Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 May 1955, p. 2

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Two THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Vr-'- v-;-.^ Thursday, MHU mil m i 111m t litiii.H.H t M I I MIH.»h h••!•• Announce Mrtrriage Saturday, April 16 Announcement has been tyiade of the marriage on Saturday, April 16, of Mies Donna Mae Nielsen, daughter of Mt. and afirs. Clarence Nielsen of Crystal Lake, and Ronald Berry ,son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Berry of Mc- Henry. The service was performed at the Kingdom hall of Jehovah's Witnesses in Algonquin, the ceremony conducted by Jehovah's Witnesses and performed by A. E. Dierks of Algonquin. Card Party At Christ the King A card party given by the N.C.C.W. (Altar and Rosary sodality) of Christ the King church for the benefit of the building fund will take place Thursday evening, May 19, at 8 o'clock at Millie's Pizza, The public is invited to attend. Refreshments will be served. P.T.A. Luncheon At Country Club The P.T.A. luncheon will be held at the McHenry Country cdub Thursday, May 12, at noon. Reservations should 'be made, no later thpn Saturday, May 7j by calling Mrs. Elmer Antonson, Mrs. Harold Maurer, Mrs. Norman Eggert, Mrs. Vale Adams or Mrs. Stuart Engfti. Installation of officers will also take .place during the afternoon. Postpone Fox lUver Valley Camp Meeting The last regular meeting of River Valley camp, No. 851, R.N.A., which was postponed, will be held at the, home of Mrs. Peter M. Justen May 10 at 8 o'clock. Cards will follow the meeting and each member may bring a guest. PAUL FREUND WEDS MISS JOAN SCHOLZ IN SATURDAY RITE Garden Club Plans For Fashion Show The April meeting of the McHenry Garden club was heid at tile beautiful new home of Mrs. William A. Pries. Pinal • plans and appointments were made for the annual fashion sbow and card party to be held Wednesday,, June 15, at the V.FJW. clubhouse. The show will be .presented by Betty Nielsen, a club member.. a.t' the iApril SfteetlngV Mtsv Birt Huevelman. of Richmond, a" member of the Fruit and Flower guild, gave a most informative and interesting talk on "Share Your Fruit and Flowers." The newt meeting will be held ait the home on Mrs. Henry J. Smith of Sunset View subdivision oh May 31. St. Mary's Catholic church waa the scene of a beautiful wedding last Saturday mornilngy April ' 36, at 10, o'clock when Miss Jom Scholz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Scholz, Shalimar, her came, the bride of Mr. Paul Freund, son of Herbert H? Freund of Pearl street. Rfev. Fr. John Reuland officiated at .the ceremony. Given in marriage by her farther, the bride approached; the altar, radiant In a floor length gown of white lace oyer satin, with jacket, itffoe- fingertip veiiheid by a crown of. pearls. She carried a bouquet of Amazon lilies and steplramrtis. Miss Frances Bieschke, a close friend and future sister-in-law of the bride, aoted as maid of honor. She chose a pink taffeta faille gown, small cap of matching material and carried American Beauty roses. Carla Orthwein and) Rosemarie Schmitt were bridesmaids and! cousins of the bride, Carod Kern and Mary Kern of Schiller Park, were junior bridesmaid and flower girl, respectively. They were attired similarly to the maid of honor. The bridesmaids carried! wfhite carnations flecked with American Beauty red. Mary Kern's bouquet consisted of American Beauty roses. Eugene Freund. brother of the groom, served as best man and Robert Scholz, brother of the bride, and the late Leo Gerasch, a friend, were groomsmen. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Scholz wore navy taffeta with pink accessories. Miss Bertilla Freund, aunt of the groom, chose a navy idiresa with white accessories. Both had wfoite orchid corsages. Breakfast was served to twenty guests at- the McHenry Country club following the service. In the evening, a reception was held for 300 guests at the American Legion home following the serving of a roast beef and turkey dinner. The bride graduated from the local high school in 1952 and is employed at' the American National bank in Chicago. The bridegroom is a 1949 graduate of tfte McHenry high school and is employed by his father in construction work. Upon return from a honeymoon trip, flie couple will reside at the Town club. JUNIOR PLAY The junior class of the Richihond higihi school will present "Arsenic ami Old Lace" in the high school gymnasium on May 14 a>t 8 o'clock. CHURCH RITE A lesion-sermon, "Adam and Fallen Man," will be presented at the Sunday, May 8, service of the First Church of Christt, Scientist, Woodstock. Sunday is at 11 a.m. and the church service at the same hour. Buy U.S. Savings Bonds CARD OF THANHS I would liket. to take tihte opportunity to thank afll tihose who sent me car&fe offered prayers in my behalf and visited me while I was in Downey hospital. Everything was appreciated so much. •52 Alvin Blake CARD OF THANKS We would like to take this manner of thanking our friends and neighbors: for floral offerings, cards and the many other expressions of sympathy extended in our bereavement. They were appreciated so much. 52 George Kramer and Family '1' 'M' 'i"l' <• 4"!' • 'l"l"I"t '1 PERSONALS frfr$.j.