Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Apr 1955, p. 6

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Tfar m - WANT AOS PROVE RING 3400 DOOR BELLS FOB $L00 WITH A PLAINDEALER WANT AD McHenry Pbmrieater Published every Thursday at McHenry, 111., by the McHenry Publishing Company, Inc. BUSINESS SERVICE NATIONAL ED I TORI AI 1A^CBTSN It. BURFBINDT, Gen'l Manager tDBLE FROEHLICH, Editor Plaindealer Wut Ads .0 ad counted less than $5 words, $1.00 minimum 1 insertion , $1.00 (Count 5 words per line) 5c service Charge on all blind nds. Cash with order. v.ard of Thanks--$1.00 minimum, /ant Ads close promptly at 10 a.m. Wednesday. TREE SPRAYING Frank W. Henkel Residence: Volo, 111. P. O. Round Lake, 111. Phone McHenry 543-J-l 47-tf CLASSIFIED DISPLAY: 95c col. .nch. -- 2 inch minimum. Classified Display must include a minimum of one 18 .pt. head and one 18 pt. signature, or its equivalent. 3 lines of 8 pt. allowed per Jich. CASH WITH ORDER on following classifications: Wanted to Rent Situations Wanted Business Opportunities SUBSCRIPTION RATE In McHenry County . 1 Tear $3.80 6 Months . $1.75 3 Months $1.00 Outside McHenry County 1 Yea* ..' $8.50 • Months $2.80 8 Months $L25 ItSS 1 mitiiiTiu; IHI Septic Tank Service Cesspools, Dry Wells Tiling and Flooded Basements Ed Marsh and Stan Coss Phones: Woodstock 1610-M-2 Wonder Lake 89SS McHenry 691-W-2 47-4 BUSINESS SERVICE Candid Weddings from Home, Church and Reception KOLIN Photographers Baby Pictures, Taken In Your Home Call Us For Appointment Tel. 566-W-l - McHenry, 111. New homes and remodeling; custom made kitchen cabinets and formica tops; garage and attic flats. Tel. JUstus 7-1861. Wm. Weiher & Sons, General Construction Co. 41-tf PETER A. FREUND SANITARY SERVICE I clean and pump septic tanks, cesspools. Phone McHenry 1819-J, residence. Fox street. 16-tf Entered as second-class matter at the post office, at McHenry, «L, under the act at May 8, 1S79. AUTOMOTIVE REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR i; AIX. CARS Accessories and Seat Covers COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY JV Route 180 - 1 Block East at fht River Bridge Week ftifs 9 a.m. - 6 pan. tf 4MB. to 1 PJB. 21-tf EXPERT SEWING MACHINE and VACUUM CLEANER REPAIR For Sales and Service Call SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. 2(1 Benton St., Woodstock, 294 52-tf MOTHERS. Bring Your Children Have your hair shampoo fid, set or permanent in in my home. By appointment days or evenings. McHenry 438 50 GARAGE DOORS WOOD SECTIONAL Residential, Commercial or Industrial -- Standard or Specially Designed. KEN LEIBACH Sales, Installation and Service McHenry 1187-R 14-t# Roto-Tilling Lawns and Gardens Call 663-M-l IVAN GREEN All Work Guaranteed 50 C. S. G. power lawn mower; new and used mowers; all sharpening done on the new modern grinder. We are now equipped to grind chisels and planing blades. Power mowers, $5.50 up to 21-inch; hand mowers, $2. Tel. McHenry 1606. 48-tf WELLS DRn.ifflD OR DRIVEN WATER SYSTEMS - We sell, repair and install pumps. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 167. 26-tf (FOR SALE -- 1954 Mercury,. 2 toned, hardtop, used from Feb. to Sept reason, in service since Sept. • 1954, stationed overseas. David L. Smith, Rt. 2, Richmond. Phone Richmond 2126. 