 or 4744. 18-tf WELLS DRILLED OK DRIVEN WATER SYSTEMS--We sell, repair and install pumps. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 167. 28-tf Jackhammer Service Hourly rate for jackihammer, spade, tamper. Let us do the hard work. Fast efficient service. Arnold May, Builder, Richmond. Office 4381 - Res. 4744 45-tf BOATS AND MOTORS If cans could ^et divorces... A lot of *«m would! Their owners just doo't love them anymore. Tires with too many miles, one "eye" blacked, no good windshield wipers, brakes shot. DOn't you be guilty of metal cruelty--it's "grounds" (all right. Grounds to be buried in.\ N. DRIVSSAFtLY--the iifo you save may be your ewnl THE KENT CORP. INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE For Over 29 Years Insure Through This Agency and Feel Safe Riverside Drive Phone 8 . McHenry, HI. FOR SALE FOR SAISE -- 16 gauge bolt action^ 6 shot shotgun; 2 anow tires, 640-15, like new, less than 1,200 miles, 640-15" wheel, fits Studebaker. Phone 1481-R after 5 p.m. 23 JOHNSON MOTORS New and Used -- Terms Motors and Boats Service - Refinishing and Storage BILL'S OUTBOARD MOTORS 104 S. Riverside Drive Phone McHenry 1076 44tf FOR SALE FOR SALE -- TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES, Service on all makes, also. ribbons for all makes, carbon paper. L. V. Kiltz, Clay St., Woodstock. Phone 549. 7-tf FOR SALE -- Cpljfef&t. refrigerator. Good condftion; Eureka upright vacuum cleaner. Call 1985. *22-2 VFOR SALE -- fibLt& Big dolls, small dolls, walkiq^^olls; play dolls, collectors' doHs^s^Jfed dolls, Terri Lee paper d<J$y/B^iby dolls. The Candy Box, 30€F W. Elm. 1 23-3 FOR SALE -- We now have many pretty "Chubbie" dresses in sizes 8Mj thru 12%. Priced at just $5.95. Toddler Shop, McHenry, 111. 23 Candid Weddings rrom Home, Church and Reception K O L I N Photographers Commercial, Publicity, Sports and Photost'kte '*el. 566-W-l McHenry, 111. 44-tf FOR SALE -- For miles of trouble free driving, see this clean 1948 Chevrolet 4 door. Phone 1168. »23 BUSINESS SERVICE Ariderson Tree Service 519 Waukegan Road McHenry, 111. Phone 724 - A C-" ' Tv;-y'.;. 3?t: , «* Curran's Boarding Kennels Dogs and Cats - J^ick Up and Delivery Route 12 - 2 miles North of Rt. 120. McHenry 632-M-2 19-tr Vinyl - Rubber - Cork Asphalt Tile Floors Linoleum - Wall Tile Lees carpeting and rugs Carpet Laying Tidy Floor Coverings PliUUt. ' VV 20-tf Now In Stock! Ready For Immediate Delivery NEW WINCHESTER Automatic Model 50 $120.50 -- Also -- REMINGTON "Magnum Pump" $88.35 MARK'S Sporting Goods, - Marine Supplies PHONE 1000 212 S. Green St. McHenry, 111. 23 j GARAGE TJOORS WOOD SECTIONAL Residential, Commercial or Industrial -- Standard or Specially Designed!). KEN LEIBAGH Sales, Installation and Service McHenry 1187-R 14-tf PETER A FREUND {Formerly Eddie Huff's) SANITARY SERVICE and pump septic tanks, >ls. Phone McHenry 1819-J, residence, Fox street. 16-tf ' ' '* . • . • > 1 Architectural Drafting Ray Ostergren r Rt. 4, Box 200, McHenry Pbone 622-J-1 6-tf 0 Toy land Nursery Now Open Well Equipped Nursery and Playground 50c Per Hour Special Rates For All Day or By Week Nurse In Charge Will pick up and deliver Call McHenry 596-J-2 19-tf FOR SALE -- Large Duo-Therm heater, equipped with outside and J Pvaa11A«I^ dition. Phone 427-R. *23 FOR S^LE -- 23 storm sash, 28 window screens, 1 comb, storm door. $50.00 takes the lot. Call McHenry 1060". *23 FQR SALE -- 4 55-gal. oil drums with faucets and medium size wine press. Call McHenry 1815-J. *23 FOR SALE -- Two oil heaters, one Oil King, pne Seigeler with blower. F. Hoffman, phone McHenry 616-W-l. #23 FOR SALE Due to the tremendous response to our new dri-gas metered service for home heating, our warehouse is overflowing with oil heaters that were taken in on trade. These heaters have been inspected by us and are all in running order. Superflame 6 room oil heater, 6 mo. old $80 Monarch 6 rm. heater, 