mmm Thittsday;J»nd9,r965 ' * fHE McHENRY PLMNDEALHR REAL ESTATE FOR SALE --<#$11,500 and 13,000 on, contract, 2 new 3 bedroom ranch homes. Qii, fumacev 3 blocks to town, aluminuhi awnings, combination windows, 2 car parage, 250 ft. from Pox Riyer. Phone 1592-M. .11 Marylane, Hunterville *>ark Subdiv. 3-4 For Sale 9 Room Home At McCulIom Lake 2 baths, oil heat, insnlated, lot size 200x150 ft., 2 car garage, spactoug rooms. Must bet seen tc be appreciated. By Owner Phone KEysione 9-22^8 50-tf FOR SALE -- Two lots, 70x140, water in lots; very reasonable. Must sell immediately. For information, call McHenry 1383-M-2 or Town Hall 3-7070. *2-4 ••FOR SALE -- 7 room house, 2 , bedrooms, den, 3 car -garage, full basement, natural fireplace, gas heat. Phone 1325. " 5 FOR SALE -- 4 room, year round lakefront home, full basement, oil furnace, cabinet kitchen, bath, attached garage, wired for electric range, newly decorated inside and outside. Price $10300. Call 917. 5-tf NEW 2 BEDROOM RANCH HOME Gas heat, face brick on all 4 sides. Living-Hilling space 26x 15; Birch cabinet; gar., 15x26; size of bldg. 26x58 on a 100x200 ft.,|Qt; near schools & shopping, in JFohnsburg. JAK-ANA HEIGHTS Price $15,750. For appt. call our office -- McHenry 87. JACOB FRITZ REALTORS In Johnsburg 5-tf • ySSTT ATt FOR SALE Summer or year round home on Fox river at McHenry. 6 rooms, 2 baths, fireplace, basement, ;bar, 2 screened porches, 1 acre beautiful wooded land, fishing and boat dock. H. V. Cannon, 68 Fox St., Aurora, 111. Phone Aurora 7-9269 or 6-6922 *5-2 FOR SALE -- Eight room house, ideally located in McHenry, income property. Tel. McHenry 989-.W. 5-2 FOR SALE -- 120 acre farm, 60 acres plow land, balance good timber and pasture; 2 trout streams, good hunting, deer,, pheasant and squirrel. Very good house, some other buildings. Water and electricity. Full price $5,000. Eau Claire, Wis. . 5-3 FOB SALE LAKELAND PARK 8 bedroom, Cape Cod, year old, 60'xl4fl' landscaped lot, garage, cement driveway, patio, storms and screens, forced air heat. 19' cabinet kitchen • and dining room, electric range, refrigerator, 82 gal. hot water heater, automatic washer, tile bath, 6 roomy closets, attic storage, fully insulated. PRICE $18,250 Phone 1788 FOR SALE -- 5 room, face brick house, Hunterville Park, lot and a half, river rights, attached garage, oil heat, includes blinds, automatic washer and dryer. Price $13,500. 2% years old. 1593-J. 5 FOR SALE -- 2 bedroom home, attached garage, oak floors, full basement, gas heat, wooded lot, 2 years old, near Pistakee Lake. Price $11,500. Jacob Fritz, Realtor, Johnsburg. McHenry 37. 5-tf SITUATION WANTED SITUATION WANTED - Mothers, why not let me take care of your children in my own home while you work. McHenry 738-M. *5 FOR SALE -- Edgebrook Heights, new stone ranch type, 3 bedrooms, attached 1 ear ..garage, concrete drive, city sewers, water, natural frgas,, gas heat, birch kitchen cabinets. Close 'tio^fchftols and shop-" ping district. Frontage 85x127. IJrice $17,800. Open Saturday and Sunday. Phone McHenry 1025 or 1405, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. 5 CHILD CARE -- Adu^t will care for children J,n her hoifife daytime, Monday through Friday. Address Box 45 in care of Plaindealer. 5 '-W&KTSD WANTED -- Outboard motor.'Elto Cub, any condition acceptable. Phone McHenry 1282-R. 5 WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY -- Top price paid for iron, metals and junk cars. Ed Marsh, phone Woodstock 1610-M-2. 43-tf WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT -- 4 room, 2 bedroom apartment or house in McHenry by middle aged couple. No pets. References. Phone 1142-R. •5 TO BE GIVEN AWAY TO BE GIVEN AWAY -- Persian kittens. Call 1384-W-2 after 8:80 p.m. or all day Saturday and Sunday. 4-tf TO BE GIVEN AWAY -- Part Toy Collie dog, less than year old. Phone 630-J-2. 5 MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE Office moved to 104. N. Green Street. EARL R. WALSH, Insurance City Clerk Lend Uncle Sam Your Dollars Buy U.S. Savings Bonds nnr "AMERICA'S FINEST FOOD SUPPLEMENT" Added to your diet, it assures a more complete nutrition. Call: FLORENCE ENGDAHL McHenry 1074-R JpOR SALE -- 4 bedroom home, living room, 20x30 kitchen and dining, hot water "-heat, garage, C&icken houses, 12 lots, 60 ft. each, total 3 acres, on main road, 2 miles to Fox Lake, 1 mile to Spring Grove. Price $16,000. Jacob Fritz, Rfealtor, Johnsburg. McHenry 37. 