49-2 FOR SALE -- 1954 "Star Chief i iPontiac 4 door. Fully equipped, {12,000 miles, must sell. Original was $3,600.00. Will sell for $2,600.00. Phone 1553-W. *50 t^OR SALE -- 1947 Harley Davidson motorcycle. Phone Mc- * Henry 634-W-l after 6:30 p.m. *50 Vinyl - Rubber • Cork 'Asphalt Tile Floors Linoleum - Wall Tile Lees carpeting and rags Carpet Laying Tidy Floor Coverings Phone Woodstock 888 20-tf National Rug Cleaning Week For Expert Rug Cleaning Phone 927 For Pickup & Delivery Service by ^ ^ Rainbow Cleapers r 56 * Don't Be Misled... By an unusually low rate on an insurance policy. You get exactly what you pay lor when you buy protection. THE KENT CORP. INSURANCE St REAL ESTATE FOR OVER 29 YEARS Insure through this Agency and Feel Safe' PHONE 8 N. Riverside Dr., McHenry, DL FOR SALE FOR SALE -- 7 cu. ft. Hotpoint deluxe refrigerator with automatic defroster. Excellent condition. Call 1261-M. .*50 FOR SALE -- Apartment size electric stove; 6 counter stools. Can be seen at Pine -Tree Tower. Phone 1655. 50 FOR SALE -- Red sorrel riding horse, 2 years old. Phone Wonder Lake 3921. *50 FOR SALE FOR SALE -- TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES. Service on all makes, also ribbons for all makes, carbon paper. L. V. Kiltz, on Rt. 47, 1 block south of Rt. 14, Woodstock. Phone 549. 7-tf FOR SALE -- Used rugs for sale. Northern Illinois' largest selection of uasd rugs taken in trade as part of our service to our customers who have bought- the finest, those heavenly, all wool carpets by LEES. Tidy Floor Coverings, 604 Washington St., Woodstock. 39-tf GARDEN TILLERS With sickle bar, reel or rotary grass cutting attachments oi any combination to suit youi needs. Smith Lawn Mower Sales and Service 165 W. Crystal Lake Ave. Crystal Lake, 111. Phone C. L. 1200 49-2 FOR SALE -- 2 wheel trailer In good condition. Reasonable. Phone 1144-J. Fred Fowles, 202 E. 'VV'i.Ukegan Road, McHenry. "j)0 FOR SALE Mother's Day SPECIALS! Costume Jewelry $L00 & $2.00 Summer Blouses $1.98 & $2.98 Cotton & Nylon Slips $2.29 St up Smart Handkerchiefs 19c St up Aprons, Scarfs, Sun Glasses Complete selection of Mother's Day Cards. All gifts the newest in design and reasonably priced! Norma's Center Shop Wonder Center Wonder Lake, Illinois Phone W.L. 4892 50-3 FOR SALE -- 4 Siamese kittens from champion stock. Housebroken, papers included. Playful pets. Mrs. Henry Krumwlede, Fritzsche's Estate, south of Rte. 120, 5th house from little store. *50 FOR SALE -- Oak dining room set, 7 chairs, table and buffet. Storkline baby buggy. Phqne 1249-R. 50 FOR SALE -- Two 750x17 in. 8 ply truck tires; 13 hp. electric motor; John Deere corn planter like new. Tel. Woodstock 1610-M-2. 60 FOR SALE -- Mulberry sofa and two chairs, one gray, one turquoise, Ln fair condition, reasonable. Tel. McHenry 506-M-l. 50 \ FOR RENT »»•--«-- FOR RENT -- Newly remodeled and decorated four room house, large lot, within' four 'blocks of school and C&NW. .Depot. Reply care o£ Plaindealer, Box 29. *50 WANTED HELP WANTED -- Women -- Avon Cosmetics needs representatives in Wonder L&ke area, Highland Shores, Wonder View and other localities. Good earnings, steady and independent for qualified. As little as 4 hours a day can handle. Write P.O. Box 56, Rockford, 111. 49-i2 HELP WANTED Turret Lathe Operators Able to set up anu operate to elose tolerances. High hourly earnings for qualified operators. Permanent Apply: Monday thru Friday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. BARCO Mfg. Co. 500 Hough St., Barrington, HL tet 50 HELP WANTED -- Men 18 to 25 for tree work, around Wauconda and McHenry. Union scale wages. Phone Wauconda, JAckson 6-2238. 