THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER iwuui t, sri«y>4 t" ' 'mm® W'V Thursday, June 2r l9$5 g^|iii4!|i4ll|lijlii"ti|t"t"l"I"l"I"I"l"l"l"l'<'ll'<"I"l"'I"8"I"I"l"l'4"i'<"t"I'll">'•><"!">|I"t'|l"|"!||8" Sk1 * u vkK* _ ift •; i •}« »fr *}» •> *i Jamvn Nrhmitt Baptized Sundfty Janeen Adele Sehmitt, born May 15 to Mr. and Mrs. Steve S. Sehmitt, was christened Sunday afternoon a;t 2:30 o'clock at St. John's Catholic churfih by Fr. Everett Hiller, cousin of the baby. Sponsors were Adele Schmitit, a cousin, and Allan May^ an uncle. Dinner and supper were served M the parents' home to tile following guests: Louise, Sharon and Kenneth Scftimitt, sisters and brother; the paternal grandmother, Mrs. Elizabeth Sehmitt; the maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben May; Mr, ami Mrs. George Sehmitt arid family, Adele Sehmitt, Gene Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. Allan May and daughter, Mary, Joan May and Fr. Hiller, the latter of Elgin. Mother-Daughter Night At Church The women of Nativity Lutheran cfhurch are sponsoring a mother-daughter night to be held Monday, June 6, at 8 p.m. The entertainment will consist of a puppet show and a fine film. Those attending are asked to bring their daughter or their neighbor's daughter to enjoy a fine program. „ of her sister, Mrs. Barbara Gilpin, Thursday evening. Miss Marlene Fi'eund acted as cohostess. Games provided entertainment with prizes awarded to Mrs. Dolores Blake, Mrs. Mary Ann Wegener and Miss Rita Bolger. A tasty lunch was served at the close of the evening. The bride opened a variety of lovely gifts which had been placed on a decorated table over which was suspended an ufribfeflft. Guests besides those mentioned include Joyce Kerz of Round Lake and Mrs. J. W. Gilpin of Greenwood, Mesdames Ottilie Freund, Esther Meyer, Virginia Doherty, Paul Freunid, Donald Freund, Doris Freund, Berniee Diedrich .and Elaine Miller, and the Misses Agues Freund, Bertil- la Freund, Helen Knox; Pat and Nancy Stilling, Donna Sehmitt and Carol Freund. COMING EVENTS Announce Marriage Of Dorothy Sehroeder Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sehroeder of McCulIom Lake announce the marriage of their daughter, Dorotihy, to Master Sergeant Richard F. Kaufman of Ellington Air Force base near Houston, Texas. The wedding took place at the base chapel and was performed toy the chajplain, f Major Carpenter. Mrs. Kaufman was discharged from itihe Air Force Oct. 24, 1954, and has since been employed by the Shaw Tank Cleaning company of Houston^ Texas. The couple will reside for the present in Houston. Community Club To Meet June 6 The next meeting of the Johns iburg Community club will b held on Monday, June €, at 8:15 o'clock at the cluUhouse. After (the- meeting, refreshments will be serve® by the committee, including Peter Fischer, Rudy Fischer, Fred Fucfts, Stanley Franks, Robert .Garner, John Gerth, Ray Groh,. Robert Freund and Henry Hodkdtadlt.' The annual carnival wfll take place on June 24, 25 and 26. Members who are appointed or willing to serve on the committee are invited to, be present at the meeting. June 2 C.D. of A. Installation of Officers -- Pot-Luck Supper at 6:30 p.m. June 4 Bake Sale -- Sponsored by Women of the Moose -- George Justen Furniture Store -- 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. June 7 Initiation and Election of Officers -- Women of tflie Moose -- Lodge -- 8 p.m. June 9 Card Party - - Sponsored by Women of the Moose --- Lodge -- 8 p.m. June 11 Summer Supper and Ice Cream Social -- Beginning at 5:30 pjn. -- Zion Lutheran Ohiurch Lawn June 15 Style Show, Luncheon and Card Party -- V.F.W. Clubhouse -- 1 p.m. June 21 Women of the Moose Social Meeting -- 8 p.m. June 24-25-26 Johnsburg Community Club's Annual Carnival -- Fislh Fry at 6 p^m. Friday -- Dinner at 1 p.m. Sunday June 23 Installation of Officers -- Women of the Moose -- Lodge -- 8:30 p.m. June 28 Style Show, Luncheon and Oari: Parity --, Noon -- St. Peter's Church Hall, Spring Grove -- Sponsored by Christian Mothers Society Choml Club Plans Dinner The McHenry Choral club is planning its annual dinner, which will be held in Waukegan on Thursday evening, June 16. Members are invited to bring a guest. Drivers will meet at the school at 7:15 o'clock, where transportation • will be provided for any who do not have it. AMONG THE SICK *** PERSONALS •!' 