Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Aug 1955, p. 13

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*Wm!r 1 Thursday,August25. 1955 •fe-V-': <* tUE . MCHENRT •*#*• McCullom Lake News By five Levesque The annual fund drive for Boy Scouts will take place Thursday, Sept. 1, from 7 to 9 p.m. Anyone interested in contributing will kindly leave a porch light on between these hours, when a qualified collector will call on you. The advantages to the community for furthering Scouting everywhere cannot be expressed too strongly. The moral value in combating juvenile delinquency alone is reason enough for expanding the program. In order to continue the ' program, many, more dollars are heeded, and Vhether you have Scouts of your own or not, everyone benefits from an active Scout group; So please give generously. Volunteer workers are needed to canvass the community. If you are a Scout mother or just plain civic-minded, please call $537-W-2 and offer' your services for two hours. Any help will be appreciated. Cullom-Knoll Installation of the new officers will take place Sunday at the beachhouse at 2:30 p.m. A 3hort •business- meeting will follow. A new long, time program is being worked qut by the new officers to stimulate interest and growth in - thf community. Art Stuhlfeier met - with his committee at an informal meeting last Saturday night. Various ideas were" Suggested and discussed. tTpkeep and maintenance of the ;bfea&i and ground^ is the main project of the club and, of course, working in conjunction with the Village board. We hkve a fine group of officers who are interested in the community and are deserving of our support. Golden Wedding Between fifty and sixty relatives and friends from Chicago and the village gathered at the home of Signe and Ivar Larson last Sunday, Aug. 21, to help trfls charming couple celebrate fifty years of married happiness. The yard was festooned with pennants and bunting for a festive air. A feast which would do justice to royalty was served throughout the day, commencing at noon. The Larsons received numerous gifts which they will treasure for many years. Attend Graduation Mr. and Mrs. Wally Hojnacki and Mr. and Mrs. Tony Doolin attended commencement exercises for Don Doolin at the University of rrolorado An". 18. The Hojfiackis and Doolins left here by car and enjoyed a thrilling trip through the scenic west. They stayed in mountain lodges and really had a chance to take in the scenery. Don received a B.A. degree in business and physical education during ceremonies which included 500 students. The young Doolins returned east with all their furniture and will take up residence in Milwaukee, where Don will be employed as a physical education instructor. We Discovered the Gleam In Paul Struok's eye and the lovely reason for it is Laura Steffen of Hebron, 111. Paul presented Laura with a diamond ring Aug. 15. The couple has no definite wedding plans as yet. Here Comes The Bride The Willard Schultzes, daughter, Lynne, and Ma and Pa Olsen attended the wedding of Willard's nephew, Jim Tamburino, to Miss Bernadine Taucher last Saturday in Chicago. All the gowns tor the bride and attendants were made by the groom's mother, Mrs. Edith Tamburino, and they were* breathtaking. Bernadine and Jim have been frequent visitors to our picturesque village. Disa and Data Related birthday greetings Aug. 16 to Earl Nelson, who still gets a "kick" out of life even if he is over 30! Estelle Heffron and Stella Maxson and children, Jerry, Judy and Jackie, of Chicago made good use of their vacation by doing lots swimming, sun bathing and enjoying -the fresh air. The Maxsons are quite smitten with our community and we're proud to have them for neighbors. The contest for acquiring the best (and most complete) summer tan is well under way. Top honors should go to Eleanor Schlecter, Mardy Lorch and Barbara Brand. These divine mermaids could compete with the belles from Florida or California any day. P.S. They all swim, too! Mrs. Connie Luciano, her sister, Josephine Melone, and girl friend, Eleanor, were driving through Chicago on the way to their summer- cottage on Fountain Lane when they noticed the squad cars, policemen