Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 May 1955, p. 2

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w !}•. fW:Wma• Two %HE , McHENBY PLAINDEALER ^ i l^'nvv^N"-1^ WI V„y-" if V £ ~u '"" •'•"'••• •'•-• • '* -; Thursday, May 19/1955 C,**<.'t"l 'J"I"1"M"H"1 I H f T l 11111111 T I T ll T t HTll l lt t J H 1 . /w. W<X)F Juveniles field Installation Juveniles of St. Clara's court, No 659. W.C.O.F., held Its installation of officers and mothers' ,party Monday, May 16, at St. Mary's school hall. A pot-Juck dinner was served prior to the rite at 6:30 o'clock. Helen Weber, chief ranger, acted as installing officer and Gretchen Sayler and Susan Kauss as installing conductors. Officers installed induicfed Lois May. junior chief ranger; Ellen Clark, junior vice-chief ranger; Pat Miller, secretary; Margie Jung, senior conductor; Donna M^e King, junior conductor; Diane Freund, inner sentinel; Shirley Jager, outside sentinel; Betsy Kauss and Joan Blake, flag bearers. , After the meeting, games were enjoyed. Mother's Club Elects Officers Marcella Foss was re-elected president of St. Patrick's Mother's club at a meeting ifceld Tuesday afternoon. Other officers elected were Kay Mahoney, vicepresident; June O'Malley, secretary; and Kathleen Brown, treasurer. Couple Honored On Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Freunid of Woodstock were surprised by a group of relatives at their home Sunday afternoon in honor of their tenth wedding anniversary. Delicious dishes of food for a buffet supper were brought by those attending. They also presented Mr. and Mrs. Freund with a gift. Attending the party were Mr. and Mrs. Nick B. Freund and son, Charles, and Mr. and Mrs. I$Ud Freund and daughter of McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Blowers and daughters of Fox Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hunt and sons of Wonder Lake. Honor Couple .At Farewell v Members of tihe McHenry Country club, friends of Dr. and Mrs. J. Eugene Sayler, surprised them ait the clubhouse last Wednesday evening at a farewell dinner! Enjoying the evening with the couple 1 were Messrs. and Mesdames Earl Seegpe, Albert S. 1-Slake, John E. Looze, John F. Torren<je, Gus Freund, Jack Buckie, Vale Adams, Elmer EVeumd, Homer Fitzgerald, Ralph IE. Bennett, Robert Sullivan and Jack Moss,.Dr. and Mrs. William Nye and Paid Overton. Dr. Sayler was president of the club, retiring last January. the annual C.D. of A. Mother's Day banquet at the high school cafeteria last week. Guests included State Vice-Regent Eleanor Quinn of DeKaJb and District Deputy Ethel Ronan of Elgin. Mrs. Edwaiid Buss, Sr., acted as toastmistress, introducing Miss Quinn, Mrs. Ronan, Fr. Coakley and Fr. McGowan, all of whom spoke a few words. Bill Weber offered two vocal selections, accompanied by his sister. Jean. Following the dinner, cards furnished entertainment, with a prize awarded for each table. The arrangement and decoration committee included Pauline and Claire Miller, chairmen; Florence Freund, Gwen Smith, Genevieve Wiser, Bertha Jensen, Margaret Simon, Leone Bassi, Mathilda Stoffel, Helen Mauch and Bertha Jager. A social meeting is bedng held tonight, May 19, and installation is planned for June 2. Weyland-Mlnter Vows Exchanged In a lovely nuptial rite solemnized at St. Patrick's Catholic church, McHenry, on Saturday, May 14. Miss Geraldine Lucille Weyland, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold N. Weyland of Griswold Lake, exchanged vows with Mr. George B. Minter. The service was performed at 11 o'clock in tihe morning. BIRTHS Plaindealer employees share with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Zamiski of Island Lake pride in tihe son born to the couple on May 14. Named Gerald Frank, the new arrival weighed 9 lbs. 6 oz. at birth. Mrs. Zamiski was formerly bookkeeper at the newspaper office. A son was born at Memorial hospital May 15 to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lama. A brother, Michael, 212. awaits the arrival home of his new brother. Mrs. Lamz is the former La verne Hohbs. Mr. and Mrs. Girard