www*"--f" : 'u "t ,^<V-J; ,^' i t >: ,A ' Pl9« Two The Mchenry plaindeaLer ( _ . _ ,^^!";' ':-;V^> . " J Thursday, March lp,1955 $»*4liti.|..M'<'Mi'Mfr'M'l'M'l>'MliHlfl<'<lM',H,,M',MlfrlHl4'lM"M'4l'Ml,Hl< Shower -Honors Joan O'Brien A bridal shower was held at the Legion Home Sunday afternoon, honoring Miss Joan O'- Biien, with Mrs. Joe "Gauaden and Mrs. Adelaide Gausden as hostesses. Thirty guests were present to enjoy cards, after which a delicious lunch was served from a table decorated entirely in white, with, a bride doll as centerpiece. The gift table was centered with a decorated sprinkling can. Miss O'Brien will be married April 16 to Donald Bauer of Ingleside. graders and freshmen attended the last square dance party held at Edgebrook school. Chaperones were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bennett aiid Mr. arid Mrs. Robert Beckenbaugh of the Community P.T.A., Mr. and Mrs. George Kauss and Mr. and. Mrs. Richard Hester of. St. Mary's P.T.A., Dr. and Mrs. William Nye of St. Patrick's Mother's club and Mr. Thomas of the faculty. The next dance will be held March 12. Public Card Party Benefits School Club A public card party will be held at the Ringwood school on March 19 at 8 o'clock for the benefit of the Community club of tJhe school. Prizes will be given away and refreshments served. Plan For Last Tournament Party The last party of the current card tournament of the C.D. of A. was held Thursday, March 3, which is also the evening of the business and social meeting. Winners in cards were Bobby May, Kathryn L. Freund, Rachel Lomasney and Bertilla Freund in pinochle; Anna Hay, Marie Schaefer and Helen Nuber in canasta; and Elvera Nye in bridge. The next business meeting will be held March 31 instead of April 7. line Program Entertains P.T.A. At St. Mary's regular P.T.A. meeting on March 2, Sister Orata's third graders presented an enjoyable program of recitations and singing. Several instrumental students of Paul R. Yanda also played some excellent selections. They included the clarinet quartet, a saxophone solo by Kenneth Sawdo and the saxophone quartet. Dinner Proceeds Benefit Church The Altar and Rosary sodality of Christ the King church, Wonder Lake, is sponsoring a family style dinner on Thursday, March 17, at Millie's Pizza in Wonder • Woods at 6 o'clock. Corned beef, 1 cabbage, carrots, potatoes, homemade cake and pie will be offered. A white elephant sale will be field in connection with the dinner, witfo all articles reasonably priced. Miracle Club Held Surprise The Wash Day Miracle club surprised Mrs. Celia Fox on the occasion of her birthday anniversary, Monday, March 7, at the Pine Tree Tower. A social afternoon was enjoyed, with lunch and birthday cake being served. Guests were Mrs. Mary Powers and daughter,' Mary Jane, Mrs. Grace Johnson, Mrs. Dick Cronin and Mrs. Lelah Howard. Announce Troth Qf Barbara Simon Mr. and Mrs. Herb Simon annouBce the engagement ,0f their daughter, Barbara, to .Charles Hansen. The wedding |Hll take place June 25. - Square Dancing *' Enjoyed By 100 About 100 seventh-and eight® Methodist Women Hold Guest Day McHenry Woman's Society for Christian Service invites women of sister churches to annual guest day, Thursday, March 17, at 12:30 p.m. at the McHenry Community Methodist church. This invitation is extended to all women of the McHenry area who would like to hear Mrs. Mary Webster of Toulon, HI. Warren Jones, tenor, will be soloist. Mrs. Webster is an unusual and outstanding personality because of her associations and experiences. She has been associated with Dr. E. Stanley Jones, world-famous Methodist Missionary to India. She is "red-headed and 37" with preaching experience, an evangelist and an author. Preaching missions took Mrs. Webster througlh Dallas, Houston, Chattanooga and Knoxvflle. Guest day will, begin with a luncheon at J.2:30 p.m. Members