f - Hfi PMlHellenic Group At Reihansperger Home The last meeting of the McHenry coiinty PanHellenic group was held at the home of Mrs. Herb Reihansperger on Monday evening, Nov. 22, at which time MrS. Harry Stinespring reviewed "Love is Eternal." Miss Ruth Herrmann of Crystal Lake was guest at the meeting. , The next meeting will be held in Woodstock in January. Altar and Rosary Holiday Party . The Altar and Rosary sodality of St. Patrick's church will hold ita^Christmas party at the church haU on Monday, Dec. 6. There Will be a one dollar gift exchange. 'Election of officers will take place at the meeting. The committee in charge includes Elizabeth Thompson, Marie Vales, Roseanne Walsh, Octavia Weyland, Vivian Howard, Kay Mahoney, Ann O'Brien and Grace O'Brien. Adult Girl Scouts Plan Xmas Meeting The Adult Girl Scout organization will have a Christmas meeting at the home of Mis. Fred Lieberson at Pistakee Bay on Wednesday, Dec. 8, at 1 o'clock. There will be a one dollar gift exchange. Holiday Party For Christian Mothers The Christian Mothers and Altar society of St. Mary's church will enjoy a Christmas party on Friday, Dec. 3, beginning with a supper at 6:30 o'clock at the school hall. A fifty-cent gift exchange will take place and there will be a pantry shower for the Sisters. St. Clara's Xmas party The Christmas party of St. Clara's Court, No. 659, W.C.O.F., Will be held at the school hall at 6:30 o'clock on Thursday, Dec. 9. Supper will be served. There will be no gfft exchange but a pantry shower will be held for the nuns. Fox River Valley Camp Xmas Party iFox River Valley camp, No. 3251, Royal Neighbors, will hold its annual Christmas party at 8 o'clock on Tuesday evening, Dec. 7, at The Nook. All members are invited and each may invite a guest. Entertainment will be provided and Christmas gifts will be exchanged, followed by the serving of refreshments. The committee in charge includes Carrie Ensign, Eleanor Althoff and Helene Pepping. CARD OF THANKS I wish to expres my sincere thanks to everyone for cards, visits and prayers while I was in the hospital. They were appreciated so much. *30 Rose Kennebeck ft I r "What Is Food To One Man Is Poison To Another" * (Author's name below) When you are sick, your Physician studies your symptoms, and uses his medical knowledge to prescribe a medicine for you alone. Do not let anyone take your prescription without your Physician's consent. What is good for you, may be the wrong thing, and possibly even harmful to someone else. Ask Tour Physician To Phone McHENRY 26 When You Need A Medicine A great many thoughtful people entrust us with the responsibility of filling their prescriptions. May we com- ]lound yours? NYE Drug Store 4<WALGREEN AGENCY" 129 N. Riverside Dr. \McHenry, in. PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS Quotation by Lucretius 57 fi.Cr LOUISA NIELSEN MARRIED NOV. 24 IN EVENING RITE In a beautiful candlelight ceremony performed Wednesday evening, Nov. 24, at 7 p.m., Louisa Nielsen and Joseph Janiczewski of Lakemoor were united in marriage at the Community House. Rev. Carl Lobitz of McHehry's Zion Lutheran church performed the double ring service. The biide was attractive irt a smoke blue lace dress, with which she wore white accessories. Her daughter, Lucille, as maid of honor, wore a salmon pink net over taffeta, ballerina length, and white accessories. Walter Szarek served the groom as best man. A reception followed the ceremony, with a beautiful buffetsupper table arranged by Marge Ehrhardt. During, the evening, Stewart Clarff sang "I Love You Truly" and "Because." Mr. and Mrs. Janiczewski left for Cleveland, Ohio, on Monday to visit her relatives for a week. Out-of-town guests attending the wedding were Mrs. Nielsen's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George Christnakus, and her nephew and family, Mr. and Mrs. White, of Cleveland, Mr. and Mrs. Ingstrom, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Pope, Mrs. Edith Mc- Cauley, Mrs. Helen Johnson, Mrs. Beatrice Holmes, Miss Violet Webster, Mr. and Mrs. Freeman and Mr. and Mrs. Getirge Zobjeck and children of Woodstock. AMONG THE SICK Elmer Freund underwent surgery at Memorial hospital last week. Mrs. John Brda returned home this week from Memorial hospital, where she had undergone surgery. McHenry friends of William Marshall will be sorry to learn that he is again hospitalized. Anyone wishing to send a note to cheer him may write in care of Roseland Community Hospital. Room 201, 45 W. 111th Street, Chicago, 111. Marriage* Licenses Oliver A. Hodges and Frances Van Bogaert, both of McHenry. