Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Dec 1954, p. 2

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*>t -y ^pha Theta Sponsors spring Meeting Series The December meeting of the r- Alpha Theta chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma vwas held last week in crystal Lake. 'Prior to the business meeting, the following were initiated: Mary Harvey of McHenry, Lauretta Scott of Harvard and Marcia Hillier, Marie Pat ton and Emma Schneidewind of Crystal Lake. . Members voted to sponsor Mrs. Lorraine Blaire, founder and director of the Women's Finance !Forum of America, in a series of ten meetings to be held next spring. They will ' be open to women of the county for a small fee. The singing of carols followed the meeting. Guest soloist was Valis Schnarr, director of music In the Crystal Lake grade schools. Announce Troth Of Marcella Etten Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Etten announce the engagement of their daughter, Marcella, to Mr. Wayne Dixon, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Dixon, also of McHenry. PERSONALS No definite plans have made for the wedding. been RodenKirch Baby Christened Sunday The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Rodenkirch was christened Mary Ann at a baptismal service solemnized last Sunday, Dec. 19, at St. Mary's church, with Rev. Fr. Schuler officiating. Sponsors were Ann ^Rodenkirch and Edwin Stoffel. Dinner for the sponsors was served at the George Rodenkirch home. Diane Weingrad Engaged To Marry Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Weingrad of Lakemoor announce the engagement of their daughter, Diane Carol, to Sidney Finkleman, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Finkleman of Chicago. Miss Weingrad is a graduate of Michael Reese hospital in Xray technique. Mr. Finkelman is a graduate of Edgewater hospital, also in X-ray technique. No ddte has been set for the /wfedding* AMONG THE SICK Walter Strassheim has been a patient at Memorial hospital, Woodstock. Charles Schmelzer is a patient at Memorial hospital. BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. MerVin Staines of Woodstock are the parents of a son, born Dec. 19. * Jack Pepping, a student at the= State University in Iowa City, Iowa, is spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and .Mrs. Fred Pepping. -"•"Mrs. Edith Hayes went to Chicago Wednesday to spend several days with relatives. Mrs. Mary Ruch spent a few days last week in the home of hef soh, Elbert, and family in Elgin, while her daughter-in-law attended thes funeral of a relative, Ernest Halbach, in Staceyville, Iowa. Donald Wattles, a student at the Univei-sity of Miami, is spending the holidays with his father, Howard Wattles. Mr. and Mrs. Joel Bergquist of Rockford were guests in the Elmer winkelman home Saturday. John Bolger, a sophomore at Notre Dame University, is spending the holidays with his mother, Mrs. John Bolger. Ilene Bassett, who is studying at Cornell college, Mount Vernon, la., is a holiday guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lisle Bassett. The Herbert Freund family, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young and Mrs. Anna Miller attended the Huff-Zweig wedding at Harvard Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Freund and children of Woodstock were guests in the Nick B. Freund home Sunday. Out-of-town folks in attend- { ance at the annual Christmas party of" the Anna Miller family [ at the Legion Home Sunday were the William Miller 'family of Fox River Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hermance and Mrs. Georgia Hermance of Richmond. Sunday visitors in the Art Smith home weie Mr. and Mrs. Art Smith, Jr., and family of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Mendel and baby of Brookfield. Mr. and Mrs. Gunnar Walinder were guests of Chicago friends Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles .Mc^e^ of Fort Smith, Ark., are spending' the holidays with their daughter, Mrs, Lester Smith, and family. Mrs. Wm. Spencer and daughter, Mrs. Thomas Phalin, left Sunday, by train, for a visit with the former's daughter, Mrs. Richard Stenger, and family in, Redwood City, Calif. They will be joined there by Mrs. Phalin's daughter, Pati icik McCannon, and family of San Diego, Calif., for Christmas. Mrs. Phalin will return home in two weeks but Mrs. Spencer will remain for an extended visit. Mrs. George H. Johnson was a Chicago visitor Tuesday, where she spent the day with her sister, Mrs. Kenneth Burns, of Hollywood, Fla. Mrs. Gunnar Walinder attended the funeral of a friend in Chicago Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Svoboda were in Chicagq Saturday