Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Nov 1954, p. 6

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& " ; %-,)• y. McHenry Plaindealer Published every Thursday at McHenry, 111.,^ by the McHenry Publishing Company, Inc. BUSINESS SERVICE dATlONAJ. EDITORIAL lAsTbcfATLdN ^ J T W. .BURFEINDT, Gen'l Manager ADELE FROEHLICH, Editor R I N G ' S PLUMBING and HEATING 40B FRISBY, Sr. Quality Fixtures - Radiant Heating Gas and v Electric Water Heaters Water Systems - Water Softeners Repairs - Free Estimates Phone McHenry 289-M 7-eow BUSINESS SERVICE m^ ^ WANT ADS PROVE THAT GIGANTIC JOBS ARE DONE BY MIDGETS - RING 3,400 DOOR BELLS FQB $1.00 WITH A WANT AP PETER A. FREUND (Formerly Eddie Huff's) SANITARY SERVICE I clean and pump septic tanks, cesspools. Phone McHenry 1819-J, residence, Fox street. 16-tf Plaindealer Want ' Ads ad counted less than 25 words, $1.00 minimum I insertion . $1.00 (Count 5 words per line) 25c service charge on all blind ids. Cash <iivith order. Card of Thanks--$1.00 minimum. Want Ads close promptly at 10 a.m. Wednesday. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY: 95c col. nch. -- 2 inch minimum. Classified Display must include a riin&Qjjm of one IS pt. head and one 18 pt. signature, or its equivalent. 3 lines of 8 pt. allowed per -nch. CASH WITH ORDER on following classifications: Wanted to Rent Situations Wanted Business Opportunities PIANO TUNNING Repairing and Rebuilding Member of American Society of Piano Technicians. t E. ZABOTH Lake Zurich 5341 or 5342 12-tf SUBSCRIPTION RATE In McHenry County 1 Year $3.»0 6 Months $1.75 3 Months $1.00 Outside McHenry County 1 Year $3.50 6 Months $2.00 3 Months $1.25 EXPERT SEWING MACHINE and VACUUM CLEANER REPAIR For Sales and Service Call SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. 221 Benton St., Woodstock, 294 52-tf H. V. JACKSON Tuck Pointing, Acid Cleaning Waterproofing, Caulking Chimney Repair, etc. Phone McHenry 924-W After 6 p.m. 47-tf WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN WATER SYSTEMS - We sell, repair and install pumps. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 167. 26-tf Candid Weddings from Home, Church and Reception KOLIN Photographers Commercial, Publicity, Sports and Photostats Tel. 566-W-l McHenry, 111. 44-tf \ IIIIMKIII / Entered as second-class matter at the post office at McHenry, 111., under the act of May 8, 1879. AUTOMOTIVE REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR ALL CARS - &£$gs<>ries and Seat Covers . COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY Route 120 - 1 Block East -••of the River Bridge Open Week Days 9 a_m. - 6 p.m. Sundays: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 21-tf FOR SALE -- Oldsmobile tudor, model 66, clean. Recent new engine block complete, new battery, good rubber, completely winterized, generally. -good all around, economical. Need $i35.00. Must sell. Will demonstrate. Tel. 918-W. 29 BUSINESS SERVICE Anderson Tree Service 519 Waukegan Rofed . - McHenry, 111. Phone 724 A Complete Service 37-tf Curran's Boarding Kennels Dogs and Cats Pick Up and Delivery Route 12 - 2 miles North of RV 120. McHenry S32-M<2 19-tt Toyland Nursery Now Open Well Equipped Nursery and Playground 50c Per Hour Special Rates For All Day or By Week *Nurse In Charge Will pick up and deliver Call McHenry 596-J-2 19-tf Upholstery & Rugs Duracleaned in your home * so you may use them again the same day Cleans - Restores Lustre Revives Color - Raises Pile Re-enlivens wool pile Duracleaning is a world-wide service recommended by America's foremost furniture and department stores . . . proven by over 20 years of success. Stair carpets and tacked down carpeting may be Duracleaned without the expense and inconvenience of taking them up. Also mothproofed, if desired. FREE ESTIMATES KANTNER Duraclean Service FOX LAKE 7-0101 29 Tree Trimming and Cutting -- In the vicinity of McHenry, McCullom Lake, Johnsburg, Volo, Pistakee Bay, Long Lake, Grass Lake, Fox Lake, Ingleside. Call McHenry 1222-J between noon and 6:30 p.m. or Fox Lake 7-4861 between 8 and 8:30 a.m. or 6 to 6:20 p.m. 28-4 CESS POOLS - SEPTIC TANKS Pumped and Cleaned 1"PHONE 1480' If no answer, call 1383-R-2 G. A. DOUGLAS I Lakeland Park, Rt. 120 McHenry. 