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Stephen N. Schmitt left for their Florida home, in St. ^Petersburg, Wednesday, to spend the winter. They stopped en route to spend Thanksgiving with Mrs. Schmitt's sister, Mrs. Jack Shetterly, and family in Franklin, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Olsen spent Thursday in the Thurlow York home in Sharon, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sutton and the latter's mother, Mrs. John Armstrong, were guests of Elmhurst relatives Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Patzke visited Crystal Lake relatives on Thanksgiving. Richard Hayes of Chicago was a McHenry visitor Wednesday. His mother, Mrs. Edith HayeS, returned home with him for a few days' visit. Mrs. Nellie Bacon, accompanied by the Weston Bacon family of Crystal Lake, ate turkey in. the Scott Davis home in Racine, Wis., Thursday. Miss Ilene Bassett returned to her work at Cornell college, Mt. Vernon, Iowa, Monday, after . a tew days' vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lisle Bassett. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Johnson of Sunset View spent a few days the past week with Chicago relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Belzer and daughter, Chris, of Galesburg, visited Mrs. Belzer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gunnar Walinder, a few days the past week. Mrs. David Powei s spent Thanksgiving in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Leonard Burge, and family in Grayslake. Mr. and Mrs. Herrpan Winkelman of Arlington Heights and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Winkelman of t)elavan, Wis., were guests in the Elmer Winkelman home on Thanksgiving day. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Zoia of Mt. Prospect spent Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Phaliji. Mrs. Eleanor Foley, daughter, Julia, and sons, Maurice and Martin, were guests in the James Mahoney home in Chicago Thursday . Lee Cooney, who is attending Bradley university at Florist; spent the Thanksjrfvjng hoi^yp with his father, Martin cooney. Thanksgiving guests in ftKe home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Butler were Mr. and Mrs. James Bingley and daughters, of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew B:tttler, Jr., of Crystal Lake arid Mri. and Kirs. Magnus Nelson of McHenty. Maurice and Martin Fole^lftnd Donald arid Paul Freund sawthe Southern California - Notre Dame game at Notre Dame SatunjfeJ^ Frank Rossi and sons, off F$!l Lake spent Thanksgiving lif the Robert Knox home. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 'Pftt.Hw entertained at a family gathering on Thanksgiving. Guests were the Wm. phalin family of Lake Geneva, Wis., the Larry Phalin family of Fox River Grove, the Jack and Donald Phalin families and Mrs. Wm. Spencer of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Niem^n of Woodstock accompanied •> . j>y Mrs. Nieman's parents, Mr.!?S|d Mrs. Wm. Radtke, of Pittsville, Wis., visited in the home of Mrs. Agnes Nieman Friday evening, Mrs. Ollie Geer of Crystal Lake was a guest in the George H. Johnson home Thursday. Miss Julia Foley was home from her teaching duties in Lombard to spend the Thanksgiving holiday with her mother, Mrs. Eleanor Foley. Mrs. Frank Meyer and granddaughter, Mary Grace Meyer, were Chicago visitors Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bieschke, daughter, Frances, of Volo, and Corp. Robert Schote ;Wer$ Thanksgiving guests in the Tom Bower home? John Bolger, a student ait Notre Dame, spent the Thanksgiving holidays with .his mother, Mrs. John Bolger. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Mendel and baby of Broakfieki, Mr. aid Mrs. Jack smith and the ftobert and Ralph Smith families of: McHenry were Thanksgiving guests in the Art Smith home. >•'/ Mr. and Mrs.' Harry Lawrencfe of Chicago were weekend guests of McHenry relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Lisle Bassett, daughter, Ilene, and son, Homer, were guests in the Henry Vqgel home in Reedsburg, Wis., ThahJesgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wagnter NOTICE Store Hours -From NOW 'til XMAS Mon. thru Sat. -- 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 pan. Friday -- 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Sunday -- 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. M THE GIFT Let her fill her own stockings for Christmas! She'll be delighted to if they're luxury sheers from our elite collection of the best loved nylons in America. Give her a brand new fashion shade and you're sure to be her favorite Santa! 