•m- . . THE McHZNHY fLMJTOBALEH Club To Feature And Piano Duets (Continued from Page 1) chorus. "Holiday Medley," piano and organ duet, Ida Ann Quinlan and Maiy Ann Bolger. The Night Before Christmas Ruth Barger, narrator; Dan Justen, Santa Claus; Ann Cuda and Arthur Mueller, parents; Lois 'May, Dennis and Mary Welter. ' children. "Don't Wait 'Till the Night; Before Christmas," Otto Pyritz; j " 'Twas the Night Before Christ- j mas," Chorus; "Lullaby for Baby1 Jesus," Ann Cuda; "Dance of the .Paper Dolls," Arthur Mueller, soloist; Pat McCurdy and San- j dra ' Monteleone, dancers; "Toy- j land," women's octet; "Jolly Old J St. Nicholas," Lois May. .. "Silent Night," with echo; Choir; '"Hallelujah Chorus" from "The Messiah." ' Soloists in the foimal portion Of the progi am will be Phyllis Vfrhitfield and Warren Jones. The tree as a symbol of Christmas is a highlight of the program which has grown out of the first formation of a human Christmas tree five years ago. Sach year since then, piogram followers have requested a repeat oif this portion. : This Christmas the scene has been enhanced to include not only a huge, lighted, modern tree but it also will contain old fashioned candles and stars, the latter to represent its relationship to the sacred spirit of the season. Tickets should be purchased in advance from club members. They will be sold at the door Only after 8:15 if there are any seats. More Dosirea Of Local Youngsters Expressed (Continued from Page 1) wants a gum ball machine and farmer in the dell. I am 8 years old and my sister is 5 years old and 2 pairs of pajamas. Thank you Santa. "Love Judy and Karen Hay" "Dear Santa Claus, "My name is Shirley Grooms, I have been a good girl; I would like to have a doll bugy, walking doll, cooking set, bedroom slippers, sleepers, nurse set. I will leave you some cookies, cake and some hot coaco and I am 6 years old. Thank you "Shirley Grooms" "Dear Santa, "Would you please bring me a racer bike. Also a carrom board. Thank you. Age 7%. "John Weideman" "Chemistiy set, violin for "Eric Pickell , "Wonder Lake "Piano for Donny" COOKS CORNER By Marie Sdiaettgen CARD OF THANKS I would like to take this opportunity to thank friends and | neighbors for cards, prayers, j flowers and good wishes during! my' recent illnes. They were ap-. predated so much. ; 29 Gunnar Walinder THEATRE SEASON 1 A season of outstanding plays j to start- Jan. 22 is promised by> the McHeniy county Theatre: guild. Ill all, ten plays will be j presented, opening with "Bell, I Boo<k and Candle." I Sauces can be the making or the downfall of the meat course. A tasty sauce adds so much to the flavor of the cheaper cuts of meats and enhances the quality of the better meats. Heie is a basic recipe and some variations. Basic White Sauce (hot) (yield 1 cup) • 2 tbsp. butter; l cup milk; 2 ttosp. flour and % tsp. salt. Melt butter in saucepan. Stir in flour until smooth and cook until it * bubbles. Remove from heat. Stir in milk slowly. Return to heat. Stir and heat slowly. Boil about 3 minutes. Stir constantly to prevent burning. Cheese Sauce -- Add % cup shiedded or grated Cheddar or American cheese. Pimento-Olive Sauce -- Add y4 cup chopped stuffed olives. Especially good with veal. Horseradish Sauce -- Add % to y2 cup horseradish and 2 tablespoons lemon juice. Good with lamb. Clyde's 120Club LAKEMOOR Heme Ceoked Sunday Pinners SAUER BRATEN CHOP SUEY CHOPS STEAKS SHRIMPS Sandwiches of all kinds SCHOOL PROBLEMS DISCUSSED BY 1,500 EDUCATION LEADER? School finances and the problems created by continued increases in student enrollment received a major share of attention from some 1,500 Illinois education leader^ meeting in Chicago last week. Harrison school was represented at the three-day conference by M. F. Thomas, superintendent, and Dr. R. Watkins, member tion. In eighteen workshop sessions, the delegates,' members of the Illinois Association of School Boards and the Illinois Association of School Administrators, tackled such problems as how to meet the need for approximately 4,000 new classrooms In 1955, state aid to schools, school reorganization, tax rates, . teaching