6-tf Vinyl - Rubber - Cork Asphalt Tile Floors Linoleum - Wall Tile Lees carpeting and rugs Carpet Laying Tidy Floor Coverings Phone Woodstock 888 20-tf WALL & FLOOR TILING Our only business - n,ot a sideline. Prompt guaranteed work. Free Estimates. Call Cary 6164 or Barrington 1276 2-tf MACHINE TRENCHING & DIGGING Septic Systems - Water Lines Dry Wells - Seepage Beds WELLS DRILLED & DRIVEN GARRELTS & ROGERS Rt. 4, McHenry, 111. Phone 534-W-l or 539-R-l 16-tf Jackhammer Service Hourly rate for jackhammer, spade, tamper. Let us do the hard work. Fast efficient service. ARNOLD MAY, Builder Richmond - Office 4381 - Res. 4744 45-tf WINTERIZE NOW Wisco Combination Storm Windows and Doors installed by competent factory trained mechanics, easy FHA terms, 10 day delivery from the Richmond, Illinois plant, up to 36 months to pay. Let us estimate your needs. May Construction, Richmond, Illinois, 4381 or 4744. 18-tf 'Romper School' Mon. thru Fri. 9 ajn. to 11:30 a.m. Children - Ages 2 thru 5 Call 821-M for information and enrollment 28-2 BOATS & MOTORS Can 20 Years Go Up In Smoke? Don't let a lifetime of savings vanish in smoke! Adequate insurance is Jvfoouurr protection against flaming disaster. Check your coverage now! THE KENT CORP. Insurance & Real Estate For Over 29 Years Insure through this Agency and Feel Safe N. Riverside Drive PHONE 8 McHenry, 111 FOR SALE FOR SALE -- Minshall single keyboard electric organ, used 2 years. $1,000 new. Call 535-R-l. 29 FOR SALE FOR SALE -- Brahma bull and Holstein heifer, freshened about 1 month. Calder, Wauconda 4767. Call evenings. 26-tf FOR SALE -- Complete line of clothes for large and small dolls; repairing and replacment of parts. McHENRY DOLL HOSPITAL, 1 block north of Rt. 120, one block East old bridge. Phone 1591-R. 26-7 FOR SALE -- Candies, packaged ice cream. Rust Craft cards for all occasions. Dolls, novelties. The Candy Box, 306 W. Elm St. Open Thanksgiving Day, 10 a.m. .'til 1 p.m. 28-2 FOR SALE FOR SALE -- Used rugs for sale that are trade-ins on new carpeting. All colors and sizes. Open Friday until 9 p.m., all day Saturday. Tidy Floor Coverings, 6Q4 Washington St., Woodstock, 111. v 25-6 FOR SALE -- Prestige Community silverware, service for 10, best offer. Call McHenry 535-R-l. 29 FOR SALE Rabbit Hutches; Kitchen table and chairs, $8.00; 2 50-gal. oil drums, $2.50 each; furnace coi)k trol, $12.00; furnace pipe, 25c, each; table radio, $7.00; console radio, $10.00; electric ftffi $3.50; electric window fan, $1.50; printing machine, $10.00; music stand, $1.50; electric motors, $6.&0. ANDERSON 4 Phone Wonder Lake 2894 *?? FOR SALE -- TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES. Service on all makes, also ribbons for all makes, carbon paper. L. V. Kiltz, Clay St., Woodstock. Phone 549. 