evening, where they attended a farewell party for Mr- Svoboda's mother, Mrs. Fred P. Svoboda, who was leaving for a visit in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Edward Glothlin, in Altadena, Calif. Among the former telephone operators from out-of-town who attended the surprise gathering on Miss RoVena Marshall last Tuesday evening were Mrs. Pamela Fenske and Mrs. Blanche Egan, Chicago; Mrs. Kathleen Phalin, and Mrs; Greta McCabe, Waukegan; M; s. Laura Kiel, Woodstock, and Mrs. Delma Rusboldt, Harvard. Miss Rita' Martin and Dee Ann Hester left by plane Sunday for a few weeks' visit in the Robert Martin home in Los Angeles, Calif. Miss Rita Meehan, a student at St. Mary's on the Fox, St. Charles, left Saturday to spend the holidays with her sister, Miss Marion Meehan, in Jacksonville, Fla, Mr. and Mrs. John Thelen of Johnsburg, Math N. Schmitt, Mr. and Mrs Vincent Adams, son, Vincie, and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Adams of McHenry, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. ftfick Bertrang of Aurora, attended the funeral of Sister Baptista in St. Louis Wednesday. COMING EVENTS December 28 Moose Meeting -- Lodge -- 8:30 p.m. December 31 New Year's Eve Party -- Moose Lodge January 8 Paper Drive sponsored by Boy Scout Troop 164 Kentucky, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and Virginia are commonwealths. JOSEPH BOSKY , N HOME APPEARS AS "" WINTER WONDERLAND By Marie Scliaettgen If you happened to be invited to this Joseph fiogky home for1 their early Christmas party last Saturday evening, and. If yoti happened to go down the hill from the Chapel Hill Country club -you would have thought, sureiy, that you had arrived in a Christmas fairyland. | The Boskys' guests were treated to this beautiful sight as they arrived for the party. Mr. and Mrs. Bosky are'old hands at this decorating idea. In their home in Evanstcm, from which they moved a"bout two years ago," they won prizes for their outdoor decorations. Several times the Chicago papers, notably the Tribune, wrote stories' oil their decorating talents. At one time they set up Santa's workshop Jin front of their home. Another year it was Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Of course, the Nativity scene was always popular and Santa and his reindeer appealed to the children, too. * The guests at last Saturday's party included residents of Chapel Hill subdivision, Howell's Villa, Oakwood, Sunnybank and also a few from Maywood and Evanston despite the untoward weathe^ 1 v.. .iV. Mrs. Bosky and her sister pared a very festive buffet su|k-. pei-. v,« Signs of Christmas are eve££- Where in the Bosky home. Indoortrees, table decorations and tel arrangements all carried the spirit of Christmas, and, - of course, everyone had a wonderful time. - » IN MEMORIAM ^ In loving memory of our hiteband and father, Nick P. Justen, who died three yeai s ago, Dec. 26, 1951. 33 Wife'and Soft : NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH by Russ Arnoli to all, a Meiry ©W WANTED: MORE WISE / * (AN EDITORIAL) Many .centitfies ago, three Wise Men made a long journey and they arrived safejy. The^purjiose of their, trto to Bethlehem was to celebrate the birth of the Christ child. A Now, one thousand," nine hundred and fifty-|o,ur yfeays later, many men Will journey to their own 'birthplace'to join family and friends in celebrating that same' birthday anniversary -- Christmas. These ir^en will travel differently -- by high speed motor vehicles -- but if th4y are wisei mien they, too, dan arrive safely. It is ironic that this Christmas occasion should be the most deadly from an accident standpoint, the National Safety council says. Last year, 519 persons were killed in Christmas weekend traffic accidents -- and Dec. 24 is the most dangerous day of the year in traffic; Early darkness andbad weather, which add up to poor .visibility, increase holiday traffic hazards. Fogged windshields also make it difficult to see and avoid accident situations. Rain, snow and ice mean slippery streets and highways. Good fellowship stimulates more drinking, often driving. " < And thousands of unwise men fail to adjust pa&it driving speeds to these ^hazardous conditions.. y I • :*p To overcome the added hazards of the season, the' council says, more wise men, bearing gifts of extra caution, courtesy and commqn sense, are needed. Then-the traditional spirit of Christmas -- "Pe&ce on Earth, Good Will to Men" -- will spread over the highways and the land. SERVICEMEN NEWS From Cpl. Richard W. Becker comes this letter: < "I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone that jfthas made it possible ,for me to receive the Plaindealer during my tour