49-tf in Johnsburg We build to Order, 2 and 3 bedroom ranch type homes. Face brick on all .four sides,-gas heat, with or without basements, on, a: 100x200 ft. lot. A Nice location, near church arid. schools, $13,000 and up. For Information Call At Our Office In Johnsbmcg JACOB FRITZ - REALTORS Phone McHenry 37 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED -- Waitress for the Little Chef Restaurant, 138 Riverside Drive. Also kitchen help. *50 HELP WANTED -- Trained or experienced insemlnator to work in McHenry area with reliable, fast growing artificial breeding business. References required. Write care of Plaindealer, Box 24. 49-3 Odd Jobs done weekends and evenings. Tile wot-k, electrical, plumbing, heating and carpentry. Phone 698-W-l. 47-tf CONCRETE BREAKING Hourly rates for concrete and frost breaking. Let us do the hard work.. MAY CONSTRUCTION CO. Richmond • Phone 4381 or 4744 41-tf FOR SALE -- radio, heater. 666-W-l. '53 Buick Hardtop, Best offer. Phone 50 BOATS 8c MOTORS JOHNSON MOTORS New and Used -- Terms : Motors and Boats | Service - Refinishing and Storage BILL'S OUTBOARD MOTORS . 104% S. Riverside Drive Phone McHenry 1076 44-tf FOR SALE -- Round bottom boat with 5 hp. Johnson motor. Call 1325. 50 FOR SALE -- Boats and motors, new and used. Inboards, outboards, cruisers. Row boats $79.50 and up. Trailers - Marine supplies. Ed J. Wendt Boats and Motors, on U.S. 12, 3 blocks north of intersection 173, Richmond, HI. 50-tf BUSINESS SERVICE H. V. JACKSON Tuck Pointing, Acid Cleaning Waterproofing, Caulking Ghimney Repair, etc. Phone McHenry 1328 47tf For Garbage Disposal Service Call Jim Jorgensen Kimball 6-14S2 Address: Ingleside P. O. Long Lake, HL 47-tf Machine trenching and digging, septic systems, water lines, dry wells, seepage beds, wells drilled and. driven. Garrelts and Rogers, McHenry. Phone 534-W-l or 539-R-l. 49-tf The Emil Patzke Roofing Business will continue to operate under the direction of his widow, Mrs. Pearl Patzke, and son, Ralph. The same high quality of workmanship, materials and service will be maintained. Pearl & Ralph Patzke 401 Waukegan St. PHONE 65-M 50 FOR SALE -- 2 folding feeach chairs, $3.50 ea.; child's lawn swing, $8; playground $15; musical rocker, $6; hassock, $4.50; kitchen ladder, $2;. aquarium stand $20; fireplace rail $8; log bracket $4; 6 year baby bed $12; apt. gas range $60; Kenmore deluxp mangle $125; lge. and % size mattresses $5 ea.; and misc. item$. Phone Wonder Lake 3984. JSD The Von Schrader Machine Method of Deterging and washing walls'; carpenter and cement work; painting, brush or spray; tile, walls, floors, ceilings siding, roofing. Complete building maintenance, P. O. Box 324, McHenry 752-W. •46-10 Your wall-to-wall carpeting represents a substantial investment- It deserves Karpet Kare Cleaning -- the best professional care available. Free estimates. Budget' terms. Tidy Rug Cleaners, 604 Washington St. (Route 14 north,) Woodstock, HI. Phone 162. 50. I Pump Cesspools and Septic Tanks G. A. Douglas Lakeland Park Subdivision Station Box 38 Phone McHenry 1480 46-ti C. Heelein and B. May Masonry Contractors t Fireplaces -- Brick Veneer Chimneys Richmond 4642 or 5108 50-2 Acousticon REPAIR WORSL Batteries, cords, supplied for all maKes of instruments; Loan&r. instruments available, dill for. Iretk demonstration at your convenience. RENA &CHEID 209 N. Greea St. Tel. 125-R 38-<JOW FOR SALE To April 3dth Reg. 8pec. Thrift Chest $14.25 $12.80 j Cleaning Formula 4.65 8.95; Lubrication Formula 2.00 1.60 Light Touch Cream Rouge . 1.25 .95: Jumbo Lipstick . . 1.50 1.27: Nail Polish ..... .69 JS9 Hand Smooth .. . 1.50 1.28 Sun tan Lotion . . 