ursday,January2G,185$ -•V"* >">• » He McHEKftt PLAINDEALER * '. e~> .;»•. Sty Mis. George Shepard WWMAMWWMMMMWMfMWAMMMIMANMMMMMAMMMv Social Activities Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy entertained their five hundred club Tuesday evening. Prizes ivere awarded to Mrs. Ben Walkington and Pete Sebastian, high, find Mrs. B. T. Butler and Georgfe fehepard, low. The W.S.C.S. and the evening fcroup of W.S.C.S. held a joint Jneeting in the c. L. Harrison home Wednesday * evening. Mrs. Gordon Fossum had the devoj 0 tionals. Mrs. Stinespririg of Mchenry was guest speaker and her subject , was "The Family -- Steward of the christian Life." • Ice cream, cake and coffee were j served, , The Home Circle was entertained in 'the home of Mrs. Wolf Shadle Thursday, with Mrs. Wm. Cruickshank as co-hostess. A luncheon was served at 12:45. This was followed by the business meeting and a program in charge of Mrs. Viola Low. Mrs. Viola Low and Mrs. Emily Beatty spent Wednesday in the Leslie Allen home near Harvard. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Sebastian ~ and Mrs. Woods attended a foirthday party m the home of their nephew and Mrs. Woods' grandson, Charles Woods, at Richmond Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard Were dinner guests in the Henry fieegert home at McHenry Monday evenihg. Mrs. Fred Meyer visited her brother in a Chicago hospital Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Likus spent the weekend with their daughter - and family at Onarga, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heine of 1 Chicago were dinner guests Suni day in the George Shepard home. ! Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas - and daughter, Margo, and Mr. ^ and Mrs. Duane Andreas spent j Saturday evening in the Albert icbel, Jr., home at Marengo. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox of Woodstock and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low and family spent Sunday in the Beatty-Low home. Mr. and Mrs-. Paul Walkin&ton and Mr. and Mfs. Walter Low i attended a card party in the Daniels Rawson home at Wonder Lake Saturday evening. Mrs. Oscar Berg and Mrs. Viola Low attended funeral services for Mrs. Leslie Skinner at Genoa City Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Eihlert and son of Bohner's Lake spent Sun- ^day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bruce and family helped Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Shook of Woodstock celebrate their twenty-fourth wedding anniversary Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas and daughter, Margo, spent Sunday afternoon in the Duane Andreas home at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert spent Tuesday afternoon in the Tony Senkerik home at Sunnyside Estates. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ackerman were supper guests in the Clayton Bruce home Monday evening and helped Yvonne celebrate her eighth birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hawley of Fox Riv£r Grove were callers in the Wm. Hbffman home Saturday. Mrs. Davis of Gefioa City spent Frjdpy. .afternoon in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. Mrs. Oscar Berg wag a caller in Woodstock Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy attended a dairy promotion banquet at Dundee Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cruickshank are enjoying a trip to Denver,' Colo. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison spent Sunday in the Wayne Donahue* home at ftuntley. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley spent Sunday in the Ernest Reinwall, Jr., home at McHenry. Mr. arid Mrs. Kenneth Cristy attended the production Credit association annual meeting and dinner at the W6stwood school in" Woodstock Saturday. Mr. ana JWDrs. Louts Winn, Mr. and Mrs. James Wegener and Mfs. Fred ^Wiedrich, Jr., visited' Kirk Craine at Waukegan Sunday afternoon^ Mr. arid Mrs. Boh Brennan and family visited her father, Joe Schmitt, and wife at McHenry Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Aissen attended a card party in the Delbert Schroeder home at Woodstock Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Blackman and son, Tommy, of, Antioch, Mr. and Mrs. Webster Blackman and son, Jimmy, of Richmond and! Mr. and Mrs. Frank Anderson of DW Plaints' were fcallfers at the home of Dr. and Mi#. Wm. Hepburn Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harrison vfelCed relatives at Kenosha Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Muzzy visited his fsLthet, Frank Muzzy, at Mraengo Sunday afternoon. Miff Marian Peet' returned to her work in Elgin after a few weeks' vacation at. her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Baiier and family spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Olivia Bauer, at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Adams and faifiily spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Condon, at Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Schaefer and family spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schaefer, at McHenry. Roy Dodd left. Saturday for Downey, Calif,, tfrhere he will spend a couple of months to recuperate from his operation. He will visit relatives. Joe Young and Mrs. Tillle VaiUancourt were dinner guests in the Ernest Langhammer home at 43olon Mills Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Aissen and family were Sunday dinner guests in the Arnold Gehrke home at Harvard. Church News Rev. Roger Kaufman of the Grace Lutheran church of Wood- Business and WONDER LAKE Service Directory stock -assisted in the worship service Stmdft? mornings, », The Senior Youth Felloyprjship met at the home oi PaulWalkington Sunday evening. The devotional period was led by Lois Hunt. The Juniajr Youth Fellowship; will meet Friday evening at 7:30 at the Hunt home. The W.S.CJ3. win hold ai bake sale at Muzzy's Friday, Jan. 2&. There will also be home-made candy for sale. ... School News On' Friday of last week / a movie was seen called "The Nurse." It was a very interesting and educational movie. It showed the many things a nurse does to help those who are sick regain their health. The Community club will meet at the Ringwood school Thursday evening, Jan. 20. Veronica Davis, school reporter CRISTY and STENOSBACH General Contractors NEW HOMES and REMODELING Phone Wonder Lake 5432 -- 2464 -- 5301 WONDER LAKE BUILDERS SUPPLY Free Estimates & Delivery Phone W. L. 3231 Street's Hickory PhillipS Virgil's AUTO m6 REPAIR "AUTOMOBILE WRECK REBUILDING" #?Frame - Alignment - Painting At Wonder Lake 1 Mile North of Route 120 on Wonder Lake Blacktop Road ' Phone tTC wot * ritt9^ IIUIU till '66' Service Station . f Greasing 6 Tires • Batteries One block Sb. of Ringwood Road on Blacktop - North-end of Wonder Lake . . . Phone Wonder Lake 8651 SANITARY SERVICE Pumping arid Cleaning • Complete Septic Systems Installed . L. PERPJN Phone Wonder Lake 5672 or 3013 DEAN'S Richmond Garden Club Meets The January meeting of the Richmond Garden club was held at the home of Mrs. L. J. Heuvelman. Mrs. Joe Schmidt of Hebron was a guest. Plans were made <to have the annual plant sale the last week in May at the Chrysler salesroom on Rt. 12. . A flower show will be held the latter part of August at the Lutheran church hall in Richmond. This show will be open to the public, and we hope many will exhibit their lovely flowers and flower arrangements. The by-laws were changed to opening the club to members outside of Richmond township. Anyone who is interested in gardening and would like to know more about the club, call Richmond 2182. Our next „ meeting will be at the Mis. Wallace Kruse home. That day we will make Valentines for the children's orphanage ait Woodstock'. 