06 Two " : M n gard, Janis and, Marilyn-of Elmhurst, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Heniken of Woodstock,, Mrs., Elmer Schmalfeldt and daughter, pall, and Mrs. Ann Witte of Kenosha, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. Joseph May and Joanne and Lois of McHenry. Mrs. Charles Vycital and Mjjss Genevieve Knox attended a farewell party for Mrs. Ettgene Kenney, secretary of the Mc- Jack Randall j Bnhy Baptised j J;iirips Robert, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Randall of i Coraopolis. Pa., was baptised on Thursday, July 7, at a sei-vice in , t ho Zion Lutheran church, with ! Rev. Carl Lobitz officiating. Sponsors for the baby wore Donald Aeverman, uncle of the child, and Mrs. Doris Trunidk of Coraopolis, Pa. Completing the four generations present at the service were Mrs. Ida Aeverman of Chicago and M>,_ and Mrs. Walter Aeverman and sons of Golf Course, subdivision, McHenry. RECENT BRIDE Garden dub Has Special Meeting A special meeting to discuss the forthcoming flower show? was held by the Garden club members at the Legion home Monday morning of this week. Later, the group gathered at the home of Mrs. N. J. Hill for luncheon. The picnic to be enjoyed by PERSONALS <• 4.•> Mr. and Mrs. A1 Henn and daughters, Patricia, ^athleen and Maureen, were visitors at Arlington on Saturday. Mrs. Eleanor Manning and sons of Oak Park were recent visitors in the home at1 McHenry rela- j Henry Deanery, held at her home j lives in Huntley last Wednesday eve- ' Misses Marion and Dolores; ning. Mrs. Kenney is leaving | Blake have been enjoying a ten- soon to join her husband in the j day visit in the Harold Horstman east. - "I Thursday, July 14. 1955 Quick Chocolate Soda Makes,A Party home in Fort Jennings, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Odilon Long and Mrs. Charles Vycital. Mrs. Fred j daughter, Terry, have returned Rogers and Mrs. Mam ice Clark: from a week's vacation at Hay-! attended a board meeting of the ' ward, Wis. >;• i Rockford Diocesan Council of Mrs. Lall Elfman of Fort (Catholic Women, held at the; Meyers, Fla., is visiting at the ! home of the president, Mrs;! home of Till Engeln on Fox Charles A/ Thomas, on Lake ' street. , i Shore DriVe. Lakp Geneva, Wis., i Roddy Melsek of Fort Meyer 1 last Wednesday. ' Beach, Fla., is spending the sum- Mts. Carrie Covalt of Kenosha, ; mer with his grandmother, 1*111 Wis., a former McHenry resident, | Engeln, and his'aunts, M^s. Ray' spent a few days recently with Rode and Mrs. Joe H^'n^ey relatives and friends hers1. Her Roddy has visited his grandergranddaughter, Caiiiille Covalt, , ents in' Chicago last week, returned home with her for a| , MRS. H. J. ENGDAHL, JR. visit. ; Sister Gerard and Sister Regina of St. Gaul's parish, Chicago, spent a few days the past; week with the former's sister, ; Miss Emma LeBeau, and also visited another sister, Mrs. Rose Lessard, at Memorial hospital. ; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson,1 WED JULY 1 This charming bride was Miss the group and their families has > Lou Ann Lupton of Peoria be- accompanied bv Mrs. Lloyd •been set for Tuesday, July 19, at f°re her marriage to Mr. Eng- Qratton of .Woodstock and Mrs. the city park, after which they , dahl, Jr., of McHenry on June Grace McCannon of Ringwood, j will make a tour thr ough south- ^5 in the First Methodist church Spent the weekend in Lansing, ' ern Wisconsin. | Peoria. They are residing in Minn., where they attended the - j Oak Park. funeral of a relative, Mrs. Maud Christen Infant j Walsh, on Saturday. Of Paul Jus tens SERVICES HELD j Misses Carolyn Bauer and The infant daughter of Dr. 