fThursiiy; April 14. 1955" !"7~7 <-• r-t. . r:'l•••=•*• ,r>? •:>i>.."" ',"• '."•!•'.• •»•--"•--• '• •••'•i 1 -' . • • i^ffps Psi THE, MCHENRY . PUUNDEALER ** 1 McCullom Ml« By Eve Levesque y Thursday evening, April 7, ,a meeting was held in a private Home to discuss nominating, one slate of officers for our new village, a petition was drawn up to include a president, six -trustees, one village clerk and one police magistrate. Aifcty. William Carroll, Jr., of Woodstock offered advice and answered pertinent questions. During* the meeting, Mr. Carw> ll reported that an order was entered Thursday morning, April T, in the county court, Woodstock, approving the canvass of tlie election to incorporate the Village of McCullom Lake. May fe" 141 was designated as the date for the .first election of officers. A village president, six trustees, one village clerk, . and a police magistrate will be selected by the vo&ens "and will serve until (the third Tuesday in April, 1957. Petitions of all candidates roust be filed on or before 10 a.m. May 22, 1955. These petitions rfiu&t' be filed with the county clerk at the courthouse in Woodstock. Monday. evening, April 11, another meeting was held ait the beaohhouse for <the purpose of drawing up another slate in opposition. Jt The voters will be provided with a choice of candidates and it will be up to them to seleot ttie governing body of our new village. Junior Firemen Quick thinking on the part of our small fry averted what could • have been a fire of major proportions Wednesday morning, April 6. ' Ronnie and Paul Nitz, Jr., Dennis Huff and Rickie Baum- •beck were playing in a vacant lot next to the McKim home on the blacktop when they discovered a fir# which had started from paper flying out of a gar jg "bage can, sotting flame to the prairie. They promptly summoned help from Paul Nitz, Sr., and Mrs. Macie McKim, who lives nearby. T*he adults, together with the youngsters, had the conflagration . under control iin record time. Henry were • her guests for' the evening. / Sorry we missed "Chuck" Lngersol' 3 birthday on April 2. Beat wishes belatedly. ' Holiday Wanderers Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hands of Fountain Lane entertained ifi grand style Easter Sunday.. Their company included Mr. and Mrs. Richard O'Kane and son, Ricky* of Forest Park, Mr. attd Mrs; Edward Buckley of Chicago artd Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hands of EHmwood Pai*k. Theresa and Willard Sohiulte set a festive board for EditJi Tamburmo and daughter, Pat, Mrs. Frank Tamburino, Jim Taflaburino, Edie's son and fiancee, "Berny," all of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Theadiore Olsen prepared turkey and all the trimmings for Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Olsen and children, Karen,, "Butch" and Alan, of McHenry. Ann and Frank Passalaqua and daughters, Sandy and Linda, were a handsome sight in their Easter finery as ithey set out for the big1 city of Chicago« to call on relatives audi friends. Good to see Wyn and Ed Doran over the weekend. They spent the time with son and daughterin- law, Bob and Gerry Doran, of Fountain Lane. That's all for today. See you next week! Birthdays, and Anniversaries Mary and Tom Byrnes, Sr., marked off thirty-five years of happily wedded bliss Sunday, April 10. April 16 is the birthday of Tom Byrnes, Jr., and Patty Byrnes was 7 on April 2. To .celebrate all three special days the Byrnes clan will enjoy a dinner in Dundee Sunday, April *17. Happy special day to ail. Heden and Paul Nitz were married fifteen years April 6. They marked the occasion with a quiet evening at home with their two sons. Jean McDonald was toasted with champagne on her birthday, April 7. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Smith and Mrs. Caroline Just en of Mc- If c 4 « CAU US \ox f\_ responsible sem'ce^mastw carpet and furniture cleaning and mothproofing in your hon^e or in the plant. FREE ESTIMATES -SERVICE MASTERS Of McHenry County Phone: WOODSTOCK 1565 FARMERS you have something to Buy, Sen or Trade ADVERTISE in the PLAINDEALER f. ; ui. ips on CHARLES F. CARPtNTlER Sccrctary of Stjtc Watch the general traffic scene ahead of you, rather than concentrating on details CIOBO to you, whether you are driving in city traffic or on the open highway. This nlethod Will give you ah opportunity to see- in advance traffic situations which may require you * .V W-c£ •- Cote Bcdget Jitters With Inexpensive Meat Loaf lo slow down or stop, and you