who plan to bring guests are urged to inform Mr. J. J. Gruenfeld as to the number of places they wish reserved; all other ladies in the cqmmunity who plan to attend might .inform Mrs. Gruenfeld and so help her in planning. Hostesses assisting at lunch will be Mesdames Fike, Orthwein, Sanford, V. Jones and Barrows. There will be baby-sitter service for mothers with small children. BIRTHS Col. and Mrs. H. E. Lacy are the proud grandparents of a 7 lb. boyj born to their daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Johnson, on March 4 at Mercy hospital in Chicago. The new arrival has been named Stephen Elliott. It Pays To Advertise •».K t 1 1 11 11 111 '11 'I PERSONALS Mrs. Evelyn Larkin is spending several weeks with her sister in Los Angeles, Calif, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Johnson of Wall Lake, Iowa, visited McHenry relatives Wednesday. They were called here by the death of her uncle, Frank Bacon, of Wauconda. M/Sgt. James Doherty and family, who spent the past three weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. F. Doherty, sailed Monday of last week from New York, for England, where he will be stationed for the next three years. Mrs. Ruth Damm of Kenosiha, Wis., Mrs. Fern Mitchell of Waukegan and Mrs. Lois Rapp of Arlington Heights were visitors in the home of their mother, Mrs. Zena Bacon, Tuesday of last week. Miss Rose Huemann has returned from a three month's stay in Pensacola, Fla. Mrs. Neva Battern of Woodstock has been spending some time in the home of her brother, George Jones, who returned home from the Chicago Osteopathic hospital Thursday. Mrs. Harry Kist of Chicago visited her sister, Mrs. Kathryn Worts, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Adams and little daughter, Debbie, left Saturday for Miami Springs, Fla., where they plan to make their future home. Mrs. Erwin Laures and daughter, Vicki, of Wheaton visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heimer, Wednesday. Mrs. Paul Barbian was a weekend visitor in the home of her sister in Park Ridge. Mrs. Edward* Buss, Mrs. Harold Foss, Mrs. Fred Rogers, Mrs. Maurice Clark, Miss Bertilla Freund, Mrs. Charles Brown, Mrs. Joseph Mahoney, Mrs. Jack Boone, Mrs. Leo Blake, Mrs. E. G. Siemon and Miss Ann Rodenkirch attended the first business meeting of the Diocesan Council of the National Council of Catholic Women, held in the Faust hotel at Rockford last Wednesday, March 2. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fowles of Waukegan road have been spending several weeks in Florida. Misses Jean and Joyce Adams were weekend guests of their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Murray, in Mundelein. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Heckman left last week for a visit with their son, Francis, and family in Kalamazoo, Mich., before going to Florida for a vacation. Mrs. Quentin Walsh was a weekend visitor in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young, Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson and Mrs. Anna Miller were among the McHenry folks who called at the home of Mrs. Sylvia Gustafson in Wofldstack; Sunday afternoon^ to extend congratulations to Mi?. Gustafson's 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claus Larson* of Hebron, who were1 celebrating their golden w&lding there. Mrs. A. P. Moritz spent the weekend in Kenosha, Wis., where she helped her aunt, Mrs. {Catherine Althoff, a.former facftenry resident, celebrate her ninetysecond birthday. The Ray Smith family ha^ returned from Fiorida, where they spent several weeks. Mrs. Ebba Granath of Crete, 111., spent a, few days the* past week with her , sister, Mrs. Magnus Nelson. On Friday, accompanied by Mrs. A. J. Butler, they enjoyed smorgasbord dinner in Sycamore and visited in the Harold Nelson home in DeKalb. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wirtz enjoyed a trip to New Orleans the past week. Mr, and Mr%. LeRoy Conway and son, Mike, were visitor^ iij the Harold Phalin home in Waukegan Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Anglese and daughter, Kathleen, spent the weekend in Morrison,, where they ihelped his parent^, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Anglese, celebrate their golden wedding. Jack Wirtz was home from Champaign to spend the weekend with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. A. J. Wirtz. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bien^pfl and Mrs. Dale Dixon and children visited in the Wm. Riggs home in Cary Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alfons Adams and Jay Crick attended the first Illinois Archery association convention held at the Leland hotel in Aurora Sunday as delegates from the local club. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Miller left last week for a vacation In Orlando, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson of Kansasville, Wis., visited relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Page left Tuesday for a three weeks vacation in Florida. The Misses Marie and Dorothy Stoffel spent the weekend visiting in tihe home of their siBter, Mrs. Gerald Schumacher, in Pox River Grove. Mrs. Elliott Timme and Children of Park Ridge spent a few days last week with her father, C. J. Reihansperger. Mr. and Mrs. James Kupec are enjoying a few weeks' vacation in Mississippi. Milford Wilke has returned from a trip to Guatemala. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dournbyjjh of Chicago were Sunday visitors in the Paul Eizik home. George and Adeline Pederstti attended the beauty show in Chicago last weekend. 312 ELM STREET McMENRY. ILL. Young Teen Corner TUNE IN "STUDIO K FOR KIDS" -- WKRS Saturday, March 12, - 1:00 p.m. FUN, RECORDS and NEWS FRIENDS EXTEND CONGRATULATIONS - TO, ALBERT, KRAJJSES Many friends called Sunday to extend congratulations tpv Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kraujse on the occasion of their golden w.edding anniversary. Among those, from out of town in attendance were Mf- and Mrs. Pat Kelleher and Mr. and Mrs. Emil Froeming of Elmhurst, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Monro e and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Anthony and daughter of Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Compagna and sons and Dorothy Van Acker of Dundee, Mr. and Mrs. Roland G&inas of West Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Grosrenaud and children or Downers Grove. During the family dinner at noon, the original newspaper wedding account was read by Fred Meyer. A short program was also enjoyed, with Jerry and Jimmy Joe Glosson and David and Jon Meyer singing and playing "I Love You Truly" on musical instruments. Randy Meyer then undertook a big job for a, 3-year-old in playing and singing "Take Me Out To the Ball •jGame" and "Pony Boy." During the supper hour, Rt. Rev. Msgr. C. S. Nix spoke before the assembled group of guests and later copies of the plaindealer were passed out as "extras." A mock wedding was also enjoyed. CARD OF THANKS We would like to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to our relatives, friends and neighbors for their prayers{ understanding and sympathy in our time of bereavement; especially our thanks to Msgr. Charles S. Nix, Fathers Reuland, Schuler and McGowan for their help and kindness. j ' Joseph Harrer Family RIVERVIEW CAMP CELEBRATES 44TH AttfolVfcRSARY , Riverview Camp, No. 6818, 'Royal Neighbor/# of America, wiU celebrate the forty-fourth anniversary of the, camp's founding w|th a.p£t-luck dinner March 18 at 6:30 o'clock in the K. of C. hall. Honored guests will be the camp organizer, Mrs. Agnes Gilly of Rockford, and the following charter members, Kathryn L. Freund, Barbara Weber, Anna Boley, Ethel