Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Feb 1955, p. 7

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Feb'ua'r. 10.1955 fHE IJCHENRY PLAiNDEALER Pag# Seven $ McCullom Lake News By Eve Levesqtle Wheeee! This is Fun! Amid loud cheers and squeals ' of joy, a familiar sight last Sunday was the car driven by Don Lorch pullihg a bobsled loaded with happy kids all over the community. Wind and cold bothered them not. ' Among tihose who enjoyed this famous winter sport were Sandra and Terry Wetzel, Louise Matthesius, Janet and Judy Murray, Janet and Mark Hansen, Jeannine and- Nancy Doyle, Barbara, Mike and Prank Lorch, Roberta Houctt, fchryssie and Jeff Levfesque, Cynthia Rotirke and Lynne Schultz. Needless to say, your reporter had to try it out. Tob! JJtfot to be outdone by the youngsters, Sunday evening several ydung couples took their tunis, feeling the wind and the s^ray. < $"he only casualty occurred in th<j afternoon1, "when the Tsled turned over and Barbara, Lorch parted company with one v of her ba^y teeth, wthicji was loose anywajr. Our Sympathy |s extended to the Sam Deskis family. Mrs. Deskis' mother, Mrs. Ursule Rymus, passed away In Chicago Feb. 1. She was laid to rest Feb. 4. To the 'Bill Creutz family. Mrs. Mttry Creutz pissed away in Meftiorial hospital Sunday, Feb. 0. Details appear elsewhere in the Plaindealer. Happy We Are That Mary "Danny" Danielson, sweet gal( that she is, lb feeling mii<!h better after her recent illness. Roy "Doc" Kinsey is considerably improved as a result of his recent hospitalization. He's able to t>e out and kround now. Birthday Notes Mrs. JHelen Sdhaefer celebrated her birthday Tuesday, Feb. 8. We hope Vic Howe won't get fi. toothache munching on the yummy cake his ever lovin* wife is baking for him tomorrow, Feb. 11, in honor of his thirty-second birthday. Golden Wedding - Mr. and Mrs. J. Steinbach, parents of Jerome B. Steinbach, former residents of our community, celebrated fifty wonderful years together Sunday, Feb. 6. They held open (house at their home tat Chicago. < , A Fishy Story Doesn't seem possible that three handsome gentlemen like John Cunningham, Ray Deskis and Gene Piotrowski can't even brag a little about their catch. They spent all Sunday afternoon watching their lines through the ' (holes they had Chopped in the ice and not even a nibble! Congratulations To Marge and Ole Olsen in honor of their wedding anniversary yesterday, Feb. 9. Many happy returns of the day. That's it for now, see you all next week. * PERSONAL MONEY MANAGEMENT COURSE •*OPENS IN COUNTY The Alpha Theta chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma is" sponsoring'a bourse at the Crystal Lake Community high school in personal money management, to be conducted by Mrs. Lorraine Blair, founder and executive director of the Women's Finance JPorum of America. This is a non-profit, educational organization whose sole purpose is to enlighten women in finance and related matters for their own benefit and the welfare of their families. Mrs. Blair has lectured before hundreds of women's and men's cliws, civic organizations, conventions, on radio and televlsidn, and has organized several ^.finance; series for banks and investment firAis. TThe course will consist of teni instructional meetings beginning .Fri<jiy evening, Feb. 25, at 7:30 and' continuing for ten consecutive,, weeks until May 6. It will include such topics as 'budgeting, banking, real estate, insurance and annuities, bonds, stocks, mutual funds, wills and trusts, how to read a financial page, hoW -/to interpret a financial