Thursday, January 20, 1955 THE* MfcHENRY PLMNDEALEII tr Johnsburg News By Bin. Betty Hetterraama , New Citizens Two new feminine citizens were born to local families last week. On Tuesday, Jan. 11, both of these little ladies made their flebut in this big wide world, j -On Tuesday morning, a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Adams at St. Therese hospital. The Adams have two other children, both boys. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Oeffling welcomed their third daughter . and sixth child . fast Tuesday fevening. The little Miss was born •kt the Woodstock hospital and Weighed over 7 pounds. We offer Congratulations to *oth these families on their new additions: Oops* My Error In last week's column I made a big mistake on the date of the public party to be held at the Community club hall. I had the date as Sunday, Jan. 16, when it should have, been Saturday, Jan. 15. If I caused anyone inconvenience by my error, I am truly sorry, if by chance you wanted to come and help the School building fund and missed •the chance to do so, why not 0 make a contribution anyway. Just leave any amount at the frectory of St. John's church. Once again I am very sorry for my mistake. Accident Last Saturday Mrs. Stanley Schniitt and her two children escaped without any serious injuries when their car was hit and overturned last Saturday evening. A car failed to stop at a sign, thus hitting the Schmitit car. Polio Drive Some time within the next month there will be a representative for a contribution to the 4 polio drive calling at your home. Once again you are called upon to give some money to a worthwhile cause. Please give as much as you can afford to lick this dread disease. Here 'n There "Speed" Stilling and sons spent ,the weekend visiting friends in Port Washington, Wis. i Will Krift and Mrs. Leonard Lois and daughter of Burlington, Wis., spent Sunday visiting relatives here. ^ Mr. and Mrs. A1 Garrett 'and children visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Hiller. The f&arretts are moving to Noblesvllle, Ind., from Fair Haven, M&ss. Mrs. Garrett is Mrs. Hiller's sister. Happy birthday to Robert Hettermann, who celebrated his birthday last week, and to •Johnny Dehn, who celebrates his third birthday next toeek. • Happy anniversary to Mr. and Mrs. "Bud" Lieser,-- who celebrated their first anniversary on Jan. 16. f The Rudy Lassers entertained ^relatives from Chicago last week. v John Schmitt and Jim Hettermann were representatives at a Chamber of Commerce meeting in Woodstock last Wednesday evening. They represented the Community club at the meeting, 'Where they gave a short talk on history of the club. On Sick List * We wish a speedy recovery to «Mrs. Kate Pepping, who has been Hll at her home for _the past 'week. ~ Congratulations! Tes, congratulations to all our basketball players who participated in the games that helped them win the beautiful trophy. Loren Freund, captain of the team, accepted 'the trophy from the Most Rev. Raymond P. Hillinger, Catholic Bishop of Rockford. Picture of the presentation was in this paper iast week. GOAL OF $250,000 SET IN FEBRUARY HEART FUND DRIVE A goal of $250,000 for rthe February Heart Fund campaign to be conducted down-state in Illinois was announced by Robert Maucker, - Alton, chairman of the finance committee, Illinois Heart association, an affiliate' of the American Heart association. "In Illinois, as in all other states conducting Heart Fund