'yjjTFDNESDAY FOR Genevieve Knox attended a and Mrs. Paul Justen of Glen- Tnertlu | meeting of the National Educaview. was christened Heather JOSEPH .KAJtlLiO, 52 | tion association at the Conrad Marie at a baptismal service , | Hilton hotel in Chicago Tuesday read at a Glenview church last' Joseph Karls, 52, of Crystal and Wednesday of last week. Suhday. ! Lake ,a former resident of Johns- > Misses Nancy Juraek, Joan Sponsors for the baby were | burg, died in Hartland hospital Adams, Carol Stfeeter and Ann Dr. and Mrs. Robert Loasher of Monday morning, July 11, having pesehke are attending a Girl Chicago. i been a patient there for the! scout catnp at Elkhorn, Wis., j past two and one-half months. ; for two weeks. FTJANPF^ "RTF^PTTTCF ' The deceased was born May1 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Staines CATTTDHAV rp/-N j 1903, at Johnsburg, son of 0f Genoa City. Wis., the Mervin WJ1.JJ oAIUKlJAY IU I Hubert and Katherine Karls. For; Staines, Lee Whiting and George ROBERT SCHOLZ, JR. I several years he had been em- j Pattinson families of Woodstock ployed by the North Western ; and the Joseph Glosson family kiwanis news A joint Ladies' Night was observed on July 9 by approximately twenty-five members of the McHenry Township Kiwanis ar.^ Marengo Kiwanis clubs and .their wives and guests. A delicious dinner in airconditioned comfort and' a hilarious comedjr, "The Reclining Figure,'* at a Marengo theatre, were the order of the evening. Arrangements for the evening were made with the cooperation of members' wives, including Mrs. Roy Dodd, Mrs. Leonard Freuhd and Mrs. George Pederson. Medlar Photo THE JOHN A. SMITHS Miss Audrey Andreas of. Ringwood was married to John A. Smith of Matteson, 111., in a Summer's easiest Soda is quick to make at home. The set-up is simple. Quick cocoa powder that mixes instantly in milk with the mere stirring of a spoon. Some ice cream. Some bottled sparkling water; or any favorite carbonated beverage. It takes but a twinkle to put these ingredients together, and then you're ready for a party. No beating of . ingredients is necessary because quick cocoa powder is an instant product. It's a happy "extra" that these Quick Chocolate Sodas are good for you. They are made with nourishing milk and ice cream, and even the quick cocoa powder makes an important nutritional addition to the drink. Each serving of this instant powder contains vitamin Eb equal to one-half the minimum daily requirements.* The other contribution made by quick cocoa powder is a deliciously light, chocolate flavor that is particularly pleasant in hot weather. Quick Chocolate Soda .3 heaping teaspoons quick Chilled sparkling water, or cocoa powder any favorite cai-oonated beverage Small amount of milk such as cream soda, root beer, 1 scoop vanilla ice cream ginger ale or cola beverage Combine quick cocoa powder and milk in a tall glass. Add vanilla ice cream. Fill slowly with chilled sparkling water or other carbonated beverage. YIELD: 1 soda. SEES COMET Mrs. Sapico of McCullom Lake took place July 1 at 7:30 o clock j f^er saw What thought was at the Greenwood Methodist i a pjane on fjre about 1:50 o'clock church. _ St. Patrick's Catholic church1 railroad and resided in Crystal i 0f McHenry were guests in the TT'on ' rePorted this week that her bn> was the setting for a beautiful j Lake. ! Wm. Staines home Sunday, summer wedding last Saturday, > Services were conducted