Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 May 1955, p. 17

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Thyir*fcV'Hty ap. 1955^ --J^r- JCHB JMcHENBY PT.»wnBH|y McCullom Lake News By Eve Levesque i)f+ Eighty Years Young With a twinkle in her merry blue eyes, Mrs. Betty Erickson welcomed her eightieth birthday Thursday, May 19. Fifteen ladies attended a luncheon in her honor given by her daughter, Mrs. Caroline Goranson." The guest list included Viola Hands, Xngeborg Olsen, Martha Wike, Louise Kid!- dleson, Lilly Busse, Ruth Surz, Helen Schaefer, Charlotte Johnson, Rutii ...Sternberg, Regnhild Nelson, Lena Carbanaro, Louise ^ Passal, Elizabeth Reiter, Gertrude MaxvirgllF and your reporter. Mrs. &ricRs&i3s active socially in. the Thursday Ladies Lundheon club and also does a great deal of walking Q '• keep fit. Age has not left its mark on this sweet, charming l$cTJC H^ppjtaltzed Mrs! Lillian McCarthy was taken to ^Bt^Therese hospital, Waukegan, THUtsday, May ,19, for x-rays and observation. Mrs. McCarthy has<- been bed-ridden for quite some time and hasn't shown any Improvement. We do hope she will be better soon and able to return £o the home she loves so dearly. W^at a treat it would be for her to receive cheery greetings from her many friends. On Her Toes Good to see Mrc. Charlotte Johnson home again after spending nine weeflcs off and on in the hospital. Mrs. Johnson said that all the cards she received while she was incapacitated iddd much to speed her recovery. Grandparents Again Lena and Kelly Carbanaro are bursting witth pride over the arrival of another grandson. He is Stephen William, loom May 11 at St. Elizabeth'^* hospital, Chicago. His parents are Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Bruno of that city. Baby Steve has one older sister. Lena spent a week in Chicago helping her daughter care for the new baby. A southland perfect vac: what Mr. well iniulg Friends Will Be , Interested In the arrival of the sixth child to Mr. and Mrs. Merle Watkins of Goshen, Ind. Debra Sue was born May 18 and weighed in at 10 lbs. 9 oz„ Mr. Watkins' was a former employee of the Hickory Creek farms. The Watkins were residents for several years and moved away about eighteen months ago. a party in her honor at the home of her sister and husband, Bette and George Nugent, in the Country Club subdivision on Sunday, May 22. The occasion was Pat's eighteenth birthday on May 24. Blue Booties Tine ecstatic glow on the faces of Ethel anici Bill Schmidt these days is attributed to the healthy arrival of Master William Paul. Their wee one finet saw )the light of day May 4 at Memorial hospital, Woodstocx and tipped the scales a/t 6 lbs. 15% oz. Their exultation stems from the fact that they waited ten years for this blessed event. According to papa Bill, young Bill will be •taking over the Plaindealer paper route next Week! Population Increase Helen and Jim Pokor,ny of Maple Hill drive have become permanent members of our fast growing community. The Pokornys. have one son, Bobby. May we extend a most hearty welcome? Hats Off To our 'teen-agers --- Inge Scholz and "Sonmy" Hocin, who tiedl for first place in the jitterbug- contest at the Junior High cotillion last Friday night. They were awarded gifts for their participation. This Is Living! leisurely ;tj$p through the sir idea of a ind that is just frs. Howard Max- i !* recently. Their itinerary included a trip to Hollywood, iJgta., to ' visit Mrs. Maxwell's fffcKer. Then on to Ocean S pri Gulfport, Miss., for brie^V&its. Their final destination was Hot Springs, Ark., for t&M ! Weeks of baths. That shouldvtake care of bathing chores for thexxi for a year at least! Four Way Treat It was a four-way birthday party Saturday night, May 21, at the Hocin home. The lovely hostesses in charge of the festivities were Judy Hocin and Pat Ifusfca. Guests of 'honor were "Sonny" Hpcin, Bob Cable, Paul Scholz and Bill Jensen. In addition to tlhe guests of honor, there were Phyllis Piotrowski, Inge Scholz, Donny Hayes, Angelo Budacci, Johnny Scarbrougfh, Jackie Osterby and Ed Cafon. Barbecues, hot dogs, sada, popcorn and potato -chips sufficed the "inner man" (and woman). The dancing and frivolity broke up at 10:15 p.m. Crushing Defeat Our local ball team was annihilated last Sunday when Chuck Brocken's Lake county Gear Mashers met them in a contest on McDonald's baseball field. The humiliating score was 20-12. Perhaps we can excuse the "Boys" on the basis of a wet field. Brave enough to weather. the "heavy