and crowd that had gathered on Potomac avenue. It didn't take the gals long to decide that the police had caught up with the cop killer, Carpenter. Being allergic to gunpowder, the ladies made fast tracks for the 'peace and quiet of the country! Cute Idea Something novel in the way of a baby shower took place at Bernice and Whiteys last week. Mammas and daddies (with a few bachelors for good measure) paid homage to the wee guest of honor, Miss Darlene Anne Jensen, who was born Aug. 2 at Memorial hospital, Woodstock, and weighed 7 lbs. 7 oz. Jerry and Lennie Jensen, Jr., were simply delighted and assisted their young daughter in greeting the guests. On hand for the occasion were -Lil and Dave Hansen, Jerry and Bob Doran, Mardy and Don Lorch, Ann and Fred Matthesius, Dick Osterby, Ronnie Tranberg and friend, Mary Anne, Alice and "Bud" Cable, Kenny Crook and friend, Dick Sokolowsy, Ev Steadman, "Spots" Thurwell and Lee Larson, Jr. Refreshments were served by the committee in charge of planning the shower. Surprise! Surprise. A birthday party wars held Saturday night, Aug. 13, for Walter Patzke at the Patzke home. Friends and relatives who came to celebrate with him were his wife, Evie, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Geiger and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Soder of Duck Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Patzke of Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. James Patzke and daughter of Johnsburg, Mrs. Pearl Patzke and. son, Ralph, Richard and Francis Patzke, all of McHenry, Janet Wetts of Round Lake, Alfred Patzke of \ x... DELIVERED MILK IS FRESH only hours from the form Local supply... last, efficient processing dependable home delivery service ... (fare* reasons why oar milk is farm-fresh every day. Conrenienc-<o-«se glsst milk bottles safeguard its rich flavor, too... from dairy to your refrigerator door. Call as about having your milk delivered NOV. It's a wonderful habit ycmtf iad mighty easy to five with the year round. Mickey the Milkman says -- "GLASS BOTTLES ARE BEST ...BY EVERY TEST!" For Your Convenience We Deliver Two Half Gallons at Gallon Prices Freund's Dairy, Inc. Route 31 Phone McHenry 195 21/2 Miles North of McHenry Chicago, Ev Steadman and "Spots" Thurwell. The evening was • spent playing cards and refreshments were served later. "Now That I'm Six" I'm as clever, as clever, so I think I'll be six now, forever and ever." \ These are the feelings described by cute little Judy Michels as a result of her party, Aug. 16. Judy was ably assisted in entertaining her young friends with help from her twin brothers, Jim and Jeff, ana young sister, Carol. The small fry attending the party weje Louise Matthesius, Barbara and Harold Meyer, Karen McKim, Carol Anne Guido, Bonnie Burg, Eddie Koch, Janet Hansen, Debbie and Diane Ebey and Susan Gerasch. Games, prizes and refresh-' ments were served to the complete delight of the little ones. From the West Coast Mrs. Betty Anne Cowan of California, together with her youngest daughter, is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ebey, Sr., for a few weeks. Betty learned to swim in McCullom Lake back in the "good to our shores. Big brother, Ken, has been confined to Hines Vfeterans hospital for a few weeks, but was able to get a weekend pass in order to see his sister. Welcome home, Betty. --~ See you next week! NORTH WESTERN PAYS $142,062 IN TAXES TO COUNTY The state of Illinois will receive more than $2,691,000 from the Chicago and North Western Railway as 1954 taxes on its operating property in twentyfour Illinois counties, according to Paul E. Feucht, president of the railway company. Feucht said that the Illinois tax bill, an increase of more than $47,000 over 1953 taxes, was the largest in the North Western's 107 year history and is the largest 1 ix bill of the nine states served by the railway. The total Illinois tax for 1954 is $2,691,295.62, of which $1,568,- 415.66 or more than half, constitute school taxes. City and village taxes in McHenry county are $8,104.70; county taxes, $13,835.