from where they helped Mrs. Staines July 9, which urited Miss Fran-' the Warner funeral home at 10, celebrate her birthday. ces Bieschke, daughter of 'MrJ °'clock Wednesday, \ with burial Tho Lloyd Whiting family of and Mrs. Raymond Bieschke of *n Prah'ie Grove cemetery. ; Elgin and the Daniel O'Shea near Volo, and Mr. Robert Scholz, ' --__--. ^family .of Gray slake were dinner Jr., son of the senior Scholzes of 'Private Rites Held | guests in the home of Miss Gene- Shalimar. Rev. Fr. E. C. Coakley | por Elmer D WrtnH ! vieve Kno* last Friday evening. officiated at the 10 o'clock nup- * I Mr. and Mrs. Robert DelMonte tial mass. Earl Conway acted as soloist, Emli mer „D . „Wro od. died, at. 9n |I ,a nd da.u gh.t.e r, Ma.r y „Lo u,' h,a v,e . . ... sutuui-., o. c,l oc,k S~ aturd,a y even.i ng, JTu l,y Ib,,e.e, nfa vacationing in New \ork s<•i n?g in®g 'Ave Maria at the o^f- ii 9D, . f, ..... v, X. t l l>- fertory and On This Day O; . .a t. the Villa H. o,m e, . where, , he ; Mrs„ ••Ro oQufifi.ii oc r had been confined for six months.• KT.a thleen, of „Ke nosvh. a, Wis., A retired lumberman, he lived i „ . e . , ' ... • . . _ , ,%T . . spent a few days last week with with his son. Fred E. Wood, of J Beautiful Mother" as the bride placed her bouquet at the altar of the Blessed Virgin. Al Amo and daughter, Sunday morning. It made a strange sound and was travelling north. After hearing reports of a comet seen in Wyoming, he decided this must have been what he saw. m * i n : McHenry relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Justen are the parents of a son, born at Memorial hospital last weekt Mr. and Mrs. Harry Anderson (Ruth Phalin) of Morton Gcpye^ . . . . . . r u r a l M c H e n r y , p r i o r t o h i s c o n - •maurrifagfe y<t>y rHrer 'fPatShe*r , chose' 0» W home. 4 r , . , , floor length dress of chantilly L . . °?y, ?a?e j Staines and children of Wood-, lace and tulle, featuring a hoop: lirQC ! stock- left Monday morning for ^aby _fo]lr ®i.S,t"S' Mrs. Rose Staines, accompan-1 aie a son' ^ J led by Mr. and Mrs. Mervin j John' born at st- Francis ha*~ \ pital, Evanston, June 24. The skirt arid bodice trimmed in ifcridescent sequins and pearls. Her fingertip veil was held in place; by a crown of pearls and she; carried a bouquet of phalenopsis j and lilies of the valley. Mrs. Thomas Bower of Hebron acted as matron of honor, attired in a ballerina length gown of yellow crystalette, styled strapless with bolero and huge was removed from the Peter M. Justen funeral home. Jeanie, Carol and Phyllis. July J9 July 16-17 St. Peter's Church Carnival bow in back, she wore yellow \ Spring Grove accessories and carried coral colored flowers. Mrs. Paul Freund, sister of the Meeting bridegroom, Miss Diane Pokorny j 1 p m' of Cary and Miss Rita Baumann j „ _ . July 20 of Chicago, the latter a cousin of ; Al Pot-Luck Picnic -- the bride, acted as bridesmaid. ! C y Park 1 P "1- They were attired similarly in '• 21 coral crystalette gowns with : Garden Club Picnic -- matching accessories. All had j 27 coral flowers | Annual Lawn Party and Des- _ i . » : sert Luncheon - St. Patrick's MM.i s,°. r Bieschhuk e g.c vh, o§eS\ . .aWn.G..dadqinuga' '< Church - 1:30 P M linen dress with white accessor- ! , July 31 ies and a corsage of white Ama- \ ^oose Picnic -- zon lilies. Mrs. Scholz wore a , print dress with white accessor-' 0SRITAL il&Su a visit with the latter Mrs. Staines' relatives in Kentucky. Mrs. Raymond Whiting of Lake Geneva, Wis., spent a few days the first of the week with relatives here. Mrs.