dew' were Bill Brennan, manager, Ray Deskis, Ray Aalto, Ken, Chuck and Everett Ingersol, Bill Pagett, Milt and Russell Lawrence, Joe DeMar, Fred Matthesius and Jake Levesque. Umpires were Ode Olsen and Don Lorch. E for effort, fellas. Birthdays This month has been a great one for the bakeries, with many of our folks celebrating their birthdays. Mary DeMar, who was 9 oh Sunday, May 22, enjoyed a family party. Gertrude Maxwell admits to 29 and no more! Her day was May 25. Mrs. Viola Hands, a sweet grandmother; isn't telling *her age. 4 Congrats to Bill Pagett, who was 37 last Sunday, May 22, and to his aunt, Mrs. Theresa Cunningham, whose birthday was on the same day. Sorry to have missed Ed Staoknick's birtfcday, which was May 13. Bthed Peterson Schmidt will be celebrating her birthday June 1. CASE CONTINUED The case of Paul Renter, Jr., of Wonder Lake, charged by local police with unreasonable and improper driving at the time of an accident May 8, has been continued. e»K' Mr, Makftfi-H' ' had his eye peeled for likely looking real estate in the Lake Hamilton area. Sometime jin ithe futUre, tfte Maxwells $v§plc£ like to settle there. v v*'- Family Affair Lovely Pat Kuhn was feted at Attekd Communion Mr. andf IkMrs. Ben Schaefer journeyed to Woodstock on Sunday to witness, the First Communion of Mr. Schaefer's grandchildren and.,to (participate in the celebration diftnor and activities. AUTHORIZED KORSEN Outboard Motors and Marine Supplies 70 N. Route 12 Fox Lake, III. Phpne JUstice 7-5251 Open 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. 'Car Tunes" By Justen m "Motor's conked out again, eh? If you'd use that Hi-Test gas at JUSTEN'S STANDARD SERVICE, you wouldn't have motor trouble!" . Complete Car Service All makes & models. We Give Cash Discount RED STAMPS JUSTEN'S STANDARD SERVICE Corner of 120 & Richmond Rd. Phone 1150 McHenry, 111. ISM MW • dui GOOD NEWS McHENRY -• (Redeemable for Nationally Advertised Merchandise) NOW GIVEN ON ALL YOUR PURCHASES AT FOLLOWING McHENRY MERCHANTS! Sunrise Grocery Route 120 & Charles St. McHenry Dept. Store 103 N. Riverside Drive I ten.s surd Service : Corner^ tRiqJimond Rd. & 31 HERE'S HOW THE RED STAMP PLAN WORKS . . . The RED' «TAMP MERCHANTS issue one stamp forrach 10c purchase. You place the stamps ipu tlqp collector's book. When you have filledbook, or books, you may redeem them for a fine premium. ,-- . F, M. TV. Sales & Service 128 No. Riverside Drive Local Cleaners, Inc. '206 So: Green St. Kellner's Pure Oil Service Station Rte. 120 E$st of New Bridge FECIAL COUPON Only' orie coupon to a customer FREE $3.00 WORTH OF RED STAMPS 30 RED STAMPS (Nif PURCHASES NECESSARY) Bring this Coupon to: MERCHANTS LISTED Expire* June 4* 1955 A Stamp With Each 10c Purchase RED STAMPS offer you'a wonderful way of getting EXTRA SAVINGS on the money you spend. RED • STAMPS ARE REDEEMABLE for over 1000 different item& ... all of finest quality, THE NAME BRANDS YOU KNOW AND PREFER. RED STAMPS cost you nothing extra. We are spending part of our advertising dollar this way so that you, the customer, may get the eWtra benefit of these wonderful gifts. It is our way ol saying '"THANK YOU" for your patronage, ASK FOR YOUR FREE GIFT CATALOGUE AND COLLECTOR'S BOOK FRIT - LONG DISTANCE HUNsev tecnc FOX HAS AN iNorepiBcf «*N66 OP 6MSUJ THERE ARE ACTUAL RECORM OP THESE EEWARKABU ANIMALS PETECTlN* A Miusoer.' . T ROOMS TO RENT 1 P\MBi.O INDIANS CONSTRUCTED HOUSEA THAT S MIKE A* MUCH AS FIVE 6TDWE6 HAD OVFIG JOO KX»V», AMP COULD ACCOMJAOOKTE OVER 1000 PEOPLE/ G!\ L UMKb'fclF A RRFAk WHEN vOU »UY MTTB*THAN*VM ViTll AWl Him H KWirWl f TO ASTCUS60INMJA.S0U«V* KWTTF A BREAK ANP BUY A BOND TOC&Y // Don't Pay for Bottle Gas Equipment PYROFAX Gas Equipment IS FREE * LeRoyM. Smith GAS and APPLIANCES PHONE McHENRY 770-W mm® 1111I Iil l l!lil:t!l l:l Mil I i:!il!ri!l:|<I U;l:l!i;i;t:t I III! 11 III I1 HEALTH TALK H I I II Uililiil l l l l 1111 ITI Iil I I11 IlilillHil lII mill! I I I I 11 - <ii Painful Feet Style plays, an , important part in tfce appearance of the feet, but frequently blind adherence to the dictates of fashion is responsible . for conditions causing painful feet. Women especially are more attentive to the neat, trim shoe that suggests daintiness or smartness than they are to the foot in&ide /the shoe. It is only when the discomfort of aching feet, painful corns, callouses or bunions is intense that the victim is inclined to take stock and seek a remedy: Since arches do not usually "fall" or "break" of themselves, it is reasonable