Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Apr 1955, p. 4

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f*Air- tthcogtr* Planned to see our first base- Mi gome of the season on Tuesday of this week, but the high eohool game with Wamren itemed to vanish. We went down to £be local diamond and net one of Mc- Henry's most loyal tax*, Marty Ktiox. We waited a while, t&eh drove np to the school where Ralph Patzke was giving the tennis squad the once over and learned tih&t the game had been moved to Warren on the theory that their diamond would be leas damp than ours. They can't say that Marty and yours truly didn't give it a try. We seldom get into reporting' society notes, but would like to have seen the fun ait a dinner pasty given by Mrs. Elizabeth ' last Saturday night. -- Palace -- 1 Ladies 7:00-- McHenry Oab 3, Blatz 0. T. Meyers, 421; L. Ferwerda, 432; S. Ballowe, 188-481; £2. Ebey, 448; L. Michels, 483. McHenry Lumber 2, McHenry Sand & Gravel 1, M. Doherty, 102-507; A. Gloseon, 431; R Meath, 176-466; N. Larkin, 431; G. Smith, 441; B. Vodght, 427. Faxmen' Mai, 2^«t Causes, lv R. Adams, 446; L. Crouch, 425. McHenry State Bank, 3 -- B. & E. Trout Farm, 0. B. Gllpta, 453; L. Cairns, 179-446; J. Knox, 442. Wed. Early Birds ~ Nye Drug Storey 2 *r Carey Electric, 1. J. PieaxinJ, 423. Freund OH, 2 -- Kay Construdtion, 1. B. Blisch, 179-428; B. Mackinder, 190-4C^» D. of A. -- McHenry Cleaners, 2 -- Jim's Barber Shop,, 1. H. Low, 476; B. O'Brien, 423. , Art Smith Market, 2 -- Busse- Joe's, 1. L. Smith, 453; J. Weber, 439. Ladies 9:00-- Mi Place 2, Sportsman's Inn 1. D. Kelsey, 435, T. Olsen Builders 2, 'Mark's Sport Stare 1. S. Oisen, 421; J. Kralowetz, 431; M. Donnelly, 178- 464; T. Steffan, 437. Some of the girls like Myrtle Symonds and Sophie Kosti ware there. So was Martha Preund (formerly of Johnsburg and McHenry -- now of Woodstock). And she was there! Seems that the hostess jokingly • mentioned a formal shin-dig _n issuing the invitation. That was enough for Martha. She dug i,p a formal dress that dates way back and gave the girls quite i surprise when she took off her coat. They should have taken a licture. The migihty have fallen! Yep.. T!he Crystal Lake Recs be£it the .• ohnsburg Bowling Bar team in i xnaitch last Sunday, 2843 to J780. We ane just a wee bit concernd about our White Sox. They eed more sock. The big time apers aire giving the choice pace to the Cu^ms. Things can't ,^0,-4x1 like this. *^be high school tennis schedule* opens -next Thursday, April ' 1, when Crystal Lake comes to MHenry. The boys are hand at .heir practice. One of these days M^PTrrtiry will used more tennis • oortB. In fact, the need appears . j <J>e here right now. 'She MCHS varsity baseball -•am travels to Barrington next ueeday afternoon, April 12. aine time for all conference .a&es is 4:15 pjn. 'there, is much concern around ilwlj Plaindealer establishment bout "Anonymous." Two weeks : aye passed without hearing : notn this faithful contributor. ; ome of our co-workers still insist thai we know the identity < f this person. The truth is that \?e have no idea who has been ending us those weekly letters. Curiosity in our group has caused ruich speculation. Surely someody could check that handwritng, but comparisons have faitod. .Vaiting -- just waiting. 7:00 C.O.F.-- rrhennes' 2475, Miller's 2414, F. Gende, 505; B. Thenmes, 202- 514; Rev. Fr. Miller, 211-551; N. Justen, 503. Meyer's 2425, Rosing*s 2274. F. Meyer, 202-221-585. 9:00 C.O.P.