Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Jan 1955, p. 6

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THE McHENRY rnrnt^iimmmmmmmmm *£V »'•<> T:JTCT^^ Thursday, lannBiy 27# jfe y -p • ' iii •• * tr-iT " V ; , | - " - WANT ADS PROVE THAT GIGANTIC JOBS ARE DONf BY MIDGETS - BING 3400 DOOR BELLS FOR $1.00 WITH A PLAINDEALER WANT AD (fcHenry Plaindealer BUSINESS SERVICE Published every Thursday at iAtiHenry, 111., by the McHenry ^Publishing Company, Inc. NATIONAL EDITOR i A l as^C^N «7. BURFHINDT, Gen'l Manager .\DELK FROEHLICH, Editor Plaindealer Want Ads Jjo ad counted less than 25 words, $1.00 minimum i insertion .. $1.00 (Count 5 words per line) " 25c service charge on all blind ids. Cash with order. Card of Thanks--$1.00 minimum. Want Ads close promptly at 10 a.m. Wednesday. GARAGE DOORS WOOD SECTIONAL Residential, Commercial or Industrial -- Standard or Specially Designed. KEN LEIBACH Sales, Installation and Service McHenry 1187-R 14-tf CLASSIFIED DISPLAY: 95c col. ;l»ch. -- 2 inch minimum. Classified Display must include a ttinimum of one 18 pt head and one 18 pt. signature, or its equivalent. 3 lines of 8 pt. allowed pei; inch. CASH WITH ORDER on following Classifications: Wanted to Rent Situations Wanted Business Opportunities SUBSCRIPTION RATE In McHenry County 1 Year $3.»0 6 Months $1.75 S Months $1.00 Outside-McHenry County 1 Year $3.50 fe Months $2.00 3 Months $1.25 Vinyl - Rubber - Cork Asphalt Tile Floors linoleum - Wall Tile Lees carpeting and rugs Carpet Laying Tidy Floor Coverings' Phone Woodstock 888 20-tf WALL & FLOOR TILING Our only business - not a sideline. Prompt guaranteed work. Free Estimates. Call Cary 6164 or Barrington 1276 2-tf iGEEOT mu mikJiTW. Rugs . . Upholstery Duracleaned '•In Your Home" . . . use again same day. Colors revive. Pile unmats and rises. Safe for Orientals or tacked dotfr.i oarpets. Shrinkage eliminated. Inexpensive world-wide service. Mothproof, Too Duraproof makes fabrics resistant to moths and carpet beetles. Backed by money-back 6-year warranty. KANTNER DURACLEAN SERVICE Phone Fox Lake 7-0101 31-tf BOATS & MOTORS JOHNSON MOTORS New and Used -- Terms Motors and Boats Service - Reflnishing and Storage BILL'S OUTBOARD MOTORS 104% S. Riverside Drive Phone McHenry 1076 44-tf FOR SALE FOR SALE -- TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES. Service on all makes, also ribbons for all makes, carbon paper. L. V. Klltz, Clay St., Woodstock-. Phone 549. 7-tf FOR SALE -- Oat straw and 2nd cutting alfalfa, by ton or bale. Tel. Round Lake 6-4756. Melvin Ehredt. 37-2 FOR SALE -- Oil and gas burning water heaters. Vycital's, 132 So. Green St. Phone 98 38 FOR SALE -- Kitchen cases. Birch, finished natural, hardware attached, red linen formica top. Base 96". 2 top cases 24x30, price $250. Double bowl sink and fixtures, $60. Extra. In our display room. Crystal Lake Mill Co., on 14 in Cary. 38-2 FOR SALE -- Pair girl's ice skates, size 10; practically new, $5. Tel. McHenry ll«4. 38 FOR SALE -- Roof coating, "Asbestolene", black, red, green, aluminum. $3.50 for 5 gal. can. Crystal Lake Mill Co., on 14 in Cary. 38-2 Entered as second-class matter jit the post office at McHenry, tlL, under the act of May 8, 1879, AUTOMOTIVE REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR ALL CARS Accessories and Seat Covers COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY fomte - 1 Block East or the ttiver Bridge Open Week Days 9 a-m. - 6 p.m. fiSEdwi: 9 a.m. to 1. pan. 21-tf BUSINESS SERVICE Candid Weddings from Home, Church and Reception KOLIN Photographers Commercial, Publicity, Sports and Photostats TeL 566-W-l McHenry, 111. 