WV "4 jtqeaMZWaJUJi. 3S£I£h«!SL$ BOWMEN-- Word- from the' publicity department of the Northern Illini Bowmen tells us that this fast growing club will meet Nov. 16, ;8' p.m. at the Sports Unlimited Rod and GUn Club. Anyone interested in joining this popular Ais Invited to attend. - Morning headline tells us that $$en. McCarthy "Begins Fight" This should be good. We thought ftll this time the fight had Started. Biwftfetball practice has started diir high school. Schedule on lEhis page will tell you that the first game will be played at Barrington, Nov. 24. -- Palace -- Match- Palace Recreation 2582, Pox Hole 2574. R. Kilday, 204-553; V. Weyland, 559; T. Gefener, 514; R. Jager, 206-518; A. Schaefer, 516; A. McCarroll, 502; A. Jackson, 522; J. Larkin, 524. -- McHenry Recreation -- Thurs. Nite Business Men- Johnson Tool 2, McHenry Bookkeeping l. .Freund's Dairy. 3, Schlitz Bev erage 0. L. Freund, 528; JL. Musling, 526. Bimbo's 3, Buss Motors 0. B. Doherty, 510; F. Schmitt, 516. Highland Shores 2, Isabelle's TaP !• Match-- Overton Motors 2649, Crystal Lake Recreation 2443. G. Kinsala, 212-562; G. Schaefer, 232-61^; J. Larking 521; M. Crouch, 508; H. Miller, 203-538; D. Bacon, 209- 566; C. Pulos, 208-534. j, TPfce time has come to allow the *54 'Iteotball season to fade away. We didn't have much to shout iiboiit in the way of victories, but to give credit to the spirit liind fight put up by our undermanned squad. % Mrs. Cepulis, owner and operof the local roller rink, has $ real attraction lined up for Hext; month. A horse on roller Skates! Yep. Here's the story: IV "Jimmy," the roller skating Horse, with his master, "Ab" Mc Alexander, will appear Dec. 7 at the Just For Fun Roller Rink ?n litcHenry. %Iimmy," a beautiful three year $ld pinto Stallion, acclaimed the World's most remarkable horse by Art Baker when Jimmy made a personal appearance on his national TV show, direct from Hollywood, has also been featured in "Life" and many of the leading magazines (ft: the country and filmed by Universal Pictures, NBC and ABC television network. Tills is the most phenomenal feat of horse training ever accomplished and you will have to See it to believe it. At the age of five months, Jimmy donned his 'first skate and after more than a year of patient and per. Sistent training made his first public appearance when nearing the fiige of two years. No need of mentioning it. You Wouldn't forget the Shamrock's featwr party at the Fox Hole tonight (Thursday). This has been a rough sports yearif for Herb Reil&nsperger. it was his Cubs. Now, it's JUs Wisconsin football team. 9:00 Ladies-r- Mark's Sport Store 2, Mi Place 1. J. Simon, 432; E. WinkeL 179- 443; R. Marshall, 437; S. Rowe, 426. T. Olsen & Son 2, Sportsman's Inn 1. L. Paluch, 471; M. Kinsala, 441; M. Donnelly, 444. 7:00 Ladies-- McHenry Lumber 3, McHenr^ Sand & Gravel 0. L. Funk, 440; M. Doherty, 5X0; B. Meath, 439; N. Larkin, 215-535. Blatz 2, McHenry Cab 1., L. Ferwerda, 474; L. Michels, 203- 477; T. Meyer, 182-520; E. Conway, 435; E. Hester, 450; E. Justen, 456. City-- Olsen's 2, McGee's 1. F. Matthesius, 511; M. Budler, 544. Walsh Insurance 2, Prager 1. Hagberg, 538; Steffes, 204-566; Schaefer, 200-519. McHenry Lumber 2, Lee & Ray 1. Heuser, 513; J. Reid, 523. McHenry Bank 2, Althoff's 1. Rode, 205-521; Scharlow, 216-565; Conway, 524; Cristy, Sr., 534; Bacon, 521; Rogers, 537; D. Schaefer, 206. t We hope to live so lonjf as to see the Cubs and Sox in a World Series -- against each other. Then to get tickets lor flerb, junior Freund, "Blondie" Karls, £>onnle Schaefer, Eddie Buss, our "S.B.C." -- Oh, let's rent a bus, mix 'em up