THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, Jul? 28.1955 [EVIEWING EARLY HAPPENINGS f IN McHENRY and VICINAGE f Plaindealer Files furnish Memories \ of Yesteryears | t Compiled by A. H. Mosher •> v • - . *5* FORTY YEAIIS AGO W- . > 1 1 • a daughter, Mrs. Edith Todd, in Palm Beach, Fla., last week. Unlucky Day- While most McHenry folks passed Friday, the thirteenth, in an uneventful fashion, the Buss Motor Sales has reason to beware of that day in future years. Some time during the wee hours of the morning robbers broke into the garage and made away with an the job. Night officer Frank' undetermined amount of money. From Issue of July 29, 1915 i Strain, making his founds, heard I _____ Pleasantly Surprised-- ; a noise in the store. At the | Thelen-Monte-- A large Ccompany of relatives . same time state officers appeared and friends called upon Mrs. on the scene. The bandits, realiz- Chris Blake at her home at Pis- j ing that they were "in for it," takee Bay quite unexpectedly j made their escape from the store A , double ring ceremony performed in the rectory of St. John's church, Johnsburg, on Ulltee £>av uunc UllCAUfLlCUiy j Iimut' Uini ccv,a,yc 41UXU ijic SLUIC. I l t«, J , T..1« 11 Monday evening of this week, tlie j One of«*he trio was apprehended j ur^it^S a ernoon' joyous event being planned and j when h£ ran into the arms of executed in honor of her birthday; Glen Stevens, mayor , of Richanniversary which happened on mond. who was awakened by that day. Those who made up the i some noise in the back yard of merry gathering were as follows: his home .and had gone to investi- Messrs. and Mesdames Hubert • gate. MichelSi John M. Schmitt, Joe j--: TEN YEARS AGO united in marriage Miss Delma Thelen of Johnsburg and Donald Monte of Chicago. Miss Thelen is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thelen and Mr. Monte is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Monte. From Issue of July 19, 1945 Freund, John P. Lay, Joe Hettermann, Fred Diethorn, Jacob Justen, John Pitzen, Mathias Albert EBoeWke Dies-- Blake, John Heimer, Mrs. Anna Bugner, Misses Mary and Frances Michels, William Heimer, all of McHenry and0 Johnsburg. and Mr. and Mrs. George Steilen and son, Charles, of Chicago. James T. Powers Dead A sad as well as untimely death occurred here last Satur- i , . day afternoon, when Jemes T. a^° t an .a .. „ u Powers answered to his Master's restaurant, in the kelter call, after an illness of about bui?d'n^ on f the f corner of Elm two years in duration. Mr | and Green streets. Powers was 52 years of age. • ,. . , ° Martin L. Tucker-- in Honor of Grandson-- Funeral services were held It was a merry little crowd; Saturday afternoon in Camron, that was entertained at the Wil-, Texas, for Martin L. Tucker, who kins home on the Fox river last, died in Mayo hospital, Rochester, Thursday evening. The party Minn., three days previous. Mr. was given in honor of Gilbert • Tucker, owner of Tucker's Sweet Brown, a grandson of Mr. and ! Shop on Riverside Drive, McHen- Mrs. M. D. Wilkins and a cadet ry, died at 8 o'clock Wednesday at the naval academy at Annapo- J morning, July II. lis. Those who were present are 1 . as follows: Dr. F. J. Aicher, John i Charles Tuttle-- ^rsen Gilbert Brown, Mervin ] An old time resident in the dfvent, Chris Burkhartmeier, Everett Hunter. William Bickler, Rinfwood vicinity, Charles Tuttle, Thought For The Week-- "Blessed are they who have the gift of making friends, for "it is A- long period of ill health. one of God's best gifts. It inended in death Saturday evening.J volves many things, but above July 14. for Albert E. Boehlke j all, the power of going out of of. Johnsburg. Afflicted with I one's self, and appreciating heart trouble for manjr months. ; whatever is noble and loving in a severe attack suffered that, another."