-- Thennes' 2282, E. Thennes, 531. Weber's 2339, Schreinar, 537. Winkiel's 2100. Freund's 2227. Tavern- Joe's Tap 3, Hank's Fireside 0. G. Schaefer, 550; J. Simon, 528; B. Peisert, 211-594; Low, 519; Winters, 510. Snug Harbor 2, Old Bridge 1. Weingart, 213-566; Wheelock, 510; Jackson, 525; Kinsala, 539; Sutton, 206-524; Larkin, 556; Crouch, 201-549. Fox Hole 2, Royal Inn 1. B. Brand, 214-542; D. Hansen, 511; Homo, 206-536; Smith, 547; Kilday, 517. Sportsman's Inn 3, McDonald's 0. Kamtoraki, 504; Phannenstill, 513; Jager, 202-535; Kraus, 201- 522. Old Timers Rogers' 2281, Petersen's 2243. Rogers, 563. Cristy's 2289, Bacon's 2188. Bacon, 202-540; Cristy, Sr., 610. Old Timers (last week)-- Bacon's 2290, Rogers' 2183. G. Johnson, 518; Bacon, 218-557. Petersen's 2252, Cristy's 2154. ;febK^seot-'-tol. r Nite Owls-- Al's White House 2, Schroeder Iron 1. G. Steinsdoerfer, 425; L. Vacondio, 459. ati Place 3, Club Lilymoor 0. J. Rosing, 425. -- Bowling Bar -- Malch-- Crystal Lake Rec., 2843, Johnsburg Bowling Bar 2780. Freund, 213-590; Koch, 511; Conso, 209- 581; Rrause, 200-534; Peiseat, 564; Reddersdarf, 246-637; D. Bacon,-520; J. Feffer, 230-542; C. Pulos, 204-566; W. Pulos, 208- 578. --. Woodstock -- Wonder Lake Women -- American Legion, 3 -- Knie* ger's Fuel Oil, 0. F. Matchen, 186-502; R. Mrachek, 432; B. Peteraon, 422; L Homo, 454. RoAaJne Grill, 2 -- T. P. Mathews, 1. L. Marke, 467. Kay's Gift Shop, 3 -- Widen's Standard Service, 0. H. Struwe, 428; V. Kopp, 176-494. Wonder Lake Oil, 2 -- Golden GLo Nuts, 1. M. Sandgren, 459. Former MCHS KIWANIS BOWLING CLASSES CONTINUE AS YOUTH PROGRAM The Kiwamds International of McHenry Township will continue bowling classes at the Johnsburg Bowling Resort on Saturdays for •the month of April (to May 7. Schedule April 9, Lakemoor, Lilymoor and Johnsburg. April 16, McHenry and McCullom Lake. April 23, ^yonder Lake. April 30, Lakemoor, Lilymoor I came CHUCK GREEN The Plaindealer is pleased to report the splendid record of Chuck Green as a 123-pound wrestler on the Cornell College?. varsity /team. The former MCHS athlete had a record of six wins, two losses and one draw in the regular season schedule.' In the Mid-Weatern Conference tournament he took second place, winning two matches by pins and losing the final match. In titoe regular season, Green won the following matches: Grinnell, by a decision; South Dakota, by a pin; Mankato State, by a decision; University of Minnesota, by a pin (setting a new school record of 27 seconds in, first round); University of:Colorado, by a decision; University of Nebraska, by a pin. The draw against Kansas State and Johnsburg, while the two losses were to May 7, McHenry and McCul- j pursue and Iowa State, each by lom Lake referee's decision. It is requested by Sarge Duttko that all boys aind girls, 10 to 15 years of age, who are inter-1 "* ested in this sport please be at1 M>acn the bowling alleys on the specified days mentioned above not later than 9:30 a.m. Chuck received his first training in the art of wrestling from "Buck" Wheeland at MCHS and proved an apt pupil. COUNTY BOWLING TOURNAMENT MOOSE OFFERING TRANSPORTATION TO EASTER SERVICES SINGLES Ted Wheelock, McHenry Wm. Stanger, Woodstock C. Tegitmeier, Crystal Lake <6591 affairs Mike Gatfa, McHenry 636 Sunday, The McHenry Moose lodge will ,, cooperate in a nationwide "Oper- ^ay ^!^a*l?rV re_ a,wa^ 660lation Easter Carlift," inaugura- 6601 ted by 'the national Moose civic department, on Baster according to Harold chairman VARSITY BASEBALL TEAM LOSES 6 TO 2 GAME AT WARREN 4he time has come to say our mirwial prayer that Easter Sunay may be bright and sunny. Ve enjoy those new bonnets each year. Read the other day vhere somebody made a hat out - f popcorn. That we must see, •laving watched those styles db&a through the years, our -unny bone has been calciumed over. The Princess Eugenie gave us real amusement. The garden variety made us stop and look. And there was one spell where we were sure the models were copied from skillets, pots end pans from the kitdhen. Now we must see the popcorn creation puttered all over. Thurs. 