and haVe a good fight. I Tavern-- Snug Harbor 2, Joe's Tap 1. G. Schaefer, 533; Peisert, 546; D. Weingart, 201-539; A. Jackson, 211-537. Royal Inn 2, Hank's Fireside 1. Siekerman, 520; Oonk, 210-520; Winters, 513; Lorch, 521. Old Bridge 2, McDonald's 1. Kinsala, 505; Overton, 514; Sutton, 233-544; Larkin, 217-555; Crouch, 550; C. Ingersol, 523; K. Ingersol, 534. Fox Hole 2, Sportsman's Inn 1. R. Smith, 529; R. Kilday, 204* 524; V. Weyland, 500; R. Hdmo, 502; T. Getner, 536; Jager, 228- 200-611; Herdrich, 509. DAILY PINUPS: No one is too big to make a mistake, or should be to small to take criticism. To. classify life is impossible; to give a good example is easy. Lairceny' on a lark: a stolen kiss. At friend is a person who knows you for what you are, and nevep uses you for what you have. Being merely intellectual, may yet find you ineffectual. Some folks aim to please, with thenjiselves» for a target. Anonymous 9:00 C.O.F.-- Freund's 2397, Winkel's 2209. H. Steffan, 545; G. Justen, 202- 562; L. Winkel, 504. Blake's 2313; Thennes' 2287. D. Weber, 233-555; W. Schreiner, 511;'B. Thennes, 509. Wonder Lake Business Men-- v Repair 2, Mill Inn 1. Kline, 210- 215-583; Marke, 539; Sandgren, 522. Cleaners 2, Variety 1. J. Worm, 211-549. Builders 2, Firemen 1. Gustavson, 528; Kreuger, 523. < Lobsters 2, Rolaine 1. Sarge, 231-596. Wed. Nite Octette- Kay's Gift Shop 3, Golden (Slo Nuts 0 M. Corcoran, 421. Rolaine Grill 2, Widen's Standard Service 1. T. Jinga, 494. American Legion 3, T. P. Mathews 0. . Krueger's Fuel Oil 3, Wonder Lake Oil 0. L. Mej'er, 206-499. V.F.W.-- Discs 3, Tires 0. Risch, 508; Deskis, 500. Spokes 3, Rims 0. Wheels 2, Hubs 1. Diedrich, 203-509. D. of A.-- Buss Motors 2, Wattles Drugs 1. H. Low, 464. Joe's Tap 3, McHenry Cleaners 0. T. Steffan, 422; B. Jager, 427; E. Albright, 468. Art Smith's 2, McHenry Lumber 1. L. Smith, 433; M. Weideman, 440. P. M. Justen 2, Jim's Barber Shop 1. P. Pries, 191-460. Commercial-- Charm House 3, Lakemoor Hardware 0. Kleinhans Lumber 2, Bimbo's 1. R. Justen, 508. Riverside Bake Shop 3, Cozy Cottage 0. M. Stilling, 206-515. Brennan Milk Service 2, McHenry Laundry 1. R. Pries, 203- 501; L. Thennes, 206-543. Thurs. 9:00-- Al's Welding 2, Tower Grill 1. The Vogue 2, Lannes Realtor 1. W. Kraus, 207. F. M. Television 2, Clarjf Chev. 1. Koch, 201-584; Hojnackij 202. Prager 2, Blatz 1. Aregger, 517; Corso, 202-547; T. Krause, 213-202-605. Nite Owls-- Mi Place 2, Al's White House 1. I. Stoller, 452. F.M. Radio & TV 2, Schroeder's Iron 1. F. YOBS, 434. Bimbo & $ons 2, Club Lilymoor I. E. Peterson, 454. The Pit 3, Little Chef 0. G. Soucie, 450. 7:00 C.O.F.-- Miller's 2408, Justen's 2393. Rev. FT. Miller, 575; H. Miller, 224-549; N. Justen, 243-554. Thennes' 2532, Meyer's 2325. D. Fredricks, 539; F. Meyer, 509; D. Rosing, 212-216-600; B. Thennes, 200-213-212-625. Early Birds -- B & E Trout Farm 3, Dorothy's Millinery 0. B. Gilpin, 475; H. Knox, 449; R. Adams, 178.443. Farmers' Mill 2, Nye Drug Store 1. McHenry state Bank 2, Carey Electric 1. L. Cairns, 431; L. Knox, 422. Freund Oil Co. 2, Robt. Hay Construction 1. R. Gary, 176; D. Freund, 431. Moose-- Mayfield's 2, Weiser's 1. Steffan's 2, Nell is' 1. Walker, 517; Steffan, 205-521. Old Timers- Rogers' 2364; Petersen's 2278. Petersen, 542; Rogers, 200-542. Cristy's 2237, Sayler's 2170. Pyritz, 217-544. -- Bowling Bar -- Thurs. Nite Ladies-- Central Garage 2, Lay's Tavern 1. c. May, 175-478; V. Smith, 445. G & G Decorators 2, Adams' Market 1. M. Wakitsch, 432. Leo's Painterettes 3, Tim's Tap 0. Hettermann's Tavern 2, Bowling Bar 1. B. Hettermann, 455. Brakes are one-tenth as effective on icy