Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Sep 1955, p. 7

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iPTps: 'V-' ff'• V , - ; v- +-**}" ^> ' #• . , y* • v' . _fe:: •" &Zr3§*3&&q$, ;Tv* :m?r Pur^af. Septeiiliir 15.1955 •• .'Vt , •i•&'•fi>V ,'•• 4 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER HELP WANTEt) HELP WANTED). -- Woman to assist with housework, 2 or 3 days k week. Good pay, can arrange %Urs to. Suit. Mrs. O'Shea, Wonfter' Lake 6981. 19 HELP WANTED , Stenographers Experienced. For Purchasing Department. L.'" .Permanent portion. Hours 8:15 a.m. to 4:45 p.rii. Free hospitalization, medical and Life Insurance. Apply Monday thru Friday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. BARCO MFG. CO. 500 N. Hough St. Barrington, 111. 19 Uj HELP WANTED -- Aluminum :•) window and fiber glass salesman, [highest commission paid. Call I'McHenry 534-W-l. Full or part- time. Experience riot necessary. I lltf REAL ESTATE FOR SALE -- In McHenry, new 3 bedroom 5 room brick home, all on 1 floor; full basement, large-, car port attached, oil automatic hot air furnace, sewer, priced $17,500. ~ In McHenry. 3 bedroom, 6 room, home, 1 floor, full basement, all pine panelled, tile floor, with extra laundry and furnace room, 2 large Thermo-pane picture windows, LVZ tile baths. Attached garage, oil hot air heat, lot 125x165. Knoxr Real Estate, 405 Richmond Rd., McHenry. Phone 421-J. 19 HELP WANTED MEN Die Casters Fixture Maker Pipefitter, Buffers File Trimmers Drill Press Opr. Plater's Helper's Gobd wages plus these extra benefits: • Paid Vacation • Free Group Insurance (for employee & dependents) • Paid Holidays • Pension Benefits , Apply in Person 4 THE ELECTRIC AUTO-LITE CO. Woodstock, Illinois 19-2 HELP "WANTED -- Woman to do housework. 2 days a week. Phone McHenry 1363-R-2. 19 FOR SALE -- Low priced homes McHenry & Vicinity. Income property, 2, 4-room flats, near Pistakee Bay, a nice location. Water, rights. Also 2 bedroom home, gas heat, water front, price $14,500. McCULLOM LAKE, 5 rooms, bath, corner, 2 lots, landscaped. Price $8,000. 4 Also 2 bedroom all year round home. Price $3,950.00. . HICKORY WOODS SUBD., 2 bedroom home, 2 lots, water rights. Price $7,950. PISTAKEE HIGHLANDS. 2 bedroom home, gas heat, full basement, garage, one year old. Price $11,500. Also 2 bedroom home full basement near beach, one year old. Price $10,500. FOX RIVER NEAR JOHNSBURG, 2 bedroom home, 2 car garage, lot 60 x 265. Price $13,750. WONDER LAKE, 2 bedroom home new, full basement well built. Price $13,750. WONDER LAKE, 2 bedroom home, new, full basement, well built. Price $14,000. LAKEMOOR, 2 bedroom well built (log) home, water front, nice location. Price $10,500. For appointment call our office in Johnsburg, McHenry 37. MEAL ESTATE FOR SALE -- Small home, completed, Wonder View on nice high lot. For quick sale, $4,500.00. Terms. AIRS PUN BUILDERS McHenry 430 ,15-tf FOR SALE -- 4 room, year round lakefront home, full basement, oil furnace, cabinet kitchen, bath, attached garage, wired for electric range, newly decorated inside and outside. Price $10,500. CalL 917. 5-tf FOR SALE -- Or trade contract, 2 homes, 1, 5-room expandable veneer brick and: 5 room ranch house; large lots, 2 garages. E. Tucker, Sunnyside' Estates, McHenry. 19 MISCELLANEO0S CLUB LILYMOOft PRESENTS FRIDAY,NITES ALYCE JOYCE at the Hammond-» with the Mystery Melody. Prizes Every Hour. Saturday Night Feature1, "The Golden Tomes" 19 FOR SALE -- 5 room year round home, automatic oil heat, kitchen complete with range, refrigerator and automatic washer. 18x24 garage. Must be seen to be appreciate^. McHenry 545-W-2. *19 NOTICE -- Choose your new rugB or carpeting, at your eonVeni&W, right in your own homd. X' phone call will bring one of our Carpeting experts with scores of samples i of -- those heavenly carpets by ' LEES. Tidy Floor Coverings, 604 [ Washington St. (Route H^Sfprth) , Woodstock, 111. Phone 888. .' •• • 19 FOR SALE -- PISTAKEE BAY. Custom ibuilt, ranch type year round, large rooms, fireplace, (Heatalator) gas heat, breezeway, 2 car attached garage. Insulated. Regner Road, McHenry 701. 15-tf HOME FOR SALE -- 6 rm. home 013, Orchard Beach lot 66x200; newly painted; gas heat and full insulation; furnished. Voss, 20 Orchard Beach. 