* Robert Sutton has returned to her home in Richmond j after spending a few weelks with | „ . _ , , . her sister, Mrs. George Lindsay, ^rs Paul Eoik of Lakeland recovering from surgery. ' I Park has heeI\ a ™e,dlcal Patlent Mrs. Edith Hayes returned I at Memonal. hosPltal" home Sunday from Chicago, ! Mrs., Nellie Bacon was re- McHenry 4-H Eager Beaver , where she attended the wedding i leased Sunday from Memorial ~ Methodist Church -- of her S0Ilj Richard( on Saturday, j hospital and is recuperating at Mr. and Mrs. C™h ar,le s ,Vry c.i.t a,l i the ho,m e .o f her son, Harold, at and sons, Mark and Gary, at-! C1'yslal ljaKe- . tended an annual gathering of1 Mrs. George Wegener underhardware salesmen and their i wer,t surgery at Memorial hosfamilies, held at the Richard i P'^a^ this past week. Bierderman home in Milwaukee i Sunday. j HELD FOR THEFTS Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johansen William Goodale, 15, of RFD, and daughter, Roseann, of Kirk- j McHenry, was held in county wood, Mo., and Mr. and Mrs. , jail this week, charged with V.F.W. Pic- Wni- Guffey and Patti and Billy i theft of two outboard motors nic Grounds -- ' Bring Lunch. Richmond were visitors in j and a motorboat in the Pistakee August 3 I tho hwir>e of Mrs. Irene Guffey ' Bay area. Further investigation ies and a pink Amazon lilv mr ; Christian Mother and Altar j la*st Thursday. Sunday guests of the matter is being made by sage. Amazon my cor | gociety picnic I were Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bun- I county authorities. Robert Becker of Chicago, a! Riverview Camp, R.N.A., Picfriend of the bridegroom, served j aS best man and groomsmen were 1 P.M. -- V.F.W. ©rounds. August 11 Pi aauuli *TTTVeeunnnHd, ib,rrAottKheor. -i-ni-l aw ofc '-i t ,Fashion Show and Dessert | m„v,onn ^ - SicST; oSntryi patty bw,afaservcfd r at'lhe^Mc! Style 1 Henry Country club, followed by V " Ame/lcan LW Home a reception at the Legion home P T A ponsored by SL Marys for 275 at 5 o'clock. „ . , rrr. . ., • October 8 /The bride, who graduated from Fiftieth Anniversary, O.E S -- iqL Wauconda school in Dinner, McHenry Country Club. 1952, is employed at the Mc- ' -- Henry State bank. The bride- NELSON-FRISBIE VOWS groom graduated from Foreman ** , high school in Chicago and completed his studies at the Unive was married to sQiiiixyr ooft Illinois, fr rom whi ere hp • Dwdaivviida rFnri-issobiiee,, son of Mr. and wwaass graduated in 1953. He is Mrs. Ardm Frisbie of the Greennow stationed at Fort Beniamin W°°d communit>'- in a wedding Harrison. I„d„ fr..m where T 'ho W'st i will recpive his discharge in Sen- " , ' ' tember. Saturday evening, July 9, at Until tv, t »• u- ^ 7:30 °'c'l0('k. Rev. Jesse E Firer »iuw,rhr^ubn<"! ww at thc douwc lake Savuif, and ,ar„ f()1.m(.,.lv' ta ' V/l% Pl»» h% <»l™. 23tt trades class in ,hr high school. AND NOW ... ENRY con boast of o m E R LE noRmnn Gosmetic Studio .jAL. VILLA NURSING HOME ON PISTAKEE BAY, NEAR McHENEY Home for the Aqed SENILE . . . . BED PATIENTS PHONE McHENRY 461 Phone McHenry 1464 for an appointment for your complimentary demonstration. 30 EAST ANN STREET 1 BLOCK .EAST OF OLD BRIDGE Celia Warnes, owner Be Lovelier, Cooler and Care-Free! That's when you trust your Summer Beauty care to us . . . Come in,, see what wonders we can do for your Hair, Face, and Fingernails .