Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Mar 1955, p. 11

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filtoMtai; I*ndt2«. 1SS3 ^ r r , w v f £ V * * •HP I** Ml _--^ THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALEH ffeM mm/mem Mm. Betty Hetterraau M Passes On Our deepest sympat tefcflea to the ffcriiily ^ Sfcaif. Mr. Scall passed %Nf&y test \tatek after suffering a heart attack. He hid fceen hospitalised in Chicago at the Paefia'iietirtt hospital previous to his dMtttr ConiiiitinloH Snday Next Sunday, March 27, the Lady Foresters and the Juvenile QW Foresters will receive 06mmijntoft in a body at thes|g:30 mass. Ail Foresters are ask^i- to attend*- * • t _ ^ iir Poblis Party a. Success A good sized crowd gathered at St. John's school ihall last Sunday evening to attend a puttlic party sponsored by the <^ristian Motfiers. About two hundred dollars Wait collected aii^L ^vili .. be turned over to •= the*' schobl building fund. WatcH -for the date of tiie next public -party. $ Home for Weekend Miss Adele Schmitt and D<?fothy Hiller were visiting their parents, the George Schmitts iftd the George Hillers, last weekend. The girls attend college in Milwaukee. t - "Mayor" Ricks Home "^Mayor" Bill Ricks returned to Ms home in Sunnyside Estates last -Wednesday. He was accompanied here from Morton by the Emil Boilers. We are All very happy to have Bill in our midst once again. . Recuperating at Home Mrs. Marge Fischer is now recuperating at home after spending several days last week iri a Chicago hospital. We hope Marge will be up and about real aeon. Birthday Gatherings Mr. and Mrs. Herb Simon, Barbara Simon, Charles Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Elshoff, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Thompson and family and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Simon and son, all of McHenry, Mr." and Mrs. Bob Wayman and daughter of Arlington Heights and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wagner and family of Milton Junction, Wis., gathered at the Gerald Hettermann Home last Sunday for dinner and supper to help Mary celebrate her birthday. Little Bdbby Einspar was host to a group of his relatives last Sunday afternoon in honor of his first birthday. Those present were his maternal grandparents, Mr- and My§,. |G$orge M. Kae of Chicago, his paternal grandfather, Walter Eij^sjcfar of Lilymoor, his great-aunt, Miss Ann Clare, and Mr. and Mrs. George M. Kae, Jr., and children, Linda, Donna and George IH, of Chicago and Mr. and Mi's. Willard Einspar and children^ Will, Jr., Jim, Maryoeth and J^rifrie, of Oak Park. * Happy birthday v to Janice Wakitsch who celebrated her birthday on March 20. Here 'n There Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller and daughters were dinner guests at tire home of Mr. add ®Jrs. MelVbi' t«tchlhgef- in Chicago oh Mkrcii 13. Mr. arid Mrs. #aUl Bfeyk And children bf Chicago Were W&kerid: vMtorts at the fed tfettermaiin ftdfrt€. Richard May and Richard Dehn we#e irt Chicago last Saturday. While there they visited At the home Of the John Dehns. A ^reminder that the Red Cf-oss vdlililteers are still canvassing this area for funds. Please give as much as your budget will allow whfen a representative comes to your door. That's all for now. See you all next Week. Hedge Fences Prove Impairment To Land Hedge fences are gradually disappearing, bat enough of then! remain between farms and along highways to -cause . problems. Some people 'like hedge fences tot their posits, shade, beauty and Wind protection. Others dislike them because they impair the productive capacity of adjoining land, are hard to trim and harbor weeds and insects. The division fence law requires the owner to trim hedge back to five feet every two years and, if the hedge fence is used as a windbreak, up to 30 rods may be left to grow. If an owner fails to cut his hedge, an adjoining owner who is injured may cut it, after giving 10 days' written notice, and recover the cost from the owner of the hedge. As long as the owner keeps the fehce trimmed his neighbor cannot compel him to take it out. The law defines legal fences as inoluding hedge fences. To give highway authorities the rigjit to protect roads from overhanging hedge trees, the law requires that the owner trim back the hedge to five feet every year (instead of every two years as required for division fenees). However, this provision ddea not apply to hedge protecting an orchard or building. Also, as much as one-fourth of the length of a hedge fence along a highway may, with the consent of the highway commissioner, be left untrimmed as a windbreak for stock. Owners failing to* trim their hedges by Oct. 1 are liable .to a fine of 10 to SO dollars in a suit brought by the highway commissioner. X>o multiflora rose fences come within these hedge fence laws? Apparently So. There is nothing in the law defining a /'hedge," and the law implies thtet any trees or bushes used as a fence are included. Therefore, if multiflora rose division or highway fences exceed the limits to which the law permits their growth, an owner can be forced to trim them. These laws apply only to division or highway feiices. A fanner can have all the hedge fence he wants on the rest of his farm. Want Ads bring results. Place yours with the Plaindealer today. Just above you see a lot of unused space, it's similar to the unused space in your home . . . maybe the attic or basement. 