overseas. "Now that I have completed my tour I will be returning home very soon. You may discontinue my subscription to the Plaindealer. "Thank you once again." ESTELLE HINMAN RITES ON TUESDAY FROM LOCAL CHAPfL Mrs. Estelle Hinman, 86, of 206 Richmond Road, died last Friday evening, Dec. 17, in her home, following four years of failing health. . ,• A native of Wisconsin, where she was bom July 8, 1868, she had resided with a daughter, Mrs. Estelle Ekeroth, for the* past six years. Her one great interest was hei family 'and she took her jgteatest pleasure in their activities. Surviving ai;e five children, Mrs. Bess Cook- of Chicago, Mrs. Myrtle Henry of Reno, Nev.' Mrs. lone Zink of Massachusetts, S. V. Hinman of ; Chicago, Mrs. EJkeroth and Mrd. Marti Tesch of California; orie sister, Mrs. Alice Virgiri of Wisconsin; six grandchildren and seven greatgrandchildren. The body rested at the Peter M. Justen funeral home until Tuesday at 1 o'clock, when last rites were conducted there, with Rev. J. Elliot! Corbett officiating. Burial1 was in Acaciia Park cemetery. SITES CONDUCTED IN DESPLAINES FOR GEORGE WHITCOMB, 81 Last rites were held Monday afternoon in Des .Plaines for George M. Whitcomb, 81, village tieasurer of that city from 1913 to 1920. He died last . -week Wednesday in Bedford, Va„ where ^he hau moved a. year previous. Mr. Whitcomb and his late wife, Grace, lived in McHenry for a few years and later at Crystal Lake; For thirty-five years prior to his retirement in 1938, he engaged in the mortgage business in Des Plaines. Surviving are two daughters and three grandchildren. ' JUDGE CANDIDATE Johii T. Vincent, 59, an Aurora attorney, will oppose Charles DaVis for th'e sixth supreme court judgeship in the Feb. 28 election.. Vincent was selected at a nominating convention of the Democrats on Saturday. Meed A Rubber Stamp? It at the Pl&ladealer, Get Visitors to the capital in Washington may go through the building from 9 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. mam toswamrm thousands of people of all faiths qatlw to worship at AMERICA'S CHRISTMAS TREE If (The. Redwood-(free, in ICm's Canyon National Park ) -BUT TUB CAUNPAR IS CQNFU$&>! OUR tovd, JESUS CHRIST was bom it* Jerusalem h Snftk Strvfcr W7H?VE4»4r<J. / irrtct N.) f • To all of you from all of us9 sincere wishes for a joyful Holiday Season, rich in friendship and good will.. . and aglow with love and happinessi j YOUR LOVELINESS IS OUR BUSINESS ADELINE PEDERSEN, Prpp. ft *26 N. Riverside Drive McHenry, 111. Phone 147 | Say Merry Christmas with 1 THE TOBMERSH6P >12 ELM STREET McHENRY, ILL. Young Teen Cornel" Wishes Everyone A S Merry Christmas •j<»^Kg»a^ae«aas>t8aaa^aaa^a^aga»a^ae«3saap<arae«agqyiflftaraegaa6atfaee»ae<s»»Bta ^ ^etmlehevvT ' P&vmsi(lvania, was pounded OVA CHRISTMAS EVE, 1-741 J ¥• CARD OF THANKS We would like to take this means of thanking friends for their many remembrances at the time of the death of Albert Hoeft. They were appreciated so Inuch. 33 Mr. and Mrs. Otto Pyritz Veterans No Down Payment 3 BEDROOM NATIONAL HOME COMPLETE WITH LOT TOTAL PRICE *10,700 MONTHLY PAYMENT $62.74 ONLY CASH REQUIRED $300.00 FOR CLOSING COST Act Today - Only A Limited Number of Loans Available Call Woodstock 662 Evening* - Woodstock 1511-J Richardson Construction Co. 109 Van Buren, Woodstock Fulfillment of every one of your most eager expectations is our sincere Yuletide wish for you. May the happiness we hope will engulf your home and your family this Christmas continue through a prosperous New Year ... McHENRY STATE BANK Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Member Federal Reserve System Interest Paid On Savings Deposited PHONE 1040 Poinsettias Azaleas Cyclamen Begonias African Violet Plants ^ CHRISTMAS CORSAGES • • • See Our Full Line of Christmas Wreaths, Door Sprays, Candle Centerpieces; Holly, Mistletoe. Etc. ORDER EARLY WE TELEGRAPH FLOWERS ANYWHERE ELM STREET FLORISTS PHONE 200 900 w> elm ST. McHENRY, ILL. r Across The Street Prom A4P BOLGER'S DRUG STORE On Green Si. McHenry, 111. f i NW f, j . K , v- JOTTER s V)() v.ot-N-. Styled to match the famous Parker "51" Pen! Her® is a ball point that has the look, feel and fine performance you'd expect of a pen with such a famous namel Choic««f 4p*fctibM! Writes S timts longtr! Ov«r*iz*d ink cartride* is lh« equivalent of 5 or; dinary ball point rafilli --wrifi 393.000 words without a ritill! Ur C^» Qctuotcd fiwchonisml Tfio Parker "51" Jottor hat no tall-tale ball point button, fit tlldino cop »*- te ndt and re/racti tAo paint i Fbitsfted IBn |«w«lryl Satiny, Lutlroloy cop. Highly polished barrel in your choice of. four beaw- tlfvl cofort! AlaA/0cftten4 A

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