;:r^' • • t l t l l ' M I t 4 •; 1|J 1 ;:•'",! "• I .. ; i ;r T V; •. i "y / r t i ly q. i' 'iii , 'illI r $.HiHfrfr•i„a i i I.! .i n' i PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Westby of Elgin announce the engagement 1W1 Betrothal Of Carla Orthwein Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Orthwein of Shalimar announce the en gagemeht of their daughter, Carla, to Albert W. Zimmerman*, son of Mr. and Mrs. A1 Zimraermann of Webster, Mass. Miss Orthwein and her fiance are seniors at Valparaiso university, Valparaiso, Ind. No definite plans for the wedding , have been made. Jotn Freund Is lfingaged To Many Herbert H. Freund announces the engagement of his daughter, Joan, to Robert P. Freund, son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony M. Freund of Johnsburg. fThe wedding -will take place some time this summer. Bngageraent Of Janet Biggs Told .. From Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Biggp comes announcement of the engagement of their daughter, Janet, to Otto H. Becker of McHenry, son of Henry Becker of Minneapolis, Minn. The young people have not set a wedding date. Karen Hay Observed tiilrd Birthday Karen, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Hay of Third avenue, celebrated her fifth birthday anniversary on Saturday. Games were played, after which Mrs. Hay served a tasty lunch. Guests included Delores Diedrich, Niki Wirtz, Jacqueline Freund, Lorna Gladstone, Sandra Dowell and Charlene Klapperich. IhM Party In Toorney Jan. 20 A social meeting of the CD. of A. and the third party in the current card tournament will be held Thursday, Jan. 20. Following the business meeting Jan. 6, cards were played, with the following winners named: Canasta, Ella Buss and Anna Hay; pinochle, Helen Heuser, Ann Rodenkirch, Laura Weter and ICatliryn L. Freund. of their daughter, Cathleen Alice, to William A. Landgren, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Landgren of Elm street,, McHenry. No date has been set for the wedding. John E. May To Wed Woodstock Girl Announcement has been made by Mr. and Mrs. Clarence M. Swanson of Rt. 3, Woodstock, of the engagement of their daughter, Leona Lorraine, to John E. May, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund May of Rt. 5, McHenry. Wedding plans are indefinite. " Leona is a sophomoTe at Northern Illinois State Teachers college at DeKalb. John has been at home on leave from Camp Chaffee, Ark. AGNES WISSELL NAMED ORACLE OF FOX VALLEY CAMP ijivei'vlew Camp Flans Installation Riverview Cam^, R.N.A., will hold , its annual installation of officers on Tuesday evening, .Tan 1$, frt the K. of C. hall at 8 O'clock. The meeting is open to all neighbors and friends, with a £lioi$ business meeting preceding the installation service. Fox River Valley camp, R.N.A., held installation of officers at the Legion Home on the evening of Jan. 4. District Deputy Gladys Ames of Gurnee served as installing officer, Wanda Earhardt, also of Gurnee, was ceremonial marshal and Mabel Johnson was assistant marshal. Escorts were Nellie and Beulah Porter, Lizzie and Marcella Kraft, all of Gurnee. Installed in office were the following: Agnes Wissell, oracle; Beatrice Peterson, past oracle; Susan Olsen, vice-oracle; Frances' Peterson, chancellor; Alice Lindsay, recorder; Carrie Justeri, receiver; Catherine Peohart, marshal; Mabel Johnson, assistant marshal; Lelah Howard, inner sentinel; Bertha Freund, outer sentinel; Carrie Ensign, manager; Dr. C. W. Klontz, physician; and Gretta Goodell, musician. Da Hogan, courage; Carrie Ensign, modesty; Eva Wegener, unselfishness; Amanda Brown, endurance; Marie Niesen, flag bearer. A buffet supper was served on a table attractively decorated in the camp colors of purple and white. Ha Hogan acted as chairman, assisted by Susan Olsen, Loretta Freund, Laura Smith, Myrtle Harrison and Althea Walkington. Henry Kraus Son Baptized Jan. 9 fThe infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kraus, born Dec. 28, wa# Christened Thomas Joseph at St. Patrick's Catholic church by Rev. Fr. E. C. Coakley, Sunday at 1:30 o'clock. Sponsors were Miss Ruth Schaefer of McHenry, an aunt, and David Kunstman of Batavia, a cousin. Following the service, twenty guests , enjoyed dinner and a social afternoon at the Kraus home on Riverside Drive. The Krauses have one