1 yr. old with 275 gal. oil tank ... $75\ Coleman floor furnace, 4 weeks old with 275 gal. tank (brand new) $125 Evonail 5 room heater (fair condition) $20 Coleman If room console type heater, 1 year old $45 Quacker 6 room heater (fair condition) $10 H C Little floor furnace - (fair condition) /$20 Duo Therm 5 room heater (fair condition) $20 Evonail 6 room heater with fan $25 Wards 6 room heater (fair condition) $15 Estate Heatrola 5 room heater (good condition) $20 Ncrge 5 room heater $5 MISO. ITEMS Roper 4 burner gas range (exc. condition) $45 Tappan Gas Range, complete with automatic clock and full deluxe' features, 6 yrs. old $65 2 burner coal stove (good cond.) Ideal for kitchen etc $5 Water Witch wringer style washer (good cond.), 5 yrs. old $25 Wards wringer style washer (good cond.) -. $25 6 hole Ice cream type food freezer (good cond.) $25 Electroday electric range in good clean shape. No chips $25 2 tub laundry set on casters (slightly used) $8.50 Due to these' special low prices there can be no delivery. These specials will be sold on a first come first served basis. No refunds. Alihoiffs Hardware 501 Main St. Phone 284 23 FOB SALE FOR SALE -- 1 Polaroid camera outfit, with flash fettach., two packages of bulbs, 6 films, light meter, case. List S17Y.50, special price $125.00. 1 Viewmaster Stereo camera. List $149.00, special price $125.00. 8 mm. Kodak Brownie movie projector. List $62.50, special price $50.00. 1, 35mm. Spartus camera outfit, $18.95. 1, Life-O-Rama - 3 camera outfit, case, flash attach., $49.50. 1, Iloca Stereo camera &• case, $138.50. Korelle - Reflex, $110 value, special $45. Worwick Studio, Riverside Drive. Phone 275. 2< FOE BENT FOR RENT -- 4-rm. apt. at J6hnsburg, available immediately. Call McHenry 87-M after 6 p.m. 23 FOR RENT -- 4 room furnished house, heated. Wonder Lake 5654. 23 FOR RENT -- 2 bedroom house in Lakeland Park, furnished. Lewandziewski, 1st house on east side of road about 4 blocks from 120 on Mieadow Lane. »23 FOR RENT •-- 4 room furnished apartment in Spring' Grove. Heat, hot water, garage included. Adults only. Available immediately! Call Richmond 5168. *23 FOR RENT -- Furnished apartment; Also rooms for rent by week or month. Oak Park Hotel. Phone 176. 23 FOR RENT -- Well-lighted building with 432 sq. ft. of floor space. Suitable for storage or light manufacturing. Also 2 car garage. Phone 1448-J. * 23 FOR . KENT' 3- roc-w fv:rn'~v-4 or unfurnished home, electric stove, refrigerator, water heater; Also 2 room furnished, hot water heated apartment, $15 per week. Also sleeping rooms, all modern and new. Phone 1079. . 23 FOR SALE -- 2, 200 gallon oil tanks with gauge. Phone 931. 23 FOR SALE -- We are selling out all of our white and block King pigeons, reasonable; Also trios of breeding geese. Phone Harvey Palmer, McHenry 690-R-l. 23 FOR SALE -- Or Trade -- Old phonograph records. R. M. Berger, 047 ^ *23 FOR* SALE -- 7 cu. ft. refrige* rator in good condition. Call 1254-M. 23 FOR SALE -- 120' bass accordion; 12x12 Mardon rug and pad; 11x11 blue rug and pad. Call McHenry 1490-J. 23 FOR SALE -- Complete set of Air Force blue's uniform, $25.00. Phone Wonder Lake 3132 after 5 p.m. only. 23-tf FOR SALE -- 2 Duo-Therm oil heaters, one with blower, reasonable. Call 1397-M-l. 23 FOR SALE -- H. C. Little oil floor furnace with thermostat, good condition. Phone Wonder Lake 3041. 23 FOR SALE -- Roto-Tiller 5 hp. Kaiser model, 26" width, reverse gear and spare parts. Phone Crystal Lake 193-R, „ 23 FOR SALE -- Late model 7 cu. ft. freezer, in perfect condition! Call McHenry 568-M-2. 23 FOR SALE -- 2 combination storm doors, size 81" long 31%" wide including hardware, $5 each; Everhot electric heater, $5; flat bottom row boat, oars, good condition, $20; Art glass porch lamp, $2;. Teeter-Totter electric cjock, $2.50. Phone 239-M. 23 FOR SAJLE -- Moving, to small home! 12 pc. Italian carved dining room set, like new. Cost $2,400, will sell for $600. Baby Grand piano, $350. Also modern twin bedroom set and double bedroom set. Living room couch, tables, wrought iron furniture and many extras. Call McHenry 728, Saturday or Monday. 