Twenty Johnsburg News By Mrs. Betty Hetterraann Carnival Ends Yes, the big carnival weekend has come to an end. All the men Mrs. "Bud" Miller on their fifteenth anniversary on June 19; also, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Meyers - celebrated their seventh anniversary in Chicago on June 28. t m » Juvenile Forester Picnic Joe Bugner and family, Mr. and . Thursday June 23, sixt/- Mrs. Albert Bugner and family, h juvenile girl Foresters, acfnd^ rS' 7™ BT6r and I companied by five adults, motfamily, Mi. and Mrs. Raymond ^ \yjimot wis, for a picand women who have worked so j Bugner and family, Mr. and | , pot lucR d'inner ' was served diligently to make this event a | Mrs. Florian LaFontaine and: f. which the irls~ participated success, are breathing a big1 family. Mr. and Mrs. George1 . es winners of .the races sigh of relief. The fish fry andj Logsdon and family, Mr. and a different type games were roast beef dinners the ladies have i Mrs. Martin Bugner and Mr. and follows- Ruth Ann Schmitt, served during the weekend have Mrs. Franklin Bugner, all of (Patty Schmitt Ardele Oeffling. won praise from one and all. Ohio; and Capt. and *«rs,,, Gerald Pat parsley ' Mary Rita Daly, tHE McHEltftY where they visited friends in Parsons, Kas., Mrs. Jepson' sister in Eldon, Mo., and a niece In Aroma Park, 111. They also did some fishing while at the Lake of the Ozarks. Even the kiddies are more satis- j Might from an air base in fied since they, too, had lots of Florida. rides to occupy their minds. | Now we will all take a; Birthday breather until St. John's carni-' Little Jane Miller celebrated val comes along sometime in . her first birthday at the home August. ! of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. We would like to thank every- . 'Hessy" Miller, on June 2. Preone who contributed in any way i.sent for cake and coffee were to making the Community club Mr. and Mrs. George Miller, Mr. carnival a success. > j and Mrs. Jos. L. 'Freund, Mary Miller, Gary Meehan and Jahe's Announces Engagement Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gallas, Sr.. of Hillsdale and Niesen's subdivision announce the engagement of their daughter, Judith Ann, to Francis Oeffling. Frances is the son of the senior George parents and sister, Barbara. Jane also shared the spotlight on a double birthday celebration with Phil Heinz, who was 3 on June 9. Cake and ice cream were served, after which Jane ahd Oefflings. No definite plans for i Phil opened their gifts. Among j Mangold, ' Rosina Weber, Nancy the wedding have been made as! the guests present were Mrs. jjeinz> Olivia Hiller-&and Ethel yet. A picture of Miss Gallas Ann Zeller and Lynn, Ricky, jjeim. Grace Hiller, Mary Lynn Meyers, Sandy Hettermann, Marilyn Fuchs and Nancy Smith. Surprise Shower Mesdames Lona Patzke and Marilyn Miller were pleasantly surprised at a pink and blue shower last Wednesday evening a-t the home of Mrs. Dolores Meyers. The rooms were attractively decorated with storks, sprinkling cans and an umbrella. The cake baked for the occasion was in the form of a baby buggy. Cake and coffee were served to the following: Mesdames Ann Zeller, Esther Mangold, Eleanor will appear in a later issue of J Pe££y and Kathy, Mrs. Esther this paper Mangold and Patty, Mrs. Dolores Miss Gallas is a 19«5«S graduate Meyers and Glenn and Ro^r- Orvwio v,io-v. fl Mai, Mrs- R°sina of Proviso high school in May- Weber and ENlaainncev, wood and Mr. Oeffling is a 1955'^aUlcia a L>a\ia, Mrs. Nancy graduate school. of McHenry high Heinz, Chris, Nicky and Billy and Mrs. Marilyn Miller and Jane. Many lovely and useful gifts were presented to the honored guests. Music Student Kathleen, daughter of the Bernard A. Freunds, spent the week of Jtfhe 12 through the 18 at a music camp in DuQuoin, 111. At the camp she belonged to the band, piano ensemble, student conducting and music appreciation classes. Most of the days at camp were taken up in music classes but