1 'H' Misses Bertilla Freund, Genevieve Knox and _ Laura Weber and Mesdames Elizabeth Thompson, Theresa Steffan, Madeline Mayfield and Mr. and Mrs. Wmi, Boetsch attended 'the twentythind birthday banquet of Court Elgin, 1195. Catholic Daughters of America, held at Old Hickory Farm House, Dundee, last Thursday evening. Mi's. Anna Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Miller and Miss Dorothea Miller were dinner guestfc in the Ray Hermance home in Richmond last Thursday evening and later attended graduation exercises at the high school there. Miss Mary Kay Hermance, granddaughter of Mrs. Amili Miller, was a member of the class. Mrs. Amelia Volmer of Chicago spent the Decoration Day weekend in the home of her niece, Mrs. Elmer Jensen. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Doherty spent the weekend with relatives in Detroit, Mich. Miss Dorothy Justen, R.N., '-returned to Ihier nursing duties in Chicago Thursday after spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nick M. Justen. While here she attended the alumni banquet of St. Anthony's School of Nursing of Rockford, held at the Faust hotel in that city. ^ Mrs. Albert Grever and Mrs. Fred Bienapfl spent a few days the past week in the home of the former's sister, Mrs. Walter Hauffly, at Neenalto, Wis., and with friends at Appleton. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ritts of Elgin visited in the home of her sister, Mrs. R. I. Overton, Saturday. Clarence Whiting of Elgin called on relatives here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brink of Woodstock were local visitors Saturday. Mrs. Nellie Bacon was a weekend guest in the Harold Bacon home in Crystal Lake, where she attended a gathering on Sunday honoring their daughter, Kay, who graduated from St. -Mary's high school in Woodstock June 1, and a daugGvter, Judy, who graduated from the eighth grade at St. Thomas school in Crystal Lake last Sunday. Miss Verena Justen of Chicago spent a few days the past week with her mother, Mrs. Gertrude Justen. Mr. find Mrs. George Miller and family of Chicago and Miss Elflen Walsh of South Bend, Ind., spent the weekend with McHenry relatives. Among the out-of-town folks who attended the funeral of Mrs. Adult Girl Scouts Planning Cook-Out The Adult Girl Scout organization is planning for a cook-out on Wednesday, June 8, at 11 o'clock in the V.F.W. park. Each member is asked to bring her own silverware and a sweet roll. Fox Valley Camp At Freund Home Hie next regular meeting of FOx RSv£r Valley camp, No. 3251, R.N.A., will be hrfd at the home of Mrs. Peter W. Freund on 624 Waukegan road at 8 o'clock Tuesday, June 7. Bill Pries, Jr., has been a patient at Memorial hospital this week. Hariy Gannon of Laikemoor is ill at Veterans hospital, Mclntyre unit 2001 South, Downey, 111, He would greatly appreciate hearing from his fellow commuters on the North Western railroad. Thomas Wilson was taken to Memorial hospital, Woodstock, for treatment Saturday morning. "AMERICA'S FINEST FOOD SUPPLEMENT" Added to your diet, it assures a more complete nutrition. Call: FLORENCE ENGDAHL McHenry 1074-R Lydia Breyer Queue Saturday afternoon were Melvina and Ted Breyer, Mrs. Christina Breyer, son, Frank, and . tdamfhter, Mrs. Virgil DoJan, - and eon, Robert, iienry Breyer, Chicago, Mrs. Laura Jolley of Crystal Lake and .George Adams of Sl£in. Mr. and Mrs. Verh 'McQeH^ui and son, Ferdell, of Muskegon, Mich., were guest* in the Wai, WissSU, Sr., hoifte SiatUrday. Weekend visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Hijmer Heike and son, Kenny, of Prairie View. Mrs. Agnes Nieman and daughter, Mary Kay, spent the weekend in the Winters home in Crystal Lake awd attended the eighth grade graduation exer- 'efees at St. Thomas churcSi Suitday afternoon. Their granddaughter and niece, Judy Winters, was a member of itihe class. •} Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pidg&jSji, Mrs. Laura