23 FOR SALE -- Duo-Therm oil stove, good condition, will heat six rooms, $60. Call 1490-W. 23 FOR SALE -- Shotgun^ 12 gauge, mbdel 67 j reasonable. Call 159 after 5:30 p.m. 23 FOR SALE -- Wine colored rug with |>ad, $25; davenport and chair, $50; kitchen table and 4 chairs, $25. Call 634-J-l after 5 p.m. 23 FOR SALE -- Sofa bed, dinette set, 9x12 rug in good condition. Call 282?R. 23 FOB BENT FOR RENT -- 3 room house, furnished; hot and cold water; bath; gas heat; reasonable rent to right party. Call McHenry 1462-M after § p.m. 23 FOR RENT -- Sunny southern exposure, 4 room apartment. Refrigerator, gas stove and oil heated furnished, $40 for couple. Avail- able Oct... 20. Wonder Lake 3443. 23 FOR RENT -- 4 room house with enclosed porch, semi furnished, oil furnace; permanent rental at McCullom Lake. JUniper 8-8605. *23 HELP WANTED HFLP WANTED -- Attention Women: Start your own Cosmetic Business when customer acceptance is the highest. Christmas sa1!- in^ time is here fo- Avon representatives. Very best earning. Lnpo'tant quali-'i^at^ns are: aHlity, some f te t>rre, and a £i"nl personality. Opening (1) in McHenry, also area. Write Mgr. P.O. Box 56, Rockford. r21-3 HELP WANTED -- Several boys for guide work. Full time, also just week-ends. Apply in person at Wing- and Fin Club. Phone 398 for directions to club. 23 HELP WANTED -- Woman to help with general housework and staying with children day and night. McHenry 438. 23 HELP WANTED"^--- WaitfCSS, neat and refined, must h^ve own transportation. Apply in person, Town Club, Riverside Drive, McHenry. Phone 12. 23 WANTED -- Someone to do ironing, no dress shirts. Will deliver and pick up. Reasonable. Write Box 508 care of Plaindealer. 23 HELP WANTED -- Saleswomen. Part or full time frock counselers. Build own business in neighborhood. Commission, cash bonus. Free dresses. Write F. Reynolds, Box 247, Fontana, Wis. *23 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE -- HOMES--FARMS CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY Knox Real Estate v 405 Richmond Road McHenry, 111. Phone: McHenry 421-J 24-tf FOR SALE OR RENT -- 4 room area house, near stores and lake, furnace, hot water, basement, $1,000 down, $50 per month. Wheaton 8-3914. 23 FOR SALE -- 7 room ranch, 3 bedrooms, den, large living room, dining room, kitchen wLth birch cabinets, formica tops, stove, automatic gas heat, automatic washer, water softener^ full basement, lot 100x150, Lartiftn stone bay with red faced brick, $18,900. Call 427-J. 23 Centrally Located For Quick Service FRED J. SVOBODA & SONS* SEACO SALES And SERVICE Repairing -- Rewinding --- Rebuilding Electric Motors -- All Models Automotive, Generators, Starters, Armatures I DAY or NIGHT PHONE 188 Box 416 - Lilymoor Subd. McHenry, HHhois FOR SALE -- 8 ft. double duty meat case, 30 ft. latest shelving, 6 ft. island used 2 years. Best offer takes all. Phone Richmond 4135. *23-2 FOR SALE -- Specials this week! Outsize, extra large service weight nylons, $1.25. McHenry Hosiery Mills, Crystal Lake blacktop, Phone 850. 23 TRACKERS - LACERS SOLDERERS Apply At The Admiral Corporation 607 Elm St. McHenry, HI. Apply Monday thru Friday, between 8:30 and 4:30 p.m.' HEAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE -- 3 bedroom home, oil. heat,' large garage attached, walking distance tq stores, water' rights. Price $10,500. Terms. -- ALSO _ ' 2 bedroom home, tile bath and kitcherf, fireplace, gas heat, near McHenry. Price $9,300. For appointment call at our office in Johnsburg, JACOB FRITZ, Realtors Tel. McHenry 87 21-tf FOR SALE -- 2 beautifully wooded Jots, each 60x300 ft. on Pistakee *Bay road, 2 blocks from town. Call Chicago WA 8-3683. 