social events took up the evenings. Each night had something different to offer such as square dancing, formal dance, stunt show, hikes and baseball games. Kathleen was sponsored by the McHenry Women's club and enjoyed herself so well that she | wouldn't mind going for a return trip. visits In Ohio / Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Michels and family returned recently from a week's vacation in Alvada, Ohio. While in Ohio, a family reunion of Mrs. Michels' family took place. Present were Mrs. Michels' parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bugner; Mr. and Mrs. Happy Birthday to Clarence Smith, who was a little "over 21" on June 24 and Wayne Hiller, who was 8 on June 24. Happy anniversary to Mr. and Mrs. "Si" Meyers, who celebrated their ninth year of wedded bliss on June 26, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Freund on their twenty-sixth an- Winner in Derby A very happy and excited lad was Bnlce Christensen, when he was chosen, wfnjier of the Soap Box Derby of dub Scout Pack 362, held at Mc$h4jom Lake last Sunday afternpo'Vl Bruce is the son of Mr. ij^id Hakon Christensen. Enjoyabl&y//V^£tion Mr. and Mrs. Jeppe V^fep^n and daughter, Lola, son-in-law and two grandchildren have just re- P.T.A. Style Show v Once again a reminder of the style show coming up#on July 6 at l o'clock in the afternoon. The show is sponsored by St; John's P.T.A. Among the local models are Ardele Oeffling, Beverly May, Cynthia Frett, Joan Young, Pat Laures and Betty Hettermann. Sandy and Kathy Hettermann will do a dance routine during the course of the afternoon. Memibers still having tickets are asked to turn them in as soon as possible so the officers can have some idea as how to plan. A dessert luncheon, will be served. Here 'N There Don't forget to stock up . on home-made articles over next weekend. The Christian Mothers are sponsoring a bailee sale following the Masses next Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hettermann and family and Mrs. Cora Herdrich were in Chicago last week to attend a Cub ball game. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dehn, Richard May and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hettermann and daughters attended the high school graduation of Rita Dehn last Thursday evening in Chicago. ' Peter F. Freund and Ben Hilare spending an extended vacation through th$ Black Hills region. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wiakitsch entertained relatives from Chicago and Iron Mountain, Mich., last Saturday. Craig, son of Mr. and . Mrs. Howard Freund, underwent a foot operation last Friday at St. Therese hospital. Hope Craig is well on the road to recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Welfred Klapperich and son moved into their newly purchased home in George Hiller's subdivision last weekend. They formerly resided in an apartment in the Jos, Smith home. Bonnie Einspar spent several days last week visiting in Chicago. A party was planried for Melvin Freund last Tuesday evening" by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. L. Freund, which quite a few of his friends and relatives attended. Melvin leaves today for Camp Pendelton Marine base in San Diego, palif. Mr. and Mrs. James Freund were In Chicago on Wednesday to attend a dinner at the Oak Park Arms honoring the fifteenth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. William Oswalt. 30. 