other child, a son, Eddie, 8 years old. Tell Engagement Of Cathleen Westby AMONG THE SICK Walter Brooks has been ill at his home on Washington street but is recovering" nicely. Mrs. Gertrude Thurlwell has been ill at her home on Main street. Mrs. Ray West has returned home from the Lake Forest hospital, where she underwent surgery. Jean Kupec recently suffered a broken wrist. Richard Weber, rural mail carrier,, has been ill at Downey Veterans' hospital this week. Classified Ads bring results. Place yours In the Plaindealer today. • » < , , h . . f. Fred Matthews of Lake Geneva, Wis., an old time McHenry rest dent, spent Thursday ini the home of his daughter, Mrs. William' Wissell, Sr. r Howard Wattles Is vacationing in Florida for a few weeks. Mrs. Nick Young, Mrs. Thomas Doherty and Mrs. George Young attended a meeting of their bunco club at the home of Mrs. Georgia Thomas in Woodstock Thursday. Robert Krinn of Lilymoor left laBt week by train for a visit with relatives in California. Mr. and Mrs. James Patzke left Saturday for a Florida vacation. Mrs. Fred Beers and daughter, Peggy, of Harvard were guests' in the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Wissell, sr., l«jst Thursday. Mrs. Shirley Vrie of. California was a recent guest of her niece, Mrs. Paul Patzke. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Courier and daughter, Mary Lou, of Marengo visited in the home of Mrs. Nellie Bacon Sunday. Mrs. Catherine Schmitt, accompanied by a friend from Chicago, left last week for a month's vacation in St. Petersburg, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Fuller Boutelle of Lake Geneva, Wis., visited her mother, Mrs. Emma Smith, Friday. Raymond Whiting of Lake Geneva, Wis., was a local visitor Sunday. His wife, who had been spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Barbian, returned home with him. Mr and Mrs. Bud Thargerson of Racine, Wis., were Sunday guests in the Robert Newkirk home. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Phalin and daughters of Waukegan visited McHenry relatives Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Bacon and son, Bob, visited in the Carl Hiatt and Lawrence Mitchell homes in Waukegan Saturday. Mrs. Bacon is great-grandmother of a girl born to a daughter of the Mitchells anO her husband, Mr. and Mrs. James Lafreda, at Victory Memorial hospital, Waukegan, Jan. 7. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Olhava of Chicago called on McHenry friends Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Covalt returned Friday from a vacation in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Jam$s Ballotti and sons of Sycamore were weekend visitors in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bacon. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Roach of John street left Saturday for a two-week visit,, in the home of their daughters' in tfa&osonville; Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Miller are spending a couple of weeks in Florida, where he is attending a convention. Among the out-of-town folks who attended the funeral of Louis Baker here Saturday were Mrs. Kathryn Steilen aM Marita Feinberg, Chicago; Mrs. Andrew McDonald of Palatine and Mr. and Mrs. George Smith of Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Johnson attended the funeral of the former's cousin, Mrs. August Wilson, at Geneva last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gausden have been vacationing in Florida the past week. Miss Mary Walsh of Chicago was a guest of her aunt, Mrs. Loretto Walsh, Sunday. Fred Svoboda, assistant store for Montgomery Ward, transferred and promoted from their store at Macomb to Danville, 111.' " Don Freund, a senior at Ndttfe t>ame, left last week to return to school after spending the holidays. with his family, the A, P. jfreUttdg. \ NEWLYWEDS HIE GRANT CRIPES . , The lovely bride pictured aboile is the former Miss Eleanor BrUxer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Bruxer of Johnsbyrg. She exchanged vows with Grant T. Cripe of Dubuque, Iowa, at a nuptial service read at St. Mary's chur6h at Dubuque in the early winter. The newlyweds are making Dubuqtfe their future home. By Marie Schaettgen W.S.C.S. TO HEAR SECOND REVIEW OF RELIGIOUS WRITING The McHenry Woman's Society for Christian Service will hear a second