51 Gauge 15 Denier 's i Kbf 3 Pr. $2.98 McHenry Hosiery Mill Crystal Lk. Blk. Top Road PHONE 850 and family, Mrs. Anna B. Rottgen and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lankin of Chicago were • Thanksgiving guests in the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Husch. Thanksgiving guests in the C. J. Reihansperger home were Mp. and Mrs. Thomas Fenwick and daughter of Elmhurst, itlr. and Mrs. Elliott Tiriime arid <= children of Park Ridge and the Herbert Reihansperger family of McHenry- Miss Rita Meehan, a student at St. Mary's on the Fox at St. Charles, spent the Thanksgiving weekend with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Conway. Mrs. Jane Gitzke and children of Cary spent Friday in McHenry. Mr. a,nd Mrs. Stanley Schaffer had as their Thanksgiving guests Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weingart, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Weingart and son, Alan, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- Skoney and son, Jim, of Elmhurst and Henry J. Schaffer. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Miller and Mrs. Clarice Purvey and family were holiday guests in the William Morgan home in Elkhorn, Wis. Mrs. Henry Jackson has returned from Florida, having made the ttfp with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Corkell, formerly of Orchard Beach. They visited the George Rosses, ' who are spending the winter at Jensen Beach, Fla., and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Reed Of Orchard Beach, who are at Fort Lauderdale. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Blomgreti and daughters spent the holiday in. the home of her brother and family, the Edgar Borups, at ParK Forest. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson arid Miss Maud Granger were guests, in the Everett Thompson home in Western Springs Thanksgiving day. Mrs. Robert Sutton and daughter, Mrs. Florence Kraft, of Richmond, spent Thanksgiving in the George Lindsay home. . Sunday guests in the George H. Johnson home were Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Eder of Evanston, Mr. and Mrs. George E. Johnson and children of Skokie, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hollowell, Sr., of Maywood, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hollowell, Jr., of Elgin and Mrs.. Erie Geer of Crystal Lake. Miss Edythe Geary of Wauconda visited.in the Frank Meyer home last Thursday. Other guests were the Donald Meyer family of McCullom Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Allison and daughters, Patricia and Lucille, of Clinton, Iowa, were weekend guests in the Chuck Miller home. Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Huff of Harvard visited relatives here Friday. (Continued on Page 5) I Open Tues., | Thurs. & Fri. | evenings 'til | 9 p.m. When in doubt' give her a Gift Certificate short cut to # \ {asbioi* % The smart Sophisticated Cuts or Permanents ... so unmistakably fashionable for the Yuletide Season . . . Phone 147 for your appointment now. YOUR LOVELINESS IS OUR BUSINESS ffhwertude Stadia ADELINE PEDERSEN, Prop. 126 N. Riverside Drive .g» McHenry, HL Phone 141 912 ELft STRSfiT McHENRY# ILL Come In and See what SAnta has in StMre (our Store, that is) For You! Young BANK FACTS rot YOU Public banking hours are just a part of our staff's working day. It Is after these busy hours that checks must be arranged for clearance to other-banks and cities... that tellers must count and balance their cash... that bookkeepers must tally ledgers. These are but a few of the tasks - all essential parts of our service to you and our other depositors - which must be carried out after public banking hours. We have tried to arrange a schedule of public banking hours that you will find convenient. When you cannot come in, we cordially invite you to bank by mail. McHENRY STATE BANK Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Member Federal Reserve System Interest Paid On Savings Deposited PHONE 1040 / It Pays to Advertise In The McHenry Plaindealei Saturday, December 4th 'Jown & Gounbuf Stuaio- "Newest and Most Unique Shop in McHenry County" , Handbags v Costume Jewelry s Linens i # Silverware # Dinnerware # Lamps # Lamp Tables # Coffee Tables • Brass and Wrought Iron Accessories USE OUR CHRISTMAS LAY-AWAY Gifts for Everyone Door Prizes Entertainment: JEANNE RANDOLPH at the Hammond Organ. MARY RITA STILLING: Decorator of Interior Accessories. 135 N. Riverside Drive Phone 297-J McHenry. 111.