campaigns, diseases of the heart and circulation are responsible for over half of the total deaths. In Illinois last year they accounted for over 55 percent", said Mr. Maucker. "This fact in itself is convincing proof that diseases of the heart are the foremost local health problem. Funds are needed for research into the cause and cure of heart disease. We are confident that sufficient funds will be contributed this year to enable us also to carry on our expanding educational programs and community services for rheumatic fever and heart patients", he added. Many of the chapters of the Illinois Heart association and other local heart committees are planning this year to participate in "Heart Sunday" on Feb. 20, when collections will be made in the residential area. CRICK PLACEMENT Broiler chick placements in Illinois by commercial hatcheries totalled 92.0Q0 for the week ending Jan. 1, a decrease of 4 per cent from the preceding week, and tile lowest number since weekly reports were started last Oct. 9, according to the state and federal departments of agriculture. For Bigger And Better Values Shop The local chapter of the American Red Cross is one of over 3,700 chapters throughout the United States serving people in time of need. HIGHWAY ZOO The OCTOPUS 'this is the busy boy who is always reaching for something while he drives -the cor roof, a cigorette, the lighter, the road map, the coat on the back seat, the popcorn bag and, at times, even the steering wheel. This big fish is all arms, and needs more. NATIONAL SAKTY COUNCIL Shop at Home and SAVE! G Who Said Taxis Are A Luxury? Add the cost of cleaning this man's rain-soaked clothes and you'll agree door-ttvdoor taxi actually saves money. A cab wu» help In a hundred different ways. When you need one. CALL 723 McHENRY CAB "THE SECRET", OF SUCCESS IS CONSTANCY TO PURPOSE" * (Author's name below) Our constant purpose is to give you the best prescription service possible. For many years we have anticipated your Physician's requirements. We carefully read the Medical Journals, immediately stock the newer drugs, and file all information about them for ready reference and more expert compounding. Ask Your Physician fTo Phone McHENRY 26 When You Need A Medicine A great many thoughtful people entrust us with the responsibility of filling their prescriptions.. May__SKe. com: pound yours ? NYE Drug Store "WALGREEN AGENCY" 129 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, 111. PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS * Quotation by Benjamin Disraeli 1872 our WE ROOM! Whirlpool - Deluxe WASHER Reg. $269.95 Now $igg.9i Supreme WASHER Reg. $319.95 Now $229.95 Sudsmiser 1 - 40" Ciftoric GAS RANGE Timer • Clock - Lite Reg. $239.50 Now $179.50 1 - SO" C. P. Divided Top Elevated Broiler 24" OVEN Reg. $244.50 now $174.50 HERE'S A Real Buy BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL^ IMPERIAL - SUDSMISER WHIRLPOOL WASHER Reg. $349,95 Now Only *259.95 MATCHING ELECTRIC DRYER' Reg. $248.18 Now $198.18 AND HERE'S ANOTHER! 11 Cu. Ft. - Automatic Defrost ELECTRIC - SERVEL REFRIGERATOR Reg. <139.50 , Now $269.50 and"your old refrigerator Refrigerators 9 Cu. Ft. - Electric SERVEL All The Trimmings Reg. $349.50 Now $239.90 and" your old refrigerator 9 Cu. Ft.' - Electric Reg. $309.50 Now $219.50 and* "your old refrigerator 8 Cu. Ft. - GAS Reg. $329.95 Now $259.95 LER0Y M. SMITH Elm Street PHONE 770-W McHenry, 111. Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Thurs., FH., & Sat. For This Sale Budget Terms Available COFFEE PRICES REDUCED light O'Cloek Red Circle Bokar £ 89* ft >5* ft97« this week is nation-wide thrift week! make A&P your "thrift headquartefsf' CANNED HAMS Agar and Other Popular Brands 9 to 11 lbs. lb. Jan# Parker 69 Potato Chips Crisp, Mb. 49 Fresh box ROUND STEAK c LEG OF LAMB ROAST Or Swiss "Super-Right" "Suptr- Right'1 Apple Pie Jana Parker 1-Inch Sin •ach 39* Banana Cake Jana Parkar Layar aach 49* Raisin Buns Jan* Parkar pkg. 29* Wisconsin Fqncy Longhorn CHEESE *45c Corned Beef Skinless Franks Fish Sticks Medium Shrimp Su par-Right Vac. Pack Imk Supar- Right Cap'n John's Haat 'n Eat Fancy Froxan lb. lb. pk«. 10-ox. pkg. 39e Cut-lip Fryers 39° Sliced Bacon 45" Smoked Picnics • Maaty h. Fax DaLuxa Froiaa lb. Allgood lb. Irand pkg. 4tal Lb*. IV. 69° 55' 39e 45' 43c 33° Cheese Slices 1-OL pkg. 2T* Aged Cheddar Cat. lb. 59* Cottage Cheese 2 ib.. 45* Cfaeh Uillr Paitaurizad, rrem nlM Homoganixad y2-gal. «tn. 38c Large Grade A Eggs scr dox. ctn. 41c Eight O'Cloek Coffee Ib. bag 89° SAVE! January Pbtato Salt! POTATOES Colorado McClurc S4 79 bag • Idaho Russets 48-lb. bag S2OS 9 •u 'P cg Saabrook Frozan 7Flavors Green Peas Cut Corn Strawberries Charlotte Freeze Frigidatta Frozan Saabrook Frozan 2 2 10-ox. pkgs. 10-ox. pkg. 10-oz. pkgs. '/j-flal. carton 33° Florida Oranges I0C New Cabbage 49° Fresh Carrots 65c Dried Prunes For Juict Solid Haadt Ragalo Critp Mb; bag Sumwaat Madium 29' 2 »15* 2Mb. ||Pe pkg*. £Q 2£49# PUDDINGS (G. ^ Ann Page Sparkle Elona Halved In Syrup Bartlett PEARS Deliciously smooth and rich tasting , , . Butterscotch, Chocolate, Lemon Pie Filling, Choc. Tapioca, Van. Tapioca . . . treat your family tonightl Nabiseo Saltines C-rcac-k*a r* Nutley Margarine Colored, Quartarad Duns Preserves Candies Ann Paga--Rad, Kidnay, Rad in Chili Gravy, Limai Ann Paga Pura Strawbarry Worthmora--Choc. Paanuft, Bridga Mix, Paanutduitara 10° Quick or Ragular 2 lb. your choica 29* Quaker Oals Broadcast Hash ci7.;d Sail Detergent ,JXL l-Ik box 48-oz. pkg. tint giant box 29-oi. tin Z9e A&P Applesance Out Finait Quality 2'^28* A&P Grapefruit In Saction. 2 '.t1- 29* Chunk Pineapple Dal Mont* 2^56* lona Peaches Slicad or Halvat 2 AOs * tin. "tw Nihlets Corn Whola Karnal 2 ',-r 29* WOMAN'S DAY MAGAZINE Still Only 7e CHINESE MAID Bean Sprouts 2 r 19 c CHINESE MAID Mixed Vegetables 33° 16-ot. tin CHINESE MAID Bead Molasses . 3-oz. boHU 10 Spry Shortening 3 i 89c HEINZ STRAINED Baby Foods 3 t 28° DURKEE Margarine 2- 57° Chunk Styla Star Kist Tuna Palmolive Facial Soap Falmolive Bath Soap Fab Detergent Cheer Detergent Liquid Lux Detergent Rinso Blue Detergent Haavy Duty For Dithat •r Waihai Foaming Action Ajax Cleanser Kleenex Facial Tissue Ivory Soap Personal Ivory Soap Ivory Snow ivory Soaji Flakes •944/100% Pura It Float* Granulatad Soap $100 tint | 3ref- 9KC echco KwE 2Ur" OEc eakat £,JJ 2larga pkg<. 0|| 2i«9* aac pkgi. 0|| I2-OI. AQe tin f,ar«* fife pkg.. 0|| 2 - 25e pk*. I Ac •f 300 19 2:::: 29e 4 H 23° 2»-rg. AAe pkg.. 00 2i«r9* AAe pkg.. 00 , Armour Buys-Famous for Quality Treet Luncheon Meat "r43e Chopped Ham 12 r§5' Chopped Beef A $|00 O tin. | Chili Con Carne T27e Corned Beef Hash T29e Roast Beef *7,:;' ,!r49e Camay Facial Soap Camay Bath Soap Oxydol Detergent American Family American Family An PurpoM Laundry Soap Soap Flakas 3reg- §Ce cakes £3 2--'25' giant "f Ag p4- 10 3 - 26° 2^ CQ« pkgs. 00 nuiut...siNci it* % IHI GtKAT ATtANTIC A PAOTIC TCA « price* jffeelfr* through Jmnumry 22n4