Holly, Susan Froeming, Mary Weingart, Barbara Krause, Kathryn Worts and Rose Huemann. A business meeting will follow the dinner, after which cards will be played and prizes awarded. Mrs. Kathryn M. Worts is committee chairman and will be assisted by Gertrude Weber, l£llen Phalin, Kate Barbian and Luella Lockwood. COUNTY SEASON OF PLAYS OPENS SATURDAY NIGHT Ye Olde Opera House lights its manquee at Woodstock to welcome the spring festival of legitimate plays that open Saturday, Sunday and Monday, March 12, 13 and 14, with the Broadway comedy hit, "Bell, Book and Candle" by John van Druten. Included among well known TV personalities scheduled to be seen are Francine Semmons, Alice Dineen, John Mille, Ray Gruenwald and' Paul Haney. Sunday evening shows start at 7 p.m., while Saturday and Monday evening performances are scheduled for 8:30. The Sunday matinee is at 2 t>.m. HiiiitiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiuiuiiiiiiiuiuiiiiiuuiuiuiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu Kissable , | neckline | Still the new feminine look . . . § softly, gently cut to flatter the scene §j of Spring . . . most striking comli- = ment to your Easter wardrobe. = Open Tues., Thurs., & Fri. evenings = '/ ?V <- I 'til 9 p.m. = Phone 147 For Your Spring Fashion Appointment Now 1 TOUR LOVELINESS IS OtJR BUSINESS | | ftuzertkide 3lau<dij£incf Stadia | | ADELINE PEDERSBN, Prop. I |12 6 N. Riverside Drive McHenry, HL Phone 147| iCOMING EVENTS March 6 Annual Forester Basketball Tournament -- High School Gym Starch 8 Circle 1 Meeting -- Community Methodist church -- 1 p.m. -- Mrs. Lois Eggert, Hostess March 9 Adult Girl Scouts -- Legion Home -- 1 p.m. March 11 Fish Fry -- Moose Lodge -- 8 p.m. March 18 Annual Forester Basketball Tournament -- High School Gym March 16 Women of the Moose Meeting -- 8 p.m. -- Lodge Hall Social Meeting, Women of the Moose -- 8 p.m. Riverview Camp, R.N.A. -- Anniversary Pot-Luck Dinner -- 6:30 p.m. March 17 Luncheon and Card Party -- St. Peter's Hall, Spring Grove -- Sponsored by Christian Mother's Sodality March 19 • .Easter Parade Style 'Shgfy -- .High School Auditorium r'-r- 3 p;m. .• *1 March 20 ..... " Baby Village Day Footloose -- Antioch Lodge -- 1:30| P.m. March 24-25-26 White. Elephant Sale -- St. Patrick's Church Hall -- Sponsored by Mother's Club , March S7 ' Corn Beef and Cabbage Dinner -- 6 p.m. -- sponsored by Altar and Rosary of (Christ the King Church, Wonder' Lake March 29 McHenry Garden Club Meeting --- Mrs. Fred Lieberson Home -- 1:30 p.m. Open Meeting, Moose Lodge -- 8 p.m. -- Smorgasbord Mart$ SI Lecture Luncheon Club -- McHenry Country club -- 12:30 p.m. * BEAUTY SHOW FEATURES According to those who attended the mid-west beauty show held in Chicago last weekend, hair colour and the new length of hair were features of styles shown. The lines are smooth and flowing, with hair from 1 to 2 inches on the necft. B A N K P A C T S FOR YOU 1 ^FirstTcome inT Then simply tell us how much you want to borrow, and why; and !discuss with us the time and method of, 'repayment. We decide on your applica-j tion promptly. If it is approved, we make the sum you want available without de-j 1 lay. For most loans no co-signers are, 'required. . _ r The procedure is simple and clear-cut. JTerms are arranged with your cenven-j ,ience in mind; and the borrowing cost is 'low. Why not bring your credit problems 'to us? We will make every effort to help you solve them quickly and economically. McHENRY STATE BANK Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Member Federal Reserve System Interest Paid On Savings Deposited JPHONS 1040 THEY'RE ALWAYS GLAD TO SEE THE MAN FROM RAINBOW CLEANERS North Front Street Around Corner North of National Tea Phone 927 For Pickup Service or SAVE 10% Cash & Carry BEAT THE RUSH! Send your clothes in today for expert SANITONE cleaning and beat the Easter