Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Sep 1955, p. 16

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Sixteen: THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, September 15,195$ Mm iiiin int MII nnt in liiirHiiiiiiMiiniiiii KIMII HI I II n in I Lakeland Park - West Shore Beach fiilTI mill II11111111 rillililllll!l!l'l1!l!lil!lililllll!l1ll1ll!l!l!l!lil:lil!l!ITI!l!lIliHil!lil!l'l!lllil!l!l!ill!IIIllllH!lll!lll!l!lli!lillli]!l!lll!llll|# LAKELAND PARK NEWS Jrtla Glwson -- l>prothy Uttich Our community has taken on bors. came in to help with the celebration. Rose and Len Blanc hope to open their new delicatessen on Rt. 120 by the first next month. Good news to the housewife. Th'e strange odor at the Floyd Leighs' is not due to their garbage business. Their boxer, Rocky, just tangled with a neighborly skunk. The Mike Michaleks celebrated their thirteenth wedding annivera new look this past week. The long awaited ditch digging process has finally started. Many of our fortunate residents' have been able to secure some of that "very desirable" commodity, dirt. Quite a number of new lawns seem to be appearing along with many new aching muscles. It is pleasing to note that a ; sary on Saturday, Sept. 10, with large number of people have al- j their friends, the Earl Owens, ready put up their new houSe i Congratulations. - numbers. How about the remain- j Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tschaenn ing few? Let's all go out to i and children of Cincinnati, Ohio, make this 100 per cent. | spent the weekend with the Art Due to the danger of having I Messels. a large number of children wait- j Mrs. John Reinhardt, Sr., • ening on the highway, the school tertained her sister, Mrs. Weybusses will now stop on the i land, from Griswold Lake on corresponding corners on Home j Friday afternoon. avenue. | Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Joan Krater has done consider- ! Cooling and son, Jerry, of Chicaable work on the survey concerning the number of children in each family. It is interesting to note that there is no shortage of children here. The total number of children living in Lake- Jand Park at the "present time is 160. One hundred of these children are of school age and the remaining are pre-school age. It might be good to keep this in mind when driving on our streets and slow down in order to keep an eye out for the little ones. The Lakeland Park Property Owners' association is pleased to announce that they have reached the one hundred mark in membership. On Saturday, the Joseph Hebers of Lakeland went to Evanston to attend a birthday party for their son, Joe, Jr. Joe Cina spent an enjoyable weekend with the members of the Allied Rod and Gun' club at their lodge in Effingham. Mrs. William Schatz enjoyed a week of baby sitting with her five lovely grandchildren while her son and daugther-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Schatz of Chieago, were vacationing; . The best of luck to Frank Par- Isi, one of the members of our board of. directors, on his business venture in Lakemoor. Susan Reufcer, four years old, is going to her new home in .Hillside after a two-year stay ; with her Grandma Huckie. Our sympathies are extended to Marge Dent, We were sorry f to hear of the death of her brother, John E. Doherty. Like many of us, the John Ahrens are trying their hands at carpentry. They are putting up their own garage. Anyone know -Where the nearest first aid station is? Mrs. Olive Bartolai, mother of Mrs. E. Glorch, was guest of honor at, a recent surprise birthday party to celebrate her eightieth birthday. Ten of her neighgo spent the week with Virginia and Robert. Cooling. On Sunday, Sept.- 11, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Strandquist were hosts to about thirty people for an all day picnic. All the guests belong to the Old Friendship club, an organization made up of childhood friends. Mr. an^ Mrs. Earl Boyce spent last weekend entertaining their son 'and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Boyce, Mrs. Lillian Case and/> Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cullerton. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Coleman had as guests Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Garrison of Chicago. . Mr. and Mrs. Al Gort were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kroening over the past weekend. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Ciessau spent Sunday with them. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Collett entertained Frank Schultz of Chicago over the weekend. R. B. Laurence of Moline visited with his sons, Wally and Bernie Laurence, and their families. / soon. These public meetings will be held at the beginning and the end of the summer. The board of directors will continue having regular riieetings during the winter. A bulletin board Will be placed on the beach and items of interest will be found there. If you are interested in having a boat pier, you may contact Hjalmer Jensen, who is in charge. --We hear the- Methodist church will have bus service for our youngsters of Sunday School age. The bus will be at the shelter at 8:52 a.m. Thank you, Rev. Corbett. A 32-inch northern pike was caught in our lake by Frank Kazmierczak. He and his wife were visiting the* Ted Flisniks at the Jtime. Congratulations to Wally and Peggy Garreldts on the arrival of their baby boy. Some new little, passengers are on the school bus this yeiar. Kindergarten members are Chester Johnson, Lane Hagen and Gary Parks. In first grade this year are Jo Anne Mileski £nd Roger Johnson. I have been asked to mention the speeding on our roads. We hate to admit that some of the worst offenders are our own residents. Mothers of little ones are trying to keep them off of the roads, but this is not always possible. Would one of these tots be safe if you were driving? LEGION COMMANDER WEST SHORE BEACH NEWS By Mary Day The association held their final public meeting on Sept. 4. General business was discussed and the president announced that the roads will be taken care of very NEW STATE BRIDGE Piiblic ceremonies, with Gov. William G. Stratton as the principal speaker, were held at Beardstown Tuesday afternoon, Sept. 13. to mart the opening of a new free state highway bridge over the Illinois river. The bridge takes the place of the old Beardstown toll bridge built in 188S. Erected at a cost of $4,500,000, the new bridge is 3,624 feet long, with pve trusses over this river channel and 12 concrete approach spans. Its roadway has two traffic lanes, flanked by pedestrian walks. The 450-foot main J span over the navigation channel is 48 feet above high water level. The new bridge will handle traffic on U.S. Route 67 and state routes 100 and 103 which formerly used the old bridge. Traffic surveys indicate that approximately 2,000 vehicles will cross the bridge daily. . HARDEST BUSIEST CHEAPEST WORKERS IN TOWN PLAINDEALER WANT ADS NOTICE AFTER OCT. 1st. 1955 OUR OFFICE al LILY LAKE will be CLOSED Please Address All Correspondence and Payments To Our Chicago Office. LEON S. SEX 8c COMPANY 189 N. Clark St. CEntral 6-3462 A. W. LEONHARD •The Department of Illinois, the Arherican Legion, thirty-seventh aflnual convention in Springfield, at the closing business session on Saturday, chose Al W. Leonhard of DeKalb as Department Commander for 1955-56. Commander Leonhard, a retired post office employee and World War I veteran, was elevated from the post of Senior vice-commander without opposition, succeeding Irving Breakstone of Chicago. MARRIAGE LICENSES Thomas J. Morgan, Chicago, arid Patricia Essert, McHenry. James R. Pierce, Jr., Woodstock, and Patricia Wohlert, McHenry. Light as a summer breeze... FEATHERWEIGHT by The favorite for year-round comfort. Smartly styled, pre-creaied to keep its trim shape. As advertised in LlfE and ESQIHRL .. .*-7.5 Q McGEE'S Store for Men PHONE 47 S. Green St. ' McHenry, I1L . % Store Hours: Open Daily 8 a.m. to ® p.m. Fridays 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. - Sundays 9 a.m.' .'til "12 . No6n Health Talks Body Odors Unnecessary Of all conditions that give displeasure* to others, unpleasant body odors are the chief offenders. Bad manners, or lack of the social graces, can often be overlooked, but unpleasant body odors cannot. Why, you- ask? Because, uijjess some disease exists, unpleasant body odors can be controlled Without medical supervision if the offender paid everyday attention to- good hygiene, the educational committee of the Illinois State Medical ' society points out in a health talk. The sweat glands of the body, working normally, produce perspiration, which is from 98 to 99 per cent water. In hot weather or during excessive exercise, more perspiration is excreted by the sweat glands through the skin. This is important in regulating the heat of the body. Unpleasant body odor, medically called Bromhidrosis, stemming from two Greek words meaning stench and . sweat, is caused by the accumulation of excretions of the skin which undergo chemical changes. Because the highly uhpleasant odor is so noticeable, it is difficult for the person offending to be unaware that he "smells." A defect in his own smelling device could be the only reason. That is why it is hard to understand why so many people, day after day and night after night, persist, irf giving this odoriferous unpleasantness to others. In these days of good sanitation, excellent bathing facilities, and deodorants galore, there is no excuse for not ridding the body of these distasteful odors. Because the skin and clothing retain the odors, daily bathing, frequent laundering and change in linen are essential. Particular attention must be given to the underarm areas, the groin and the feet. Keeping the body clean is a must in good grooming. Washing the hiair frequently, particularly in hot weather, is another must. Clothes need not be expensive, but there is no excuse for not keeping them clean: There are conditions that cause excessive perspiration which stem from underlying factors, such &s nervous and emotional states. These, of course, are a medical problem . * " Another unpleasant odor^ emitted frt>m the body is "bad breath" or halitosis. This condition stems from many causes, each of which should be investigated and corrceted. Constipation may be a factor. Improper mouth hygiene, defective teeth, infection of the throat, tonsils and sinuses are all involved. AUCTION The undersigned will