1955 Marlon Dix ot Chicago lS . guest in the home of the Ken Zellera, ..fitee you again next week. COLLECTIONS OF CORPORATION FEES AND TAXES INCREASE After failing off sharply during April,. collections of corporation franchise fees and taxes took an abrupt upturn in May, bringing the total for the first five months of the year to $658,- 095.10, an increase of $182,362.40 over last year, Secretary of State Charles F. Carpentier reported. Collections for the month of May alone were $259,583.78, Secretary Carpentier said, an increase of $198,176.74 over May of 1964. Organization of new Illinois 'business corporations also showed .a marked increase, the 543 granted charters in May being 137 more than were formed in the same month last year, Mr. Carpentier said, For the full five months, 2,652 new Illinois business groups have received charters, an increase of 401, he said. There is an overfall increase for the five-month period of 626 in the number of corporations of all types chartered or granted certificates of authority to operate in Illinois, for a total of 4,030, Secretary Carpentier said. PIZZA! Say the word and appe tites soar. Here's a recipe foi baby pizzas easy enough for junior cooks to prepare. Grand for refreshments whet) the gang gathers at your house. So "special" the crowd wiU clamor for more. What's the secret? English muffins and spaghetti sauce with meat! Pair them in pizzas, and you'll be the most- popular hostess in town. . Party Piafat 4 English muffins 1 can fl>4 cups) spaghetti sauce with meat Oregano, if desired 4 ounces sharp process cheese Split muffins in thirds and toast to form base for pizza. Spread each with sauce; sprinkle with oregano. Cut cheese into thin 1-inch squares; place on top of sauce. Toast pizzas under broiler until cheese is melted and lightly browned. Makes 12 sm&ll piZZaS. cur Mrs, Wm. Meyers and son, I What makes a business grow Paul, spent last week visiting at | is a certain man who insist^ and the home of the Willard Meyers, insists with integrity. niversary June 26, and Mr. and turned from a week's vacation, R E L A X . . . You don't need to worry on your vacation! That is' if, you've had your car properly serviced at . . . BUTCH'S Complete Motor Overhauling All Mechanical Repairs and Complete Brake Service 24 HOUR TOWING SERVICE 309 W. Elm St. McHenry, 111. Phone 811 -- Residence 91-R HURRY, HURRY, SALE ENDS MONDAY, JULY 4th Still a Good Assortment of All Sale Items! Open Sunday 8c Monday, July 3 & 4 -- 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. McHENRY DEPT. STORE 103 N. Riverside Drivi PHONE 459 McHenry, Illinois 20 PARAKEETS and CAGES WILL BE GIVEN AWAY! You may be a lucky winner! Visit our Parakeet Booth at the American Legion Carnival, June 30th - July 1-2-3-4 Savings invested in Crystal Lake Savings and Loan earn 2 Vi % plus y2 % extra. 23tf . Gov. William G. Stratton re-appointed Dr. John B. O'Donoghue, Chicago, Dr. Walter M. Whittaker, Quincy, and Laura H. Lurfde, Chicago, as members of the. state advisory hospital cpuncil. The governor also re-appointed Frank R. Whartbn, \ Chicago, as a member of the state racing board. * * No Money Down Sedrs Roebuck & Co. GUTTERS - ROOFING - SIDING ALUMINUM COMBINATION WINDOWS and DOORS FOR FREE ESTIMATES. . Call or Write FRANK CANS PHONE 1878-W 300 Riverside Dr. McHenry, HL E ••Insulate NOW wtiTZONOLITE! Keep your house up to 15s cooler all summer with ZONOLITE, the miracle mineral insulation. (Slash winter fuel bills up to 40%.) Do it yourself in one afternoon. Zonolite vermiculite insulation is fire proof -- guaranteed for life of your Homel Ask for / Free Estimate On how xriuefc i Zonolite foull need, ALEXANDER LUMBER Co. Phone 1424 547 W. Main St. McHenry, HI. 501 THE McHENRY STATE BANK INCREASE Proudly announces that effective July 1st, 1 a 50% increase will be made in interest rates paid on savings deposits. DEPOSITS UP TO JULY 15th WILL DRAW INTEREST FROM JULY 1st. \ We are happy to reward our hundreds of depositors who, thru their savings have made YOUR bank strong. We welcome new depositors to start a BANK ACCOUNT and to save regularly ... there is no better way to establish credit than thru a BANK ACCOUNT . . . Your savings passbook will be your introduction to our loan department if at some future date you need financing of any type. DEPOSITS INSURED BY FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION * • McHENRY STATE BANK x MEMBER OF FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM -%r\- "• • * &