^3; park district taxes, $1,048.67; township road and bridge taxes and road and bridge boiid taxes, $14,452.47; township taxes, $£811.50; fire protection taM#^ ship library, alrport,^' hospital and cemetery taxes, $950.0i. The county total is $142',062.70. McHenry County Through The Years by Marie Sehaettgen 5 Chapter 47 -- Johnsburg ( Structure was erected it a cost Johnsburg, which since the be- of $45,000. ™as mostly German, is | Some of the earl iestg were still mhabited by third and fourth . Pather jaComett and Father generation Germans, sprinkled! GeiPerick. The present church, with other nationalities, mostly which wag patterned after Notre through inter-marriage. It was Dajlle Cathedral< was built in settled m 1852 by Germans; It 1900 duri ^ pastorate of Rev was named in honor of one of Father Mehring the early leaders in the communi- ' ty whose Christian name was y _ A Iff . john came from Coblenz. Fred Schnutt _ ' ___ -in 1843 built a small chapel in In 1885, our historian com- fulfillment of a vow made during ments, that "as will be seen by a terrible storm at sea One of the business directory of the these chapels was built at the place, it is quite a trading point, north end of the community though seldom patronized by: another also still stands, south Americans." j 0f Johnsburg on the Pistaikee Of course, with the coming of i Bay-Johnsburg blacktop road, paved roads and modern com-1 These served as religious meeting munications and transportation, pl.aees for a time and services this picture has changed somewhat! In spirit, Johnsburg is as Am erica n as any other community. It has not retained the German flavor to the extent that some of the Pennsylvania Dutch* commun old days" so she is no strange^:{ties- such as Allentown, Pa., Thave done. were conducted by circuit priests. At intervals, some of the residents make "pilgrimages" to the chapels. Many of the family names found in the early directories may still be found in today's directories. One of the most interesting features of Johnsburg is the St. John's Roman Catholic church This church is tied up inextricably with the history of the community. its history goes back to the advent of the white man in McHenry county. The I^wes formal chuch was organized Ih 1843 by Father Portman. At that time the congregation consisted of a very few families -- nick Adams, Jacob Smith, Nick Frett and John Baptist Mueller. Historians differ as to the number of churches actually built under the name of St. John's so we will try to chart a course between two historians. The first log church was used about five years, when a fraifie one was built. This one was used until 1897, at which time a stone Shop at Home and SAVE! Heme Improvements KARL SCHNAREL : CART, ILLINOIS Phone MErcury 9-7239 • Insulation • Storm Windows . "••.Hi • Asbestos Siding , ..,S • Fibre Glass Awnings • Ornamental • . Landscaping ' WfUfMC® Experience-engineered by TIMKEM cg- ifetit/Atfrtdatic Here is a line rff advance-designed gas furnaces built to meet your most exacting heating requirements! There are no more dependable, economical gas furnaces anywhere! Timken Silent Automatic gives you every finest feature of modern forced warm air heating--everything you need for a lifetime of clean, convenient heating comfort. In three different types, these*furnaces range from 75,000 to 200,000 Btu. input capacities. See them now. You want the best for your home and family--and that means Timken Silent Automatic! LO-FURNACES for installation in basements, •specially where' ceilings are low. Provide finest winter air conditioned comfort. Six sizes, with input capacities from 75.000 to 200,000 Btu. HI-FURNACES for base-^ ment or utility room installation. Ideal where floor space is at a premium. Six sizes, with input capacities from 75,000 to 200,000 Btu. Every unit handsome and compactl COUNTER-FLO FURNACES for basementless homes, •specially those using perimeter systems. Perfect for closet or utility room installation. Three sices, from 75,000 to 125,000 Btu. input capacities. TIMKEN G 1 S HEAT APPBOVED BY AMERICAN GAS ASSOCIATION Proudly Sold and Installed by DOWE & WAGNER Phones: McHenry 734-W and 46$ McIIENRY, ILL. Invest in * Convenience EAGLE - PICHER TRIPLE SLIDE AltuftUtum STORM WINDOWS • and DOORS Unique ERAYDO metal tracks, of a special formula