roads as on dry pavement. So, for safety in winter, drive more slowly. And, if possible, apply brakes before hitting an icy stretch or curve. WMS CROWN IN NORTH SUBURBAN ^Champs Hold Their ^Opponents To Grand -Total Of 8 Points l The Zion-Benton high school football team defeated Barrington -ijj tp 0 last Saturday to hold . first place and gain the championship of the North Suburban league. Looking--at--record, one wonders how the champs could possibly have been crowded down to the finish line. Zion scored 101 points; holding the rest of the . i f r;-••• 4-. •>. tot-: _r -S p They were tied 6-6 with Crystal Lake early in the season and lost 2-0 game to Warren. ^ Warren finishing in a threeway tie for^ fifth place, was high scoring team in the league with 107. They rolled up 39 against Woodstock and 34 against Mc- Henry. £ FINAL STANDINGS sao# Llbertyville Lake Forest Crystal Lake* •; Woodstock Harrington Warren McHenry * Tie Game Final Came* Warren 34 McHenry 0 libertyville 19 Lake 7 Pdn 18 Barrington 0 Woodstock 18 m Choose handsome wew^jMITY gifts lor your family and friends w L P OP 5 1 101 8 5 2 85 66 4 3 83 79 3 3 86 88 3 4 66 90 3 4 82 122 3 4 107 65 1 6 40 130 j.w.w-Tob "DIRECTRESS" -- for women. Six-wing "Reploc«-APa »" for all h«r photos and panes... duplicate key pockets... polished r " . ico': ' fr> Tui . m-crm, I, Ei or Green Pepper. > , fgOO* Spor* toy podteh prevent lodioutl. WARRIORS LOSE FINAL GAME TO WARREN 34 TO a Statisticians Give Figures On Back- | Field Performances) The Warriors ended their 1964 season last Friday afternoon ^ by losing to Warren 34-0. All the Warriors fought hard, but. Warren proved to be too much for them oh bath offense and defense. The statistics for the !54 Warriors are as follows: • - Frank Oeffling -- 4 TD's and 1 extra point, 25 points, total. Howie Useman -- 3 TD's aj|g 2 extra points, 20 points total.: ^ Bob Bitterman -- ~ 1 TD, 2*8 points. Ed Cepulis -- I safety, 2 P°ints Oeffling gained 272 yards ]Kir a 3.3 average. Useman gained 66 years, average. > Bitterman1 gained 74 yards,' average. Huemann gained 97 yards, 2.1 average. Cepulis gained 30 yards, 2.5 average. McHenry scored 53 points whtfe allowing 135 points to opponents. Huemann passed for 423 yards and a 37.8 per cent average. He completed 31 of 82 passes. Useman passed for 35 total yards and a 50 per cent average, completing 2 of 4 passes, McHenry gained 997 total yards by passing and rushing. New Bigger HymouCh i < Plymouth's completely new 1955 cars are lower, wider and more than 10 inches longer than previous models. With either a PowerFlow Six or Hy-Fire V-8 engine, they are the most powerful cars Plymouth has ever built. They are available with a full range of automatic and power-assist devices, including electric window lifts and power front seat adjustment. Pictured here is the Belvedere sport coupe. Homemakera Top Olbiir Groups In Travelling Homemkers travel more and, farther than people in any other occupation. Nearly 15,000 passports have been issued so far this year to women whb listed their employment as "homemaker." Most of them were going to Europe, and a' big share of thenv were leaving the midwest. U. 5. Department of State statistics show there were more than 5,000 passports issued residents of Illinois during the first ten months of 1954. About 1,500 were issued in Indiana. All of them, of course, weren't women. Skilled laborers were the second most travelling occupational group, followed by clerks and secretaries. Executives and students also were high on the list of globe trotters. It Pays To Advertise YOUNG MUSICIANS ATTENDED YOUTH SYMPHONY