Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Feb 1955, p. 3

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I* ff;; mw i/ • p- U '> ix PagoTwo •; S&Vt*' •~iv ilfch THE McHEHRY SLjUTOEXLER ./§ Loren Rothermel Married Saturday ( Announcement has been made of the marriage in Woodstock last Saturday, Feb. 19, of Miss Melt* Palm, daughter of Mb and Mrs. Carl Palm of Superior, Wis., and Mr. Loren RotheTmel, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Rothermel of McHenry, They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rieke of Chicago. FW Valley Camp Meeting March 1 j The regular mfeetHi^'of Fox River Valley camp, No. 3251, R.N.A., will be held at the home of Mrs. Amanda Brown at 8 o'clock on March ^jfojLelah Howard" will act as co-h^stess. -J Teen'• -age Square M §T D&nCe Feb. 26 V*&. About 100 young people attended the 'teen-age -square daftce for seventh and graders and', freshmen At E%ebrook school Feb. 12. Twe n&jij, deface will be Feb. 26. J" MM* Chaperones at tfir IS&t party were Mrs. Ralph Bennett, Mrs. Clifford Kiehl and .Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Eckstein of the Community P.T.A., Mr. and Mrs. George Kauss, Mr. and Mrs. Fr&ricis Curulewski and Mrs. Chartes Vycital of St. Mary's schdbl, Mr. and Mrs. Robert DelMonte of St. Patrick's Mother's club, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fuchs of Johnsburg and Mr. Cilia of the school faculty. Circle s To Meet? March 2 Circle 3 of the Woman's Society for Christian Service will holdr its regular meeting pn March- 2 at the MfeHenry Community Methodist church at 1 o'cibcR. Sewing grobps will have many interesting reports to give. Plans for the Lenten program will be discussed. Plan Party In Card' Tourftament The fourth party in their currelit card tournament was held Feb; 17 by the Catholic Daughters of America. Winners were Rachael LomaSnejk. Bobby May, L#e Bassi, 1 Elwhor Frewmi aiw^-^MaderEfte MayTield in ^pinochje;. Estelle Beatty in contract bridge; Peggy Kraus, Annabel Aicher, Pauline Nimsgem and Van Diedrich in cah&Sta. Kefreshmertts were served by Anna Hay,- Gertrude Weber and Helen Weber. A1 business and social meeting; and also the fifth piarty of the card . tournament, will be held Tfitfrsdajr, March 3. There will be no meeting March 17 because of' St. Patrick's day. tenth birthday anniversary last Saturday by haying a theatre party for friends. Later, the guests enjoyed rtefreshments5 at her home. The young lady was presented with numerous gifts. Attending were Patsy Glosson, ,Sandra Schmunk, Lynn Eiehinger, Janice Nye, Penny Miller and Betty Miller. • Entertains At Lakeland park Home Mrs. Paul Eizik entertained members of the Birthday club at her new home in Lakeland Park one recent evening: Cards provided' entertainment; after which lunch, including a cake decorated in keeping with the Valentine theme, was served. Members of the club are Mesdames Schatz, Parisi, Cini, Piastowski and Sulkowski. Announce Troth Of Geraldine Weyland Mr. and Mrs. Harold Weyland of Rt. 3, McHenry, announce the engagement of their daughter, Geraldine, to George B. Minter. The wedding will take' place in the spring. JUDGE CARROLL MARRIED WAUKEGAN RESIDENT FEB. 19 Judge William M Carroll of Woodstock and Mrs.' Severine C. Bedroslan of Waukegan were maTried Saturday, Feb. 19, in imthactllate Con6eptibn churchy Waukegan, by Rev. Fr. Patrick Navin, assistant pastor. Judge' Carroll, well known irt McHenry, is circuit judge of the seventeenth district; including McHenry, Lake, Winnebago and Boone counties. She is the former deputy county clerk of Lake county. They were attended . by Dr. and Mrs. Walter J. Ready. Attending the wedding were Judge' Carroll's ;two sons and Mrs. Carroll's two sons and a daughter; Goaki Q&ut&i . / Party Fro Josie Smith A" surprise party honoring Josie Smith was held Sunday, F^b. 20, at the Smith home, with dbuier served to the guests who helped carry out the surprise. In attendance were Mr. and Mrs: Hfernfan Maass of Algonquin, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Knute Johnson of Crystal Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Orlo Teeters and family of Decatu?, Nebr., and Mr. and Mrs. Melvln Gorman and son of Piano, m. Oven French Fried Potatoes French fried / potatoes are so generally liked that it is too bad they are rather a nuisance to prepare when you are having guests. We have prepared them in this manner and found them good without requiring constant attention while, preparing the rest of the meal. Potatoes Salt-pepper Crisco Prepare potatoesf as far French fried. Melt a few tablespoons of