1ABIM&T BUSIEST CHEAPEST WORKERS IN TOWN PLAINDEALER WANT ADS FrW C. gtttrcfcdar fc Sob AUCTION £0 VOGEL, WE RUSSEt , DAN POWEttS, HERMAN BEHM Auctioneers Having decided to quit farming,, we will sell the following described property at public auction on the W. T. Stuart farm located three miles south of McHenry on the McHenry BarreviUe blacktop road, one mile east of Route 31 and two miles north of Route 176 on Thursday, Jan. 27, 1955 commencing at 10:00 a.m. sharp 84 Head of Livestock 44 milk cows, consisting, of 24 springers and 20 new milkers, calves by side (5 registered Holstein cows gave over 600 lbs. of butterfat. These cows are all T.B. and Bangs tested and the herd consists of mostly first and second calf heifers.) This is outstanding herd. 1 Holstein bull, 2^ years old;. S open heifers coming two years old, vaccinated; 9 heifer calves, 7 and," 8 months old, vaccinated; 1 registered Swiss bull, 8 months old* (no papers) vaccinated; 1 Holstein bull, 8 months old, well bred, vaccinated; 2 Holstein bulls, 6 months old, well bred, vaccinated. The above heifers, heifer calves ; and tgulls were bred from Curtis Candy Farm stock. 4 ho£s; 40 hens, White Rocks. FEED 20 tons mixed hay, clover and alfalfa baled; 20 tons baled straw; some baled corn fodder; 100 bu. Balbara seed rye; 5500 bu. of corn in crib; some ground ffced; 1 feed cart. MACHINERY Three model A John Deere tractors, one with cultivator attainment; 1 Allis Chalmers K caterpillar tractor; 1' U. S. self feeder corn husker; 1 New Holland 76 baler, like new; 1 McD. double disc; 1 McD. 8 ft. double disc,. new; 1 McD. 10 ft. disc; 1 grain drill with' fertilizer ana seed attachment, new; 1 Case side delivery rake, new; 1 21 ft. cultipaCker; 1 McD. fluid manure spreader; 1 McD. mtssH DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST Ai 136 S. Green Street, McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) EYES EXAMINED -- GLASSY FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS HOURS: DAILY 9 to 12 A.M. and 1 to 5 P.M. - FRIDAY EVENINGS: to 8:80 PJ*. !• EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE McHENRY 452 green cropJiay loader; 1 McD. rotary hoe; 1 J. D. broadcast seeder; it 18" Papec silage filler & pipe; 1 J. D. manure spreader; 1 three ^bottom Med# plow. on rubber; 1 Meyers bale loader ; 1 J, D. 4' row corn planter; 1 40 ft. Kfelly Ryan ielevator with 2 hp. motor; 1 five ton hydraulic jack; 2 two-section spring tooth harrows; 1 J. D. 2 bottom plow on rubber; 1 Case 2 !bottom plow; 2 McD. grain binders, 6 ft. (one power grain binder) 1 Allis Chalmers combine; 1 J. D. corn picker, new; 1 five ton four wheel trailer; 1 rubber tire wagon and steel box; 2 rubber tire wagons with hay racks; 1 J. D. 6 ft. mower; 2 two wheel trailers; 1 •McD. corn binder; 2 sets tractor chains; 1 hay kbist; 1 model A Ford 1929; 8 No. 1 lumber, 16x3x 12; 2 tons iron and used tires; wheelbarrow; cow clippers; 2 ton hoist with cable for truck or wagon; 2 stock tanks;2 drive belts, 75 [feet; 4 canvasses (two 20x20 and two 15x15); 1 vise; 1 big power drill press; 1 275-gal. overhead gas tank; oil barrels & gas barrels; hay fork & hay rope, 250 ft. &. pulleys; forks, shovels and other articles to numerous to mention. 500 electric chick brooder; steel nests & feeders; 1 tackle block; 2 new 4 section steel drags. Some household furniture, including a dining room set, 4 chairs. MILK EQUIPMENT 3 Surge milking machines; 2 Mcf). milking machines, pumps with motors; 35 milk cans; 1 Surge 'Car Tunes" By Justen 2§w ~ TOT AU tYWMfArt hope Dad doesn't forget to •have my car waxed-washed at Jt/St'EN'S STANDARD SERryiCE!" •f ' Greasing and Washing Up To lO dto P.M. ; Every Day & Evenings ! " JUSTEN'S STANDARD SERVICE Corner of 120 & Richmond Rd. Phone 1150 McHenry, 111. hot wattr heater; 2 wash tanks; pails am strainers. TERMS: All sums of $25 or under cash. OVer that amount one fourth down and. the balance in six monthly installments at 6 per cent interest, arrangements