will be able to make whatever adjustment is necessary smoothly and in time, to avoid a crash. You will And that a great many sudden stopa or turns are eliminated. Watching ahead on the highway will enable you to see a slow-moving vehicle pull into your traffic lane from a side road, In-city traffic you will see a traffic signal turning to red or a pedestrian starting to cross the street. If you are watching thef street or highway only a few yards ahead of your car, by the time you become aware of those dangerous situations you will have to jam on your brakes to prevent a collision. Give yourself a break. Look ahead and be prepared sooner. A copy of the completely new "Rules of the Road" booklet will be sent to you free upon request. Write to CHARLES P. CARPELTIER, Secretary of State, Springfield, Illinois. Classified Ads bring results^ Place yours with the Plaindealer Ttound about this time every year bills are pouring in. and the food budget is suffenng a slight attack of anemia, the result, of course... Mis. Homemaker is left draining her brain of ideas for serving inexpensive meals that still remain hearty and fine tasting. , No-one will deny that meat loaf is a standby during these days and for--one that furnishes extra nourishment with the! addition of the cefefil favorite... 40% bran flakes Start off the meaf why don't you, with a good hot soup. Then on the meat loaf platter add parsley potatoes and serve with large quantities of mixed green salad. Plenty of hot coffee (milk for the kids) will be ™ .a,°n£ W1^h a simple dessert. No one will ever guess the pocketbook is broke" if you don t mention it. Savory Meat Loaf 1% tablespoons diced 2 teaspoons salt salt pork or bacon *4 teaspoon pepper *4 cup finely chopped 1'.2 cups crushed onion canned tomatoes 2 pounds ground beef l CUp 40% bran flakes Pry .salt pork or bacon with the onion until the meat is crisp and the onion is golden brown. Combine with other ingredients and mix thormto 10 ?..5,x 3-inch loaf pan. Bake in moderate oven M l o } , «ur' or.untl1 done- Serve hot or cold Makes 8 to 12 servings. - Garnish with parsle'y . Note: If desired, add % cup drained cooked peas to the meat mixture and mix lightly. , Ready Mixed (:~9 Concrete Building Materials Sears Roebuck & Co. Floor Tile - Wall Tile Gutters - Roofing - Siding Garage Doors Combination Windows « Doors?;.* • Kitchen Cabinets (Formica Tops) FOR FREE ESTIMATES Call or Write FRANK GANS PHONE 1878-W 800 Riverside Dr. McHenry, HL ...CUTS DOWN WASTE specifications and it? amount of the Stop wasting materials by on-the-job mixing! Tell us yo we'll deliver the t right concrete mix right on time! McHenry Sand & Gravel Co. "RADIO DISPATCHED" PHONE 920 icas and you can prove it! 1* Greatest Distinction at any price! Watch the cars pass and note that only Pontiac stands out as far as eyes can see. Naturally--it's the style of the future-- and only Pontiac has it! 2. Greatest Power at its price! Pontiac, with the optional-powerpackage, is the lowest-priced car delivering 200 horsepower, because only Pontiac has the Straio-Streak V-8, with performance as advanced as Pontiac style. , 3. Greatest Size at its price! Pontiac has more road-leveling wheelbase and big-car stability than any car priced with the lowest. Drive it and feel the sensational difference! 4t You can buy a big, 200 H* P. Pontiac for less then many models of the lowest-priced cars and much less than stripped economy models of higher-priced makes! --and only Pontiac gives you distinctive Vogue Two-Tone styling, Strato-Streak V-8 power and smoothness, and the riding and driving ease of a Shockproof Chassis on 122" and 124" wheelbases. LOOK HIGH AMD LOW • . • AMD rOWLL GO CO. TB---A Tear Hound Disease. Tuberculosis is not a seasonal disease. Because it may develop at any . time, everyone shoula be alerted to the -dangers of this destructive disease, the educational committee of the. Illinois State Medical society cautions in a health talk. Because the disease has always attacked the heaviest in the age group from fifteen to forty-four, it is a menace to persons gaining .their, full economic stature. With .the wage earner gone, the family faces Ute problem of economic dependence. Actually this problem could be overcome if each individual cases are not found. Tuberculosis is a germ disease. Caused by the tubercle bacillus, the disease invades the system slowly, destroying the tissue. It is not an inherited disease, but seems <to attack the person whose body resistance is