Crisco or other cooking' fat (not butter or margarine) jk skillet. Stir the thoroughlyMried potato pieces in the fat until well coated. Add more fat * as heeded. Pre-heat oven "to 450°. Place potatoes in baking dish or pan large enough so each piece, of potato is exposed to heat. Put rtek rather high in oven. Bake 30f-to 40 fhSmtfesT' tte^hdihg- on sii$ of pieces. Turn pieces- with spatula as eaoh' side browns. Salt and pepper when done. No draining is necessary. This oven method also is good for calorie counters as very little fat is used. CARb OF THANKS We want to thank each and everyone who called to help make our golden wedding anniversary a happy one; also for all the beautiful cards, flowers and gifts we received. Thank you. Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Wilson MARRIAGE LICENSE Kenneth O'Halleran and Patsy Schmelzer, both of McHenry. 40 Et 8 Sponsors Plan For Nurses' Training The McHenry couhty 40 et 8 ahnounces the start of their annual magazine subscription campaign. Robert Wilbrandt, chefde- gare, states that the commissions derived this year will be again used for nurses training scholarships in McHenry county. The Voiture in the past has trained several nurses, which has been a great asset to this community. Candidates for these scholarships are carefully screened by a committee of five people, insluding a registered nur9e. This insures the selection of girls who are the most likely to finish the training and become competent nurses. There is a great shortage of trained nurses all over the nation, and the McHenry county voiture of the 40 et 8 feels this is one of the most important community service projects that they could carry on. BIRTHS Mr. and' Mrs. William Barth are' the parents of a son, born 'at Memorial hospital last week. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Weston Frtsby at Memorial hospital last week. Mr. arid Mrs. John McDonald of Chicago are the parents of a sOh, born" at Little Company of Mary hospital on Feb. 16. Grandparents are Mr., and Mrs. James McDonald of Chicago and M*. and" Mrt. Walter Carey of McHenry. llie mother is the former Miss Nancy carey. AMONG THE SI CK Mrs. George Collette has been a patient at Memorial hospital* Woodstock. ill i;. .I. <• 4. .f 4, 1 PERSONALS^ Residence Changes Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Cain and daughters, Constance and Candice, have moved from the Town liouse to Jacksonville, Fla. Hewas recently discharged from the Armed Forces. 11' 1 'M1 fr fr <• '£• •!' •!' fr Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hoffman of Wihnette spent a few days last week with her. sister, Mrs. Wm. - Justen. Dr. and Mrs. James West of River Forest visited relatives here Thursday. Maurice Foley; who is 'employed by a pipe ahd boiler covering company in Chicago, returned Friday night from Flint, Mich., where he s^ent two Weeks in the interest of the company. Mr. andr Mrs. Alvin Phannenstill have returned from a week's vacation in Florida. The tllf? was made l>y plane. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawj&fi&e of Chicago sptent the \yeekfcfea with McHenry relatives. '/ Mrs. Ray MeGee, Miss Genevieve Knox, Paul Raagoh, Joseph Cina and Jack' Thomas are, attending classes at DeKalb $t§te Tfeachers college every Tuesday evening. Mr. and -Mrs. Willis Rickey ahd Laurence Cross of Lacon were Sunday callers in the home of the Josie Smiths. Mrs. Rickey remained to spend the week. , Miss Julia Foley was home from her teaching duties in Lombard to spend the weekend with her mother, Mrs. - Eleanor Foley. Miss Ellen Walsh of South Bend, Ind., spent the weekend With her mother, Mrs. Jack Walsh. Mr. and Mrs. Christy Burns of Waukegan were Sunday guests in the home of John Scheid and daughter, Rena, where they helped Mr. Scheid celebrate his eighty-fifth birthday. Mesdames Helen Young, Elizabeth Thompson, Thomas Doherty and Nick Young attended a birthday party for Mrs. Georgia Thomas, held at her home in Woodstock Sunday. Mrs. Fred Bienapfl, accompanied by Miss Nadyne Lewis of Waukegan, Mrs. Wm. Riggs of Gary and Mrs. George Merkt of Paddocks Lake, visited Kenosha ahd Milwaukee, Wis., last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rapp and children of Rockford .were recent guests in the Joseph Benes home. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rueger and children, Diane and Timothy, of Palatine were McHenry visitors Sunday. ' Mr. and, Mrs. Louis Thompson and friends were visitors ill . the Fred BieAapfl home Friday, en route from a trip thrqugh the southern states to their- hoqfce in M&nkato, Minn. Mr.' and Mrs: Emmett Hansen and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Kuehn of the Rod and Gun club, Sports Unlimited, were weekend visitors in Chicago, where they hald an exhibition at the Stforts show. Mr. and Mrs. Ma* Gilmeister, puB auireof '9U]xep{ 'ua.ipni{0 B0i>by, and Miss Patsy TrebatOwski of Rosholt, Wis., were weekend' visitors in the Gail Sjh&nnon and James McAndrews homes. MT. and Mrs. George H. Johnson and son, Frank, were Sunday guests in the George - IS. Johnson home in Skokie. ; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Eizik were visitors in the" home at th«lr son, Ralph Eizik, in MeadoWdale Saturday eWning; % whefe thfey celebrated- the birthdays of- Paul Eizifc ahd' hl& little grt^iddaugnter, Denice; Eizik. Mr. and M^s. Anthony Wetland' left Monday to spend some time in Florida. Mr: 'and' Mri Chafles St'OffH of Milwaukee visited relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mi's. William Sutton and son and Mrs. Laura" Minteer of MayWwod" were Sunday visitors in the. E, R. Sutton home, where tW6y celebrated Mrs. Minteer's birthUay anniversary.' Mr. and Mrs. George- Fraskeland j .daughter, Alice, of River Foregtj, were Sunday visitors in the Alex Adams home. William Marshall has returned to his home in Chicago after spending two and one-half months in the Roseland Community hospital. GIRL SCOUTS Troop 4 At the last meeting of Troop 4, election of! officers was held: Eleanor Wirfs, president; Penhy Scholtz, vice-president and scribe; Nancy Bucjtner, secretary; Mary Grace Meyer, treasurer. A Valentine party was enjoyed during which Valentines were exchanged and refreshments were served. Penny Scholtz, scribe BULLET HOLES Several bullet holes in a door of one of the buildings at the McHenry county fair grounds were discovered this past week but it is believed they were not made recently. Deputy sheriffs sai'd several windows also had been broken by shots. It is believed the vandalism may have occurred several weeks ago When similar damage was reported' to residences in the Woodstock area. 1,1 M"H' I H 'g 'Thursday, Februarya, 1955 COMING EVENTS I"!1'!1 'I' 'W'-I'i { Mfrfr^iiifr'HFebruary' & Community P/T.A. Meeting -- HigM- Sehoot CMfeteria -- 8:15 p.m. ^. Iiecture1' Luncheon Club -- 12:30 p.m. -- Country Squire Restaurant, Grayslake February 26 C.Y.O. Boxing' ahd: Wrestling -- High School Gym -- Sponsored • by parents' Association of Christ the King Church, Wonder Laki Square' dance and' Hard Times Party -- Moose Hall' -- 9 p.m. February 27 Annual Forester Basketball Tournament --- High School'Gym -- Afternoon and Evening (March 1 Regular Meeting Fox River Valley Camp, R.N.A. -- Mrs. Amanda Brown Home -- 8 p m. Wom^en of the Moose -- 8 p.m. -- Lodge Hall v March 6 Annual Forester Basketball- Tournament -- High School Gym March 9 Adult Girl Scouts -- Legion Home -- 1 p.m. March is Annual Forester Basketball ToUrnaitient -- High School Gym March 15 Women of the Moose Meeting -- 8 p.m. Lodge Hall March 21 Corn Beef ahd Cabbage Dinner -- 6 p.m. -- Sponsored by Altar ahd- Rosary of Christ the King CMurch, Wonder Lake Read ifere Want Ads! TRACTOR SHOWING George P. Freund, who recently witnessed an official unveiling of the Case "400" at Racine, Wis., is making great preparations for his own showing of this new tractor. Highlight of its introduction here will be a grand opening all day and evening Saturday, Fef>. 26, 9 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Beauty is not a necessity for a woman but it surely makes life easier for her. ^lllHIIIIIHIIIIIIIIlllllHIHmUIWIIIHIIIIHHIIIIHfHIHIimillllllllHIIIinillliinillllllllilllllHlllHllllinilllllllllllllllniu COUNTY STUDENTS ATTENDED COLLEGE NIGHT Oft MONDAf A number of students' frclm the McHenry high school attended airnual college night at" tlft Woodltock , Community high school last Monday night, Feb. 21, from 7 to 9 o'clock, Where they imeit representatives fromtwenty- six colleges and universities. llie purpose of the annual college' night, to which students from all county schools were invited, is to give interested yoUng people and their. parents an op-' portunity to talk personally to these representatives and learn more about the various schools. Each representative was aSsijgned a separate room for counseling purposes, where he talked td those interested' in his particular schbol and in their future plans. Institutions were chosen on the basis of past experience, With the largest number of requests for conferences with representatives of the* University of Illinois^ the University of Wisconsin and Northern Illinois State Teachers college. Others represented were Coe, Carroll, Carthage, Cornell, Grinnell, Iowa State. Lake Forest, Lindenwood, MacMurray, Michigan State, Ripon, Rockford, Shimer and Western Illinois State colleges; Bradley, Drake, Illinois State Normal, Loyola, Northwestern and Chflkgo universities ; also iUinoisalnstitute of Technology, Illinois Vesley&n axid the National Colleg< cation/ of Edu- LIST PRODUCTION CdST FOR SENI0» PLAY MARCH 25 The senior, class play, "Annie Get Your Gurt," probably the" biggest presentation ev|r undertaken in the local htgjji school, will have a' large production cast selected by the play's^ director, Miss Margaret Kreul. Assisting will be Chudk' Wledei mann, stage manage!