sell the following property at Public Auction on the Old Bardner Farm, Kloppstein Farm No. 2. located 1 mile North of Genoa City on County Trunk-B. THURSDAY, SEPT. 22 Commencing at 1 o'clock C.S.T. 50 HEAD HOLSTEIN COWS, FRESH & SPRINGERS 30, 3 yr. old 'Holstein, vaccinated, first calf heifers, fresh or due in Sept. The finest lot of bred 3 yr. olds you have ever had a chance .to buy. 20, Holstein cows, fresh or close springing. TRACTORS -- CORN PICKERS -- FARM MACHINERY -- McDeering H tractor, mounted 2 rota picker, very good Allis Chalmers WC 1948 tractor, overhauled, like new, Massey Harris tractor & cult., new engine, Case SC tractor. McDeering F-20 tractor, late model, very good shape; Case, 1 row picker; John Deere 101 picker; 2 McDeering silo fillers; Rosenthal No. 40 corn shredder, like new; Fox forage blower and pipe; Case field chopper, corn & hay attach., like new; 2 New Idea No. 12 manure spreaders, like new; 42 ft. elevator with 10 ft. drag, hopper and electric motor drive; McCulloch 18 inch chain saw, like new; 8 can milk cooler; McCulloch 24 inch chain saw, like new; 12 can Wilson cooler; Westinghouse drop in can cooler, like new. TRUCK -- 1950 Chevrolet % ton pickup. Car - 1951 Pontiac, Hyd. loaded. STATE LINE TRANSFER L. J. Kloppstein, Owner HENRY FREEMAN, Auctioneer TERMIS: AH sums of $25.00 and under, cash; over tbftt amount, one fourth cash, balance six months time on good approved notes with interest at $3.00 per hundred, plus recording fee, when repaid in six mpnthly installments. Settlement must be made the day of sale. No gpods to be removed until settled for. Not responsible for. Accidents. WISCONSIN SALES CORP., Clerk - Phone 195, UnionGrove, Wis. CALL: State Line Transfer, Genoa City, Wis., BRoi^ning 9-3366 for complete details on booking your sale. Representative for Walworth County and Genoa City area for Wisconsin Sales Corporation. Most Modern Power in any Truck! New Chevrolet Task'FoiCe Trucksl Shortest stroke V8's of any leading truck. The industry's most advanced Sixes! You get the most Modern power for your fob with new Chevrolet Task-Force trucks! Mos! Modern Engines V8 or 6 V8 is standard in new L.C.F. models, optional at extra cost in all other except Forward Control models. New Chevrolet trucks offer the industry's most advanced valve-in-head sixes, too. All have a modern 12-volt electrical system. Most Modern Styling Work Styled--with a fresh, functional appearance that's tailored to the job! Two distinctly different styling treatments are offered--one for light- and medium-duty models, another for heavy-duty models. It's a Chevrolet exclusive! Moil Modern Features Panoramic windshield, concealed Safety Steps and new High-Level ventilation! New frames, new suspension! New tubeless tires standard on l/z -ton models! Come in and see all the modern features that put you ahead! I of i!' \\ }•'! .. CHEVROLET SALES PHONE 277 McHENRY. ILL. i Again unpleasant breath may be attributed to the diet of a person, since the eating of certain foods may M responsible. In any svent, unpleasant body odors can be prevented If you are. adhering to the principles of good hygiene, bathing frequently, changing clothing often, and generally paying attention to the con6epts of cleanliness, you can safely ward off the offenders -- bromhidrosis and halitosis. On the other hand, if the unpleasantness persists after attention to all these details, let .a medical or dental examination lead you to the correction that may be necessary. Do something about unpleasant body odors! Don't be a target for all the facetious advertisements and "cure-alls" on the subject. Be aware and beware of unpleasant' body, odors. Classified Ads bring results. Place yours with the Plaindealer today. PROGRESS There is. a legend of' ail old lady, harassed by sewer and wa- 4 ter excavations, who remarked" that she would like to see the world when it is finished. Her wish is a somewhat naive exaggeration of the feeling of a good many men who pine for a more stabilized era -- feeling a slight annoyance1 at continual pressure to experiment, revise, modernise, stylize -- all a part of the mandate of change. Of course no one identified with an important enterprise would confess this impatience. Not to- believe in progress is the most serious heresy of the age. Should anyone murmur a faint hope that things will stay put for a while, the retort . is immediate and crushing, "Oh,* you gotta go ahead, because if you try to stand still, you will find yourself going backward." It Pays to Advertise To kill RATS and MICE wholesale I Insist on CEN0L WARFARIN CONCENTRATE OK CEN0L WARFARIN BAITS GUARANTEED TO DO THE JOB j S. GREEN ST. -J S drug store PHONE 40 . McHENRY, ILL. IF YOU BOWL or WOULD LIKE TO, READ THIS! * . We Need COUPLES to BOWL on WEDNESDAY NiTES at 9: p. m. For MIXED LEAGUE BOWLING Also - MEN needed to fill spots for men's MONDAY and FRIDAY 9:00 p.m. Leagues Also -> WOMEN for TUESDAY nite 9:00 p.m. Leagues.. Call Louie or Sam after I p.m. - McHenry I475 OPEN BOWLING THURSDAY after 9:00 p.m. and ALL DAY .SATURDAYS & SUNDAYS Johnsburg Bowling Resort At the Johnsburg Bridge "Home of the Automatics' Phone McHenry 1475 Johnsburg, .111.

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