• jif j j ij.•}•!'frfr11 •!'• Mr. and, Mrs. Arthur Larson visited her sister, Mrs. Alfons Adams, and family and other relatives in this vicinity, en-route to their home in Haywardi, Wis., from Florida, where they spent the winter. The George E. Johnson family of Skokie were weekend visitors in' the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George H. Johnson. John Knox has returned 'to his home on John street from Florida, where he spent the winter. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Johnson returned home Thursday evening from a month's vacation in Hollywood, Fla. Mrs. Raymond Arvidson of Los Angeles, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Watson of Elgin were dinner guests in the1 Robert Thompson ihoane Saturday. Visitors oh Sunday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Granger Smith of Elgin and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. pwen of Skokie. -, The Carl Courier family of Marengo were Sunday visitors in the home of her mother, Mrs. Nellie Bacon. Mrs. Joseph Weber, Mrs. John Justen and Mrs. A. J. Wirtz spent the weekend with their sons ,wiho are students at Champaign. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weingart visited the former's sister in Chicago Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thennes, sons, Jimmie and Jack, and Mrs. Anna Diedrich visited in the Michael Thill home in Aurora Sunday. Miss Genevieve Knox visited Miss Georgianma Donohue at Huntley Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas (Fenwick and daughter, Julie, of Elmhursit were Sunday visitors in the C. J. Reihansperger hoane. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Letcher of Chicago, former local residents, called) on friends here Sunday. Miss Ellen Walsh of South Bend, Ind1., was a weekend visitor here. Mr. and Mrs. Gunnar Walinder were Chicago visitors Sunday. Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson and her guests, her daughter, Mra Betty Clark, and son, Ricky, of Omaha spent Sunday in the Messman home in Woodstock, where they attended First Communion services at St. Mary's church that morning. The former's little grandson,1 Jerry Messman, was a member of the class. Other guests in the Messman home tfcat afternoon and evening to help Ricftftxl -peaabrate , his birthday as *yml as ^his First Communion were the James Thompson .family and Mrs. Kaithryn Worts of McHenry. The Carl Neuman family and Mrs. Anna Miller visited the former's relatives at- Burlington, Wis., Sunday. The James Wagner family of Milton, Wis., visited in the Herb Simon home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Zoia and baby of Mount Prospect .were weekend guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Phalin. Sunday guests of Mrs. Eleanor Foley were the James Mahoney family of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Phalin of Wilmette. Mr. and Mrs. Nick M. Justen, daughter, Clarine, and Mrs. Carl Martin and daughters, accompanied by the Joseph Justen family of Richmond, Miss Dorothy Justen, R.N., and Dr. Trivano of Chicago visited Sister Nicele in Milwaukee Sunday. A. F. KENNEBECKS WILL RESIDE IN SUNNYSIDE ESTATES Hie. future home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Kennebeck will-be Suimyside Estates, Johnsburg. Mr. Kennebeck claimed as his bride Miss Carol Ann Gamperl, daughter of the Rutfodph Gamperls of Chicago, in a 10 o'clock y ^ Wolk Studio Pfarto MRS. ARTHUR KENNEBECK service performed April 23 at St. Mary of Mt. Cai<mel church, Chicago. He is the son o£ e Bernard Kenne becks of IU. 5, McHenry. Rosemary Thier served as maid of honor and bridesmaids were Madeline Gamperl, Joan Donvagalski, Donna Domagalski, Jej&nette Gaylord and Lorraine Holm, with Barbara Chessare as junior bridesmaid. Attending the groom were Bernard Kennebeck as best man and Donald Gamperl, Bob Gamperl, Daniel Kennebeck, Ronald Adams and Carl Schnautz as grooms* men. Richard Gamperl was riahgbearer. The bride is a graduate of Harper high school in Chicago and the groom graduated from St. John's school. By Marie Schaettgen Here is a quick and' simple method of preparing pork tenderloins which is the basis of an entile oven dinner prepared ih less than one hi>ur. Pork Tenderloins 1 lb pork tenderloins 4- medium sized sweet potatoes Salt and pepper 4 apples Sugar Place tenderloins in baking dish large enough to aiso hold potatoes. Grease bottom of dish generously before using. Sprinkle meat on both sides with salt and pepper. Have oven pre-heated to 400 degrees but reduce to 350 wi:-en meat is browned. Allow about 45 minutes for meat. Pare potatoes and: boil 15 minutes. Drain. Place in pan with meat and cook until done, basting with