to assume ttvat external irritation is responsible. Many of the conditions causing such painful feet can be attributed to improperly fitting shoes or stockings, according to the educational committee of the Illinois State Medical society in a health talk. Oh the other hand, arthritis frequently causes painful feet, especially in older persons. Disturbances of the circulation may be responsible for foot pains and nerve inflammations. Troublesome infection in the teeth, nasal sinuses and digestive tract may well be considered as internal derangements associated with some of these foot disorders. Th<» condition "fallen arch" seems to occur most often in women and results from some injuiy to one of tf:e main bones of the foot known as the astragalus. People who stand long hours are likely to bo disturbed by painful feet due to continuous strain on the arches. In such cases the pain is the result of rigidity of the tissues and of spasm of the muscles in their effort to overcome the strain. Since rest in bed is an economic impossibility in many instances, the proper padding of the shoes to change the strains may be comforting if supervised by a specialist. One painful condition, referred to as "spurs" and resembling small callouses on the bone of the heel, is frequently alleviated by alternating each day a pair of shoes with different heel heights, thus removing the constant irritation caused by a mbr bing shoe. Twenty-six joints exist among the bones in each foot from ankle to toe tip and since joints are purely mechanical methods of changing^ tile direction of force, they play -a.' Jttrgpe p&tt to the flexibility of .the 'feet. Since feet carry the weight of the body, posture plays an iiliportant part in ithe care of the feet. Standing with the pointing outward, instead of forward, causes undue strain an the ligaments connecting the foojt, bones, especially on the inner sidjR of the long arches. The resulting slight ache often grows to vere pain. ji To aid the circulation in the feet and thus relieve pain 8t night, which is frequently th© case, the contrast bath is reconimended. Two large pails to accommodate both feet are use^,, one holding hot water and) other cold water. Both ft should be placed in iSie wanjpi water for one minute, then in tt^e cold water for one minute, procedure should be followed ten minutes. Massage and cise are always helpful. Shop at Home" and SAVE! VETS NO MONEY DOWN NONVETS $1,200 DOWN YOU KNOW you can buy a 3 bedroom home for.$9,475.00 and up, lot included, with the following features: * Architect designed • Carpenter-built 9 Grading & Seeding • Gravel drivfl Sidewalk from lot line tn Front fo BOOT Anpr* Combination Aluminum Screen and Storm windows ^ ^ • Completely, decorated interior and exterior ; j. Plastic tiled bath * Exhaust fan in Igl&lien Veterans and Non-Veterans can save additional money by doing some of the work themselves . . . Such ks grading & seeding, etc. ROBERT HAY • GENERAL CONTRACTOR New Construction & Remodeling Route McHenry, Dl. Home Phone: McHenry 622-W-2 The home you select from our Architect designed plans can be built on: • Your paid up lot • A lot on which you have, made a down payment • Anywhere In McHenry County Office Located:' 582 W. Main Street, McHenry Phone McHenry 1907 to Flash Ahead (not Just get by f) < -V New Dodge Custom Royal Lancer. Other Dodge models priced below many models in the "lowed price field." Some thingS you can see right away that teU you this js the year of the big Dodge move. (S$t£s have doubled over last yearl) You can stack the new Dodge up. against other cars in its field, and see how much larger and more luxurious it is: Up to 9 inches longer than competition. You can see the distinction of new Dodge styling, with eager lines that are stealing the "OH's" from the costliest cars. The swept-back sweep-around windshield.The "sparkle" of twin-jet taillights and threetone color combinations. The beauty of Jacquard tapestry interiors. But more important than this is the deepdown dependability engineered into every unseen part and feature of this great Dodge! That is something you discover through the years and over the miles. It is your sure reward for choosing the new Dodge. THE NEW Flair-Fashioned . . . and Flashing Ahead! UN CHECK YOUR CAR-CHECK ACCIDENTS! A. S. BLAKE MOTORS, Inc. 301 E. PEARL STREET P.HQWE 156 MfHEHBXJKfe , Showroom Open Dally Til 6 pan. -- Wednesdays and Fridays Til 9 pjn. -- Sunday 9 Til 12 Noon

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