1.50 1.35 For a home appointment for a free facial and make-up lesson call your local Beauty Counselors -- BEA NEWKIRK McHENRY 1737 JODY LIEBERSON McHENRY 780 50 FOR SALE SPECIAL $80.00 DISCOUNT on 1955 Model Servel Air Condiiiofeers % HP, - 500 Cu. Ft. Cap. Reg. Price $309.95 Sale Price $229.95 LEADING Appliance Store 208 E. Elm Street McHenry, 111. 50 FOR SALE -- Gas rtew. Phone 1710. range, like •50 FOR SALE -- Brown Shetland pony, gelding. Price $130.00. Phone Wonder Lake 2641. 50 FOR SALE -- Kenmore combination bottle gas and oil stove. Good condition. Phone McHenry 623-W-l. *50 FOR SALE -- 32" Speedway power mower, with attachable sulky. McHenry 1516-W after 6:30 p.m. 50 FOR RENT Attention: Clubs & Organizations FOR RENT -- 30 Watt twin speaker, portable public address system; 16mm. sound projector, films available for alt types of programs- Bryant, McHenry 698- M-2, after 7 p.m. 37-tf FOR SALE -- Boxer puppy, 7 months old, female. Needs good home. Reasonable. Call Thursday or .Saturday, McHenry 1113. 50 FOR SALE -- 3 ton of baled aljfalfa hay; 1 Ward Way used washing machine with pump; 1 girl's dressing table with glassed top. Call 647-R-l. 50 FOR S&LE -- Baby buggy, baby bed, high chair, best offer; 9x^2 oriental design rug, wine red color Tel. McHenry 506-R-2. 50 WACL A FLOOR TILING .Our qnly. business - not. a sideline. Prompt guaranteed work. . Ffcefc BiUmateSi . Call Cary 6164 or Barringtnn 1?7« 2 - i FOR SALE HAROLD J. FREUND Painter aikl Decorator Qn|£d Ave, McHenry Phone 926-R iS-tf WINTERIZE NOW Wlsce aluminum combination stprm windows and doors from the Ptichmond, Illinois plant. Install now, easy terms, first payment in Oetober. Up to 36 months to pay. Fa$t delivery. May Construction, Richmond, 111. Phone 4361 or 4744. 43.^ FOR SALE -- Overhead gara« doors 8x7, 5 sections high, $85.(." completely installed. Also doci ornamehts for shutters, fron' doors etc. Overhead Door Co. of Crystal Lake. Phone Crystal Lake 221, 48-4 CLOSE OUT On Last Year's Mowers Terrific Savings To 35% 13" to 21" RoUti'ii s ' SHollne - Starting at $50.00 Electric - Starting at $40.00 On Display At McHENRY WELDING SERVICE Phone 836 50 FOR SALE -- Two mahogany step tables and two table limps. Tel. McHenry 408-W-X. 50 Phone *59. OR SALE -- 3-piece Casting itfit, 5 ft. glass rod, metal level -.d reel (100 yds. cap.) 50 yds m line. Reg. $7.15. Wec'--r. '.v $4.19. McHenry Dept. 50 WANTED SALESMEN & SALESWOMEN Experience Not Necessary Full Training Given In America's Fastest Growing industry. Chance For A New Future WE CAN SHOW YOU HOW TO MAKE MORE MONEY , THAN YOU THOUGHT POSSIBLE. ' Full or Part Time Work In Your Own Area Protected Territory Come In between 9 a.m. St'" 4 pjn. Or Write RICH PLAN of ELGIN 650 Dundee Avenue Or Phone 4087 Elgin, minols 50 HELP WANTED -- Experienced man for washing and lubrication department. Apply Hpndrych's Ford, Woodstock, 111. 50 WANTED Telephone Solicitors GOOD PAY The best known highest quality fresh fruit juices., WRITE: King Juice, Inc. 5788 W. 26th St. Cicero 50, 111. 50-2 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED -- Part tim<jfr. bartender. Must be honest and experienced. Apply Town Club, 201 Riverside Drive. Phone 12. 50 HELP WANTED -- Salad girl. Must 'be neat and willing to work. Apply Town Club, 201 Rfverside Drive. Phone 12. 50 HELP WANTED -- Woman for full time work in local drug store. Write Box 17 care of McHenry Plaindealer. 