9:15-- Tjumtfta Realtor 2, Tower Grill 1. Blatz 3, Clark Chev., 0. Huff, 539; J. Buscfa, 229-565; Rudolph, 527. F.M. Television 2, Prager 1. Freund, 208-538; Koch, 203-518; Peisert, 202-584; Croso, 218-208- 202-628. Al's Welding, 2 -- Vogue, 1 W. Blake, 201-513; R. Groh, 208- 538. A joyous and happy aU. to DOUBLES I Steffan, civic affairs LW. OOlbuifl, wood- lo^ MM _ _ stoclc 1252 Operation . Easter CarMflt" is C. iFieMs *" anid 'k'. "Reed,. being offered by the Moose to Woodsfaock 1250 811 persons who, because of ill ness, disability or similar cause, I might be unable 'to aittexid Y the churdk of their cholcte csi Blaster Sunday because of lack of tcl^spontation. National Ihieadquarters of the McHenry High's varsity base-1 Moose at Mooseheamt, HI., the ball team travelled to Warren I frajtefrnity's Child City, estimates Tuesday Afternoon and lost a 6 tha.t more than 40,000 autornoto 2 game to the 1954 league biles wUl be placed at the disposal champions. of ithe®e persons in the more than Wally Frett was on the mound 1,700 communities where there for the Macmen, giving up 4 0X6 Moose lodges. ^ f hits *»ti^ 6 walks while striking K ^ local residents desire a out 10 batters in .the 7-inning to and* from church on fyt7nm Easter Sunday, they are urged Blomgren and Barber both to contact Haroki Steffan at the drew passes to start the Warren I local Moose lodge, 510 Main hfrif of the third and bath scored street, telephone number 123-J as two more free rides and an | or 915-J. error followed. McHenry tied the score in the I MARRIAGE LICENSE One a penny, two a peony, --»--~ the poem and the luscious fruit-y, Hot Cross Buns--You ptobablv remember .... ruit-filled buns from your childhood. Now9 during die Lenten season, make Hot Cross Buns for your children (mike plenty as the oldsters enjoy them, too). Here are the easy directions. ' HOT CROSS BUNS % medium sited peMtoty M cup milk cup sugar Wi teaspoons salt cup margarine or butter . cup warm, not hot, water (lukewarm for compressed yeast) 2 packages or cakes yeasi; active dry or compressed 5 eggs 4Vt cups sifted enriched flcuc Grated peel of 1 lemon V % cup raisins Vi cup sifted confectioners* sugar Pare and boil potatoes. Drain and put through ricer or mash until smooth. Scald millr- Stir in sugar, salt, butter and V* cup of the potatoes. Cool to lukewarm. Measure water into a large mixing bowl (warm, not hot, water for active dry yeast; lukewarm water for compressed yeast). Sprinkle or ennoble in yeast, stir until dissolved. Add lukewarm milk-potato mixture. Beat two of die eggs and add to yeast mixture. Stir in half of the flour and lemon peel. Beat until smooth. Add remaining flour or enough to an easily handled dough. Turn out on lightly floured boaroand knead quickly and lightly until smooth and elastic -- about 8 to 10 minutes. Let rise until doubled in bulk. Punch dough down and turn out oh lighdy floured board. Knead raisins into dough. Divide dough in half; form each half into a roll about 12 inches long. Cut with t, si i Va knife into 12 equal pieces. Form into smooth balls. Place increased 9-inc cake pans about V\ inch apart. Separate remaining egg. Beat egg yc with 2 tablespoons water and brush buns with the mixture. Cover buns and sec in a warm place, free from draft, until doubled in bulk. Bake at 375*F. (moderate oven) about 25 minutes. Beat remaining egg whit* and add enough to confectioners' sugar to make spreading consistency. Drop from tip of spoon, making crosses on tops of ouas. Makes 2 doses hot cross