Zimmerman are the parents of a son, born at Memorial hospital la£t week. Mrs. Zimmerman is the former Cecile Tonyan. A daughter was born at Memorial hospital last week to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Miie91et\ DOftIS ANN jtjSTEN SATURDAY BRIDE OF DONALD E. ROSING Miss Doris Ann Justen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George R. Justen, became the bride of Mr. Donald E. Rosing, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rosing of Round Lake, in a 9:30 o'clock nuptial rite solemnized Saturday, May 14, at St. Mary's Catholic church. The side altars were beautifully decorated with bouquets of spring flowers for the occasion. Miss Justen, given in marriage by (her father, approached the altar radiant in a white, floor length gown of lace and satin, witn short train and a skirt featuring net tiers topped with lace. The dress was styled with long sleeves and round neckline, trimmed in pearls. Her fingertip veil fell from a pearl crown and she carried a bridal bouquet • of stephanotis. Miss Patricia Caputo of Chicago and Orchard Beach, a close friend, acted as maid of honor, and bridesmaids were Miss Bernadine Strama of Island Lake, Miss Beverly Rosing of Round Lake, a sister of the groom, and Miss Denise Justen, sister of the bridle. Miss Carol Justen, another sister, was junior bridesmaid and little Linda Blake, a cousin, was the pretty flower girl. All of 'tibe attendants were attired similarly in gowns featuring light green taffeta skirts pinned up with pink roses, and white lace bodices trimmed in green. They wore crowns, of green net, with pink roses, and had bouquets of pink roses. The flower girl' carried a basket of roses . Robert Justen, brother of the bride, served as best man and groomsmen were Donald Hendee of Round Lake, a friend of the groom, Robert Diedrich, a cousin of the bride, of Richmond, Dennis Justen, brother of the bride, and Justin Berndt of DesPlaines her cousin. David Ness of Round Lake, cousin of tfoe groom, was the ring bearer, carrying a white satin pillow on which the ring was placed. Mrs. Justen was attired) in a light blue crystalette dress, with matching accessories and a corsage of pink roees. Mrs. Rosing wore a dusty rodl dress, light blue accessories arid a corsage of white roses. Breakfast was served immediately following the nuptial- rite at the Justen home to the bridail patty*. ^The American Legion h6me was the scene of a dinner served to thirty-six guests. At 5:30 o'clock, supper was served there to 400 friends and relatives, after which they remained for an evening reception, William ©erndt of Des Plaines, a cousin of 'the. bride, was s61oist. Following a assort wedding trip, the couple win take up residence in their new h^me in Jak Ana Heights, Johnsburg. The former Miss Justen graduated in 1952 frtam the McHenry high school and .until recently has been employed in the local telephone office., TOie bridegroom graduated the same year from Grant Township high sehodj .^n Fox Lake and is now employed by Reiland Motors near Crystal Lake. COMING EVENTS May 17 4-H Home Economics Group -- Eager Beavers , -- Methodist Church Kitchen -- 4 p.m. May 18 W.S.C.S. Annual Spring Tea -- High Scihool Cafeteria 1-- 2 p.m. -- Public Invited May 19 Annual High School Music Festival -- Gymnasium -- P.m. Xlf May 28 / Bake Sale -- Sponsored .by Zion Lutheran Friendship Guild -- Huppy & Leo Store -- I pim. June 11 ' ' Summer Supper and Ice br|jiih Social -- Beginning at 5:30 fkiri. -- 'Zion Lutheran O^urch tJ^Urn CARD OF THANKS' In this manner we wtajjtt ito thank friends, neighbors an<l relatives for spiritual bouqiiejts, floral ; offerings and the many expressions of kindness shown us. We are especially grateful for the spiritual help given- ,$y Msgr. Nix, Fr. Reuland,V-^Fr. Schuler and Fr. Coakley. . '• : ^ 2 Family of Leo J. Stilling .H-fr.i.1 * ! -M <'*'* i 1 * MK PERSONALS »»•!••!