statement, investment analysis; also a personal consultation with Mrs. Blair, whc. Is a financial, consultant of considerable experience. A tour of the financial dlsfri&t in Chicago will be arj| ra]j$e<lfor the class, Visiting the MtoekrStock Exchange, Board oflp&ie and a New York Stock ^x6liange firm, witji talks "fry experts at each stop. Women in McHenry or surrounding towns interested in attending this course can get additional-'^ formation from the president of the chapter, Miss Frances Btftnd, 301 Woodstock street. Crystal Lake, or contact the chfl&than of arrangements, Mrs. Raymond Colby, AT HOME SAVE HOME ECONOMICS 4-H DISCUSSIONS DURING FEBRUARY Home economics 4-H club organization discussion meetings will lie held in seven communities in McHenry bounty in February. . .Adult leaders, junior leaders, county 4-H committee members, Home Bureau unit 4-H chairmen and the county home advisers ^ ill attend the meetings. Molers of 4-H members are welcome to attend. Purpose of the meetings is to discuss, in local community groups, the organization of local clubs to be' sure fihaf §11 clubB have necessary leadership and that all areas of the county have a sufficient number of clubs.. The discussion meetings will be held in home of 4-H committee members or 4-H leaders. The women are being urged to attend the meeting in their own area. If there is a date conflict, they are welcome to attend a session in a neighboring community. The local meeting will be/ held Feb. 21 at 1:30, with Mrs. Howard Wilkinson hostess to the Ringwood, McHenry and Wonder Lake group: WOODED SHORES RESIDENT TO BE BURIEDFRIDAY Ifrs. Frances Olszewski of Wooded Shores subdivision (Wickline Bay) at Wonder Lake, died Monday, Feb. 7, at Augusts ana hospital in Chicago. She had -lived at Wonder Lake for the past four years. Mrs. Olszewski - had spent twenty days at the (hospital last mbnth and had been home for two weeks when she was suddenly stricken Satuiday night. She was taken by ambulance to Chicago, where -she died without regaining consciousness. - Survivors include her husband, William, and one son, Edward, of Chicago. Services wiir be held at 10 o'clock Friday morning in Saint Hedwig's Catholic" churdh in Chicago. PENNING KITES Mrs. iane ' ftehningi who had owhed the Wonder Mere farm on the w^st side of Wonder Oike since '1936; died Monday, Feb. 7, at the Evanstdn hospital. Mrs. Henning had spent ' her summers at Wonder Lake f6r the past nineteen years. Read tbe Want Ads ALL BASIC CROPS NOW GROWN UNDER ALLOTMENT IN STATE All basic crops will be grown under allotment programs for the 1955 year, Bert Bridges, chaii man of the McHenry county ASC committee, has announced. . The basic crops are wheat, corn, cotton, rice, peanuts and tobacco. Wheat and corn allotments operate only in commercial areps. In Illinois, corn allotments for 1955 are in effect for all counties except Williamson. The marketing quota program does not apply to corn. However, all wheat, cotton and the type of tobacco produced in this state are subject to both marketing quotas and allotments. Producers in McHenry county, can expect to receive their 1955 corn allotment notices not 'later than Feb. 28. 1 AUCTION Located 2% miles East of Anlioch, 111., 2 miles West of Route 45, on Route 173, on WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 16. 