bunt* HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS SCHEDULES Varsity Baseball April 12, Barrington away April 15, Libertyville here April 19, Zion-Benton away April 22, Woodstock here April 26, Crystal, Lake away April 29, Warresn away jbtay 6, Barrington here Hay 13, Zion-Benton here .y 17, Woodstock away ,y 20, Crystal Laike here Hetter- Hetter- Thura. Nite Ladies -- Lay's Tavern, 3 -- mann's Tavern, 0. M maun, 458; I* Rutzen, 424; L. Meyers, 439; C. May, 177. Timm's Tap, 3--G. & G. Decorators, 0. Li. Huemann, 473. Adam's Market, 2 -- Bowling Bar, 1. Z. Malochleb, 185; D, Roberts, 184-448; F. Brand, 179- 461; M. Smith, 444; M. Wakitach, 462. Leo's Painterettes, 3 -- Central Garage, 0. D. Netas, 426; M. Weingart, 432. fifth when Weber and Nowak C. J. Reihansperger and Mrs. walked, moved up on a pass to L dia ^ of McHenry. Daihl scored cm a hit by | Sales. An infield error spoiled a dou-l ble play in the Warren half of the last inning and the winners proceeded to put across four | rune. Caldwell was the winning! pitcher, finishing strong with two strikeouts in the last inning. Frosh-Soph Baseball ^.pril 22, Woodstock away jkpril 29, Warren here ~ ay 6, Barrington away ay 10, Libertyville here ay 13, Zion-Benton away }y 17, Woodstock here «olf aril 18, Zion-Benton here _ .pril 21, Barrington here kpril 22, Zion-Benton away |A.pril 25, Lake-Forest here April 28, Libertyville away ^Lpril 29, Crystal Lake here May 2, Elgin away May 5, Grayslake away i|l&y 6, Lake Forest away May 9,' Grayslake here fjay 12, Crystal Lake away May 13, Libertyville here May 16, Conference tournament May 19, Barrington away > Tennis April 14, Crystal Lake here April 15, Silgtn away April 18, Barrington away April 20, iLibertyville here April 22, Lake Forest here April 27, Woodstock away April 29, Zion-Benton away May 2, Zion-Benton here May 4, Lake Forest away May 7, District Meet May 9, Woodstock here May 12, Barrington here May 14, Conference tournament at Lake Forest Majr 18, Elgin here May 19, Crystal Lake away WHY PAY RENT? Now you can buy a 3 bedtoom home for $10,475.00 and up, lot included, having the following features: ELM RT. 176 WAUCONDA THURS. & SAT. APR. 7-9 (Closed Friday, April 8th in observance of Good Friday) Double Feature "NfASTERSON OF KANSAS" ; 1 In Technicolor starring Geo. Montgomery' AlsO Paul Henreid - Patricia Medina 'PIRATES OF TRIPOLI' SAT. MAT. Kiddie Show April 9 - Starts 2:00 "Tarzan The Ape Man" 8c 5 Color Cartoons Also Easter Surprises 1 SUN., MON. & TUES. APRIL 10-11-12 Doris Day - Frank Sinatra Together for the first time! Terrific from the first moment! "YOUNG AT HEART" Warnercolor EVANGELIST TO APPEAR BEFORE WOMEN'S SOCIETY The McHenry W.S.C.S. will 'lear Phillip Phillips, an evamgplftst, talk of his travels and I , «. preaching experiences in India 201-537 '• J- Goofo, 519; R. Justen, Commercial -- Bimbo's, 2 -- Bresnnan Milk Service, 1. G. Barbian, 201-545; P. Karls, 208; A. Wagner, 205- 538. Kleinhans Lumber, 3 -- Lake- E. Kroncke, Warren (6) AB R HI Merkel ! 3 1 0 Caldwell 4 1 11 Howard 2 1 0 Strunika 4 0 0 Richardson 4 0 2 Bennett 3 0 1 Blomgren 2 1 0 Barber 1 1 0 Fugett 2 1 0 Totals 25 6 4 McHenry (2) AB R H Huff 3 0 1 Frett 3 0 1 QeQing 3 0 0 Freimd 3 0 0 Weber 2 1 0 Nowak 1 1 0 Huemann 3 0 0 Dahl 1 0 0 Sales 2 0 1 Totals 21 2 3 wfaen they meet on Thursday, April 21, at l p.m. in the McHenry Community Methodist church. . Mr. Phillips was raised by devout Christian parents who bez 'ong to (the Mar Thoma church founded by t&e Apostle Thomas. He attended school in India and holds degrees from Lucknow and Allahabad universities. His wife, Mary, and daughter, Sally, are *ffl» Kentucky where the latter is in third grade and Mrs. Phillips is working for a degree of master of z«3igknis ©diucation. A dessert luncheon will be promptly at 1 o'clock and of officers for the coxhyear will be presented and Plana for the spring tea will be antttwiSjed. 