• I11 •!' V Mr. and Mrs. I^aul IFreund have returned from a 'honeymoon in the Smoky mountains aftd have gone to housekeeping In an apartment in "the Town club on Riverside Drive. The C. J. Downs family of Arcadia, Ga., spent sev£ra^ days with relatives here, where they came to attend the ordination of her brother, Rev. Fr. Addlpti Weideman. Mrs. Max Doering and children, Dennis and Barbara, have returned from San Francisco, Calif., where they, spent two weeks with her mother, Mrs. Emma Franzen, a former McHenry resident Wih© is spending some time ..with a Son and daughter there. Mr .and Mrs. Richard Gustafson, daughter, Karen, and Richard Hayes were dinner guests of Mrs. Edith Hayes Saturday evening. The Carl Courier family of Marengo were visitors in the. home of Mrs. Nellie Bacon Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Eckstrom and family of Bartlett spent the weekend in the home of her parents, Mr., and Mrs. Louis Stoffel. Miss Helen Frett and Mrs. Eniil Debrtecht of Chicago called on relatives here, Saturday. .Misses Lena and Clara Stoffel were guests of friends at Hinsdale Sunday. Mrs. Aghes Nieman visited in tihe home of, her daughter, Mrs. Wihtlrs, in Crystal' L&ke over the weekend. Mr. amid Mrs. Richard, Rapp and children of Rockford were weekend guests in the Joseph Bfenes l\ome'. Miss Rose Terosian, R.N., of Wesley Memorial hospital, Chicago, was a Saturday night guest in .the Fred Bienapfl home. McHenry folks who attended the marriage of Miss Nadyne Lewis and Richard S.edar in Waukegan Saturday were Messrs. and Mesdames Fred Bienapfl, Jos. Holly, Albert Greyer, George Lindsay, Elmer Winkelman, Edward Thennes; Joseph Benes, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Dixon and Loridale and Miss Julia Foley. Mrs. Daniel C.' Shea and Mr®. Leonard Burge of Grayslake attended tlhe mother and daughter Communion breakfast at St. Patrick's haill Sunday morning as guests of their mothers, Mrs. Kathryn Conway and Mrs. Mabel Powers. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Debolt, lllect Officers Of New 4-H Club Gene Brown, assistant farm adviser, supervised the second meeting of the new agriculture club, which will be called the McHenry Hill Toppers. Bill Cristy volunteered as senior leader and Jerry Hogan, the junior leader, was dhosen as Federation delegate. Officer^ are Judy Hans, president; Karen Kralowetz, vicepresident; Norma Anderson, secretary; David Kerr, recreation chairman. Projects will cover gardens, swine and wildlife conservation. Jerry Hogan and David Kerr will give talks at the next meeting, .which will be at the Anderson farm on Rt. 120 on May 23. A perfect, natural look . . . So • many more hairstyling possibilities arfe% yours . . . when your hair is naturally, beaut?-^» fully waved . . . &o many more ways to frame a lovelier, more expressive YOU. Only an expert "Rayette Goddess Wave" can achieve that perfectly natural look for you . . . Let our experts groom your hair for summer ... For a "RAYETTE" Custom-Wave appointment, call 147. YOUR LOVELINESS IS OUR BUSINESS I Iflwer&ide 3lairtty£ing, Studio, ADELINE FEDERSHN, Prop. 126 N. Riverside Drive McHenry, DL Phone 147 Last Square Dance Held The last square dance' of the season was held Saturday, May 14, at the Edgebroak gym, at which time parents were present. In all, 128 young people and 110 adults were in attendance. Featured on the program were Mary and Charles Vycital, who gave a demonstration of round dancing. Chaperones for the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford. Kiehl, Dr. and Mrs. Howard Fike, Mr. and Mrs. George Kauss, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Buckie, Dr. and Mrs. William Nye, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Oeffling and Mr. Cina, tihe latter representing the school. 