-. . Phone 147 for your Summer care beauty appointment now! C7 Open Tues.i Thurs. & FrL evenings 'til 9 p.m. • A I R C O N D I T I O N E D YOUR LOVELINESS IS OUR BUSINESS fflwerbule Stadia 126 N. Riverside Drive McHenry, 111. Phone 147 CARD OF THANKS I would like, to take this opportunity to thank friends and relatives for flowers, gifts, cards, prayers and the other remembrances during the time I was confined to the hospital. Everything was greatly appreciated. 10 Mrs. Kate Sheldon CARD OF THANKS I want to thank relatives, neighbors and friends for masses, prayers and cards and the many other kindnesses extended to me and my family during my stay at Memorial hospital. 10 Mrs. Rose Lessard YOUTHS PLACED ON PROBATION FOR McHENRY BURGLARY Two youths swho pleaded guilty to burglary and larceny were placed on probation for three years by Judge William M. Carroll this past week. They are Donald. Krueger, 23, of Downers Grove and Walter Konieczfco, 18, of Chicago, who were indicted on a charge of breaking into the Edwin Gunt home on Country Club road in McHenry last Feb. 24 and stealing household articles valued at $300. It was the first offense for Krueger, who admitted breaking into the house, and for Konieczko, who followed and helped take the items . stolen. James Graham, 18, was also ™ charged with assistance. He is now out on bond, having entered a plea of not guilty to the burglary arid larceny charge. His case will be . heard in September. II III n H'lilil il!l!l'l!|:iii'i|tri:tl I lillihliri lii:i;i MHJililili: Residence Changes lil!llli|!|!|!U;iil!|!|it.|;|;rii||;|!|:S'!:!Ttiliii|!l!|!|i| The Donald Tonyan family moved last week from Maple avenue to 11 S. Buell street, Aurora. HARDEST "BUSIEST CHEAPEST WORKERS IN TOWN PLAINDEALER WANT ADS "AMERICA'S FINEST FOOD SUPPLEMENT" Added to your diet, it assures a more complete nutrition. Call: FLORENCE ENGDAHL McHenry 1074-R b a n k F A C T S F O R Y O U Most home-owners would like to make improvements in their property -- improvements which would materially increase livability ... salability; yet they are reluctant to deplete their savings to do so. For xhome-owners in our community, there is a solution to this seeming dilemma:, a Home Improvement Loan from our bank. We lend cash at low cost to finance modernization projects; borrowers repay on a convenient monthly-instalment basis. If you have a "pet project" in mind for your home, get a contractor's estimate; then see us about a dollars-and-sense bank loan. You will be under no obligation. McHENRY STATE BANK Interest Paid On Savings Deposited Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Member Federal Reserve System PHONE 1040 . invite RIDE DECIDE 260 HORSEPOWER PACKARD FOUR HUNDRED'--"ASK THE MAN WHO OWNS ONE" with exclusive Torsion-Level Ride See how Packard's creative engineering gives you advancements no other fine car can match Only PacltArd Ijas Torsion -LeveJ Ride which eliminates conventional springs and provides a new kind of ride control so smooth, so relaxing and comfortable it actually beats riding on air. Only Packard has the mighty V-8 which delivers more driving forde to the rear wheels (torque) than any other passenger car engine. Only Packard has Twin Ultramatic, smoothest and most responsive automatic transmission in existence. Only Packard has the distinctive styling that is the hallmark of fine craftsmanship . . . craftsmanship that reflects a proud Packard tradition. Why don't you take the key and see just how many exclusive advantages the new Packard offers the fine car buyer? A phone call will bring a New Packard to your door call us today! S & S PACKARD SALES 405 E. Elm St. McHenry, 111. Enjoy "TV READER'S DTCJFST" -- Channel Phone 1010 ':00 P.M.. Monday?