'That sgace could just as well be used as a rumpus room, a guest room or something else. It's inexpensive, practical to put that unused space to work by remodeling . , . and Alexander Lumber Co. can as to plans, material to use and even financing to do the job. Don't waste that extra space in your home, call>% at 1424 Today! LUMBER Co. ONE 1424 McHENKT, ni. ALEXAN 547 MAIN STREET, raffic CHARLES F. CARPENTIER Sccrotary of S f . i t c Don't, let your guard down when yofi are driving on county or rural roads. You may be far away from the dangers that are present on the * high-speed highway or those in crowded city traffic, but deaths from accidents on rural roads are increasing. As this is written, the latest itatlStics for >1954 show that there were decreases in traffic accident fatalities la Illinois in all but two categories. Those two were cities with populations between 5,000 and 10,000 and on county and rural roads. On the county and rural roadB, there was a 9 per cent in* Cfeise. The two most frequent types of aicoldents causing deaths on those roads were collisions between motor vehicles and vehicles running off the road. Just because you are in the open country, where traffic is light, don't let your attentiop wander from the serious business of driving a car, don't drive too faSt for conditions. 'Danger spots are not as well marked on rural roads as on primary Highways, shoulders Are narrower, curves are sharper and roads are not as evenly graded. You can come upon a dangerous situation Very qUiekly, and you may save your life by being prepared for it A copy of the completely new "Rules of the Road" booklet will be sent to you free upon request. Write to CHARLES F. CARPENTIER, Secretary of State, Springfield, Illinois. PROFEWOim DIRECTORS' B and B EXTERIOR DECORATING . Free Estimates Fritzches Estates . PHONE 580-R-2 , SIGN DESIGN Chain-O-Lakea Region Point Of Sale Advertisisj Specialists in Silk Screen Printing on Any Surface ill Jua$ Quantity Quickly and ReliaDiy. Complete Art and Design Service Day Glow Printing Bt. 1, Ringwood, 10. Telephone: Wonder Lake S101 DB. G. R. SWANSON Dentist Office Hours: Daily Except Thursday 9 to 12 -- 1:80 to 5:80 ' Mom, Wed. and Fri. Evenings By Appointment Only Telephone McHenry 160 FRANK 8. MAY BLACK DIRT Sand - Gravel - Driveways Excavating Route 5, McHenry, HI. Phone McHenry 580-M-l Smui limestone VERN THKLEN Excavating Gravel Waek Dirt Dredging TeL McHenry 1886 Box 640, Rt. 1, McHenry, HL A. P. FREUND St SONS Excavating Contractors Trucking, Hydraulic and Crane Service ROAD BUILDING -- Tel. 204.M McHenry, DL EARL R.WAI4H INSURANCE Fire, Auto, Farm & Life Insurance Representing am.lABT.F. COMPANIES When Yon Need Insurance of Any Kind PHONE 48 or 95S Green ft Elm/ McHehry, m. SCHROEDER IRON WORKS Ornamental & Structural Steel Visit Our Showrooms 8 Miles Souht on Rt. 81 PHONE 950 DR. J. W. BAKER Dentist 110 S. Green Street Professional Building PHONE 1044 Hours -- Daily 9 to 12 -- 1:80 to 5:80 MOIL, Wed. A Fri. Evening* By Appointment rRANX PECHART * AtietlOII t Bwcael A Dan VwM% Auctioneers Slaving decided to quit dairying, 1 will sell the cows on* my farm known as the Flanders Farm on the Crystal Lake 'and McHenry blacktop, 4 miles North of Crystal Lake and 4 miles South of McHenry on -* Sunday, March 27, 1955 commencing at 12:00 o'clock ' 20 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK 19 milk cows, including two registered cOWs (7 are springers); 1 registered "bull, This is kn exceptionally good herd. If ^ou need cows be sure to see these before the s£ie. FEUD 1000 bti. of corn. MILKING EQUIPMENT; 2 peLaval magnetic milking tj$(ltS; 2 steel Wash tftnks; Surge 'hot tifeter heater; 8 milk cans; strfiirier and pail; Solution ttfrik and holdet. MACHINERY 2 tires, 16x600, just like new; Case silo filler & pipe; Oliver 2 row' corn planter; Oliver 2 14" bottom tractor plow; International 3 bottom 14" tractor plow; 500 chick Hudson brooder; Minneapolis 1939 MTA tractor; John Deere No. 44 2-16" powertrol plow; international 10" hammer mill with traveling table; U. iS. Challenger 30 ft. single ehaifi elevator; Oliver 2 row tractor corn planter; Oliver horse spreader; Case motor baler; Case 8' disc harrow; International $ fear side rake; Gehl bloWer. Not Responsible For Aeeldents Terms: All^ums of $25 ci* under cash. Over that amount one fourth down and the balance in six monthly installments at 6 per cent, interest, arraAgements for credit to be made with the clerk before purchase is made. FRANK PECHART, Owner McHENRY STATE BANK, Clerking HABOBSH BUSIEST CHEAPEST . WORKERS IN TOWN PLAINDEALER WANT ADS McHenry County Tbrongb The Years by Marls Sohaettgeo Chapter 88 Greenwood In the Strict meaning of the word, Greenwood was never