5-tf CLARENCE'S SHOP Redwood or Pine *- Chaise' tongues Bird and Dog Houses, Lawn Chairs and Swings, Picnic and Umbrella Tables. Pier Benches, Window Boxes, Flower Wheel Barrows, Rose Altars, Trellises, Picket Fences, etc. Children's Swings, Sand Boxes, Play Pens, Tables, etc. Made to Order: Cabinets, Chest of Drawers, Screens, etc. Cement Cesspool Rings and Chimney Caps. CLARENCE J. SMITH JOBNSBCSO, ILL. McHENRY 1515-J LEG#L LUCAL NOTICE 1 V Notice is hereby, given that on Friday, June 17, 1955 the Village Board of the Village of Lakemoor, will accept and open bids for the removal of refuse for the said village. The following specifications are to be taken into consideration: 1. Village ordinance requires all residents to have a container with a maximum capacity of thirty gallons. 2. Approximately 275 stops to make, including business establishments. " 3. Please enclose in bid a des-v cription of vehicle used in making pickups. Bids can be submitted on • the following conditions: 1. Pick up on alternate Fridays or any other specified day of the week thru out the year. Totaling 26 pick ups. , 2. Pick up each Friday or any other specified day of the week starting June 17th thru to Sept. 16th. Balance upon alternate weeks. Totaling 33 pickups. 3. Pick up each Friday or any other specified day of the week. Totaling 52 pickups. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Bids can be submitted to the Village Clerk, Richard J. Hyatt, Route 5, Box 900, Lakemoor, tylc- Henry, Illinois. For further information phone, McHenry 1117. RICHARD J. HYATT, Village Clerk NOTES FOR BUSINESSMEN: POSTERS How to Profit from JOB PRINTING Posters can be of large size for outdoor use, or in smaller sizes for counters and walls. Either way, they are excellent, low cost salesmen always ready to tell your story. Let us show you how they can bring greater sales to you. Call us. QUALITY PLAINDEALER McHENRY PHONE 170 102 N. Green Street •ike-Si \ • ~T|f. TODAY, more and more women are making hot tea their mealtime beverage. The reasons vary, according to spot interviews with homemakers across the country. Some say tea as a mealtime beverage has gained in popularity in their homes since they've learned to itiake it the way their husbands like it best -- strong and full-bodied, or to quote that familiar TV jingle "hefty, hot and hearty", pthers say they serve tea with meals because it's light and refreshing -- Just right after a heavy meal. Some claim tea serves as the ambassador of good will at meals -- it helps relax the family group around the table -- sort of relieves nervous fatigue, while still others claim they like tea with meals because it helps aid digestion. Whatever the reason, we have it on sound authority that tea consumption has Increased 24% since 1949 in the United States. Our own belief is that one of the basic reasons for the increased popularity of tea at mealtime is the fact that more women are maklngtea according to the experts' Four Golden Rules i.e., (1) always use a tea pot 42) use fresh bubbling, boiling water (3) nse 1 teaspoonful tea or 1 tea bag per cup and (4) brew 3-5 minutes. When planning your meal tonight, you might like to try this mild chicken curry, a - most delightful main dish that goes-so well with a good pot of tea. Indian Chicken Curry Mokrs 6S sittings Boil one 3 - 3V4 pound frying chicken, disjointed. Saute % cup chopped onions. % cup chopped celery in % cup cooking oil until golden brown. Blend in % cup flour; gradually add 2 cups chicken broth and % cup tomato juice, stirring constantly until mixture is thickened and smooth. Stir in salt and pepper to taste and 1 teaspoonful curry powder. Add cooked chicken and heat thoroughly. When ready to serve, pour over 4 cups hot cooked rice and garnish with % cup chutney, slightly heated. House and Lot at Auction Also Three Vacant Lots WILLIAM H. RUSSELL, Auctioneer The undersigned will sell at public auction, four (4) lots and a new 2 bedroom, full basement house, with oil automatic heat, located 2 blocks West of 47, and 2 blocks South of Calhoun Street, in Woodstock, Illinois, on / SUNDAY. JUNE 12 commencing at 1:30 p.m. TJie house will be open ,for inspection 'between 1:00 and 2:00 o'clock the day of sale. This house is located on a Lot 66 feet wide by 140 feet deep. Also, at the same time: Lot 4 - 132 feet wide and 100 feet deep, fronting on Brink Street Lot 6 - 66 feet wide and 140 feet deep Lot 7-66 feet wide and 140 feet deep *rtie house and lot will be sold on a 10 percent down payment on day of sale, balance when title is