the handicapped and other problems. Delegates also inspected exhibits of new school equipment and supplies, assembled in 10,000 sq. ft, of displays by fifty-five companies. * Dr. Harold P. Clark of Columbia university, a world leader in correlating the relation of education to a country's economic welfare, spoke to the conferees at their Monday evening banquet on "Potential Resources in Education." SEAHOLM-EDSTROMt $ VOWS EXCHANGED IN CHICAGO CHURCH A wedding of local interest was solemnized in Chicago • Oh Nov. 20 when Mrs. „ Myrtle Seaholm of that city was, married to Mr. Arthur Edstrom of McHehry in Joy Methodist church in 5 o'clock ceremony. • > Attendants for the couple werp Mrs. Rose Frisa of McCullom: ^ Lake and Clyde Cam - •• • -: fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiumuiiiiuiDHiunniinaimiiiiumaiiiiHni Girl Scouts Bene'v .hat subscription to tb "lalndealer now! The bride was attractive in a beige faille dress with which she wore matching accessories and a camellia corsage. Mrs. Frisa wore black tissue taffeta, gold embroidered, with black s&tin "hit and gold accessories. "• •> Dinner was seived jto the bridal, par ty and close relatives following the service, after which • thW" couple left on a wedding trip. They are now at home in his apartment on Front street. 7 Mr. and Mrs. William Lingenfelter and' Dan Edstrom attended the wedding from McHenry. ' ' CARD OF THANKS We wish to take this means of thanking relatives and friends for spiritual bouquets, floral offerings, donations of cars and the many other kindnesses extended at the time of our bereavement. We are especially grateful to Fr. Leibrich of Round Lake, Msgr Nix* Fr. Reuland and Fr. Schyler. Family of William Vandenboom TRADE-IN SAL We will allow $r00 $OC you from O to Zd For Your Present Watch Regardless of its Condition, on ANY Watch in Our Store! All Makes - Styles - Designs STEFFAN'S Dinner served from 1 to 5 Fish Fry Friday Nights Coll McHenry 597-R-l NANCY. 17 i*w«l CARLSBAD. Man's BRACELETTE. 17 Elgin thrift pric«d. 17 jewel Shockmai- jewel Shockmaiter Nylon cord $33.75 ter. Saddle (trap. Gold filled bracelet $47.50 $49.75 Handsome Heavywei Heat-Resistant Plastic TRENTON. Impres- ClARINDA. 10K gold LORD ELGIN PRENilv* 19 jewel Elgin, filled case. 19 jewels. TICE. 2jewels. Smart High curved crystal Expansion bracelet UK gold filled case. $57.50 $67.50 $71.50 Actual*4<M Value! ^ fV (/ / id AS U T I L E AS $ ODOtlESS • EASY TO CLEAN • DOUBLE DIP GRAVY WELLS & RUST PROOF ALUMINUM SPIKK FEET TO PREVENT SUPPtNO for carving fowl tor serving canapes NYE Drug Store Phone 26 514 W. Main St. 120 No- Riverside DHy« McHenry, 111 A WEEK GIVE EL61N...The only watch with Guaranteed DURAPOWER MAINSPRING • • • the heart that never breaks. The Beautiful Way to tell Time fitce* hd. Fed. To* USE OUR CHRISTMAS LAY-AWAY By From Us and be ASSURED of SERVICE and QUALITY ... S EVERYTHING We Sell is GUARANTEED | Steffan's PHONE 128-J JEWELRY RECORD'S MUSICAL INST. McHenry, I1L Troop i Girls from Troop 1 travelled to the riding stable at Wonder Lake one recent Saturday, where they were taught the fundamentals of horseback riding and. the care of horses by Loren Harrison. Members making the trip were Carol justen, Lynn Buckie, Diana Freund, Joan Adams, Mary Terese Tonyan, Nancy Jurack, Betty Smith, Ann Peschke, Judy Watson and Judy Gregory. A hot chocolate treat ended the day. The troop leader is Mrs. Prank Gregory. Troop 1 Mrs. Krawlowetz visited our troop this week. She discussed good grooming and told us how to have a clear complexion and good posture. She demonstrated on Lynne Buckie how to make a pin curl and answered our questions about hair styles. We enjoyed hearing Mrs. Krawlowetz very much and hope she will visit us again. Carol Stmar, scribe 'Car Tunes" By Justen "Something tells me we could use one of those tube .Repair kits from JUSTEN'S rjjfht now!" We "WAX-WASH" cars . . . Auto-Magically! From top to bottom with Oholdun's "Auto- Magic Car Wash." GUARANTEED not to harm the \jrax on your car! JUSTEN'S Corner of 120 & Richmond Rd. Phone 375 McHenry, HI. PTA Mates Preparations For December 12 