review of religious writing when Mrs. John Varese dramatically tells the story of Mary Magdalene on Thursday, Jan. 20j at a luncheon meeting in McHenry Community Methodist church. Mrs. Varese will give her interpretation of the leading character in Edward Murphy's "Scarlet Lily," who grew to love Christ in closer association than any other saint. The story of Mary Magdalene has been written and re-written but always is as fresh and stirring as before. The story is nondenominational and is inspiring. The McHenry W.S.C.S. invites all women interested in hearing the book review to attend. Luncheon will be served promptly at; 1 o'clock and Mrs. Varese will talk, immediately following. Business will be last on the agenda. There will be a period of silent meditation ini the sanctuary at 12:45 and the nursery will be open for children. Dessert luncheon hostesses are Mesdames Barger, Christian, Fulton, Ferwerda and Prawl. BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Emmitt Roberts of Johnsburg are the parents of a daughter, born Jan. 4. Mr. and Mrs. George Paschen are the parents of a son, bom at Memorial hospital Jan. 10. A s6n was born this past week at Memorial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Parfrey of Spring Grove. Coming Events January 24 Chamber of Commerce Dinner Meeting and Installation -- 7 O'Clock Dinner Veterans Craft Prominent in the auxiliary's rehabilitation program is the maintenance of the Veterans' Craft Exchange at 30 West Washington street in Chicago. "This unique enterprise is the only one of its kind in the United States, where handicapped veterans from all over the nation send their hand-made articles for sale. The full price is returned tp the veteran, since the auxiliary assumes the expense of shipping and handling the articles. The auxiliary also aid the veterans in disposing of the many item# they make. The auxliary also sponsors an Eastern gift Diagram for theJj veterans. TV , ..... ™ The Treasure Chest is a furi(l which provides the hospitalized veterans with creature comforts such as cigarettes, candy and other small luxuries. An Insulin fund provides free medication to the needy diabetic Veteran. For the asthmatic veteran, the auxiliary provides free vaperfrj^ The •; canteen book is for the veteran^ who receive less than $20 monthly government compensation, a cash value book for use at the hospital canteen. Monthly parties at the Downey hospital are provided by the many auxiliary units. A nursery is also provided to care for children while mothers visit the veterans. CARDS FOR ORPHANS Folks who have Christmas cards which they would otherwise discard are asked to bring them to Mrs. Wijas at Club Lilymoor, where they will be sent on to orphanages to be made into scrap books for the children. COOKS CORNER Marie Schaettgen . n i f r , 1 1 1 14 Liver, that important Item in our diets is served fried, so .many tlhites that it is apt to becbtntf monotonous. If you want your family to eat more liVer, thefce liver dumplings might offer a needed change. Liver Diimpliags % lb. liver % cup chopped parsley 1 tsp. salt % cup dry bread crumbs % cup floutf 1 egg slightly beaten 4 ounces noodles 3 cup beef bouillioh - Cook liver in Salter Water fot 10 minutes. Grind liver and combine with salt, onion, crumbs, flour and egg. Mix well. Boil noodles' in bouillon about 8 minutes. Shape liver mixture into 1- inch balls. Drop onto noodles. Cover. Cook 10 minutes. Serve hot. H^HhH News This Sunday we are honored to have as a guest speaker Lee Shaw from Woodstock, who will speak to us on "Alcohol." Lee is the chairman of Christian citizenship for the Woodstock M.Y.F. He is an outstanding 4-H club membe'r, a class officer and does extensive dramatic work. He is also the treasurer of the Theatre Guild. Our guests will be from the Woodstock, Waucondd, and Ingleside M.Y.F. groups. The meeting will start at 7:30 at the church. Worship will be by Barb Eggett. Larry Thomas, Dick Wissell and Carl Stueben will be in charge of the songs, refreshments and games. Dick Sanford, reporter CARD OF THANKS For the countless acts of kindness extended our beloved wife and sister during her long illness and for the many kind expressions of sympathy at' the time of her death, we are grateful. Thomas H. Kane Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McClellan *36 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tacki YOUTH FELLOWSHIP LAUNCHES MONTH'S STUDY. OF ALCOHOL The liethodist Youth Fellowship of McHenry is studying alcohol ad theme of the month of January. 