for credit to be made with the clerk before purchase is made. Lunch Wagon on Grounds. Not Responsible For Accidents Fred C. Schroeder & Son Auction* Vogel St Russel, Auctioneers McHenry State Bank, Clerking (Pub. Jan. 13-20) VJF.W. WEEK National V.F.W. Week will be observed by more than 500 posts of the Veterans of Foreign Wars in Illinois from Jan. 23 through 29, inclusive, it was announced last week by Raymond W. Schild, state commander. Schild said that ea<th day of the week has been designated for specific projects by posts. Bead Hie Want Ads! PLANNING 10 BUILD? \ fr X^WECAN -HEIP YOU GET STARTED! We have helped hundreds of homebuilders with ideas and plans. Let us put this experience to work for you, from first plans to selection of proper materials. ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. PHONE 1424 Main St. McHenry, Hi. TREE PAMPHLET A tweirty-fiage pamjihiet describing the econoiriic and esthetic value of shrubs, trees and ornamental plantings has been prepared for free distribution by the state of Illinois. Designed to arouse statewide interest in planting, the pamphlet deals with methods of beautifying communities. It also has a section on "Planting the Home Grounds," and a list of "What to Plant." Copies of the pamphlet may be obtained by addressing . J. C. Borah, superintendent of plant industry, Illinois Department of Agriculture, Springfield. Classified Ads Bring Results 1 - f t - TamlMGIF. M. Radio & Television Sales & Service 128 N. Riverside Drive* McHenry, III Authorized Dealers for . . . G.E. - Sentinel - Sparton - Motorola Raytheon - Capehart - Admiral also Small Electric Appliances Hi-Fidelity -- 3 Speed Children'* Portable Phonograph's. Etc. WEDOALLTYPES OF ANTENNA INSTALLATIONS " -- " - . . . . . . * j H Prompt Efficient Service On All Makes Teletftioti Sets and Radios. /'o ' Work Performed by Bonded Technicians .. . WE GUARANTEE ALL PARTS INSTALLED BY US FOR ONE YEAR AFTER DATE OF REPAIRS "All Materials Used Are Of First Quality" LIBERAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE for Your Old Set -- PLUS -- 24 Month TIME PAYMENT PLAtH T GROCERY & MARKET WONDER LAKE, ILL. Ii Now Accepting dlassifleS Advertising For Tir McHenry Plaindealer All Ads For Thursdays Paper Must Be Placed By flrpanr an Tfleflggy v.. y-- Fore and Aft- and Curbside, tooaaaaaaii^ iiw You can take our word for it when, we tell you this: The first time we put eyes Oil thfe 1955 Buicks, we really raised a cheer. To top* the looks of last year's Buick -- the car that .moved Buick into the top three of the nation's best sellers--that Was something. That gave us two hit§ in a row, we figured -- and it seems We figured right. For with these stunning new 1955 Buicks, We're getting even more noses pressed against our showroom windows than last year--and more folks coming in to look and study and drive and buyi fUtTON itttE STAIS POft BUICK-SM lb* 8uicV6*rt» Tw»rfay't^NH^TI fr But bold new styling, of course, is just one reason for the sensational success of these great cars. New power is part of the picture--robust new V8 power in record might--236 hp in the CjENTtJRY, SUPER and ROADMASTER -- 1S8 hp in the low-priced SPECIAL. New performance, too--from the dynamic action of Buick's Variable Pitch Dynaflow* that gives you far better gas mileage in normal driving and cruising --and full-power getaway or safety-surge acceleration, but instantly, and with infinite smoothness. So you can see that just looking isn't enough. \ou have to take that wheel in your hands, try that power, feel that Dynaflow takehold surge, sample that Million Dollar Ride--arid check the hard-to-pass-up prices we're quoting. We'll gladly help you do all that Why not come in this week? * Dynaflow Driv0 is stsndari o» optional 4 txtrm tost on other Stries. •WHM MTTIlt AUfOMOMiB ACS KUIIT BUICK WIU SU&D THUt- R. I. OVERTON MOTOR SALES FRONT STREET PHONE IT McHENRY, ILLINOIS m