Flyhh and 3. Brennan were wfeekettd guests the Walter Brooks hom&. * Peter M. Justen and R. Sutton are vacationing in Ever, green, Cold. ,f Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hollander served as godparents at tt$e christening of Dennis Cummin^s recently. Dennis is the infant sort, of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cummings of Chicago. Mrs. Lynn Smith of Ro^tift visited her parents, itihe liartp: Conways, Thursday. $ ^ Mr. and MrS. Joel BergqliJtii' of Rockford were dinner guests in the Elmer WinkeQman home Sunday. Mrs. Doris Ferris of Huniftly visited in the Winkelman hkime Memorial Day. • Mr. and Mrs. John Huffman returned to their home in Indianapolis, Ind., Tuesday morning' after a weekend visit in the home of Mrs. Annabel Aicher. Mr. and Mrs. Casper Bickler of Chicago visited relatives here Saturday. Mrs. George Steilen of Chicago is spending the week with her sister, Mrs. Annabel Aidher. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Freund of Chicago were weekend guestb in the George Helmer home. HARDEST BUSIEST CHEAPEST WORKERS IN TOWN PLAINDEALER WANT ADS ROUND LAKE GIRL BECOMES BRIDE OF JAMES B. ADAMS " St. Joseph's catholic chujMrh itt Bound Lake was the sftene iof a beautiful wedding ceremony Iswfc Saturday, May 28, at 1 o'clock when Miss Joan Kurz became the bride of Mr. James B. Adaahs. Rev. Fr. Liebrich officiated at the nuptial rite which united the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kurz of Round Lake and the son of Mr. and Mrs. Mathias Adams of Pistakee Bay. Given in marriage by her father, the bride was lovely in a floor length gown of white iace, with pleated nylon skirt. Her fingertip veil fell from a tiara of orange blossoms and she carried a bouquet of wliite orchids aiild stepftvanotis. Miss Joyce Kurz, sister of the bride, acted as maid of honor and Mrs, Janet Lambert of Round Lake, a friend, w4s bridesmaid. •' Miss Kurz was attired in an orchid net dress, the skirt styled in tiers, and matching headpiece. Mrs. Lambert wore pink net in the same style. Both carried colonial bouquets of yellow carnations. Kenneth Adams, brother of the groom, served as best man and 'groomsman was Richard Adams Of Ft. Belvoir, Va. Daniel AJdlams, another brother, and Robert Devermaim of Elmhurst served as ushers. George ' AAlmendinger of Chicago, uncle of the bride, was Organist for tfne service and soloist was Marcia Jensen of Wooster Lake. She offered 'Ave Maria" as the bride placed her bouquet at the altar of the Blessed Virgin and sang "Because" before the service. Mis. Kurz chose for her daughter's wedding a royal blue nylon taffeta dress, with which she wore pink accessories. Her corsage was of white orchids. Mrs. Adams wore a pink nylon taffeta dress, navy accessories and the same kind of corsage. A reception for 200 was held in the McHenry Legion (home in the evening, after which the young couple left on a short honeymoon trip into Wisconsin. Upon their return, they will set up housekeeping in the Bay area. fHie bride is a graduate of Grant high school anid is employed in the office of the Weber Cartagft sapipany ii\. Waukegan* [, The bridegroom attended the local high school and is employed at Sports Unlimited on Pistakee Bay. >: 6ut Of tovj»n guests attended the wedding from Barrington, •fi^ver Grove," Waukegan, Arlington Heights, Park Ridge, Palatine, Chicago and Elmhurst. MARILYN WATSON NAMED PRESIDENT OF SCHOOL G.A.A. Marilyn Watson was elected president of the Girls Athletic association of the higlh school at tihe annual banquet held Wednesday evening of last week. Ann tiundborg was named vice-president. Awards for accomplishment \Vere piade to girls of am four years, as well as the two major presentation®, the tennis trophy Co Nancy Justen and the sportsmanship award to Virginia Audino. The members presented beautiful gifts to their instructor, Miss Maurie Taylor, who is taking a leave of absence and will not be on the local faculty roster next year. Head into a" Summer of fun! ..Head into Summer with pride . . . Get your hair set for fun, NOW, with a smart "Rayette Goddess Wave" .. . ox, let one of.pur capable staff "cutypXL^ jfi" on luijie latest hair-style-cutting for a trim modeNt look . . AIR CONDITIONED Call 147 for your Supimer Fuii appoiatment Now! YOUR LOVELINES Ss IS O^lt BUSINESS 126 N. Blveralde Prive Molfcqry, HL Phone 147 Savings invested In Crystal LaSce Savings and Loan earn 2Z2% plus >/2% extra. 