44-tf FOR SALE -- Come in and listen to the finest in Hi-Fi, Columbia, 360 Hi-Fidelity phonograph only $149.50. Steffan's Jewelry & Record's, W. Main 'St. Phone McHenry 123-J. 38 Does It Mean Financial Ruin Not if you were fbr4- sighted enough to get insurance coverage cpmmensurate with, the value of your property^ , Guard ag'ainst nature?#5' attacks . . . insure now. ' THE KENT CORP. HELP WANTED HELP WANTED -- Waitress for McHenry business. Experienced. Write Box 525 in care Of Plaindealer. 34-tf HELP WANTED -- Experienced cook at Mi Place restaurant, 121 Green Street, McHenry. 38-tf REAL ESTATE FOR SALE -- HOMES -- FARMS CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY Knox Real Estate 405 Richmond Rood ' McHenry, IB. Phone: McHefiry 421-J 24-tf INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE FOR OVER 29 YEARS Insure through this'Agency and Feel Safe PHONE 8 N. Riverside Dr., McHenry, HI. HELP WANTED FOR SALE -- Specials this week only, knee length high fashion nylons, 98c. McHenry Hosiery Mills, Crystal Lake blacktop. Phone 850. 38 WINTERIZE NOW Wisco Combination Storm Win* Slows and Doors installed by competent fafctory trained mechanics, easy FHA terms, 10 day delivery from the Richmond, Illinois plant, lip to 36 months to pay. Let us estimate your needs. May Construction, Richmond, Illinois, 4381 4ir 4744. 18-tf Grow With CONOCO * Another new CONOCO service station has been built to service the people of the McHenry area. Here's a real opportunity for an ambitious man. This STATION WILL SOON BE READY FOR LEASE. For further information contact W. M. REDDING 1034 Romona Road Wilmette, 111. Phone Wil. 1893 38 FOR SALE -- 6 room space heater with automatic electric oil control, 15 ft. galvanized pipe with elbows and draft regulator, $40.00. Call 595-M-l after 6. 38 FOR SALE -- 1 fully equipped po o l t a h l e , r e g u l a t i o n s i z e ; 1 - 2 0 ft. Cofonada freezer With nfew unit. Call 591-J-l. 38 Anderson Tree Service 519 Waukagan Road McHenry, 111. Phone 724 A Complete Service- 37-tf Curran's Boarding Kennels Dogs and Certs Pick Up and Delivery Route 12-2 miles North of Rt- 120. McHenry 632-M-2 19-tr PETER A. FREUND SANITARY SERVICE I clean and pump septic tanks, cesspools. Phone McHenry 1819-J, residence, Fox street. 16-tf Sommers Heating Service 1 Complete Heating Specialists Hot Water, Baseboard, Warm Air Furnaces Conversion to Gas or Oil Old or New House Work Free Estimates, 24 Hour Service Phofie Wonder Lake 2641 87-4 H. V. JACKSON Tuck Pointing, Acid Cleaning Waterproofing, Caulking Chimney Repair, etc. Phone McHenry 924-W After 6 p.m. 47-tf EXPERT SEWING MACHINE and VACUUM CLEANER REPAIR For Sales and Service Call SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. 221 Benton St., Woodstock, 294 52-tf 1 FOR SALE -- Boy's hockey hardtoe shoe ice skates, size 7, $3.00. Phone K. Voss, 797-R. 38 FOR SALE -- Uded furniture, excellent condition, 1 - complete maple crib, 1 complete double bed, blonde finish with Sealy mattress and 1 sofa bed. Must sell very reasonable. Call 1031-R. 38 HELP WANTED MEN # DIE CASTERS # BUFFERS Night Shifts Hours: 4 p.m. to 12:30 a.: 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. Apply in Person The - Electric Auto-Lite Co. Woodstock, Illinois 38-2 FOR SAJUE -- McHenry - 2 bedroom home, tile kitchen & bath, full basement, garage, near St. Mary's church and school. Price $14,500. For appointment call Jim Hettermann, at otir office in Johnsburg. JACOB FRITZ - REALTOR TeJ. McHenry 37 37-tf List Your Homes, Lots or Farms with AIRSPUN lor quick selling service Phone McHenry 430 11-tf REAL ESTATE FOR SALE -- 2 bedroom brick ranch house, car and half garage, gas heat, near shopping area on Fox St., 2 blocks south of 120. Phone McHenry 1029-J. 37-tf SITUATION WANTED SITUATION WANTED -- Will take care of children while mother works, by day or week. Call 563-R-2. 