22-4 FH3R SALE -- Store, suitable, for any retail business, year rouri& Living quarters.^ Newly decorated- Call Wonder Lake 3221. 1-tf List Your Homes, Lots or Farms with AIRSPUN for quick, selling service Phone n-tf FOR SALE River home, ranch type, 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, bath, utility room, breezeway and attached garage. Combination screens and storms; gas hot air furnace". Custom made draperies, 6 closets, 3 years old, 2 lots. Price $22,000. Permanent river home, newly furnished, oil heat, a steal at $14,700. Just $19,900 buys a beautiful face briqk and Lannon stone ranch home, full basement, gas hot air furnace, air conditioned. Steel casement windows, lot 100x150. 5 bedroom home, modern, large living room, dining room, kitchen, full basement, attached garage, oil hot water heat. On highway near town, % acre, chicken house, orchard. Price $12,000. Knox Real Estate " 405 Richmond Road McHenry 421-J 23 WILL SELL Year Round Home Completely Modern 8 rooms, Oil Heat On the Lake at Wonder Lake See by appointment only Wonder Lake 4001 22-2 FOR SALE -- 5 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, bath room, attached garage, • full basement, oil hot water heat, large chicken house, % acre ground. The ideal place for a large famiiy, Price $13,000.00 23 Phone 1126 FOR SALE -- Three bedroom year 'round water front home plus choice corner lot. This home has six closets, picture windows, fireplace, built-in bookcase, tile bath, Youngstown kitchen, custom draperies, gas heat, combination storms and screens, closed-in breezeway with attached 1V2 car garage. Freshly painted ! exterior, outdoor bar-b-que. House and lot priced to sell at $22,000. Phone McHenry 1461. 23 FOR SALE -- Snack Shop, 139- Riverside Drive. Phone 930-J. Due'i to illness, must sell immediately. Any reasonable offer vyill not be refused. . *23 FOR SALE -- 5 room, 3 bedroom home, $300 down. Also 2, 3-room duplex, $500 down, year round, plastered, insulated, full bath, cabinet kitchen, electric water heater. MeHtonr-y 1079; 23 WANTED WANTED -- People with empty freezers -- We can fill your freezer with food of your selection and you can pay as you eat. Phone McHenry 229-R. 22-4 WANTED -- Home for 11 year old boy from Nov. to May. Call 1056 on Sat. or Sun., or write G. C. 7755 S. Honore St., Chicago. *23 WANTED -- Work for lathe and drill press. T. C. Winkel, Rt. 120, 3 miles east of McHenry. Lilymoor Subdivision, Phone 627-M-l. *23 WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY -- Good used inboard speed boats. E. J. Wendt, Boats & Motors on U. S. 12, Richmond, 111. Phone 3231. 22-4 WANTED TO BUTT -- Top price paid for iron, metats and junk cars. Ed Marsh, phone Woodstock 1610-M-2. 33-tf WANTED TO BUY Junk cars, trucks and all kinds of metal. Wm. Staines, McHenry, phone 53-J. *21-3 WANTED TO BUY _ River^Kont lot on contract. Best of refereifcwfe Reply care of Plaindealer, Box 507. »23 WANTED TO BUY -- Used typewrlter. Richard Frett. Phone 293. Call 6 p.m. 210-R. *23 LOST AND FOUND LOST -- 650-16 tire and rim on( Rt. 120 between McHenry and Woodstock, Monday. Call Marengo 1741, Robert Wantz. 23 FOUND -- Pair horn-rimmed glasses near laundromat on Elm St. Owner may have same by paying for this ad. Call at Edgebrook scnool office. 23 Shop at Home and SAVE! of Wisconsin HOLSTEIN Fresh and Closed First and Second Calf Heifers Most of Them Calfhood Vaccinated f Also Holstein Bulls ,We buy and sell all breeds of cattle JULIUS MAYER = SW Corner of Rt. 120 and 68 TeL Libertyville 2-2034 , * Jak-Ana Heights in Johnsburg We build to Order, 2 and 3 bedroom ranch type homes. Face brick on all four sides, gas heat, with, or without basements, on a 100*200 ft. lot. A NiCe location, near church and schools, $13,000 and up. For Information Call At Our Office In JotaMborg JACOB FRITZ - REALTORS Phone McHenry 37 L. v

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