23tf MEWLYWEDS - Worwick Photo THE GEORGE MINTERS Miss Geraldine Wayland and Mr. George B. Minter were united in marriage on Saturiday, May 14, in a 11:30 o'clock service performed at St. Patrick's chapel. Since their wedding trip, they are making their home* in Lilymoor. BIRTHS V Mip. and Mrs. tfhe parents at Memorial hie Mr. and Mrs.'; the parents of ^ afe Memorial h<c 'last week. A daughter jjyii at Memorial * Mi's. Norb'ert Hiller. jj*4"Frett are daughter, born May 28. Freund are 4""' lUghtei1, born fei, Woodstock, jjorn May 25 to Mr. and I A N K P A C T S FOR YOU Call at our bank; fill out some forms; answer a few questions. That's all, unless you are unknown here, in which cage we will also want identification. After your first deposit is accepted, you receive a checkbook. The procedure is the same whether you open an account for individual use, jointly with another person, in some special capacity such as Trustee, or for a business, club or other organization. You can easily put yourself in a position to pay bills safely (by check) . . . conveniently (by mail); have orderly records (on stubs) and evidence of payments (through cancelled checks): just open a checking account here. We welcome new depositors. McHENRY STATf BANK! Interest Paid oin Savings Deposited Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Member. Federal Reserve System PHONE 1040 ' iMiiiinmiiiiiiri Mr. anid Mr$ :: Arthur Boger and two sons SiaVe moved from Chicago to McHenry, where they have been summer residents for the past five years. Mr. Boger will serve the local community in his business, tbe.^sale of aluminum storm wirid^v^ and doors. CARD OF THANKS I would like to Jhank all those who sent cards', and flowers and those who visited, me while I was confined to, the hospital. Everything was most appreciated. *4 Mrs. Eldred Johnson . . . of y o u r w e d d i n is best told in professionally photographs. Just phone--we'll be glad to explain our complete wedding service Have the fi|ie^for your wedding pictures . . They *can nfever j&ken again. WORWICK'S STUDIO Phone 275 117. N. RiversfiSe Dr. McHenry, QL Shower Honors Miss Joan Freund Miss Joan Freund, a bride-to-be of Robert Freund on June 18, was guest of honor at a miscellaneous shower held at the home M Invest in Convenience EAGLE - PICHER TRIPLE SIDE Aluminum STORM WINDOWS and DOORS Unique ERAYDO metal tracks, of a special formula Zinc alloy, assure easy, jam proof operation! Self-storing glass and screen panels quickly rearranged as seasons demand ^ JiRTHUB BOGER PHONE 840-J 897 Waukegan fUL McHenry Opening Soon Quick Service Laundry Next to A&P Store ELM STREET DON'T BE MISLED Can you get something for nothing? NO. He who says so is in error. We charge you a fair rental cost and the actual installation c cost. We classify these items as sucht as proof of our integrity. We do not hide the rental of Bulk Service Tanks in the cost of fuel. No hidden tax, no hidden costs incorporated in your purchase price when ypu buy your Dri-Gas fuel requirements from Althoffs Gas Service Inc. u $ 403 FRONT STREET McHENRY. DX. "Welt, Mr. Do-it-Yourselfer, who i ' knows a good way to clean clothes with gasoline ... Maybe next time y o u ' d s e n d t h e m W . . . North Front Street around cofPtir North of National Tea Phone 927 For Pick Up Service or SAVE 10% Cash & Carry si rj w| Shower The with Gifts of "STEEL "June is BRIDE'S Month" Choose from our Wide Selfeg&m of: Revere stainless steel ware ... ^a^tmaster electric toasters . . . Cory and" Sunbeam electric coffee makers .. . Sunbeam waffle irons . . . Step-on and regular waste cans . . . Ekco-Flint kitchen knives and tools . . . Beautyware'Oannister sets . . . Kromex pantry partneigj.^ . Plus many, many other gift giving steins for showers, weddings, etc. VYCITAL'S 132 So. Green Si. Phone 98 Mcnenry, 111. ,_L._