Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Feb 1955, p. 10

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THE Htmamr ' • ' •iiW- ;r; By State Senator Robert SlcClory • What strange problems have tfe'ln created by the voters' apph> val of the Reapportionment Amendment to the Illinois Constitution? This, great forward fttep in our governmental ma- Bfctaery rtquiris, legislative restricting Which will perplex legislators and public alikfe. The. previous simple formula of fifty-one districts from wjiich one senator and three representatives were elected has been replaced by a formula so complicated it took months of explanation by constitutional experts in bi-der for the voters to understand what they were voting upon. The present (69th) Illinois General, Assembly is given initial responsibility for establishing the boundaries of the fifty-eight Senate districts and fifty-nine House districts which will replace the fifty-one districts under which the state has operated since 1902. If tKe General Assembly fails to reach an agreement a bi-partisan commission appointed by the governor will be given 120 days to perform the job. If they, too, fail, all candidates for the legislature will have to run at large, i.e., throughout the entire state. It should be recalled that the new House districts .are to be formed on the basis of population. In establishing the new Sena.te».district, area is to be of prime consideration. The present .discussion will be limited to the creating of the Senate districts. The amendment requires that there be eighteen Senate districts in Chicago (the same as at present), 6 Senate districts in Cook county, outside of Chicago (replacing the whopping 7th district), and 34 "downstate" senate districts (2 more than the present 32). Within this formula of 18, 6 aftd 34, the districts are supposed to be established primarily oh the basis of area: If area is to bie the sole consideration, the average Chicago Senate district will contain 12 square miles, the average Senate district in Cook county, outside of Chicago, will have 123 square miles, and the average downstate district will be 1,617 square miles in a£ea. The present total area of our !! WSmaMaMs 'if:'" ovm.^ 8thdist?lct ls l,351 s^UHfe miles, ? Vith( &atfce y county, covering 4£f square miles, l^cHenry county 611 square , miles,..'and Boone county 283 square nutes. Again, if atffea is to be thes sole consideration in the .creation of the new Senate diatrk$i, it will be necessary to add adjoining Kane or Winnebago counties to>6ur boundaries. However, adding an jarea Vith a population of more thanM 15p,QQ0 population to our present total of mbri fihan 250,000 would appear to be inimical to the letter and ^spirit of the amendment which states merely that in the formation of Senate districts "area shall be of prime consideration." Indeed,- if area were of sole consideration, Cook county, including the suburbs, would be entitled to only one senator, instead of twenty-four, and Lake and McHenry counties,, totalling 1,068 square miles, would exceed the. statewide avfera&e 6t W4 squaremil^s. ^ Suggesting that area means only "land" area presents a ••puzalenieht," especially in Lake county where such a large area is covered by inland lalkes. However.. the ^ amendment specifies "area" and. not "land area." This raises a further question in Lake county . relative to the land underlying .Lake, Michigan. In. ,our early history, Cook county . covered the area now occupied by beth Lake and McHenry counties, including / the land under Lake Michigan, to the. eastern boundary of the state (about 10 miles out in the lake), MoHenry county (including the area. now ..represented by Lake county) was laid off from Cook county in 1830, and j in 1837,, the eastern boundary was described as the eastern boundary of Illinois. . When Lake county was laid off from McHenry county in lg3&t thfe feafctern portion (including^ that part Under Lake Midhifan) became Lake county. * So, when we talk about establishing Seriate districts in which area dtiall 'fed of prime consideration* it may be' proper to include the 288 square miles of Lake county land underlying Lake Michigan. At any rate, after lengthy and spirited debates, it is the writer's prediction that the legislature will do its own redistricting, leaving the present Senate to fix the new Senate districts, and the present House to fix the new House districts. These then will be included in a single bill which the 69th Illinois General Assembly will pbss. The big battle will be waged In the Illinois House. - Have your Plaindealer delivered to your doorstep every Thursday bjr a carrier boy. Call 170 for information. . tA assistance Adnrinlstration representative from the RocKford VA office will be. on duty at Woodstock Tuesday, Feb^ 8, to inform and assist veterans, CKelr dependents and: the fenerll public regarding all benefit pro* grams of tlie VA. Their representative will be on$ duty from 16 a.m. to 4 p.m. fn the post office building, second floor, int Woodstock. FREE TICKETS will be given to the first 10 children who bring a complete list of all the misspelled words on this page to the VL B. UPHOLSTERY CX>. 