1955 Commencing at 12:00 o'clock 85 HD. HOLS. CATTLE -- 27 milch cows, 5 fresh, 3 with calf by side, 7 close springers, balance milking good; 4 heifers, 9 mos. old; 3 calves; 1 Hols, bull, 20 mos. old. (This herd has been clean in the Bangs Test)'. POULTRY -- 200 Leghorn hens, laying good; chicken feeders, waterers, etc. PRODUCE -- 300 bu. corn; 300 bu. good oats; 6 T. chopped hay;* 350 bales straw; 6 ft. silage in 14 ft. silo. DAIRY EQUIPMENT -- 3 Surge units with motor, pump & pipe line; McD. 8 can milk cooler; water heater; 2 wash tanks; 22 8-gal. milk cans; pails, strainers, etc. -- 2 TRACTORS, COMBINE & FARM MACHINERY -- McD. M trac.; McD. H trac. with cult.; Case PTO chopper with hay attach., new; AC blower; JD PTO 12A combine; NI 1-row corn picker; McD. 3-14 plow; MH 9 ft. disc with 18-in. blades; JD corn planter; McD. grain drill with fert. & grass seed attach.; double disk; McD. side dely. rake; McD. 7 ft. trac. mower; and a complete line of farm machinery and tools. WALTER WEIDNER, Owner ROBERS & BEHM, Auctioneers Wis. Sales Corp., Clerk Phone 195 Union Grove, Wis. Hie Farmers Trading Post FOR SALE -- About 3 acres standing corn, will hand pick and deliver. Phone 767-J. 39-2 R. M. FLEMING & SON (fEYV IDEA -- PAJPlsAJ DEALER TRACTORS SALES * SERVICE A Complete Farm Implement Service. 1 PHONE McHENRY S3 822 Waukegan Baad -- Down and crippled Jattle at better cash prices. Qrville Krohn, Woodstotijc Phone 1M1-R-1, collect. *15-tf GEO. P. FREUND Authorized Dealer for SALE^ 'ft SERVICE COMING SOON Hie All New . CASE W4©0H The only all new tractor in its Class since Hie wax. PHONE MCHENRY 420 601 Crystal Lake Road ATTENTION* FARMERS Need a tool shed, loafing barn, hog or poultry house? You' Can have, a 12 sow portable hog house for $850.00. Save today on Doane Designed low cost buildings. "For further information call or write Arnold May, Richmond Illinois. Office 4381 - Res. 4744. 18-tf HOGS WANTED -- All classes and weight for highest net return. Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Marengo Daily Hog Market, phone Marengo 282. 50-tf McHENRY COUNTY FARMERS CO-OP ASSN. Ful-O-Pep Super Greens Pellets Extra Vitamin Bdost For Your Layers: ' Sprinkle On Top Of RegiQar Mash. 2 to 4 Lbs. Per Day Per 100 Birds. PHONE McHENRY 730 628 Waukegan 'Road Dead Animal Removal WHEBLING RENDERING WORKS Be Legal, Keep a Clear Conscience Prompt Service, Day or Night Sundays and Holidays No help needed to load. Operating under ' State Inspection Made by Deft, of Agrtoultore. Highest cash prices paid. Hfime Wheeling 3, collect 45-tf McHENRY EQUIPMENT CO. SALES & SBKVIOE GUS FREUND PHONE McHENRY 185 808 W. Elm St. (Basement) Blumhorst Trucking and Grain Service. Corn shelling, grain buying. Livestock. .Local and loiig distance hauling. McHenry RR. 4. Phone 777-W. 16-tf PLAY SE&SON Phil Tyrrell, new Woodstock play producer, and Zasu Pitts, movie actress, who open a ten-Week season of legitimate plays at the newly named "Ye Olde Opera House" on Feb. 26. The shows will travel into Wisconsin and'^ Minnesota each week, returning to McHenry county on Saturday. NEW PLAY SEASON OPENING AT "YE OLDE OPERA HOUSE" A new season of plays will" open in Woodstock at the newly named "Ye ^ Olde Opera House" on Saturday, Feb. 26, and play, each Sunday matinee and evening and Monday evening for ten weeks. The shows will then travel intact to LaCrosse, Wis., and' Rochester, Minn., each week, re-; turning to Woodstock each Saturday with a new play. It is Phil Tyrrell, the new Woodstock producer, and Zasu Pitts, formerly of the movies and at Drury Lane theatre this past summer, who open the telftweek season. Mr, "Tyrrell has chosen ' top flight players from the casts of the Chicago summer theatre cijrcuit and a few New Yorkers in organizing this all professional Equity company. It is his plan to present current Broadway hit plays