Program The annual holiday program ot St. Mary's P.T.A. will be presented Sunday afternoon, - Dec. 12, in the high school auditorium, with isanta Claus scheduled to make an apearance. Mrs. George' Kauss Is directing the program and style show, assisted by Mrs. Ralph Smith as ways and means chairman, Mrs. Robert Newkirk, Mrs. "Bud" Liptrot. Mrs. Ray Albright irnd Mrs. James Thompson as committee chairmen. Beautiful toys will be on display in the hall. Residence Changes Mr. and Mrs. William Colman and family (Elaine Landgren) left last Friday for Los Angeles, Calif., \vhere they will make their home. Mina Friiby Died Sunday Night Of Heart Ailment . Mrs. Mina L. Friaby of Elgin, widow of th$ late Thomas Frisby and a former resident of McHenry, died unexpectedly of a heart attack at her home late Sunday night, Nov. 28. Surviving are two daughters, Nancy G. at home and Mrs. Ruth Henry of Dixon; four brothers and four grandsons. VA ASSISTANCE A Veterans Administration representative from the Rockford VA office will be on duty at Woodstock Tuesday, Dec. 14, to inform and assist veterans, their dependents and the general public regarding all benefit programs of the YA. Their representative will be on duty from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m in the post office building, second floor, in Woodstock. Classified Ads Brtng Results BUTCH'S SAVE HONEY ON YOUR CAR Regular check - ape and maintenance by our experts means lower car costs for you! YOUR 24 Hour Towing Service We Do Complete Motor Overhauling 809 W. E|m Street McHenry, HL Phone 811 -- Residence 91-R m MAKE Do genuine oil painting yourself or give the complete set as a gift. Sets include artist's oils, brushes, canvas printed with numbers to follow in painting, and complete instructions. A child can do it! 67 DIFFERENT SUBJECTS ON HAND Also TOLE CRAFT Trays, Wastebaskets and Desk Baskets to Paint ... PRANG TEXTILE ,PAINTS for material - PRANG DEK-ALL PAINTS for China, etc. ARTIST'S OIL COLORS and SETS . . . McHenry, HL MAIN PAINT CENTER 418 Main St. Phone 1115 Open Daily 8-6 -- Friday Nites Til 9 -- Sunday's 'Til Noon ...CLOSED WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS Everything For Your Decorating Needs -- Colorbar - Wallpapers - Art Supplies - Sundries Meet the Newest Member of the ' . ' • • • • ' HaHL Selett Dealer Family! Lakemoor Motors. Inc PHONE McHENRY 742 LAKEMOOR. ILLINOIS Claude F. McDermott, Owner "V"ou arc cordially invited to meet the ex* X perienced motor car specialists at your new Nash dealership. These men and women have but one aim ... to serve you well in all your automotive requirements. Here you will,find the broadest range of cars in the industry--the cars built with a "Double Lifetime"-- the great new Nash and the beautiful new 1955 Rambler. Come in and see these new cars ... the luxurious Nash Ambassador; the big, economical Nash Statesman; and the custom compact Rambler. And try the new All-Season Air Conditioning* that cools, heats and ventilates ... all with just one simple temperature control. Here you will find the most modern facilities for servicing your present car -- regardless of make -- and skilled mechanics who can diagnose troubles in a jiffy and fix them right. In the Used Car Department you'll find a wide range of makes and models . . . and undoubtedly just the car you want at the price you want to pay. • Patents applied for Hoik. AMBASSADOR • STATISMAN . RAMBLER e METROPOLITAN NASH MOTORS DIVISION OF AMERICAN MOTORS CORP. DETROIT, MICH. To Our Motoring FrU°d°' been are very P^ud t. ^ Seleat .. cnoseu »= --- Dealer family- . enables us to This franchise ®roadeSt line of serve you with » industry. fine automobiles ^n AmbaSsador to th* Fr°m theluxur tesman, smart co - b Ptit errieru«=»inf!iirMto. , Ltropoman. *°u b*l ut to gi». «or. mobiles *ka _erformance and . . an, others tM Our*one with the best in wQrk and expert service invited to You are cor^ our faoilitl®^. drop in and loo 1o ^ ar0 looking and meet our staff forward to JOTrSi CLAUDE F. McDEKMOTT» Owner '*Vt; f\ (f WATCH "DISNEYLAND"--GREAT FAMILY TV ENTERTAINMENT EVERY. WEEK ON ABC NETWORK v 1 1