48-tf FOR RENT -- Clean modern furnished 4 room apartment. Automatic gas heat. Phone 1554-J. 50 FOR RENT -- Two bedroom, kitchenette apt. in. McHenry. Heat and hot water furnished, $75 a month; unfurnished. Available June 1. Address Box 28 in care of MALE HELP WANTED -- Cabinet patcher, man to refinish and repair wooden cabinets having scratches, mars, broken joints or split seams. Will be using colored pigments, fillers, finishes and abrasives. Prefer an experienced man but will train a qualified person with related experience. Ad* miral (iorp., 5b7 W. Elm St., McHenry, 111. 50 HELP WANTED -- Good opportunity as representative for large Life Insurance company. Salary or drawing account to man who qualifies; future earnings limited only by skill and ability. Aptitude test given. Pension plan. Thorough training locally with help by home office field men. Send experience and personal data to Box 25 care of Plaindealer. 50 HELP WANTED -- Men to help in nursery. Apply in person after 6 p.m.. Located corner of Wilson Road and Rte. 120. Pitzen's Nursery. 50-tf STATE FARM HAIL INSURANCE No Rate Increase, Now you can protect your crops for leps money because State Farm h«a not increased their Hail Insurance rates in Illinois. And-- you don't wait for your money ... you get it when your Actual Fair Adjustment ** made. Choice of Percentage or Bushel protection-- plus Fire and Lightning coverage on your growing crops until they dire at the storage site--even while in. transit. Find out bow little State Farm Hail Insurance costs. Call today. There is, no obligation. If pays to know yavr STATE FARM Agent BOB CONWAY PHONE 285 ^ 589 Main St.. McHenry, PL J Farmers Trading Post HELP WANTED -- Man for work at Skyline Drive-In theatre. Phorie 2284 or 477. 50 the Plaindealer. HELP WANTED -- C^rt for general office work. and store sales. Apply 10 a.m. Saturday at 208 E. 50 Elm St. 50 WANTED Assemblers, Lacers and Solderers APPLY 807 W. Elm ADMIRAL CORP. Honrs 8 to 4:30 pjn. McHenry, HL 49-tf HOGS WANTED -- All classes and weight fer highest net return. Monday through Friday 8 ajn. to 1 p.m. Marengo Daily Hog Market, phone Marengo 262. 50-tf McHENRY COUNT* FARMERS CO-OP ASSN. Ful-O-Pep Super Greens Pelleia Extra Vitamin Boost For Your Layer*. Sprinkle On Top Of Regular Mash. 2 to 4 Lbs. Per Day Per 100 Birds. PHONE McHENRY 729 528 Waukegan Road BUTCH'S SAVE MONEY ON YOUR CAR Regular check ops and maintenance by our experts means lower car eosta for you! We Do Complete Motor Overtouttgg 809 W. Elm Street Maftnlry. HL Phone 811' -- Residence 91-R 24 Hour Towing Service Blumhorst Trucking and Grain Service. Corn shelling, grain buying. Livestock. Local and long distance hauling. McHenry R.R. 4. Phone 777-W. 16-tf GEO. P. FREUND Authorized Dealer for SALES & SERVICE PHONE McHENRY 420 SOI Crystal Lake Road WANTED -- Down and crippled cattle at better cstsh prices. Orville , Krohn, Woodstock. Phone 16C1-R-1, collect. *15-tf R. M. FLEMING & SON NSW 1BEA -- PAPEC DEALER TRACTORS SALJBS & SERVICE A Complete Farm Implement Service. PHONE McHENRY 33 622 Waukegan Road Dead Animal Removal 1 WHEELING RENDERING » WORKS Be Legal, Keep a Clear Conscience Prompt Service, Day or Night Sundays and Holidays No help needed to load. Operating under State Inspection Made by Dept. of Agriculture. Highest cash prices paid. Phone Wheeling 3, collect McHENRY EQUIPMENT CO. SAUTs ai SERVICE GUS FREUND PHONE McHENRY 185 303 W. Elm St. (Basestaent) ATTENTION FARMERS Need a tool shed, loafing barn, hog or poultry house ? You have a 12 sow portable hog house for $850.00. Save today on Doane Designed low cost buildings. For further information call or write Arnold May, Richmond, Illinois. Office 438,1 - Res. 4744. 18-tf

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