Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Aug 1955, p. 11

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la?. August 4,1955 McCullom Lake News > By Eve Levesflue THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER 'Your plans for this Sunday should include the business meeting and .election of officers of the Cullom-Knoll association at 2,30 p.m. in the beachhouse. The riieeting is scheduled for a prompt starting so perhaps you should make a special note of the time. In the next three days, it would be an excellent idea to meditate on the men or women you would like to $ee in office. The potential leaders of this community are plentiful. Let us |jji>ick qualified men and women to perform the grave tasks ahead, ^mainly the job of working with and for our village officers. A vote of confidence and gratitude to the out-going officers who have worked long and diligently for us this past year and have done a wonderful job, often in the face of adverse and not very constructive criticism. Again, in behalf of the Cullom- Knoll association, a word of welcome to the new residents of the village and a cordial invitation to join. Malke a special point to attend this special meeting, Sunday, Aug. 7, at 2:30 p.m. at the ^ beach. Village Board Our village president and board of trustees have been meeting every Monday night since the election for the purpose of passing ordinances and adopting resolutions. To date, twelve ordinances have become effective, the latest of which is the tax levy ordinance. » The initial ground work has been laid and now more pertinent tasks rhay be undertaken. The board voted unanimously to meet twice a month from now on. Ladies of the Lake ' Met Tuesday, July 26, at the * beach. The main topic of conversation was the reports from various committees concerning the success of the Fun Festival There was no doubt that the affair was a huge success and another one will be staged next year. A complete financial report was not available because of a »few small bills still outstanding and additional revenue still to be collected. Hostesses for the evening were Mary Kantorski, Lena JjJckhardt and Mardy Lorch. Because of the high temperatures expected in August, the . gals voted to resume meeting • Tuesday Sept. 13. « Bock 'n Boll Is the theme of the new 'teen dance night every Wednesday night at the beach. However, the 'teen-agers wish to extend a cordial invitation to all who feel •young at heart to come and join the dancing. For a small amount even the "old timers" of twenty and over may gain admission. Other activities are in the planning stage for Saturday nights. Our young adults have proven they want a part in carving a place for themselves in the community. Let us prove to them we are with the group all the way. The dancing is from 7 to 11 p.m. Go. Go Wildcats! And where they'll stop, nobody knows, but let's hope it is in first position. The lads met in competition with Wonder Lake last Friday night and overpowered their opponents by a rollicking score of 9 to 4. (The Wonder Lakers were out in front with four runs until a rally in the sixth inning put the 'Cats in the lead. The next game will be against Lakemoor at the V.F.W. field Friday, Aug. 5, at 7 p.m. To the Victors A big. hand and a mighty cheer tp our victorious Whitey-V.F.W. earn which heaped further glory on McCullom Lake. They won a thrilling victory . last Thursday night against Pa's Yanks by a close margin of 3 to. 2. Those who witnessed the game said it was comparable to the major leagues. A Word of Warning This, perhaps, should 'best be directed at the 'teen-age boys who have displayed a kidding type of/ contempt for our law officers. The men who were selected for this job have been doing a fine and conscientious job for the village, and should be treated with the respect due an officer of the law! Traffic Violations Jane F. Widen 6f' Ringwood was arrested and fined for speeding and having no tail light on her automobile last week. Sunday night, Helen McTighe of Chicago was brought in on two counts; Speeding and following too close to another vehicle. She was fined and released. Becuperating With the tender, loving care John Elmer is receiving from his charming wife, his -recovery should make medical history. Iktr. Elmer suffered a serious illness a few weeks ago but happy we are to report that he is doing great. The presence of his lovely daughter, Violet, is a contributing factor in his struggle to regain his health. girls he'll toe "over 16" tomorrow, Aug. 5. ^ ' Eleanor ana Ken Ebey, Jr., stepped out quietly to celebrate their fifteen years together July 26. son, all of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Anderson journeyed down from Lake Como, Wis. A Judge in Our Midst Max 'Kolin, our eminent photographer, is wearing a smug grin these days since he was chosen to be one of the judges for the Marine Day activities next weekend. Max will officiate at the judging of the river float parade Saturday night and again on Sunday during the boat races. Natal Days and Matrimonial Milestones Congrats to Marge Stacknick (with the lovely tan), who had a birthday" *Wst" WdeR*' T^opef ghe won't tell which one. Our "Norske" friend, Erling Olsen, said to tell the pretty Package Liquor Store and Tavern PIZZA Italian Spaghetti Sandwiches KITCHEN CLOSED ON TUESDAY'S McHENRY 336 130 So. Green