--Thomas Hughes. evening proved fatal. The de- j .---- -- -- ceased, 55 years old, came to! SMALLEST PEACH CROP McHeniy fiom Chicago several. The smallest Illinois peach time oper- ^ jn over 20 years of record is estimated at 83,000 bushels. This is only 7 per cent of last year's output and five per cent of the 1944-53 average. Most growers have reported a complete loss but a few in the northern two-thirds of the state will have a good crop. Those who have a crop report that the condition and sizing of peaches is good with little or no disease or insect infestation. A few growers reported a rather heavy June drop. Harvest of early varieties will .begin late in July -- about eight days earlier than usual according to growers. The trees remain in excellent condition and continue to show good foliage Annabelle Heimer. Marian Mc- Ipmber, Julia Freund, Laura Barbian, Misses Bean and Fleishman. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO ' From Issue of July 24, 19S0 Salesman Held lip-- Three men, two white and one colored, held up Edgar A. Poe, a Woodstock representative of tile Maytag company, Saturday afternoon and took between $500 and $600. The robbery was committed on Route 20, just east of the city about 1 p.m. Saturday. 89, passed away at the home of I and thrifty growth. Richmond Store Robbed-- Three bandits broke into the Charles Kruse hardware store at Itichmond early Monday morning and got away with a bag full of merchandise, including guns, knives, etc. However, they were •cared away before completing GAS PUMP THOUGHTS By: Ed Guettler As we see the new, high horsepowered cars whiz-in . . . whiz-out . . . and whiz-by GUETTLER'S CITIES SERVICE and we read about the ever-increasing death rate on the highways, we come up with a solution. , What is needed is a new model driver at the steering wheeJ with a turbo-jet brain, radar eyesight and spring-steel byrostabilized nerves. Phone 331 SPECIAL DISCOUNT TO COMMUTORS "How do you get her to * cook in this weather?" Keep your kitchen 10 degrees cooler with a new electric range! Recent impartial baking tests (made by independent engineers of the R. W. Hunt Company) prove that modern electric ranges keep your kitchen an average of 10 degrees cooler than the most modern flame type ranges. • • • New Share-The-Cost Installation Plan saves you important money. Own an electric range ior as low as $2.16 a week -- installed! 'J "Easy, I got her a new electric range!" Al: "Well, I know they're a lot coolef • to cook on, but..." Bill: "Man, that's not the half of it! Ann says our new electric's juBt as fast as any other kind. And it sure is cleaner. Haven't had to wash the kitchen walls once since we got it!'