CONCERT BASKETBALL SCHEDULE 1954-1955 Nov. 24 -- Barrington away Nov. 30 -- *Harvard away Dec. 3 Warren here ' Dec. 10 -- Libertyville here Dec. 11 -- Crystal Lake away Dec. 14 -- *Marengo away Dec. 17 -- Woodstock away 'r Jan. 7 -- Lake Forest here Jan. 11 -- *Hebron away Jan. 14 -- Zion away Jan. 18 -- *Marengo here Jan. 21 -- Barrington here (County Tournament Jan. 22, 24, 25, 26 ^ at Marengo Jan. 28 -- Warren away Feb. 4 -- Libertyville away Feb. 5 -- Crystal Lake here ^eb. 11 -- Woodstock here . Feb. 15 -- *Hebron here Feb. 18 -- Lake Forest away Feb. 22 -- *Harvard here Feb. 25 -- Zion here -- Non-Conference games. STATE PARK IMPROVEMENTS Giant City, Pere Marqu$tffe and Starved 'Rock state parks, three popular recreation areas where visitors are received and accommodated every month iir the year, have recently bepn improved in a number of ways. The dining room in the Giartt City lodge has been doubled in capacity; main roads in the park resu: faced and a new road made to Little Grassy Lake. The twelve electrically heated guest cottages at Giant City have been completely redecorated and refurnished. Improvements at Pere Marquette park in Jersey county, largest park in the Illinois system include a snack bar in the dining room, the resurfacing of roads, enlarging of parking spaces and new floors in the park lodge. At Starved Rock, roads have been j resurfaced and parking spaces i made larger. The Starved Rock' lodge and cottages are available | for tourists wishing to stay over- i night or for longer periods. A' number, of McHenry folks, including piano pupils of Mrs. Sam Leibsohn and their parents and friends, attended a conducted tour of the Art Institute of Chicago and also heard the Young People's symphony concert at Orchestra hall one evening this last Week. The young pianists were thrilled to hear the instrumentalists, under the direction of George Schick, conductor, with George A. Kuhyer serving as narrator. The program included "Pan the Piper" by Kleinsinger, which demonstrated the various instruments of the orchestra. Other numbers of Britten, Mendelssohn, Bizet, Wagner and Gprshwin were performed. Students making the' trip were Camille and Trey Covalt, Nancy Tb* tra* flexible flrtplaca eirtala ij m ARMISTICE DAY (Nov. 11) became VETERANS DAY, this year by Congressional action to provide for honoring World Wai II And Korean veterans along with those of World War I. If You Served In The World Wars - You Belong In The American Legion JOIN TODAY! Legion Post No. 491 McHenry, I1L Euckner, -Joyce Eckstein, Karen Kralowetz, Judy Hans, Michael and Fred Fenske, Lorna and Evan Gladstone, Linda Lieberson, Ruth Ann Schoenhpltz, ' Susan Richards, Susan Pawlikowski, Cheryl Wittrock and' Alan Reitesel, all of McHenry, and Deralyn and James West of Genoa City, Wis. Classified Ada bring result^ Place yours with the Plalndeale? today! T C W N E Grand Avenue, Fox Lake, III. Phone Fox Lake 7-1611 PLENTY OF FREE PARKING THUR., FRI. & SAT. NOV. 11-12-13 "River Of No Return" Cinemascppe Robert Mitchum - Marilyn Monroe SUN., MON. & TUES. NOV. 14-15-16 'King Richard And The Crusaders" Cinemascope WED., THUR., FRI. & SAT. NOV. 17-18-19-20 Walt Disney's "Vanishing Prairie" COMING NOV. 21-22-23 "Egyptian" NOV. 24-25-26-27 'On The Waterfront' Come to Santa's Toyland, now open at Vycital's, 1S2 Green St. Phone 98." Use our convenient Christmas lay-away plan. 27 Take It Easy- Take A Cab! When the weather's bad . When you want to reach your ' destination in a hurry . . When you have luggage or heavy packages with yon, it's time to call us for a cab. Remember our number McHENRY CAB