7-tf JOHNSON MOTORS New and Used -- Terms Motors and Boats Service - Refinlshing and Storage BILL'S OUTBOARD MOTORS 104% S. Riverside Drive Phone McHenry 1076 44-tf Shop at Home GARAGE DOORS WOOD SECTIONAL Residential, Commercial or Industrial -- Standard or Specially Designed. KEN LEIBACH Sales, Installation and Service McHenry 1187-R 14-tf Centrally Located For Quick Service FRED J. SVOBODA & SONS SEACO SALES And SERVICE Repairing -- Rewinding -- Rebuilding Electric Motors -- All Models Automotive, Generators, Starters, Armatures FOR SALE -- Ladies', Royal Blue, Velvet Shorty Coat, worn only twice, can't be told from new. Cost new, $30.00. Price $15.00. Phone Wonder Lake 3132 after 5 p.m. 24-tf FOR SALE -- Complete set qf Air Force blue's uniform," $25.00. Phone Wonder Lake 3132 after 5 p.m. only. Complete Selection of HASSOCK'S and Clothes Hampers $4.95-;P d Also Wrought Iron Hassocks Use Our Christmas Lay-Away . . . NIESEN'S Floors & Furniture Phone 88 or 787 523 Main St. McHenry, 111. 29 Don't Forget To Visit Your Friendly J. VASE'S ' 5 and 10c Store IN WONDER LAKE and see the wonderland of toys. Also complete assortment of Xmas trimming. A small deposit will hold any item until Xmas. Shop early,f^r a better choice. We handle Watkins Quality Products, vanilla, cough medicine, liniment and the famous Watkins vitamins. PHONE Wonder Lake 4392 29-tf FOR SALE -- 3 piece maple living room suite, excellent condition, $50. Phone Wonder Lake 3132. *29 FOR SALE -- 2 pc. mohair living room set In good condition, $35. Call McHenry 1254-M after 4 p.m. 29 FOR SALE -- Girl's full size Schwinn bicycle; 54-inch Shooting Star sled, both in excellent condition. Call McHenrv 111-R. »29 FOR SALtE -- Baby buggy, wash machine, Victorian sofa, Victorian chest, drapes, bedspreads, 2 9x12 rugs, 1 10x16 rug, pair of table lamps, coffee table, silverware, miscellaneous, 630-M-l. *29 FOR SALE -- 51 gauge 15 denier nylons, fall colors, 89c. McHenry Hosiery Mills, Crystal Lake black- DON'T MISS THIS SALE We are forced to cut prices ' drastically on this new merchandise to make more space. REFRIGERATORS ' Hotpoint IOV2 cu. ft. Super De- Luxe automatic defroster, regular $429.95, special this safe only $297.86 Hotpoint 7% cu. ft. DeLuxe. Regular $239.95, this sale only $173.60 Hotpoint 9 cu. ft. DeLuxe, automatic defroster, reg. $359.95, special > $219.70 Philco 8V2 cii. ft. (automatic) $279.95, special $206.30 Hotpoint 10 V2 cu. ft. $349.95; semi auto, defrost . .. $252.80 Philco, Jt/2 cu. ft. $299.00 speciaf $216.40 RANGES Roper gas range; fully automatic oven and burner lighting $335.95, special . . $241.70 -DeLuxe Roper gas range, 4: burner, divided top, regular $259.00, special $161.00 Hotpoint electric range, push button fully automatic, $349., special $247.67 Universal 4 burner deluxe range with griddle and waist high broiler, reg. $349.95, special $261.70 Some of the above merchandise has slight scratches or blemishes. All of it is brand new, never used. Some units are perfect. 29 Althoff's Hardware 501 Main St. PHONE 284 23-tf top. Phone 850. 29 DAY or NIGHT PHONE 183 Box 416 - Lilymoor Subd. McHenry, Illinois A BUTCH'S SAVE MONEY ON. YOUR CAR YOUR iHMOVjE Regular check .. tips and maintenance by. our/experts means lower car cgi»|« for you! We Do Cta&jplete Motor Overhauling 24 Hour Towing Service W W- i&eet McHenry, 111. Phone 811 -- Residence 01-R * fc< MM NO FUEL LIKE 7HIS FUEL I Whenever anyone tells you all bottled gases are alike -- dont you believe itl For example, there's purity -- mighty important if the gas is to .burn with a clean blue flame--with no soot or smoke to discolor your kitchen walls. Pyrofa^c Gas is as pure as the most exacting, scientific tests can make it. With Pyrofax gas there is no guessing-- about quality--about economy-- about dependability! Call us today! ^ "PjTofti" h a rafUmi trmim mwj g, o. <*»««». A •OTTIEO OAS SCMVKTC 1 LER0Y M. SMITH W. Elm Street McHenry, 111. OPEN EVKRY NIGHT Phone 770-W McHenry, ID ALFALFA RII ARTHRITIS? AlPHA TABUTS S3 tireral i concentrated extract of the amazing vitamin and mineral rich ALFALFA plant plus fest working pain relieving agents offer effective same day relief from the agonizing pains of arthritis, rheumatism, neuritis, and neuralgia. ALPHA TABLETS ate sold on a money back guarantee. 