St., McHenry, HI WANTED im CUSTOMERS WEATHER-TITE ALUMINUM STORM & SCREEN WINDOWS NOW! $1000 For Standard Size Including Installation and Life Time Guarantee DOORS $59.50 -- INSTALLED NO MONEY DOWN! FIRST PAYMENT STARTS IN JANUARY 1956. PHONE NOW! -- McHenry 534-W-l FOR FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION. WEATHER-TITE Boute 4 - Box 364 McHenry, Illinois Please Have Your Representative Call On Me Immediately. NAME ! ADDRESS CITY PHONE Visitors Thither and Yon Lena Carbanero's mother, Mrs. Annette Nicoletti, was so entranced with our picturesque community she elected- to visit with Lena and Kelly "for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Marshburn of Ocean Springs, Miss., arrived last Sunday at the home of Bev and Frank Rourke. Mr. Marshbm- n is a golf pro and came to tane part in the tournaments which were held at the country club on Monday. Robert Palmer, 9 years old, is having a gay old time with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brendle, for the duration of the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Goding and Mr. and Mrs. William Long of Aurora dropped in for a short visit at the Fred Eckhardt home. Edward Streun of Chatsworth, 111., was a week long visitor at the Eckhardt home. Louise Ebey just returned from a quick trip to Tallahassee, Fla. She drove her sister home and returned immediately. Paul Jadkson, divisional manager of Lee Limited and associate of John Roosevelt, was a weekend guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Hagel. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dyko of Chicago are visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dyko. He is recuperating in our wonderful town after a seige in Alexian Brothers, hospital. Mr. Dyko is associated with the Chicago police department at the Damen avenue station. The walls of the Clayt Nelson home were bulging last week during a card session of the I-I Club. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bashaw, Mrs. Freda Lindberg, Miss Lill Nelson, Miss Irene Penson, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pearsaw and Mrs. Lill Carl- Fran a Reader Hats off to our village chief of police and his capable officers. At the recent electrical fire at the Brieske cottage, they are to be commended for their prompt attendance and courteous service. Also orchids to the McHenry fire department for its promptness. They both worked hand in hand and had everything under control. It gives us a Wonderful feeling of security to have such alert men working for iis, says Mrs. Anton Hagel. Sportsmen -- Take Note Like to fish? Enjoy hunting? This, then is for you. Anglers and hunters are Ranted to become a part of the club now in the formulating stage. More details available next week. Sign Your Name Petitions are being circulated for the purpose of 'having the lake seined, seeded and stocked. These petitions will be presented in person to Glen Palmer, state conservationist, at the state fair in Springfield Aug. 15. Deadline for signing will be Aug. 12. Whether you enjoy fishing or not, please sign your name at Berniece and Whitey's, McDonald's, with Ken Ebey, or at RPlace in McHenry. The presence of fish and suitable food for them will make our lake a cleaner and healthier one. Sign today, before you forget! Johnsburg News By Mrs. Bett^xJBetterraaiui New Addition - The newest addition to our Community was born on July 19. The proud parents of this little fhiss are Mr. and Mrs. James Patzke. Mrs. Pat^ke is the former Lona Nowak. it is the first grandchild for the maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Nowak. Moves to Chapel Hill Mr. and Mrs, Cyril Heim and family moved last week to their new residence in Chapel Hill from their apartment on North avenue. weekend for their golden wedding anniveifckry. The party took place at the" home of Mrs. Violet Crowley. Boat Launched The DICK and Lee Marshalls had quite a celebration last week for their boat, which they recently launched. An outdoor picnic was held on the lawn for several of their friends. Dick and' Lee built their boat, which is quite a snappy looking number. As yet I haven't found out what they have named it. Anniversary Celebrations *•' Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dehn and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hetterm& rm and daughters were in Chicago last Wednesday evening to help Mr. and Mrs. John Dehn celebrate their silver wedding anniversary. They were joined for dinner by the Dehns' other children, Bill, Joan and Rita. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Smith were honored with a party over last Birthdays and Anniversaries Happy birthday to Mrs. Betty Freund, who has a birthday on Aug. 18, and to Barbara Krasicki, who was 3 on Aug. 2. Happy anniversary to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Einspar, who celebrated on Aug. 2, and to Mr. and Mrs. Don Monte, whose tenth anniversary was July 11. Here 'n There For two years the beef cattle industry has been notable for its big volume and its stability. Beef production has averaged about 79 pounds per person per year compared with 50 to 60 pounds in most of the previous 25 years. Cattle numbers nave leveled off at around 95 million head compared with 65 to 85 million in other years since 1930. Buy U.S. Savings Bonds Day By Day Events At The Wednesday, August 3 » 11 a.m. Home Ec 4-H and Open Class Judging Thursday/ August 4 9 a.m. F. F. A. Livestock Judging 10. a.m. Girl Scout Judging Start Admission Charge At Gate 1 p:m.