214-534; R. Bennett, 521. McHenry Laundry, 2 -- Riverside Bake Sihop, 1. L. Adams, 549; M Stilling, 541. Gutter Queens -- Vogue, 2 -- Schiayone's, 1. McDonald's, 2 -- Isabette's, 1 Lottie & Gene's, 3 -- Seven G's, 0. Waily's, 2 -- Chefs, 1. J. O'- Leary, 196-549. a slate Gutter Queens (last week) -- Waily's, 1 -- Schiavone's, D. Wrublewski, 420. Isabelle's, 3 -- Seven G's, Vogue, 2 --Chet's, 1. J. Cie chon, 428; L. Berry, 450; D. Fuller, 427. McDonald's, 2 -- Lottie Gene's, 1. M. Longfield, 430. Lend Uncle Sam Your DoH«» -- Crystal Lake -- Tues. Siaxily Birds -- Score by Innings Warren 002 000 4--6 McHenry 000 020 0--2 Struck out by Frett, 10; Caldwell, 8. Bases on balls off Frett, 6; Caldwell, 4. Softball Meeting Next Wednesday The sofltbaH league will have its first meeting of the season on Wednesday, April 13. The meeting will be (held at Bimbo's Tavern starting' at 8:15. The meeting to for managers and captains. HOLIDAY FLOWER FAIR Hie Crystal Lake Garden club is sponsoring "Holiday Flower Fair" on Saturday and Sunday, May 21 and 22. The hours aire from 2 to 9 p.m. Saturday and 2 to 8 p.m. Sunday at the Central school. • Architect designed % >. I • Carpenter built | ' 9 Grading and seeding • Gravel drive V 9 Sidewalk from lot line to front and rear door • Aluminum comb, screen and storm windows • Combination screen and storm doors • Completely decorated interior and exterior • Plastic wall tile in bath • Exhause fan in kitchen + Frigidaire automatic . washer VETERANS $525.00 STARTS WED., APR. 13 "MANY RIVERS TO CROSS" Color & Cinemascope Robt. Taylor - Eleanor Parker GENOA TH G i\ V R P JEWISH STUDY GROUP CELEBRATED HOLIDAY WITH FAMILY SEDER The" Jewish , study group of McHenry county celebrated the holiday of Passover with a family Seder dinner at Martinetti's restaurant in Crystal Lake on April 6. The Seder, a ceremonial dinner wKich to < traditionally held the first evening of the eight-day Passover season, was conducted by Mrs. Pearl Brothmain of Chicago, who has been giving weekly religious instruction to tlhe Jewish children of McHenry county. > The Piassover holiday celebrates the escape of 'the Jews from Egypt, where they were slaves before Moses led their, escape toward the promised land. The mood of this"" holiday is similar to .the mood of our Thanksgiving' dinners, where the joys of a family gathering are mixed with thanks to God for itihe wonders He has worked. Mrs. Harvey Tableman of Crystal Lakte had charge of arranging the Seder and was assisted by women from each town in McHenry county. Although the entire ritual of this Seder was performed by the twenty-one children enrolled in McHenry county's newly formed religious school, many adults of the Jewish study group attended with their friends. This was the first "public" Seder ever held in tihie county, although individual Jewish families have been holding Seders in their homes for many yeairs. Mrs. Myrtle Symonds of Marengo was a weekend visitor in the Elizabeth Michels hoVne. Mr. and Mrs. George Kane and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Guzzardo attended special Lenten services at Corpus Christl church in Chicago last Sunday. Among those from here who attended the cantata, "The Seven Last Words," at the First Presbyterian church in Elgin on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Leonard McCracken, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson, Miss Maud Granger, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Holly, Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Jones, Mrs. Warren