36-3 SITUATION WANTED -- Wanted to do baby sitting during the day. Reasonable rates. Phone 595-J-l. 38 SITUATION WANTED -- Will take care of children in my home during day while mother works. Mrs. Jesky, phone 823-WX. 38 WANTED WANTED -- People to buy pretty "Box Lunches" at our Valentine Social Dance, Sat., Feb. 12, 8:00 p.m. McDonald's Tavern, McCullom Lake. Sponsored by Ladies of the Lake. 36-5 WANTED -- Students for Spanish guitar and bass viol. For appointment call 758-J. 38-3 LOST AND FOUND LOST -- Black billfold in vicinity of Nye Drug Store or McHenry Dept. Store. Pictures in wallet are precious. Papers important. Money is yours, just send billfold With contents to Cardinal Food & Liquor iStore, Rt. 1, Ringw6od. No questions asked. 38 WTT T.TR DORWALDT AUCTION William H. Russel ft Ed Vogel Auctioneers DR. GARNER WILL SPEAK TO CHILD STUDY PTA GROUP I Due to the fact that my barn no longer meets the requirements of the Chicago Board of Health, I am ^ . .. - __ forced to sell my dairy at auction ot the McHenry Medl- Dr. H. H. Garner of McHenry will be the guest speaker at the first in a series of four .meetings arranged by the child study group of the Community P.T.A. The session will be conducted &t 8 o'clock Friday, Feb. 4, .in the meeting. room of the Methodist Sunday school building. 4 Dr. Garner is at present attending psychiatrist and neurologic at Mount Sinai and County hospitals and is chairman of the Department of Psychiatry and Neurology of the Chicago Medical school. In 1954 he was president 6f the Illinois Psychiatric society and at present is a staff WANTED Lady waitts ride to Barrington; working hours 8:15 to 4:45. Phone 549-J-l.- 38 WANTED -- Position as housekeeper in or around St. Mary's school, by widoto with 12 year old son. Reply care of Plaindealer, Box 1. 38 HELP WANTED -- Barber, year 'round job. Call McHenry 1,34^.- II FOR SALE -- 2 chick brooders, 1 gas, 1 electric, each 350 chick capacity, both in working order, $20 each. Phone Richmond 5162. 38 FOR SALE -- Timkin 40 gal. oil burning automatic hot water heater with 275 gal. oil tank, priced for quick sale, $55. Phone McHenry 1563. 38 FOR SALE -- 1 practically new Polaroid camera, No. 65, complete with flash arid closeup lens kit, $50. Phone McHenry 248 evenings. 38 Outdoor Men j For Tree Work Age 18 to SO Union Wage Scale DAVEY TREE EXPERT CO. Phone Wauconda 2238 or Crystal Lake 2117 38-tf FOR SALE -- Immediate occupancy. 2 executive type ranch homes, each with 3 bedrooms. Each $12,500, complete, attached garage and utility. Completely decorated, finest material throughout. Brand new. Price is complete, no extras, in restricted executive type community. Terms available. See Harold Miller at McHenry Shores on the Fox River, 1 mile south of McHenry High School. Phone McHenry 630-W-l or 773. 30tf FOR SALE -- Johnsburg - Near St. Johns church and school. 3 bedroom home, hot water tieat, garage, full basement, lot 1.76 foot frontage., JACOB FRITZ - REALTOR In Johnsburg McHenry 37 37-tf "T/TRT TO SELL" -- There is a real difference in what a property costs, what it is worth and what ft can be sold for at today's market. Prices ran high a few years Lady wishes to share expenses for ride to and from Skokie vicinity, 5 days a week. Call 163-W after 6 p.m. 38-2 WANTED TO BOY WANTED TO BUY -- We pay highest prices for old cars, trucks, tractors, farm machinery, any kind of metal, car batteries. Phone 53-J, Staines and Grooms. 