zinc alloy, assure easy, jamproof operation! Self-storing glass and screen panels quickly rearranged as seasons demand. ARTHUR BOGER SOf Waukegan Rd. McHenry 40,000 AUTHORIZED TO USE NATURAL GAS FOR HEATING Northern Illinois Gas company reported last week to the Illinois Commerce Gommission that letters would be mailed out this week to appi%ximately 40,000 customers authorizing them to use natural gas for space heating under the terms of the Commission's gas restriction order. Marvin Chandler, president of Northern Illinois Gas, said that the pew releases were made possible by the order of the Federal Power Commission announced also last week, approving the request OF Natural Gas Storage Company of Illinois to increase the capacity of its underground gas storage project near Herscher. Involved in this expansion project is the construction of thirty-one miles of 36- inch main from Herscher to a new point of connection with the Texas Illinois Natural Gas Pipeline company's pipeline south of Joliet. The new authorizations, Chandler said, are in addition to the 30,000 issued by the company early m April of this y£ar. The current release covers all customers who had applied for this service on or before Aug. 22, 1953, for existing homes and on or before Dec. 18, 1953, for new homes. Gas heat authorizations are issued only for single family dwellings and are allocated between old and new homes on the basis of the number of unfilled requests pending in each category. Those authorized have twelve months in which to complex their installations. Chandler: said that appro*- mately 95,000 CUStOtfteri still will remain on the waiting lilt. Much of the demand, he said, reflect* the very high rate ofnew home construction in the suburban, territory. He emphasized that the * company will continue to-make every effort and spare jio reasonable expenditure to make gas for space heating available to all applicants as soon as posaibi#. - -- , .if' Buy U.S. Savings Bond*v RELAX . . . You don't need to worry on your vacation! That is if, you've had your cat* properly serviced at ... . BUTCH'S Complete Motor Overhauling All' Mechanlbal .Repairs ""1 Complete Brake Service 24 HOUR TOWING SERVICE 309 W. Elm St. McHenry, DL Phone 811 -- Residence 91-R VETS NO MONEY DOWN NONVETS $1,200 DOWN DO YOU KNOW you can buy a 3 bedroom home for ),475^00 and up, lot included, with the following features: • Architect designed • Carpenter-built • Grading & Seeding • Gravel drive • Sidewalk from lot line to Front & Rear doors • Combination Aluminum Screen and Storm windows • Completely decorated interior and exterior • Plastic tiled bath * Exhaust fan in kitchen Veterans and Non-Veterans can save addit- The home you select from our Architect designed plans can be built on: # Your paid up lot # A lot on which yon have made a down payment # Anywhere In McHenry County Office Located: !«*<* wijfc-w- Maln Str^et- McHenry Phone McHenry 1907 ional money by doing some of the work themselves . . . Such as grading A seeding, etc. ROBERT HAY GENERAL CONTRACTOR New Construction & Remodeling Route 4 -- McHenry. 111. vHome Phone: McHenry 622-W-i LOCAL DELIVERED PRICE Oldsmoblle "88" 2-Door Sedan at low a* 2361 2 Slat* ---- and local laxat •xtra. Your price depends upon choice of model and body style, optional equipment and accessories. Prices may vary slightly in adjoining communities. FOR JUST A FEW DOLLARS MORE! For the 6heer joy of driving--if for no other reason-- > a "Rocket" and take to the road! For here's a car With a "(Jo- Ahead" lift that sends your spirits soaring--sky-high! For the most exhilarating action of all, let the mighty "Rocket" Engine and Hydra-Matic Super Drive* flash you away in a buret of smooth power that means new safety in any situation you meet. So come in--get our generous appraisal on your present car and check our low prices! There's a drilling "Rocket" to fit your pocket! " R O C K E T " See m for rfefoi/a » ond o cfomonifrofion/ I VISIT THI "BOCKIT ROOM" ... AT TOUB OlMMOMU DULBII 403 Front Street Phone 6 McHenry* 111. -- DON'T MISS OIDSMOMITS 90-MINUTI SPKTACUIM < MONI TOUCH OP VOW** • tAT* AH*. 17 • MIWV • v!i

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