308 W. Elm Street DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST Ai 136) S# Crften Siniei> McHenry (Closod Thursday Afternoons) EYES EXAMINED --GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING - VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS HdURS! DAlLt 9 tp 12 AJttu and 1 to 5 P.M. ivENINGS: 6:00 to PM. , EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE McHENRY 452 Tiny Tot Popularity Contest Children 6 years and under Loving Cups awarded winners Presentation made on stage second nite of show. Pictures of contestants will be located in GEO, JtJSTEN fc SON FURNITURE WINDOW Under The Personal Direction of Miss Mary Anthony Presented by McHenry Moose Lodge 691 McHENRY SAND & GRAVEL CO. Meady Mix Concrete -- Excavating Rbad Construction Radia Dispatched Trucks McHENRY 020 ROUND LAKE 6-2143 m Front Street McHenry, tlL Bowl With Automatics at JOHNSBURG BOWLING RESORT TeL 1475 ^ where Good Foode and liquor Abound and THE PIZZA IS'SUPREME At Johnsburg Bridge THE CAST Dave Garroway -- The Beit on Broadway C&jtt. Carver -- Dan Justen Singapore Sam --I'll swabdaj deck! Shipwreck Kelly --- .Jerry Meyfield Nurse Nancy -- Want me tojkell you a story? Jim Jameson -- The sHlps did come in Jane Froman -- Dorothy Hollander Panama Hattie -- HildegSrd Thompson Calcutta Kate -- Come and see Barnacle Bill -- "Says he" Kewpie Dollies -- Won't yoju be surprised! Okel Dukel Women -- You'll whistle at these! Super Salesmen -- Bel yoU'd love Id be in their shoes. And you'll love the Sailors; Sailorettes Hostesses and Nation's Sweethearts. LEE & RAY ELECTRIC Electricle Contractors Crosley -- Bendlx Appliances - Across tlie street from the Bank Phone 882 516 Mala St McHenry, HL H. E. BUCH & SONS Highway 120 EaSf Hiimhlng - Heeting - Water Systems and Oil Burners -- Hone Appliances Phone 48 . STEFFAN'S Jewelery and Records ()elraD^ -- Webcior Hi-fi Record Players 514' Main St. Phone 12S-J GUETTLER SERVICE STATIONS Service 7 Days a Weak itoutes 120 and 31 NIESEN'S fl-ORS Linoleum - Carpeting - Asphalt Tile Rubber Tile 528 Main St. McHenry, HL IF. |» Clark Chevrolet Sales Phone 277 McHenry, I1L Ekonomical Transportation MCHENRY LAUNDRY All Services Dry Cleaning We wosh everything but the baby M. B. UPHOLSTERY Furniture Repaired and Restyled Workmenship Guaranteed M. Bykowskl S08 W. Elm Phdne 812 McHenry, I1L McHenry Lumber Co. Quality and Sarvice First Phone 46 611 Main St. McHenry, IlL F. M. Radib ° Tdtewision Sales and Servic© 128 N. Riveifeide Dr. McHeniy, I1L Phone 979 Repairs -- 1 yeer part guarantee when installed by us. SNUG HARBOR INN Good Food and Liquor CARL and PAULA SPRENGMAN, Proprietors Vi mile South on Rt. 120 and Fox River -- On East Road JUSTEN STANDARD SERVICE Best Wash in Towne PHONE 1160 Compliments Off PA'S TAVERN Route 120 - Riverside Drive John A. Thennes Compliments of FOX RIVER NOVELTE CO. McHENRY COMMUNITY HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Thurs. & Fri r~9r Benefit -- Lodge Building 'Fund Get our prices on tank wagon service, we guarantee to save you money! TELEPHONE McHENRY 240 HESTER OIL CO. "Tlie Best For Less" Feul Oil -- Gasoline -- Lubricants Profit Sharing Coupons 202 Elm Street 601 Waukegan Rd< PETER M. JUSTEN and SON funeral Home -- Ambiance Service 400 W. Elm Street Phone 68 MoHenry, 111. i" / ^ TONYAN CONSTRUCTION CO. GEltEBEL CONTRACTOBS PljoNJS 15l! 100 Borden Street McHenry, IlL ^ • , • • OVERTON'S BTJICKE - OLDS CADILLAC - PONTIAC • , TELEPHONE NO'S. $ & 17 400-403 Front St. * McHenry, Ul. . F. X. GREGORY McHenry Auto Body Co. Wheal Alignment and Body-Fender Work -- Painting Complete Auto Rebuilding Service PHONE 444 4 LU^ER - BUILDERS - SUPPLIERS ' KLEINHANS BUILDING SERVICE Highwey 120 East GEORGE P. FREUND Case Machinery Sales and Servicz Universal Milfiers Route 81 McHenry, IlL LUDWIG MILK CO. McHenry Bronch 1 Phone McHenry 182 . | Compliments of MeHENRY MILLS INK. * "Blenda Life No Grain Feiid^ig Program" PHONE 815 Compliments of GLADSTONE'S DEPT. ST All i i. J it H8JPPY & LEO'S GROCERY and MARKET Delivory Service Phone ITS McHenry Atlas Prager Extra Dry Bear ATLAS BREWING CO. " Chicago HERMAN KREUTZER 306 Green St. McHenry, m. Louise's Snack Shop Hamburgers - Home Maid Chill Itome Made Soup tS9 N. Rlvendde Dr. Phone 930-M JOS. FRETT and SON I • GENERAL CXMlTRECTORS 805 E. Elm St. Phone 976 McHenry, UL "Builders of Quality Homes" Compliments of McHenry County Farmer* Co-op Assoeiatien MAIN PAINT CENTER Paixit - Wallpaper - Gless 418 Main St. McHenry, HL Phone 1115 MHIstream Service Free Devidend Stamps Batteries - Tires and Accessories Save with State For the Best itts always BLUE STAfc POTATO CHIPS Complements of FREUND OIL CO. McHenry Tax Consultant LEE J. SPIEGEL INCOM TAX RETURNS PREPARED 510 Main St. Phone 1749 Compliments of Chos. Herdrich & Son Wholesaler of Milwaukee's Finest Beer McHenry, Illinol Compliments of McHENRY GARAGE KAISER - WILLYS Sales and Servid: Phone 408 660 Front St. ¥ A Freunds Stewing Machin# Sales and Service Phone 1590 McHenry, 111. Acros from Hunterville Subd. S and S PACKERD 405 Elm St, Mcilenry, I1L PHONE 1010 "4 Geo. R. Justen & Son FUNERAL DIHECTOItS IISS MOTOR- SAL1S Ford - Sales and Sarvicz O McHenry, 111 RAINBOW CLEANERS The' Fliendly CleenOrs PHONE 927 McHenry, I1L Compliments of # DR. H. S. FIKE Veterinerian . So. oil Hlgiiway 81 MoHenry, I1L . 8:07 PJI1 Sponsars HARRY PHOENIX RIVERSIDE MFG; CO.

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