Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Apr 1955, p. 13

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Thursday* n^r- -v v$*vw*\ - *•' »i si' 1EPP3BF TIP! McHENBT PLAINDEALER rrrrr iiSSB; jpd.". • •«< .••$: '••• ./IM RING WOOD 'il By Mr*. George Shepard '^AM&MMAaammmwmmwmw Bfis;., Walkinfcton .Entertains TRm*. Home Circle was enterin the home of Mrs. Ben faiktngton Thursday, witto Mrs. eria Peeft as co-hostess. Lunch- <W was served ait 12:45. The business meeting was held, with Mrs: Viola Low, vice-president, presiding' in the absence of the president, Mrs. Louis Winn. A fine program in charge of Mrs. C. L. Harrison followed the tn&lhess meeting. ' Vs09jC.S. at Mrs. Croldtshanh't The evening group of the met at the home of Mrs. Witt. Cruickshank Wednesday evening. There were fourteen members present. Rev. Reid met with Che group and talked with them regarding the Bible study" class which will start Agnll 25. Mra.* Gordon Fossum had the <Jev©tion&la and Mrs. Paul Walkingtan gave the lesson on "TWie United Work $ of Protestant Church Women in the United SU|teS." The next meeting will be aft the home of Mrs. Frank Harrison May 11 for 'the two gfcxips of W.S.C.S., when election of officers will be (held. Mrs. gitcheU Kane ^wrtll assist Mrs. rlscm. Rummage Sale •"•'the two groups of W.S.C.S. will hold a rummage ancb bake sale Friday afternoon, April 29, in ^Memorial hall at Richmond. TS«y .also will hold the rummage sale all day Saturday, April 30, and will sell lunches at noon. Junior M.Y.F. Meets The Junior M.Y.F. met at the home, of Veronica Davis Friday evening. The business meeting was held, with Rev. Reid in charge. This was followed witfti games and lunch was served by her mother. School News Monday, April 11, at 7:30, our upper gralde group, Mr. Andreas, Mass H&deman and three parents; Mrs. Paul Walkington, Mrs Waiter Low and Mrs. John Hogah, boarded a school bus for Chicago to the Museum of Science and Industry. The trip in was nice in spite of the rain which fallowed^ The exhibits were wonderful. We ate good lunches in the museum cafeteria. "Our visit was all in all. something to tell about. Fight representatives for the Woodstock patrol picnic were iseq last week. '^fckie,< SkUJpaore, Jackie Aia BfjlC Larry Bnice, Emily Oijtlleb, PR0FE«!0nflL DIRECTORS' B and JJ EXTERIOR DECORATING s Free Estimates Fritzches Estates PHONE S60-R-2 SIGN DESIGN .,u Chain-O-Lakes Region Folnt Of Sale Adver*W-g Specialists in Silk Screen Printing oti^Any Surface in Any Quantity Qpckly and Reliably. Complete Art and Design Service Day Grlow Printing Rt. 1, Ringwood, ID. Telephone: Wonder Lake 5101 DR. G. R. SWAN80N Dentist Office Hours: Dally Except Thursday 9 to 12 -- 1:80 to 5:80 Moou Wed. and Fit Evenings By Appointment Only • Telephone McHexry 160 Jay Walkington, Pat, Hogan and Veronica Davis are the representatives chosen. May 18 is the date decided upon for the graduation of the five eighth graders. They are Virginia Carr, Wesley Bruce, Alice Ortilieb, Jacqueline Skidmore and Veronica Davis. Veronica Davis, school reporter Round-up Club The Round-up club was entertained in the (home of Mr. and MW^.Alvin Benoy at McHenry Sfliti Harry Stnespring were guest Sgtifrday'jgyenjpg. Mr. and Mrs. stm discussion leaders. Co-hosts were' Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan. New Son Mr. and Mrs. Richard Malsch announce the arrival of a 8 lb. son «Saturday evening. W.S-C.S. The W.S.C.S.. will meet at the home of Mrs. Sowers Thursday, April 21. Centennial Plans are being • made for the ceroteumail which will be held Aug. 27 and 28. The men are starting to let their beards grow and tune judges will be John Hogan, Uouis H&wley and Mr. Lefto. More particulars later on. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedirich, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. James Wegener, Mr. and Mrs.. Louis Winn, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Breimarf and family and Mr. and Mrs. James Dickson spent Saturday evening in the Jack Leonard home at Lake Geneva and celebrated the birthday of Fred Wieirich, Jr. Mrs. Louis Hawley spent Tuesday and Wednesday with friends in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Aissen spent Saturday evening in the Delbert Schroeder home at Woodstock. Mrs. Ella Walkup of Greenwood spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Shepandi. In the afternoon they were all callers in the Wm. Claxton home at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Andreas tof McHenry were Sunday dinner guests of (hds parents, Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Low of McHenry and Mrs. Walter WiJpox of Woodstock spent Sunday with their mother, Mrs. Viola Low. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low and family spent Sunday in the Darrel Thomas home at Sheboygan, Wis. Mm. C. L. Hitfrfdon,; Mrs. Kenneth Cristy, Mrs. Oscar Berg and Mrs. Viola Low attended the annual meeting of the northern district of W.S.C.S. at Barrington Friday. Mrs. Charles Rush of Richmond is spending the week with her sister, Mrs. Jofcn Ehl'ert. Mrs. Fred Bowman and daughter, Nancy, and Mabel Ehlert spent Sunday afternoon at Genoa City. Mr. and Mrs. Ardin Frisbie of Greenwood spent Friday evening with her mother, Mrs. Flora Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Johnson of Elgin spefat Sunday with Ulr. and Mrs. Roy Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Laveme Harrison and son of McHenry spent Sunday afternoon «,in the J. C. Pearson home. Mra. Roy Harrison attended circle meeting at Greenwood on Thursday. Mrs. 'J. C. Pearson and son, Jim, spent Saturday in Chicago. Mrs. Mary Mallette of Woodstock spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shales. Pastor and Jijfrs. Anderson of Wonder Lake called on Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Hepburn Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison spent Sunday in the Henry Marlowe home at Huntley. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Lea and family of Belvidere spent Sunday in the Clayton Bruce (home. Miss Mary Hogan returned to Champaign Tuesday night after spending her Easter vacation at her home here. Mrs. Charles Brennan and Mrs. Wm. Hepburn were visitors at Woodstock Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington spent Sunday at Lake Geneva. , Mrs. John Hogan attended a P.Tl'A. meeting at the Edgebrook school at McHenry Thursday night. Mrs. C. L. Harrison, Mrs. Ben Walkington and Mrs. John Hogan attended Home Bureau at the home of Mrs. Antfciur Hoppe Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Hogan gave the lesson on "Planning the Program for the Coming Year." Mr. . and Mrs. Fred Wiedirich, Jr., and Mr. amd Mrs. Phelps Saunders ; and daughter---spent Sunday in the Jamea Wegener home at McHenTy. . Miss Charlotte Hogan left Wednesday morning for Champaign • after spending her Easter vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan. Mr. antii Mrs. Joe Schmitt of McHenry ftpent Friday evening wito. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brennan and family. Mr. and Mra. • uois. Winn of Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. James Dickson of Monticello, 111., and Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Saunders and daughter of Sycamore were supper guests in 'the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home SurtcSay-evening. Mrs. Bob Brennan t and children spent Sunday afternoon with her parents at McHenry. Mrs. Fred Davis of Genoa City and Mrs. Jack Leonard and daughters, Jane and . Nancy* spent Thursday in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. Jane remained until Saturday. EDDIE the EDUCATOR says Illinois needf, annually, 3000 mo/e new teacher* than are being trained. Why don'l you urge your fine sons and daughter* te become teachers? Illinois Education Association imiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiipiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiuiiHiun SHOP AT HOME and SAVE MORE! DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST At 136 S. Green Street, McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) EYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS HOURS: DAILY 9 to 12 A.Mf. and 1 to 5 P.M. FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 to 8:S0 P.M. •EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT -&• PHONE McHENRY 452 When You Buy# Build or Remodel Get {he Most ftruour Mone^ FRANK 8.. MAY BLACK DIRT Band - Gravel - Driveways ' . Excavating ^ • Route fc, McHenry, HU Phono McHenry 580-M-l L|me8tone . VfcBN THELEN Excavating Gravel " Black Dirt Dredging , • • VTeL McHenry 1886 ; Box 040, Rt. 1, McHenry, IEL FREUND & SONS - Excavating Contractors >7$$i$klng, Hydraulic aw} ^Service | ,..JVALSH ^^WSllANCE Fte, Aiitb, Farm ft Life Inannuioe . • Representing H®LIABLE OOMPANUC8 JWfcljBf You Need Insurance of ' Any Kind frHONE 48 or OSS ft' Elm McHenry, ID. 3EDER IRON WORKS Btal & Structural Steel ^ iVlalt'Our Showrooms H a Miles Sooht on Rt 81 >.