laid out as a Village. A survey was made in i'842, but it Was never recorded. Job Toles in 1842 subdivided it into lotB, and an addition was made in 1845. The village was beautifully situated but late in the '80's its population was less than 200. The town was located on the south branch of the Nippersink. Greenwood wai remarkable for its trim and lovely homes and its cleah streets and walks. The first store In the town was that of C. M. Goodsell.' It was a general store. Blair & Co., Crookshank, Goddard, Carlisle, Fink, Cowdiy, Baker, Garrison, Marble, Soper, Adams arid Hart were among the first business and professional men of the town. The township of Greenwood, like most of the county, cannot be excelled for rich soil and surface features. The landscape is possessed of natural beauty. The township became organized irr 1850. The first officers Were J. N. Barber, supervisor, G. T. Barrows, clerlt, Wm. Willis, assessor, s. Baldwin And George Weller, commissioners of highways. Henry Watson was the first settler in Greenwood township. Iii 1837, among others to file claims was Lewis Boon. A Mr. McCullom, believing he Was entitled to part of Boon's claim, btillt a cabin oh a portion of it. Boon took the law into his own hands and destroyed the cabin, going sb far as to cut up the logs. This precipitated a fight which Boon won. HoWever, the settlers took sides and finally Concrete ...CUTS DOWN WASTE Stop wasting materials by tm-the-fDft mixing! Ten us your specifications and well deliver the right amount of th* right concrete mix right on timpi McHenry Sand & Gravel Co. "RADIO DISPATCHED" PHONE 920 the frienda of McCullom routed Boon and his allies. This event resiilted in the ffrst law Salt evef to be filed in McHenry County. OIL PRODUCTION Oil production In Illinois is continuing to increase, according to the monthly report of the state geoiogrcax «urvey. The February flow was estimated at an average of 208,000 barrels a day, and til* tagfl thft 177,000 bsHCls. Mrauy activities i^ll^ itt tte jsom pletion of 240 Ko u^p«>t or extension was foimd, but ' new pays were opened up,, In Cooks Mills East ia^^ioW county, the othe/ in pool in Moultrie, county.. / ri?Wm • "t/JOiti - WONDERFUL Wisier-wecfiii CONVlNiiNCI C6ttte ritfl, Sfi6W, ittet or Ice... yotr milk li delivered to gpsr doorstep ... weather or not. It*f bottled in bohdy, transparent giass bottles. SO . convenient... so sanitary... with no disposal . problems! Actual surveys prove, easy-to-use $Um milk bdttles are preferred in the home by famines everywhere. NoWs the time to start having joArr allk delivered... tm glass. Yoo'll like our other fine : dairy foods, too. They're wholesome, fl&varfaf ftttl brought to you dairy fresh. Call as real So6h. iMidwy the Milkman sayst ^DfUVEREO MILK IS FRESH... i ONLY HOURS FROM THE FARM** For Your Convenience We Deliver Twc Bell Gil* Ions ai Gallon Prices. FREUND'S DAIRY, Inc. | Route 31 Phone McHenry 146 lOk) Ndrth Of BicHemy Si t's b^en happening week alter week. More people coming in every day to see, sit inf sample and select the '55 Buick of their choice. More people than ever before in our history. V That's why you gee so many new Buicks on the road today. And that's why --to meet this unprecedented popularity--Buick production has been boosted to the highest levels of all time. luicK Sales Are Soaring The simple measure of it all is this: Buick is so**hot" an automobile that it now outsells all other cars in the United States except two of the bestknown smaller cars. And for reasons sound, substantial and thrilling. Buick styling, you see, was never so crisp, clean, distinctive. Buick horsepower Was never so high -- Buick * * • -- -&MIITON lEftlE STARS FOR BUICK-Sm lha Bulck-Bwte Show Altwnot* TvMcfay Ev*olno>« interiors never so rich--Buick's great ride never so satin-smooth and steady* But there's something else, too -- something vastly different and exdting. Never before was there any motoring thrill like the thrill you get from Buick's spectacular new Variable Pitch Dynaflow.* It lets you do what a pilot does--switch the pitch of your driving propellers-- one way for gas saving in cruising-- another way for instantaneous acceleration and getaway. Your propellers are inside the Dynaflow unit, spinning in oil. You change their pitch merely by pressure * Dynaflow Drive is on the gas pedal* You get action that was never m any earth-bound vehicle before. No wonder we're writing up orders and selling Buicks at a rate that's making this the biggest year in Buick history. And no wonder--when yoii see our price tags--that more and more people can afford the price of a new Buick. For all the way up the line--from the budget-priced SPECIAL to the custombuilt ROADMASTER -- each Buick is a stand-out buy in its field• Why not come in for a visit this week and get a down-to-earth look at the hottest Buick in history? stttdtrd on Rotdrruuter, optional *t exits cost on other Series. -WHEN KITE» AUTOMOUUS Alt MAT IDtCK *HL Mfttft fMM R. I. OVERTON MOTOR 403 FRONT STREET PHONE 6 McHENRY. *

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