'in connection with ihiS study they are bringing a temperance worker to the Sunday evening program on Jan. 23, They are anxious to interest others in the community in ' their, study. The M.YJF. members wish to pass fclong a message from Dick Thoriipson, 18-year-old college senior from Springfield, Mo., Who was elected president of the National Conference of Methodist Youth last fall. In Thompson's words, "If we will only think logically, we find these facts about drinking: It is not pleasure to drink; it is against the Will of God to drink; drinking is money and soul consuming, leads to the greatest tragedies of our day, and can transform any life, no matter how perfect, into misery arid despair once its mastery is recognized. If We will only think logically, we won't drink, Elut it is surprising how many values are warped in this day through our failure to think logically." Renew your subscription to the McHenry Plaindealer. ; Troop 2 V Trdop 2 held its rejfular meeting Monday afternoon at the Legion home. Karen Kralowetz collected the-dues. We decided to use the robin for our embl&m. We had election of officers and they are Nancy Fisher, president; Ruth Ann Schoenholtz, senior vice-president; Judy Gregory, secretary; and Barbara Doering, treasurer. The meeting was closed with a wish. Ruth Ann Schoenholtz, .scribe Happened la Egypt Efyfrtiins appear to be dcnr If learning that it makes a lot ei dil* fetch ee whether an ahimal gets Hs medicine through the nose or down ® the throat. The British veterinary Journal reports that a donkey "paid through the nose" for its owner's mismanagement in giving a drench for eolic. Like many Egyptians do, the owner poured the medicine through the d 0 n k e y* a • nostrils, causing mechanical pneumonia. The frantic owner put in an emergency call to his veterinarian just as the animal was talcing }ts last •••P. Need a ftfMfer stamp? Order yours at the Plaindealer today! pilllUIIIIIUUIIIIIIIiHIUIUIIIIUUIIIUIiHUIIIIIiliiiHHIIUHIUIIUUIIUIIOUUIUHIUlUPPHU|UUIlUliiUIUIUIU|C 3 g I« a Radiant Coiffure of exquisite jsty- = 1 ling your Mid-Winter dream? If so . . . make it come true by 1 S calling 147 for your Mid-Winter Beauty Appointment Nt>W! 3 1 I | YOUR LOVELINESS IS OUR BUSINESS | | JfUueMide SlairtJAjlincf $tudici 1 1 ADELINE PETERSEN, Prop. 1 S ISA N. Riverside Drive McGUmry, m. Phone 147 5= IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIinilllllllllllllllllllHIIIItllllllllllllllliniHIIIIIIIIIIllllillllUllllR Help the Mothers' March on Polio by giving your dimes and dollars. THOSE WERE THE DAYS By ART BEEMAN NOTHIN0 WATER TO MAKE LOVELY MOW LONG 16 TM1S V| GONNA GOON? I GOT TWO M0UR6 WORE TO SOAK UP I WERE W THIS STUFF/ THE CAYS ] w.'f ** IN6 A USSO TO 3E A . SIMPLE TWINS-- -- IT'S A , ste bvbht I HOSSFACE HANK Just tvno baskets left?..I'll By FRANK THOMAS s^both ofthemj-you poor. MEXICAN PEOPLE TAKE SUCH PAINS ANO ARE SUCH CLEVER WEAVERS!^-/ GRA^IAS DON'T YUM THINK IT'S SORTA WRONG TO FOOLTHE THEY iVfHR*YPf»tOVO Y* -GRKCIAS! m FRftlH cjyb NUVBtTY R«l«Mcd ®aoketco. SONNY SOUTH GONKlA V^lftHT A 1 DON'T LCT HIS size By COURTNEY ALDERSON WOOL YO'-THEV SAV ROUND ONE POAH LrL F&LLOVM LIKE TH«T- ur'n HAVe T'fiTAN^S*^SSuffloS?'* "T'HlT MEwhar WE* GOT A SrlEe.C RET PUNCH THAT'S Aa OILLV YEAH 8,000 Accounts McHenry County's Largest Financial Institution .... Open a savings account today at the McHenry State Bank. You can do it with as little as $1. Then make it a point to deposit something every pay day. Even though your deposits are small, make sure they're regular. And make sure your bank is the McHenry State Bank where deposits are insured by THE FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Stop in and open your account today. Your money will earn interest for the full month if deposited on or before the 10th of the month. McHENRY STATE BANK 517 Main Street Phone McHenry 1040 MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM • DIRECTORS Wm. A. Nye, M.E>. C. J. Reihansperger Gerald J. Carey Wm. M. Carroll1 Robert L. Weber OFFICERS (Serald J. Carey Robert L Weber Jame» L. Larkln - Thtihas F. Bolger . Vera* L Harrison