37-4 WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT Apartment, 2, 3; 4, rooihs, fully W partly furnished. Possession by March 1. Phone McHenry 526-R-l. 38 TO BE GIVEN AWAY on my farm located seven miles North of Woodstock, four miles South of Hebron on Route 47, then two miles West or two miles East of the Woodstock-Alden blacktop road, on Saturday,^ Jan. 29, 1955 Commencing at 12:80 p.m. 47 Head of Livestock 28 mature Holstein coWs; 9 first calf heifers springing; 9 heifers, 1 yr. to 20 nibs, old; 1 outstanding Holstein bull, 16 mos. did; *0 of these cows freshened in past 30 days, 8 cows springing, and the balance of 10 cows milking good and bred back. As this is one of the outstanding dairys in the county, inspection is invited any time prior to sale. FEED 20 ton good mixed hay; 100 bales oat straw; 25 ft. .silage in 14' silo. HOGS 6 bred gilts; 1 Yorkshire boar. MILKING EQUIPMENT 2 seamless Surge units; IHC motor pump & pipeline; 15 milk cansT stainless steel strainer. Not Responsible for Accidents Terms: All sums of $25 or under cash. Over that amount one fourth down and the balance in six monthly installments at 6 per cent interest, arrangements for credit to be made with the clerk before purchase is made. McHENRY STATE BANK Clerking Russel & Vogel, Auctioneers WILLIS DORWALDT, Owner cal group. His subject on Feb. 4 will be "Sex Development of the Adolescent." Join the i March of Dimes Today! HELP WANTED -- Lady, with nurses aide training, to act as doctor's assist. State qualifications in letter, care of Plaindealer, Box 2. 38 WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN WATER SYSTEMS - We sell, repair and install pumps. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 167. 26-tf FOR SALE -- Have 2 snow plows, will sell one - Toro, 4 cycle Briggs and Stratton motor used only a few times, $75. Phone McHenry 248 evenings. 38 FOR SALE -- 2 piece bedroom set, $75. Also 3 piece bedroom set, $100. Phone McHenry 711. 38 FOR RENT Acousticon Hearing Aids REPAIR WORK Batteries, cords, supplies for all makes of instruments; instruments available. Call for free demonstration at your convenience. RENA SCHEID N. Green St. TeL 125-R 38-eow WE MAKE Formica Tops Cabinets General Millwork FOR RENT -- Unfurnished 2-bedroom house in Emerald Park, gas, electric, inside plumbing, $50 a month. Immediate possession. Tel. McHenry 169 for appointment. 38 CRYSTAL LAKE MILL CO. On 14 -- In Cary 38-4 FOR RENT -- Room for an employed gentleman. Reasonable rate. 542 Main St. Phone 442-J. 3«-3 FOR RENT -- 30 Watt twin speaker, portable public address system; 16mm. sound projector, films available for all types of programs. Bryant, McHenry 698- M-2, after 7 p.m. 37-tf WANTED Carrier Boys To Deliver The McHenry Plaindealer in the Following Areas Wonder Woods (Wonder Lake, HI.) Spring Grove, 111. Richmond, 111. Apply in person at The McHenry Plaindealer 1 Office, 102 N. Green St. McHenry, 111. Saturdays 9 a.m. to 12 noon TO BE GIVEN AWAY -- 1 upright Piano. Call McHenry 1968 ago but older real estate property | after 6 p.m. *38 has slowed down. Property must BE GIVEN AWAY -- Collie pUppy, female, 4 months old. Phone Wonder Lake 2051. *38 be listed at today's value. List your property now and be prepared for the coming year. Fitzgerald's Realty expert service costs you nothing till the property is sold. ft 210 S. Main St. Phone 1126 37-3 TO BE GIVEN AWAY -- To good homes, 6 weeks old puppies, mixture of springer and setter, small breed. Call 1188-R. 38 MISCELLANEOUS Read the Want Ads LEGAL FOR SALE -- Wonder, Lake $1,000.00 cash down, buy's 3 bed- accrued rent, room house, near blacktop. E-Z terms. JACOB FRITZ - REALTOR In Johnsburg McHenry 37 37-tf NOTICE TO John B. Plotner: If you do not remove your merchandise from 209 E. Elm St., McHenry, 111., on or before February 