--Ag 4-H Misc. Judging-- 2 p.m. Floriculture Judging GRANDSTAND 2 p.m. Tractor Pulling Contest 7 p.m. Admission 50 cents, Box seats 75 cents for evening Woodstock City Band F. F. A. Livestock Parade 7:30 p.m. County Fair Queen Selection 8:30 p.m. Horse Pulling Contest Friday, August 5 9 a.m. Ag 4-H Livestock Judging GRANDSTAND 2 p.m. Adult Tractor Rodeo 3:30 p.m. 4-H Tractor Rodeo 8 p.m. Family 4-H night Livestock Parade Home Economics Review •; 10 p.m. Crowning of 4-H King and Queen Saturday, August 6 9 a.m. Open Class Livestock Judging GRANDSTAND 2 p.m. Admission 50 cents, Box seats 75 cents 4 p.m. Harness Races Free Admission Kiddies Horse and Pony Show 7 p.m. Admission Children 50c, Adults $1; Box seats $1.25 7:30 p.m. Ye Olde Time Vaudeville 9 p.m. Repeat Ye Olde Time Vaudeville Sunday, August 7 10 a.m. Livestock Auction GRANDSTAND 2 p.fn. Admission 50c, Box seats 75c Harness Races 4 p.m. Free Admission Model Airplane Show 7 p.m. Admission 50c, Box seats 75c Grand March -- Implement Parade Baton Twirlers Grand Horseshow Stage Entertainment FREE ADMISSION ALL DAY FRIDAY A. DELIVERED MILK IS FRESH onlyhoi|r$ from the farm Local supply ... fast, efficient processing g-T. dependable home delivery service ... three reasons why oar milk is farm-fresh every day. Convenient-to-use gUst milk bottles safeguard its rich flavor, too... from dairy to your refrigerator door. Call as about hating your delivered NOW. It's a wonderful habit youH find mighty easy to Cve with lite year round. Mickey the Milkman says •'GLASS BOTTLES ARE BEST ..'.BY EVERY TEST!** For Your Convenience We Deliver Two Half Gallons at Gallon Prices Freund's Dairy, Inc. Route 31 Phone McHenry 195 2/z Miles North of McHenry Mr. and Mrs. John R. Schmitt of McHenry and Martin B. Schmitt of St. Louis, Mo., were Thursday evening dinner guests at the home of Mr. an4 Mra. Frank Freund. Gail, Tommy and Joey Lasser of Chicago spent several days last week visiting at the home of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Lasser. v Mr. and Mrs. Rog Bauer, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Freund and Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Hiller will be spending this week fishing up North. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Freund and daughters left earlier this week on a, vacation trip to New York. Ed Stenner visited his parents at their summer home dn the river last weekend. Ed made 'his return trip to California by plane early Monday morning. Mrs. Rosina Weber and family, Mrs. Ethel Heim and family, Mrs. Nancy Heinz and sons, Mrs. Dolores Meyers and sons. Mrs. Eleanor Mangold and family, Phil Bell and Mrs Ann Zeller and. family spent last Wednesday on a picnic and swimming at Lake? Benedict. AMr: and Mrs. Ed Gallas moved to their newly purchased h6me 1" Wonder Lake last weekend aft« spending the summer at his par J > ents' home on the river. MENTAL HEALTH t In a talk before the general;^ administrative staff of the De-f? partment of Public Welfare, Gov.^ William G. Stratton credited the-. staff's teamwork and cooperation^' and the greater understanding offr : the problems of mental health 'by1 the people of the state as result-., ing in better treatment and care of patients in the state mental« hospitals. The gbvernor expressed* his appreciation to the staff for their part in the advances, mide . in . the mental health program during the past two years. He indicated that he was pleased with the standard of care given to the patients and the excellent maintenance of the physical facilities which he had found OH his visits to the institutions. * Lend Uncle Sam Your Dollars For the Finest in... ENTERTAINMENT Hear ERNIE WAGNER at the HAMMOND ORQAN and PIANO Every WEDNESDAY thru SATURDAY at the . . . RED STAR INN Yi Mile South of Richmond On U. S. 12 and Route 31 Nothing GOES like a Chevrolet V8! Wf . as NOTHING (not even the high-priced cars) HAS G01S0 MUCH TO GO WITH! The most up-to-date Vt T h a t ' s C h e v r o let's "Turbo- Fire V8U that it needs of oil instea jfjicient jjluarts e usual 5. Shortest sttolce of any V8 in the industry. Delivers more horsepower per pound than any engine in Chevrolet's field. Two Sizzling 6's The most powerful 6's in Chevrolet's field -- with all the advantages of Chevrolet's long leadership iij valve-in-head engine design. Drive with care . . . EVERYWHERE! It's the new winner in stock car competition ... and it's winning new, young-minded friends faster than you can say America's hottest V8. Because of its liveliness, its looks, and because it holds the road like it loves it--w}dch it does. Come try it, won't you, iNSly for the fun of it! • Powerglide, • Overdrive or | Synchro-Mash ' • A new and finer Synchro- • Mesh transmission, or, as * I extra-cost ^ptions, oil- • smooth Powerglide auto- • matic transmission or Touch- • Down Overdrive. • • New engineering advances • en steering and suspension • Special ball bearings in the • steering gear roll with the « turn of the wheel to reduce • friction. Glide-Ride front J suspension rolls the bumps • smooth. Hglwffi SALES 204 W. ELM STREET PHONE 277 McHENRY. JL!» -il

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