*' PHONE 050 I THAT DOES IT By A1 Smith ort-t« SORRY . MIDDLEMEN! ^JTUPEHTC «T THE US.t^VAL ACAP^MV AEE <3kLLEO*«lOSMlPMEN* K£Al£E TKAPmON HAS IT THAT IN THE BRITISH NflMV OF 200 YEAES A^aOFHCERS IN TKMNlNtr WERE ASSIGNED QUARTERS AMI09Hrs/ S Vi fift W • J HE 51 ANT ROM It rays to Advertise In The McHenry Pkindeafct KNOWN A WE16W Cf P0UN0SI QU A L I T Y S E R V I C E P tut nt$C*IMOH PHAiMACI •U TREES. ACOIIS-ARI TOW FITVIE1 THE65 FROM Lime ACORNS 6KW-TW LITTLE ACORNS IN THIS ARC THE termt'THAN-eve* us. savmss bonds \OU BUV RE6ULARLV AND TME CMC TREE--? TUATS THE SBOMITV THAT THESE BONOS mat siMr YouRPK<***M*MtrMm c GOOD FOOD and The mind and the touch can bo dulled from Iqck of practice in our profession too. But not so with the pharmacist! working here in your behalf, for they compound thousands of prescriptions annually* DRINKS Served at ROYAL INN McCULLOM LAKE The quiet preference of your Doctor, plus your continued patronage have made this an active prescription phar macy. Pharmacists here ore alert, busy, and expert, having the advantage of continuous prescription experience, and finest drug products, such as those of Parke, Davis & Com^i pony, with which to practice their profession FISH FRY S. GREEN ST. PHONE 40 McHENRY, ILL. EVERY FRIDAY Nitk! > VP™* FACTS PROVE IT! GET THE FACTS ON "ALL 3" LOW-PRICE CARS AND YOU'LL HAVE PROOF PLYMOUTH IS FIRST: MORE AND MORE, GAS is the choice of dollar-wise homemakers for modern carefree living. No other fuel offers so much low-cost comfort... that's why thoqgands of families all over Northern Illinois prefer GAS and depend on it every day of the year to make living easier and, more pleasant. GAS Appliances cost less to install, less to use, less to maintain. Whether you are building, buying or remodeling your home, get the most for your money oeechoose MODERN gas! Our Home Building Representative will be pleased to help you plan your selection of GAS appliances--or answer any questions concerning the installation of GAS Service. Ask him about the popular builtin ranges that bring now convenience and beauty to the kitchen! \ Gas Does It Belter...for Less! /he GAS piped into your home readily accommodates any CAS appliance. No costly service1 conn e c t i o n s a r e needed. • •K'f' ' FIRST IN SIZE--By actual measureju. ment, the 1955 Plymouth is the longest car ' of the low-price 3. (It's even bigger than . v^eome medium-price cars.) Plymouth Is Jtruly a big car... 17 feet longl ;• .FIRST IN ROOMINESS--Plymouth is " also the biggest car inside, with the great- . ^ est hip room and leg room. More comfort g*v*ij®or you! And Plymouth's trunk, by far the largest in its field, lets you pack practically everything. FIRST IN VISIBILITY--Comparison proves that Plymouth's glamorous new Full-View windshield--with cornerposts swept back both top and bottom--gives you the greatest visibility of "all 3." FIRST IN BEAUTY--Compare styling find see why Charm, a leading fashion magazine, chose Plymouth "Beauty Buy of the Year." Plymouth's long, sleek Forward Look wins over the hand-me-down styling of the "other 2." FIRST IN ECONOMY--Smoothest and thriftiest engine of all! That's Plymouth's fast-stepping new 6-cylinder PowerFlow 117. Its Chrome-Sealed Action gives you extra thousands of trouble-free miles. FIRST IN COMFORT--Plymouth offers you the most comfortable ride you ever experienced in a low-price car. Only the biggest car in the lowest-price field can give you true big-car riding comfort. FIRST IN EXTRA VALUE--Plymouth gives you many extra-value features that the "other 2" low-price cars dont have. Come in today and let us show you why Plymouth is first for value! Why pay up to >500 more for a car smaller than Plymouth? Don't be fooled by the claims of so-called medium-price cars that they cost practically the same as Plymouth. When you compare price tags you'll find that, model for model, Plymouth sells for much, much less than mediumprice cars, and gives you more car for your money 1 1 I t I I I I I I l I I I i I I i I I NORTHERN I L L I N O I S Gas COM PA NY BEST BUY NEW; BETTER TRADE-IN, TOOI PLYMOUTH NBC I SEE "PLYMOUTH NEWS CARAVAN" WITH JOHN CAMERON SWAYZEI '• Enjoy "SHOWER OF STARS" and "CLIMAXI" on CBS-TV. Plym

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