4, 1955, same will be sold to cover 38 ilH NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of Selmer Thoreson, Deceased Notice is hereby given to all persons that Monday, March 7, 1955, is the claim date in the estate of Selmer Thoreson, Deceased, pending in the County Coijrt of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. LYLE E. TODY, Administrator ROBERT STUEBEN, Attorney 532 Main St. McHenry, Illinois (Pub. Jan. 27, Feb. 3-10) FOR SALE -- Store, suitable for any retail business, year round. Living quarters. Newly decorated. Call Wonder liiake 3221. 1-tf FOR SALE -- Looking for home to retire? Have an attractive 5 room ranch home on 1 acre of land. For information, write Steve Petran, Rt. 1, Box 307, McHenry. 37-4 FOR SALE -- 5 rm. modern home all conveniences, gas heat, double car garage. East on highway 120, % mile from city limits, $13,900. Henry Kennebeck, McHenry 220-J *38 NOTICE -- The Terra Cotta Resale Shop will be open for business beginning Feb. 1, 1955. Mrs. Ruth Dietrich. 38 NOTICE -- Because of injuries sustained by Mr. and Mrs. E. Jos. Bousser, owners of the Candy Box, in an auto accident on Wednesday of this week, the store will not open on Monday, Jan. 31 as Support the March of Dimes SUBURBAN LIVING WITH CITY CONVENIENCE IN BEAUTIFUL • All Lots 80 Ft. Wide • City Water • dity Sewers • Blacktop Roads WE PLAN, BUILD and FINANCE F.H.A. - V.A. LOANS 10% Down, Easy Monthly Payments. 210 South Green Street PHONE 1126 37-tf scheduled. 38 Classified Ads Bring Results piam Yours With the Plaindealer i ( « ' -ff; 1 \ f ~ v1 i i FOR RENT Newly' decbratfed store building, suitable for barber shop or shoe repair. Living quarters included. Phone McHenry 593-W-2. 38 'rhackhammer .Service Heurly rate fpr . jackhammer, spade, tamper. L4t us do the hard Work. Fast efficient service. ARNOLD MAY;, Builder inoni -~d£fKTe 1 - 1t&. %Ttit 4W «••«••••••••••• MACHINE TRENCHING & DIGGING Septic Systems - Water Lines Dry Wells - Seepage Beds WELLS DRILLED & DRIVEN GARRELTS & ROGERS Rt. 4, McHenry, 111. Phone 534-W-l or 539-R-l 16-tf FOR RENT -- 1% room a.partment, shower & bath, kitchenette, living room, rollaway bed. All utilities furnished. Town Club, 201 Riverside Drive. Phone 12. 38 SHOP AT HOME and SAVE MORE! FOR RENT -- 2 story house on Fox St., 2 bedrooms, tub, hot water, stove and refrigerator, till May 1st or maybe May 15, $50 per month. Deposit required. Chuck Coles, phone 303. 38 Classified Ads bring result^ 3 Jak-Ana Heights in Johnsburg We build to Order, 2 and 3 bedroom ranch type homes. F brick on all four sides, gas heat, with or without basements, on a 100x200 ft. lot. A Nice location, near church and sch'ools, $13,000 » and up. For Information Call Atf Our Office In Johnsburg • I i l l I 1 I • Face l l h Mrs. Eleanor Young enjoyed an unexpected visit from her cousin^ J Marie Schmlte, 'and friend of Kenoshat Wis., on Sunday, li JACOB FRITZ - REALTORS Phonp ^IgHenry 37 WANTED SERVICE STATIONS in small towns by independent petroleum jobber LEASE or PURCHASE WELLS PETROLEUM COMPANY 800 W. Haines Si. Chicago 22, I1L Centrally Located For Quick Service FRED J. SVOBODA & SONS SEACO SALES And SERVICE Repairing -- Rewinding -- Rebuilding Electric Motors -- All Models Automotive, Generators, Starters, Armatures DAY or NIGHT Box 416 - Lilyrooor Subd. PHONE 1SS NEED Car Service? WASHING - GREASING - TIRE REPAIRS PICK UP SERVICE EVENING and SUNDAY SERVICE On Greasing and Tire Repairs A COMPLETE TIRE cmd BATTERY SHOP 'BEFORE YOU BUY CHECK OUR TIRE PRICES" Schreiner's Standard Serv. PHONE 344 , Across The Street From The Admiral Corp. Elm A Front St*. McHenry, m. •afifiBiHaBiflB

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