and a few pre-Broadway try-outs. MEXICAN DIET Beans and corn meal are the mainstays of Mexican diet, complain U.S. tourists. To enliven these monotonous dishes, hot peppers, dnili powders and sharp sauces are added. A little cheese, meat or herbs may be mixed in for variety. The tourists usually find the mixture a little too spicy for easy digestion. Accustomed to plain meats, wheat bread, vegetables and ftuits, their stomachs rebel against tortillas, enchilados, tostados and frijoles. Take Advantage of Values Offered in McHenry on Dollar Days. •4 BUTCH'S SAVE MONEY ON YOUB CAB Regular check ups and maintenance by our experts means lower car costs for you! YOUR MOVE 24 Hour Towing Service We Do Complete Motor Overhauling S09 W. Elm Street * McHenry, DL Phone 811 -- ' Residence 91-R CUB SCOUTS Pack 801 On Jan. 26, a very iinpressive graduation ceremony was staged for Kip Thornton and Eddie Mars, who have reached' the top in cubbing and are how in scouting. J The theme for the,month was railroading. Cubs showed their exhibits and skits Were' put on by Den 1, under direction of Mrs. Vivian Kramer, and Den 6, tinder direction of Mrs. Lubke of Lakemoor. The ceremony was held by tjhe Apache patrol of Troop 161, under direction of Waliy Aufrecht. The' Scouts who performed were Walter Aufrecht, Tom" Olson, Rofoert Gates, John Gates, Tom Rujak and Ronald Nitz. They 'Car Tunes" By Justen "Joe, remind me when we get in town to stop at JUSTEN'S STANDARD SERVICE for a new battery!" Greasing and Washing Up To 10 KM) P.M. . Every Day & Evenings JUSTEN'S STANDARD SERVICE Corner of 120 ft Richmond Rd. Phone 1150 McHenry, 111. wore Indian costumes that -nad been made in their patrol. Scoutmaster Kirk of 162 received Eddie ;Mars into his tro<$p and awarded him the tenderfoot badge and a Scout neckerchief. Kip Thornton was taken into Troop 161. On Feb. 27 we will hold our •blue and gold banquet at tjhe Methodist church at 5 o'clock. We need a den mother in the area of the city park. If anyone is interested, please contact Mrs. Helen Creamer. Cub Scribe T BRUNSWICK RITES "William F. Brunswick cjt Richmond, a graduate at the lie- Henry high scfcool,. died of a heart attack at his home on Thursday evening, Feb. 3, following a day's illness. He Is survived by his widow, two sons, three brothers and a sister. Last rites were conducted front the Ehorn funeral home Sunday afternoon, with interment at Richmond. Support the March of Dimes GIFT BOXES HEART SHAPED Ready made or made to order irnfor y2 Lb. to 5 Lb. Boxes 35* - $7.95 " Large Assortment of VALENTINES For Friends and Family ... by "Rust-Craft" THE CANDY BOX Phone 235-M 306 W. Elm St McHenry, IB. I 1 • .« *3 MAKE J\ DATE v ' - " 1 TO TAKE A DRIVE ! 1955 Sup* "88" HoUar Coopi A G»mral Motor, Volt*. All New, All the way through, powered toy "Rocket" 202 S If you've driven a "Rocket" Engine Oldsmobile before --or talked with an Oldsmobile owner--you have a hint of what's waiting for you in the Super "88" for '55. But only a hint. Because this year's "Rocket"--the exciting new "Rocket" 202--tops even the famous "Rockets" <rf the past. We could tell you how it melts away the miles and flattens the hills. Instead, we'll let the "Rocket" do the talking. So come in soon. This "88" for '55 is even livelier than it is lovely ... and that's really something! 1 9 S 5 O L D IVI SEE YOUR NEAREST OLDSMOBILE DEALER R. J. Overton Motor Sales 403 Front Street' Phone 6 ---- DON'T MISS OLDSMOBILE'S 5PECIAL-114-HOUR ACADEMY AWARD NOMINEE SHOW • NIC-TV • SAT., PES. 12 - 1 --L

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