Jones, Mrs. Gretfca Goodell and Miss Ethel Jonea. TTTT3a FRI. & SAT. APR. 8-® Also Sat. Matinee "TROUBLE IN THE GLEN" Victor McLaglen - Margaret Lockwood Technicolor LIVE' BUNtftEKS WILL *BE GIVEN AWAY AT THE SPECIAL DRAWING IN THE AFTERNOON OF THE KIDDIE'S MATINEE. SUN. & MON. APR. 10-11 'JUPITER'S DARLING' Esther Williams - Howard Keel Geo. Sanders Technicolor & Cinemascope TUES., WED. & THURS. APR. 12-13-14 "UNCHAINED" Chester Morris - Barbara Hale Thursday. April 7.195S j Ciiunii ©ttij Can Yon Name This Church? Clot rtriyr . ^(WELLS ORGANIZATIONS) Sovereigns crowned, married, and buried here, Siufoer . t . . • • uopuo-] - Xaqqy jajsuiui{ga^ "THE PLACE TO GO" MAT Vi THURS., FRI. & SAT. NOW HANZEL & GRETEL' plus a "APACHE" a starring Burt Lancaster :'J Easter Sat. Morning - 1 Show 9:30 a.m. Bugs Bunnies Easter Party FREE -- 10 Bunnies, Candy $ Many Prizes to Winners SUN., MON. & TUES. . Esther Williams - Howard Keel in 'JUPITER'S DARLING: Cinemascope & Technicolor plus Farm of Tomorrow now in Cartoon Scope WEDS., THURS:, FRI. & SAT "CARMEN JONES" Excitement, drama, music, in 6' Scope & color. Also "WOODY" in Cartoon Scope. Doors open" daily 6:45 p.m Sat. & Sun. at 2:00 p.m. £ fr CRYSTAL TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY STARTING AT 7; 15 FRI. & SAT. APR. $-§' "THE LAW vs. BILLY THE KID" * Scott Brady ' - Betta St. John Technicolor " * SUN., MON. & TUES. APR. 10-11-12 "WHITE CHRISTMAS" Bing Crosby - Danny Kaye : Rosemary Clooney - Vera Ellen Technicolor WED. & THURS. APR. 13-14 Franchot Tone - Diana Lynn "Every Girl Should Be Married" THURS. & FRI. APR. 7-8 only $55.82 Per Mo., down Prln. * Int. NON-VETERANS $1900.00 only down $68.60 Per Mo„ Prln. A Int. Veterans and non-veterans may further reduce the down payment by doing some work themselves -- such as grading and seeding, etc. Any home that you may select from our architect designed plans may be built on: • Your paid np lot • A lot on which you have made a down payment, • Anywhere In McHenry County STOP AT OUR OFFICE Jos. Freti & Son 805 E. ELM ST. PHONE 976 BldflCNRY, PIOMB VBUU HnaiaWuuft McHENRY THEATRE 218 S. GREEN ST., McHENRY, ILLINOIS PHONE 144 OPEN DAILY 6:30 -- OPEN SUNDAY 2:30 P. M. Closed Friday, April 8 in Observance of Good Friday JONES • pjqc'CCOTBI SAT., SUN, MON. & TUBS. APR. 9-10-11-12 "DESTRY" Audie Murphy - Mari Blanchard Technicolor Classic story of the Wes£ and TARZAN'S HIDDEN JUNGLE" Gordon Scott - Vera Miles SAT. - APR. 9 - 1:30 PM. P.TA. Approved Movie "SECRET GARDEN" Easter favors for the kiddies! Easter Corsages GIVEN FREE To the first 100 ladles Sat., April 9-7:00 p.m. Compliments Tafel's Greenhouse, Hebron, 111. WED, THURS., FRI. & SAT APR. 13-14-15-16 Walt Disney's "20.000 LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA" Kirk Douglas - James Mason Cinemascopt & Technicolor THURS. & SAT. APR. 7-9 Open Saturday 5:45 p.m. -- Show starts 6:00 p.m. Last two features start 9:00 p.m. ^ PLUS 400 Mites of frontier fury f fp«twne»t &'Si Sf •a (SPECIAL KIDDIE SHOW SATURDAY, APRIL 9 Doors open 1:00 p.m. MA & PA KETTLE ON VACATION PLUS 5 COLOR CARTOONS v A11 Seats 25c II SUN., MQN., TUES. & WED. APR. 10-11-02-13 Here's the Big Easter Showi M-G-M PRESENTS THE LOVE STORY OF THE BEAUTY AND THE BARBARIAN I ESTHER HOWAHO IN COLOR CINEMASCOPE Swot® DARLING WILLIAMS • KEEL MARGE ana G0WER GEORGE STARTS WED. FOR 4 DAYS [KENTUCKY ADVENTURE Tn" ClNEftiAScQpEand CQLoj MANY RIVERS TO CROSS raum} , ROBERT TAYLOR ELEANOR PARKER ^ l g»_yiCTM IMA6UII • BBSS TWIBlffl • Iff B6W0S - HMES H8HESS 1 Register in the lobby for our permanent mailing list for programs r

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