100 Alpha Tablets $2.49 -- 300 Tablets $5.95 Drug Store PHONE 40 103 So. Green St. McHenry, 111. FOR SALE -- Barber chair and equipment for one-chair shop; reasonable. Call evenings after 7 and all day Sunday. Tel. McHenry 512^-R-l. 29 Jak-Ana Heights in Johnsburg We build to Order, 2 and 8 bedroom ranch type homes. Pace brick on all four sides, gas heat, with or without basements, on a 100x200 ft.1 lot. A Nice location, near church and schools, $13,000 and up. For Information Call At Our Office In Johnaburg JACOB FRITZ • REALTORS Phone -McHenry $7 Veterans * No Down Payment 3 BEDROOM NATIONAL HOME COMPLETE WITH LOT TOTAL PRICE MONTHLY PAYMENT $1^0 fH ONLY CASH REQUIRED $300.00 FOk ^LOSING COST Act Today - Only A Limited Number of Loans • Available Call Woodstock 662 Evenings - Woodstock 1511-J Richardson Construction Co. 108 Van Bores, Woodatoek THE ONE AND ONLY h it Mfiiteretf Trorfa Mart »f IMW'i, km. MAM OMIT St I. BOLGER'S DRUG STORE 103 So. Green St. PHONE 40 ' McHenry, HI. FOR RENT FOR RENT -- Furnished apartment. Also rooms by week or month. Oak Park Hotel, Phone 176. 26-tf FOR' RENT -- Johnsburg, 4 rooms and bath, tile kitchen and bath, 2 car garage. Rental $70 per month. Call McHenry 37, Jacob Fritz, Rt. 5, McHenry, Illinois. 29-tf FOR RENT or SALE -- New 2 bedroom, lake front house, completely furnished, cabinet kitchen, tile bath, automatic oil heat, fireplace, $110 per mo. Wonder Woods subdivision, Lake Shore and Chestnut streets. *29 FOR RENT In Bay View Lane PISTAKEE BAY Fine 5 room apartment, like new. Gas heat, insulated, storm windows, beautiful view. Ideal for small family. CALL" McHenry 194 29 FOR RBtNT -- Building^ suitable for bakery business. Also 6 room flat included. Call Fox Lake 7-6773. 28-2 FOR RENT -- 4 room apartrpent in Richmond. Automatic gas heat, hot water, $45 per mo. Phone Richmond 4044. *29 FOR RENT -- 5 room apartment, 2 bedrooms, Lakeland Park, 4 blocks north of 120, turn right at • dg cabin. 2nr) <-hite house north side of street. »29 FOR RENT FOR RENT -- In country, 5 miles from McHenry, 6 room apartment, available Jan. 1, $75 per mo. Tel. Crystal Lake 1322-R-l. 29 FOR REr^T -- West Shore Beach, McCullom Lake, 5 room house, furnished or unfurnished. Space heater, tankful of oil, electric hot water heater. Call Fox Lake 7-1454. *29 FOR RENT -- Large room ideal ] for barber shop; living quarters attached, in Lakemoor. Tel. Mc- \ Henry 593-W-2. 29 ( FOR RENT -- Apartment, 3 | rooms and bath. 1 block from busi- 1 ness district. Inquire at 103 Pearl St. 29 ] FOR RENT -- Three rooms furnished and newly decorated; hot water, shower complete. Tel. McHenry 628-M-l. 29 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Stenographer. For purchasing department Permanent position Hours 8:15 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. Free hospitalization, medical and life insurance. APPLY Mon. thru Fri. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. except Thanksgiving Day. BARCO MANUFACTURING CO. 500 N. Hough St., Barrington, 111. 29 HELP WANTED -- Salesman for livestock yeast feeds delivered to farm. Full or part time. State sales and farm experience. Midwest Mineral Company, Greenwood, Indiana. W8-* LOYAL ORDER oi MOOSE LODGE NO. 691 McHenry, Illinois Dancing Party SATURDAY, Nov. 27th Members and Guests / FISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY NITE AT CLUB RpOMS Ready • Concrete .. .CUTS DOWN WASTE Stop wasting' materials by on-the-job mijeing! Tell us your specifications and we'll deliver the right amount of the rigW concrete miie right on time! McHenry Sand & Gravel Co. "RADIO DISPATCHED" PHONE 920

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