PHONE 723 FRI. & SAT. NOV. 12-13 'THE ROCKET MAN" Starring George "Fog Horn" Winslow -- Also -- In Technicolor "3 YOUNG TEXANS" Starring Geoffery Hunter SUN., MON. & TUES. NOV. 14-15-16 In Cinemascope "THE EGYPTIAN" Jean Simmons, Victor Mature In Technicolor and Stereophonic sound. WED. & THURS. NOV. 17-18 "PUSH OVER" Starring Fred MacMurray STARTS SOON Marlon Brando in 'On The Waterfront' Saturday Matinee -- 2:00. p.m. Sundays Continuous - 3:00 p.m. Week Days -- 7:15 p.m. FRI. & SAT. NOV. 12-13 Also Sat. Afternoon Matinee Walt Disney's "The Vanishing Prairie" Technicolor Also Disney Featurette "WILLIE THE OPERATIC WHALE" SUN., MON. & TUES. NOV. 14-15-16 "THE EGYPTIAN" Cinemascope Jean Simmons, Victor Mature, Gene Tierney WED. & THURS. NOV. 17-18 Sylvia Sidney, Joel McCrea Humphrey Bogart "DEAD END" ELM BT. 176. WAXJCONDA Open Dally 6:40 p.m. - Sun. 2:30 THURS., FRI. & SAT. NOV. 11-12-13 Gene Kelly - Van* Johnson "BRIGADOON" (Cinemascope & Technicolor) SUN., MON. & TUEJS. NOV. 14-15-16 Feature Sun. at 2:15 - 4:45 - 7:05 - 9:20. , Mon. & Tues. at 7:00 - 9:20 'THE EGYPTIAN" (Cinemascope & Technicolor) Victor Mature, Jean Simmons, Edmund Purdom, Gene Tierney Adults 70c -- Children 30c WED thru SAT. NOV. 17-20 Also Special Mat. Sat. Nov. 20 - 1:30. Walt Disney's "The Vanishing Prairie" (Technicolor) G T H E A T R E GtNO» cm. w i s c o s c. , n THURS., FRI. & SAT. NOV. 11-12-13 SIMONS • MATURE - TIEMEY WILDING • P0BW1 FREE MATINEE SHOW ' SAT., NOV. 13 at 2 P.M. Our new theatre managers Mildred & Jim Nelson personally invite you. It's their treat. For Mom, Dad and the Kidfj. SUN. & MON. NOV. 14-15 The Adventures of "HAJJI BABA" In Cinemascope TUES., WED. & THURS. NOV. 16-17-18 1 "KING OF THE KHYBER RIFLES" Tyrone Power - Terry Moore In Cinemascope NOW ON SALE -- Gift Cards at our Box Office. The ideal Christmas Gift. F*naon«n1ty r«ehtir«4 k COM of kM*. "IDENTIFIER"--fer F«oturm tix-wing "Rcplaca-A-PeM" far, photo*, pas««« and card* ... holders lor spar* key* .. . *ecret currency pocket . . . permanent registration against lou. 9JOO* *Mw|To« B0LGER S Drug Store . 108 So. Green St. Phone 40 McHenry, 111 Beauty on Duty Replace your rigid, ofd firescreen (for good), with beautiful Flexscreen. See the conveniently sliding curtains... how gracefully they drape . hr»w, miwfe they , • '$2o' JJU/ -A'r' Try Unipull . .. just one hand opens botb curtains simultaneously or brings them to complete all-around closure. On display now COMPLETE FIREPLACE SETS and ANDIRONS Let Us Be Your Fireplace Supply Headquarters MARK'S Sporting Goods - Marine Supplies Hunters Hdqtrs. OPEN EVENING S DURING HUNTING SEASON PHONE 1000 Z12 S. Green St. McHenry, lit. HERE'S SOMETHING YOU WONT WANT TO MISS! FEATHER PARTY .... . .. •icS" •?- ", • OLD BRIDGE TAVERN Saturday Nov. 13 th DOOR PRIZE FREE BEER and LUNCH 140 N. Riverside Drive McHenry, 111. YOUR DOCTOR WOULD APPROVE Tour health is his vital concern. He wants your prescription filled by qualified people with the highest: standards. The graduate pharmacist who serves you hei^ ha., had rigorous schooling and exacting experience com pounding prescriptions; Re works wilL tue most upr to-date equipment... and from well-stocked shelve? filled with the freshest, purest, finest drugs. Such trusted names as SQUIBB stand behind every product! he uses. V*u can depend, too, on the household drug* you'll find on our counters and shelves. Squibb Cod Liver Oil, for instance, can be relied on to help your baby build sound teeth, a fine full chest, straight sturdy legs. Your prescriptions are our specially BOLGER'S Codlis® DRUG STORE 10S Green Street PHONfc €0 McHeery, HL