100 Attended C.D. of A. Banquet More than 100 people attended . . . o f y o u r w e d d i n U best told in professionally-m photographs. Just phone--we'll be glad to explain our complete wedding service. Have the finest for your wedding pictures . . . They can never be taken again. WORWiCK'S STUDIO Phone 275 117 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, 111. SPRING SALE BOYS - PRE-TEENS - GIRLS Young Teen Corner 312 ELM STREET McHENRY, ILL. 312 ELM STREET McHENRY, ILL Suits - Pants - Hats - Blouses Dresses - Skirts - Coats listen to "Studio K For Kids" over WKRS 1220 on your Radio Broadcast* direct from McHenry. Not Only Do They Look Good, But They Feel Good When They Come Back from . . . RAINBOW CLEANERS North Front Street around corner North dl National Tea We don't guarantee your duds will dance a jig on their return from our Sanitone treatment . . . but you'll dance for joy because they look so wonderful! Phone 927 For Pick-up Service or SAVE 10% Cash & Carry 1st Annual Sale Mrs. Eva Bakner and.Miss Elizabeth Adams, of Chicago were ^Uttday. gueaJfi the home of 3&er latter"® listen- Mrs. Frank Hitirlwell. , '•/. Mr. ajid Mrs. Fred Bienapfl visited relatives in Kenosha, Wis., Sunday. Mrs.'Mattel Powers was a Suriday guest in the home "of. her daughter, Mrs. Leonard Burge, in Grayslake. Miss Rita Martin visited Woodstock relatives Saturday. Mrs. . Maud Wailah and Miss Estelle Thompson of Lansing, Minn., Mhs. Grace McCannon and Mre. Iiloyd Gratton of Woodstock were dinner guests in the Robert Thompson home oft Monday. Mrs. Robert Thompson and< Miss Maud Granger attended a luncheon of the Daughters of the American Revolution held at Oild Hickory farm,' Dundee, on Saturday. Savings invested in Crystal Lake Savings' and Loan earn 2Yz% plus extra. 28tf AMONG THE SICK Mrs. Peter J^. Miller has been transferred frothy Memorial hospital to ShaAgiU'la, rest home, ^ where she is im&jgjjving. Jimmy, sojn of VjMr. and Mrs. James Doher.^ lias - been a medical patient al^! Stl T Joseph's hospital, Elgin. -|v Residence changes • -J* i Mr. and Mi$^:^^tnes Rothermel have moved 'tar.J^eir new home on Riverside Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Rot^^iel moved recently to Grflk^|^.venue, where they purchased'* fnp home formerly occupied b^5<|beftlajnes Rother-y mels. ' Mr. and M«fet>;^bren Rothermel have moved new home in Shalimar subdSj|»on. Spring Furs (Capes - Stoles and Scarfs) % • Truly the biggest selection of styles and sizes in town! • Most any fabric you could want. • Every Past6l-tone in fiashion's Rainbow, including all latest pattefri designs. Hours: Moil, thru Thurs. 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Fri. 9 a.m. - 9 pan. - Sit. 9 a.xn. - 6 p.m. Open Sunday Morning for this Sale Only! Bank Rate Financing Bonded Pur Storage on Premises Otto Heinz, Furs Phone McHenry 1843 105 N. Riverside Drive McHenry, 111. NURSERY EVERGREENS MCHENRY, ILL. IDEAL GRAVE DECORATIONS (HEN AND CHICKS) ONE DOZ. FOR $1.00, LILY OF THE VALLEY TWO DOZ. FOR $1.00. Route 120 East One Block South of-Bridge On Fox River Road (Fox- Street) Fox River Nursery, McHenry, 111. F OR TOD • a If you plan to transfer funds with a check payable here and the payee requires assurance that it is good, you can have the check certified. On request, an authorized- member of our staff will stamp "Certified" across the face and sign his name; and the amount will be transferred from your account to ouif bank. The check then becomes our obligation: our certification is our promise to pay ? it when properly endorsed. Nevej; , destroy a certified check. Return it, if ^unused, for credit to your account. ^ , One use for a certified check is in making the initial payment on a home. Ther.e are many other uses. Ask for details! McHENRY STATE BANK :.X. ' , Interest Paid On Savings Deposited Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Member Federal Reserve System " PHONE 1040 head of its class in everything. The new Clipper V-8 engines develop 245 and 225 horsepower, and they deliver more driving force to the rear wheels. SIZE The Clipper is big . . . outside, almost 18 shining feet; inside, almost unbelievable hip, head, leg and shoulder room. QUALITY Buiit by Packard craftsmen-assurance of the quality that distinguishes the 1955 Clipper . . . makes it the one distinctive medium-priced car. CLIPPER CUSTOM FOUR 245 HORSEPOWER Jbr those who desire individuality... JP the 1955 , I si WE fNV/TJE YOU TO COMJE tN TODAY • . . TAKE THE KEY S & S PACKARD AND SEE 405 E. Elm St. McHenry. 111. Phone 1010 i1 |

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