RUSH. We'll return your garments to you so fresh, so just-like-new-looking, you'll be proud to wear them again. STATE LINE TRANSFER ANNUAL FARM MACHINERY AUCTION Located on U.S. Highway 12 at the Illinois-Wisconsin State line. FRIDAY, MARCH 18 Commencing at 11:00 a.m. Sharp LUNCH ON GROUNDS NEW MACHINERY -- "DC" Case tractor with foot clutch, live P.T.O. and Eagle Hitch; Decker 42 ft. elevator; Case 3-16" plow on rubber; Ezee Flo No. 100 fertilizer spreader ; 2 Case 4 section steel drags with folding drawbar; 1 4-section wood drag with folding drawbar; Case No. L 170 side rake on rubber; Case 9 ft. fertilizer grain drill on rub. USED MACHINERY -- 2 "WC" Allis Chalmer tractors; F-20 McCormick Deering tractor & cult.; Massey-Harris self propelled picker; Case 2 row picker; John Deere 101 picker; New Idea 12A spreader; Case 7 ft- mower; Case "C" forage harvester; 3 Decker false endgates, self unloading, forage boxes; John Deere 4 row planter; 3 almost new Case wagons on rubber; Case No. L 170 side del. rake, 1954, like new; New Idea manure loader, like new; Case 36 ft. all purpose elevator, complete with hopper & spout; 1 "VAC" Case tractor, starter, lights and cultivator; New Holland 77 baler with starter; McCormick Deering tractor spreader; David Bradley 7 ft. mower; 28 inch Case thresher; Decker unloading jack; Case Model G combine 6 ft. cut; 7 ft. Case disk harrow; New Holland manure loader; No. 8 McCormick 2-14" plow; Jacobsen Lawn Queen mower; Lawn mower & grass catcher, like new; 2 Rite-Way hot water heaters. USED CARS AND TRUCKS -- 1951 Pontiac 4 dr. Hydra., completely equipped; 1950 Chevrolet V& ton pickup Dix. cab, radio & heater, like new; 1949 Buick Super 4 dr., excellent cond., new tires & battery; 1948 Chevrolet 1 ton truck, platform & tires, goocl cond.; 1948 Kaiser 4 dr. sedan; 1947 Buick Roadmaster, 4 dr. sedan; 1946 Buick Super, 4 dr., valves ground, good tires; 1946 Hudson Coupe 5 pass., radio,' heater & overdr., perfect; 1939 Nash 2 dr. sedan. ALL THE ABOVE CARS AND TRUCKS WILL BE SOLD REGARDLESS OF PRICE. WEIMARANER DOGS -- Purebred registered Welmaraners out of A.K.C. registered stock of the best of the breed in this country. We have never sold a dog for less than $175.00 but as we are over-stocked we will sell two of our best hunters regardless of price. Terms on Personal Property: All sums of $15.00 and under, cash. Over $15.00, one fourth down and the balance in 6 monthly payments plus 3% carrying charge and recording fee on a conditional aHes contract, Longer terms may be arranged by contacting the clerk at the sale. No property is to be moved until settlement is made. STATE UNE TRANSFER L. J. KLOPPSTEIN. Owner Sale conducted and clerked by THORP FINANCE CORP. C. R. Williams, Monroe, Wis. Henry A. Freeman, Auctioneer If you are contemplating having an auction, for the most complete Auction Service, call or write -- State Line Transfer, Genoa City, Wis. Let the Rocket do the talking! M ;vh y OldBinobile's "Rocket" Enginefirst in high compression! Features 202 hp., 8.5 to 1 compression ratio! Sopar I'M" KdUqr Compi. A Gtntrol Motor, Vo/«•. It's got plenty to say . - . and says It In a whisper I Action speaks louder than wards! The minute you take command of Oldsmobile's new "Rocket** 202 Engine you'll discover there's new meaning to that old saying! For here's bold power you never dreamed of--rocketing response that flashes you out ahead any time you touch. it off, with quick, quiet confidence! And it's velvetsmooth, too-- 202 purging high-compression horsepower, teamed with Hydra-Matic Super I>rive*! So take the wheel soon. Let the "Rocket" speak for itself--on the road! ^Optional mi cxlra COM. IN/I I SIB YOUR NCARSST OLDSMOBILE DIALER1 R. J. Overton Motor Sales 403 Front Street Phone 6 _ DONT MISS OLDSMOBILE'!} "CONNECTICUT YANKEE" TV SMOVy • COLOR AND BLACK. A WHIH • NRC-TY • SAT«/ MARSH 12 --