meat drippings or butter several times. Remove a slice from top of apples and pare down from top about one inch. Remove core. Fill center with sugar. Place in a small baking dish with % cup water. Sprinkle the pared top of apple with sugar. Bake in oven with meat and potatoes. Baste apples with liquid in pan several times and sprinkle more sugar over pared top. MARRIAGE LICENSE Donald E. Rosing, Round LaJte, and Doris Ann Justen, McHenry. One of Our Specialties ... Individuality is the hair fashion keynote for summer . . . our styles are expressively YOU! Colour Treatments . . . Tinting . . . Modern and Continental Haircutting. - Make your summer appointment now. Get ready for summer breezes and burning sun#( Phone 147. YOUR LOVELINffl^S IS OUR BUSINESS (Rwertede 3imMhf£iitg, fStudia ADELINE PEDBRSEN, Prop. 126 N. Riverside Drive McHenry, HI. Phone 147 Rambler Gives Big Room for 6 and 6 More MHes a Gallon, too! MB••• Spacious Rambler 4-Door Sedan Sweeps Low-Price Field in 1955 Mobilgas Economy Run--27.47 M. P. G. Think of it--27.47 miles per gallon with . Hy<jli"a-Matic Drive--a whopping 6.3 more miles to a gallon than the average for lowpriced cars entered in the Mobilgas Economy Run. This in the amazingly roomy Rambler that carries the lowest price tag and gives you higher resale value . . . that parks quickest, gives you most travel comfort. See it--drive it! Compare value! 4 •• a f 2'DoorClubStdan Delun, dtlivertd twtorv, vAl HXS «K<miuelpsmtiaw, tW, i«tci.t.i ianncdl. loMcal ( atinu.nil .a Onypt.iuotnraal. | COMPARE RAMBLER FOR ROOM | AVERAGE lOW^tlCE CAR 61.6" FRONT SEAT HEADROOM 35.3" FRONT SEAT LEQROOM 43.9" REAR SEAT HIPROOM 62" REAR SEAT HEADROOM 34.7" Test Drive the Rambler at Your ~MaA£k. Dealer Uteww Motors, Inc., Route 120 McHenry. III., McHenry 742 Jtey Folks!. Time in Du^eyland on ABC-TV. See TV listings for Time and Channel. for Mother's Day A small fur . . . big event for Mother! Choose the finest from our sensibly priced collection. All top workmanship, perfect furs. Jackets * Capes •' Stoles • Scarfs Furs made to order" Terms Available NEWLYWEDS • Summer Cloth Coats • Shorties • Jackets Brief, lightweight and to the point . . . Our Top-Of- The-Season Toppers in Complete Selection of Popular Fabrics. OTTO HEINZ, FURS Phone 1843 "Bonded Fur Storage on Premises" 105 No. Riverside Dr. -f McHenry, m. Langdon Photo THE DONALD FREUNDS Before her marriage on April 13, this tdlark-hiaired bride was Miss Joan Nell. Mrs. Freund is making her home in McHenry while her husband completes ibis studies at Notre Daone university. Lend Uncle Sam Your Dollars Buy U.S. Savings Bonds BRIDAL COUPLE Wehran Photo THE DONALD BAITERS St. Patrick's Catholic church was the sccne of a pretty wedding on Saturday, April 16, when Miss Joan O'Brien became the bride of Mr. Donald Bauer of Ingleside. They are residing at 307 N. Green 9treet. Classified Ads bring results. Place yours with the Plaindealer B A N K F A C T S f P R TOM ) tyou/ou/i JwfiK' A community is people; and the business of a bank like ours is helping people-with money matters of every kind. We accept and safeguard deposits, for example, and transfer funds; lend money for worth-while purposes; share our experience fri financial problems. The whole community -- individuals, families, businesses--benefits, directly or indirectly, from such transactions. Whether it's sending money by mail . . . borrowing to build a home, finance a car, or meet a payroll - why doif t you come see us? McHENRY STATE BANK Interest Paid On Savings, Deposited Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Member Federal Reserve System PHONE 1040 Mr. asid Mrs. John Wagner of* Volo are the of a daughter, born April 26 at St. Therese hospital, Waukegaii The young lady, who weighed 6 _ lbs.> 8 oz. at birth, has been named Jacqueline and will be known as Jackie. Sffce has two'sisters and three brothers. Jftr. aind M$t| Gilbert Kloeckner <aire> the Hj^ents of a 7 lb. 10 oz. boy, fjftrn April 24" at Memorial hospital. He has two brothers to welcome litis arrival. . Mr. and. M£s. Edward Hayden are the grandparents of a 7 lb. daughter, born to Mr. and Mrs. Roger Ladd of Crystal Lake at Sherman hospital on April TllfS The Ljadds have three other children. i Savings invested in Crystal Lake Savings and Loan earn %Vt% plus yz% extra.. 2Stf Buy U.S. SaviifgB Bonds fr. . . . of your weddinj Is best told in profession ally-mj photographs. Just phone--we'll?': be glad to explain, our complete wedding service. Have the finest for your wedding pictur^l? . . . They cah never be taken again. •s STUDIO Phone 275 117 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, 111. ^FLOWERS SAY': Flowers ... the prettiest gift for the most wonderful Mom of all on her Very Special Day. <¥ Corsages Cut Flowers Seasonal blooming Plants lm Street Florist "Across the Street from A4P" 300 W. ELM STREET Phone 230 We Telegraph Flowers Anywhere McHEMRY, ILL.

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