satisfactory to purchaser. T^ie vacant lots will be sold for a down payment of 25 percent on day of sale, balance when title is satisfactory to purchaser. McHenry County Title Policies will be delivered with Warranty Deed IwaLhin thirty (30) days from date of sale. .FDR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL FRED TRAUB, 704 BROWN gSlTR^ET, PHONE WOODSTOCK 1062-J. FRED TRAUB, Owner FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WOODSTOCK, Clerking j Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Member Federal Reserve System i ARE YOU PSYCHIC? You might be called "psychic" if you score higher than the average on these three simple tests you can make with an ordinary deck of playing cards. This isn't a card -trick and a high score does not necessarily mean that f you should J#* /jSfrJT. .Jc buy a tur- < r " ~ b a n a n d crystal ball and set up shop as a f o r t u n e teller. It is m e r e l y based on the a c k n o w l e d g e d f a c t that one out of every five p e r s o n s s e e m s t o have a subc o n s c i o u s ability to attain higher s c o r e s t h a n the average. To find out if you are the lucky "one in five." get out a deck of cards and try these three tests. Test 1: Have a friend turn over a deck of cards one at a time within earshot but oiit of sight As he turns a card, try to guess whether it is red or black. You can get 26 right by pure luck but if you average 36 or more correct in several tests, JW!" well above the average. Test 2: Again, using the sW)e method, try caHing oflthe denomination of the cards while disregarding the suits. There are 13 denominatWklS of Ace through King arid the average person guesses four correctly out W . 52 tries. If, after several runs through a deck you get an average of seven or better, you're doing exceptionally well. ~ • - v •• Test 3: 'Now you've arrived at the most difficult of the tests. Trynajning both the number and the suit (QiiC^n of Hearts. Ten of Diamonds, Deuce erf Clubs, etc.). If you're lucky,'you will probably call one or two of them correctly. But if you're "psychic" |S the saying goes you might average even as many as four correctly per run after several test runs. Youare the unusual "one in five." ' ' " ' This unique method of testing yourself against an average is tak&t from a colorful. 32-page illustrated booklet, "It's All in the Cards,"" jUSt published and offered fn exchange for an Ace of Spades from an oldor used deck. The booklet also contains hitherto unknown facts about tilt* exciting history of cards, several simple card tricks, card games for the whole family to enjoy, interesting Bridge variations and many lively* anecdotes about cards. To get your free copy send an Ace of Spades to Playing Cards. 420 Lexington. Avenue, New York 17. v.,. - It Pays to Advertise In The McHenry Plaindeakt FOR THE FINE$f JN ENTERTAINMENT Hear AI Wide at the console of the Hammond Organ and Piano AT THE Red Star Inn 1V£ miles southT of Richmond On Routes 12 and 31 % MMir Let's talk advertising in terms of TOUR business. Just call McHenry 170 or 171. McHENRY PLAINDEALER What's the point of advertising? It's as simple as this. If you have something to sel]L-?!^ more people who know abo^t^^pa more you will sell. Your ad paper affords the quickest wf^^^ihie least money, to get your selling story before the most people. It it pays to selL it pays to advertise . . . because advertising IS selling, geared for large-scale, profitable results! I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII^ Sim FOR JUST A LITTLE YOU CAM I 8«a8araa>88a«^^ LOCAL DELIVERED PRICE OF OLDSMOBILE "88" -2-DoorSedan b $ 2 3 6 1 £ 9 Stat* and local taxes extra. Your price depends upon choice of modal and body style, optional Equipment and accessories. Prices may vary slightly in adjoining communities because of shipping charges. Go Ahead ! Or/Vo it yourse/f i A mighty small difference in dollars makes a MIGHTY BIG difference in driving these days. Because now you can put yourself in command of flashing "Rocket" Engine power ... thrill to brilliant "flying color" beauty and luxury... and it's easier than you ever dreamed! Actually a very few dollars more a month rockets you right out of the ordinary into an Olds! Before you buy any car, stop in! Get our generous appraisal! Drive the "Rocket". .. price the "Rocket"... you'll own an Olds, today! IN^I SEE YOUR NEAREST OLDSMOBILE DEALER I R. J. Overton Motor Sales «BPr«ts™t i---GO AHEAD ... DRIVE IT YOURSELF! THE GQkNG'S GREAT MTA SBQ&U*