low. A person harboring the germ can innocently pass it on to another through coughing, for example. Fatigue, inadequate food, improper rest and late hours are all factors that increase the susceptibility of the body to the development of tuberculosis. Initially tuberculosis may not produce noticeable symptoms, buit as the disease progresses there is a general effect of wasta disease of they-lungs, its'*, various Manifestations may attack the bones, the glands, the coverings of the brain, the - eyes, the skin and the kidneys. If found early enough, the patient with tuberculosis may not have to alter his living habits noticeably, nor be removed from his family. Under the supervision of a physician>, his living habits will become more temperate and more rest each day will be in order. That is why early detection is important. On the other hand, the person with advance! tuberculosis may have to spend months or years in a sanatorium, or may die of it. Because early detection is important, the wise person will have an x-ray film (taken of his chest periodically. A tuberculin test should also be taken. In this procedure, a small amount of material called tuberculin is ing away. Usually considered as applied to tlMr akito, or* fa anme cades, iftgeeted' btittsitlv Skint. If the test is porftive, it doe* not mean necessarily that th« disease exists. It doeg' riww that at some time in the pavfc tubercle bacilli have entered the body. ; Tuberculosis need (not exist ai a threat, either a» a killer, or af J a factor in. the disintegration of ' family life. Because the cause and £ure are known, . every>on$_' should join hands in erauftcatin# | the disease. Satce tftis" oan onljtx be accomplished by findingf. thidf.w cases, individual effort is essen4; : . tial. Be suspicious of tubercUfo^ v ^ sis. Have an x-ray of your che•£ and see that every member Of - your family does too. With your cooperation, tuber- • culosis can be eliminated not only as a dread disease, , but as ar threat to good community health. With the advent of new arid powerful germ-killing drugs, the contiw of the disease & assured. BUTCH'S SAVE MONEY ON YOUR CAR Regular check 14m ang) maintenance by our experts means lower car costs for you! 2| Hour Towing Service We Do Complete Motor Overhauling 309 W. Elm Street Phone 811 -- Residence 91-R McHenry, DL mm Hordwores biggest Nationwide Value Event APRIl 15 THRU iniiii iiliiii £\< liipllllill 3 paring knife. si 23,000 Independenl Hardware stores from Coast-to-Coast -- join forces fo bring America top vaiues, recognized brand names and special offerings for this 10 day selling event. TIP-TOP VAIUES UNIVERSAL PINT VACUUM I0TTIE '"COROOVAN" lithegraphed catc. Ivory plattic cup. Pr«-t«sted filler. Regular litt price 11.85 ONLY $1.49 HEAVY OUTV KIT "CORDOVAN" lilhogrtaph«d finish. Exclusive cup holder. Complete with pint vacuum boll I*. tVSftfor IM prtf HIS ONLY $2.79 NICHOLSON HANDY FILE 76c Value Hardware Week Only RADIO FLYER WAGON Full size steel body finished in bright red enamel -- super c us h i o n e d semi-pneumatic tires. $8.95 value. m,'695 BOW Garden Rake 14 Tooth Cpmpfefel, Floor Model Stood Table f KtMtfons Seadiag 0is< 0e4e Ser Out Beg An exceptional value with 5 big EXTRAS for little more than the regular price of the saw itself. Oil Cloth TABLE COVER 46" x 46" 79c Value ONLY BAR-B-Q GRILL Table height, steel fire pot-spit for Barbecuing, larg'e work space $9.95 value. 8"BLADE HEDGE SHEARS *2.98 Save 30 minutes a day with this modem Rubbermaid DISH DRAINER. No more "wiping the dishes!" It lets them drain and air-dry. Holds more dishes, because glasses dry on special outside holders. Cushioned coating will not soften or peel. Size: 13^3x \5lA z 4H'. Asks for No. 6030. REGULAR $2*59 VALUE ONLY *1.98 WHEEL BARROW General purposes, lightweight, strong & durable, easy rolling cushion rubber tires. Holds-a-lot. Reg. $13.95 Fine quality, built by True Temper. Serrated blade grips foliage. Notched to cut branches. Comfort, grip handle. Self-locking nut won't loosen. Chrome-plated ferrules. WISS 'Na.50t.tm CRASS SHEAS! Easy positive operation and lasting keenness. Soto Prkt *1,19 Hardware Week only *6.95 Hardware Week only 1Q95 Outside White No. 400 HOUSE PAINT Reg. Gallon Price $3.751 Hardware „ Week Price ^ Gallon] Reg. Quart^-Price $1.25 Hardware Week Price ^O Qt. • • ' - ' Flat Wli4 98o Value LWWNRAKE Hardware ESffS# Week Only ' w 400 FRONT STREET PHONE 17 McHENRY. ILLINOIS VycitaFs Hardware PHONE 98 132- So. Gwwd Sf. McHanry, HL