^ Dave Keftt, Larry Larsen,' Jim Bohf 1 and Ronald May, crew members; 4 Bob Bittermann, Waljjy Frett ahd Melvrn Freund, | business managers; Joyce Krum^eide and , Peggy Stamer, advertising; Kar- ^ en- Schmelzer and Roberta WirfS, \ tickets; Peggy Whiting, Marge Freund, Ann Marie May, Donna Raycraft, Penny ' Fike, Carol ' ; Gnadt and Nancy Muller, prop- ' erties. . F Pat Ktlhn,; Martha B&ldt, Ann Marie May, Dorothy ^ Kroncke and Elaine . Vycital, prompters; Carol iGnadt, Penny Filie, Marge West and Nancy MueJler, costumes; Donna Raycraftjj Roberta Wirfs, Shirley Conwa^, Karen Olson, Nancy Mueller} Dolores k Mercure and Mary ^pn Ford, make-up. ii -f- The best way to earijf a rest is to complete your work^ •£- BANK FACTS tyou/a r The magic that is ycrath buoyancy . .the flair for pert pr^ttiriess that is spring ... all this is yours with a RAYETTE GODDESS WAVE, most - luxurious in all the world . . Phone 147 for your appointment now. Remember this is Beauty Week! YOUR LOVELINESS IS OUR BUSINESS iRwer&ide Studio, ' ADELINE PEDERSEN, Prop. 126 N. Riverside Drive McHenry, BL Phene 147 1 A joint checking account is one account opened and used by two people. When starting such an account, bom the individuals oan| cerned sign an agreement that either may draw checks against it. Either may also makf deposits. ( Many couples find special advantages in maintaining a joint account: for example, any bill can be paid by the husband or by the wife, however it's most convenient. Other couples prefer to maintain separate accounts. Either way, a checking account is a great help in nMnaging-fffijgy Start oaewithus?: McHENRY STATE BANK Member federal Deposit Insurance Corporation! Member Federal iteserve System |! Interest Paid Oh Savings Deposited PHONE 1040 ; -f" Have you ever wondered why it's so much easier to tell somebody else how to do something than it is to do it yourself? ChOtftl Speaking Is Program Feature St; Mary's P.T.A. wl regular- meeting at 3: on. \Vpdnesday, March schbbr- hall. Entertain be furnished by a group of third graders ; who will be featured in choral speaking. j.hold its jt." o'clock % in the 6nt will Sandra Miller 10 .Years Old Sandra Miller SEE WHAT SOFT WATER can do for you . .. SERViSOFT SOPf WATER SERVICE on a low-cost Strutitc . • woIlk FOR DITAUS As Low As *2.75 EaeJi 28 Days R. O. Andrew Co. Vfoodstock 428 EMMA, WHY DON'T YOU BE LIKE MISS LE FEVER?, . . . SHE SENDS ALL HER DRESSES TO . . . Rainbow Cleaners North Front Street Around Corner Norfo of National Tea Phone 927 For Pickfrp Service or SAVE 10% Cash and Carry RAINBOW CLEANERS will do a beautiful' job of Sanitone Cleaning your draperies and slip covers. The 1955 ^ontiac is evidence that price is no longer a factor in making the step to fine-car luxury and performance. _ Every new Pontiac you see emphasizes the fact that here is the most distinctively styled car of all. But Pontiac's brilliant stylihg is only part of all that's new and modern in this great General Motors masterpiece. A few minutes behind the vtiteel provides the clinching evidence. Pontiac's mighty Sttflto-Streak V-8 responds instantly, ^rather you're in city traffic or cruising xhe open road. With Pontiac's new, jigger brakes and recirculating ball stewing, handling is Fisher and shock-proof chassis conn plete the fine-car picture. Normally, all this would add up to • high price--but Pontiac has changed the pattern with prices that start so close to the lowest that if you can afford any new car you can afford the\ easy and satisfying step to Pontiaq?j/ pride and distinction. Why not cOraem, in at your first opportunity and get the facts and figures? MOTH nit sfBMro-tngjue r*s > • P f -uah ^ ZuZeOreal po*" »rr e*7® *n i vw tbe«?°i »«° • •' advance^^onuac S^° tbe scot® ^ You con buy a big, powerful PoQtiac for few than many models of the lowetf-priced can! - PONTI AC Co. 400 FRONT STREET PHOME 17 McflENRY, n.l.iwftia

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