* Al: "Sounds kinda rich for my blood. What'd it set you back?" Bill: "Not so much. We're paying it off a couple of bucks a week. Besides, they brought in 240-volt wiring when they put in the range. And boy, do we need it with all the appliances we've added. Hey, here comes the coffee!" SEE YOUR DEALER •r PUBLIC COMPANY S oceans of savings guarantee Wilson's Tender Juicy SHOP AND SAVE AT A&P k Super-Right CANNED HAM 9 - '6 39 Quality Swiissss or STEAK *69 Pan Ready Whole or Cut Up California Sweet, Meaty- 23 Size each 29 Texas Grown 30 Lb. Average .California Juicy, Sweet 98' 29e Sliced Bologna Pickle & Pimento Watermelons Bartlett Pearl• 2 California Peaches 2lbs,29c Hot House Tomatoes29c Michigan Blueberries 29s Red Potatoes Fresh Fryers Oven Ready Docks Sirloin Steak "Super-Right" Luncheon Meat Long Island Style lb. "Super-Right" Quality YOUR CHOICE 8-oz. pkgs. 89 Fresh Beef Liver Sliced Bacon Frying Turkeys "Super-Right" Smokies Ocean Perch Fillets Fried Fish Sticks Sliced Allgood Brand Hickory Smoked Ready to Cook 4 to 8'Lb. Bulk Cap'n John's lb. lb. lb. 12-oz. pkg. lb. 10-oz. pkg. 39c 47c 53° 43e 25' 39c FOX DELUXE FROZEN TURKEY LEGS TURKEY WINGS CHICKEN WINGS ib. 49c » 49c pkg.' 29c DIXIE BELLE FROZEN CHICKEN THIGHS CHICKEN LEGS J 69c 469c CHICKFN GIZZARDS 2:33c U. S. No. Grade Taxas Qrown Southo Grown Cucumbers Golden Sweet Corn Home Grown Cabbage Bing Cherries LOOK WHAT 10' NYSATAtP ZESTY FLAVORFUL--TRY SOME FOR BREAKFAST A*P T omato Juice I8-01. tin dox. lb. 5* 29c POUND CAKE JANE PARKER REGULAR PRICE 35c 49c Sliced White Potato Purple Plums IX Mott's Apple Juice Bole Pineapple Juice Tangerine Juice Libby Tomato Juice 16-oz. tin 8-oz. tin, 12-oz. tin 12-oz. tin I8-01. tin 46-oz. tin 0C 0C 0e 0e 0C 0° Green Tender Flavorful A&P Spinach lona Tomato Puree Miss Wisconsin Peas Green Giant Corn Bean Sprouts 10. I0C Cream Style Chinese Maid 10-ox. tin I O'/j-oz. tin B'/j-oz. pkg. S'/i-ox. tin 3-oz. tin I0e 10' I0e 10' Strawberry Pie Giant Jelly Roll Sharp Cheddar Cheese Slices Jane Parker Oven Fresh Jane Parker Cheese Whconsin Mel-O-Bit Swisi Pimento American 8-in. Ib. 8-oz. pkg. 49c 49c 59' 27c lona. Select Quality Cream Style Golden Corn AUGUST woman's day THE AliP MAGAZINK NOW 7C ON SALE # Creamette Spaghetti Morton Salt Steak Sauce Plain or Iodized North American 8-oz. Ac pkg. U 26-oz. Ac ctn. U 6-oz. tin 0e 17-oz. tin Colored and White I# A Colored, IVS Plastic , All Purpose 10 pkg. pkg. of 8 tin Large White Grade "A" ARMOUR'S STAR Deviled Ham 2 37e ARMOUR'S STAR Corned Beef Hash 'I6-oz. tin 29 FUDGE FIUED Burry Shortbread 16-ox. pkg. 49 BLUE LABEL Karo Corn Syrup 5 49c FOR FRYIN&. COOKING Mazola Oil pt. btl. 35" - 65 BORDO--FOR BABIES Orange Juice 3;:25c Fresh Eggs Libby Baby Food Mazola Oil Pink Lemonade Orange Juice Personal Ivory ivory Snow Cheer Detergent Linit Liquid Starch Argo Gloss Starch Niagara Starch Linit Laundry Starch Instant Fels Naptha dox. in ctn. Strained Economy Size , Frozen Coastal Brand Birdseye Frozen So Pure It^U^ts For a Whiter Wash 3 4%-oz. jars tin Contains BUach 49c Fels Naptha Soap 28c Ajax Cleanser " $219 Ajax Foaming Cleanser 25° Dial Facial Soap Dial Bath Soap Surf Detergent ! Breeze Detergent Rinso Blue Detergent 2jc Liquid Soip Swift's Cleanser Stay Fresher Longer 3 2 1 2 2 2 2 bars reg AH Purpose 3 0C 0C 0C 25c 23e I7e 25° 35' 63e 65' 9,an* 73c 39' 29e giant reg bath larg< larg pkg. 12-oz. tin AMERICA'S FOHMOJt FOOD IETAIIEH .. . SINCE Its* Super Markets Da ORfAT AUANfrtC i pacific tiacompany. All prices effective through July 30th Read The Plaindealer Want Ads