19 SITUATION WANTED SUNDAY Dinner Special Large Chicken (Southern Fried) ' French Fries Lettuce & Tomato Salad Rolls and Butter Coffee Home-Made Pie $1.75 UB LILYMOOR Rt. 120 ; IP /6l SITUATION WANTED -- School girl will do baby sitting in your home or mine, will do extra work if needed. Call 2099. *19 SITUATTON WANTED -- Barber wants full or part time work; experienced dish washer and kitchen helper wants full time work. Call 638-J-2. 19-tf NOTICE TO ALL Residents and property owners residing within the McHenry Township Fire Protection District. In case of any fire whatsoever you are to call the McHenry Fire Dept. Phone McHenry 0. Signed: ANTON M. SCHMHT, Pres. McH. Twp. F.P.D- 19 JACOB FRITZ - REALTOR 17-tf FOR SALE -- On Rout£ 31, McHenry, 111., poultry farm, 5% acres includes 7 room house, 2 barns, garage, 600 ft. on highway, $18,- 000. Phone Eleanor Renard, 244-J. •15-tf WANTED HELP WANTED -- Dental assistant, experience unnecessary. Will train. Call McHenry 1043. 19 Help Wanted ARE YOU ONE OF THESE? Do you like to meet people? Are you interested in supplementing your income? Can you work, 4 hours per day or 3 evenings per weok? Tf. so, you will qualify for part or fall time employment in Lake or McHenry County with a highly reputable organization. Definite guaranteed income for those accepted. Transportation furnished. For interview appointment, Phone Waukegan ONtario 2-6600 Miss Brindle or Mr. Edwards, Friday, 6 to 9 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.- only. ^ FOR SALE New 2 Bedroom RANCH HOME Gas heat, tile kitchen and bath, birch kitchen cabinet's, large living & dining space, garage 15x26. Size of building 26x58, lot 100x160. Face brick on all 4 sides. Near school and shopping. in Jak-Ana Heights Now ready for. inspection by appointment with our office in Johnsburg. Tel. McHenry 37 JACOB FRITZ - Realtor * 19 19 HELP WANTED -- Woman for general house work, full or part time. Phone 984. 19 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE -- In McHenry, by owner, 3 bedroom home, lot 88x132, full basement, hardwood floors, combination windows, Venetian blinds, iy2 baths, ceramic floor tile, wall-to-wall carpeted living, dining rooms, natural fireplace, birch cabinet kitchen, gas heat, attached 1 car garage, knotty pine room. For appointment call 1490-J. 8-tf FOR SALE -- HOMES -- FARMS CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY Knox Real Estate 405 Richmond Road McHenry, 111. Phone: McHenry 421-J 24-tf FOR SALE -- 1*4 story brick, 4 bedroom home. iya baths, living room & kitchen, full basement with knotty pine recreation room. City sewers, 2 car garage. Walking distance to trains, schools, shopping, $23,500. For appointment call 1166- Immediate possession. 19 WANTED For Fair Prices And Good Service 1 Plus Proper Disposal of Down Or Crippled Cattle . (MuajL Be Alivei Please Consider The Importance of Proper Disposal L. BURNSIDE & SONS CALL MARENGO 907 COLLECT Marengo, Illinois 12-tf FRIDAY NIGHT FISH FRY v Boneless Perch - French Fries Salad - Rolls & Butter -- 75c French Fried Shrimp Dinner -- $1.25 CLUB LILYMOOR THOSE WERE THE DAYS THOSE WERE T-HE DAYS- * By ART rvbauLSE -- I'VE ALREADY M SQ PAdDNOU Y3UR Wr IT'S WHEN GRANDAD WAS A BOY ME HAD TO MAKE HIS V«DNEY THE HASO WAV Wi - ~ allowance and t. & JH FOR THE NEXT \i MORE GfZ PAID WHEN OOME/ 4 MONTHS I * «•"»> OUMlOR USES A FINANCE PLAN'. 1MUK& Cft&SMTOM. m MXueK.uuc HOSSFACE HANK Ol By FRANK THOMAS , OKAY-I'LL \ SET A SNARE PER YUH-THETtS \MHUT! STAY our OP OUR. YOU THIEFi lBoAoOs FUkurd Smith Sttvfce r"fHoro»» N- J- SONNY SOUTH By COURTNEY ALDERSON NOT A FISH IN THIS PART O'TH'CREEK# Si READ THE CLASSIFIED WANT ADS WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY -- Top price paid for iron, metals and junk cars. Ed Marsh, phone Woodstock 1610-M-2. 43-tf WANTED TO BUT -- We pay highest prices for junk cars, iron and metal. Call Grooms, 1368-M-l or Staines,' 53-J. 6 6-tf FOR SALE -- The buy of the year. Four "bedroom home. Large living room with fireplace. This home is on Pistakee Bay. Lot 33x300. Don't miss this one. Price *12.500. 19 PHONE 1126 210 S. Green St. McHenry, 111. WANTED TO BUY -- Used Spinet piano in good condition. Call 953. 19 WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT -- 2 or 3 bedroom home or cottage, furnished, for 4 months. In or near McHenry. Can furnish good references. Write care of Plaindealer, Box 70. «19 MISCELLANEOUS Has your drinking become a problem ? Men, women, if so, write Alcoholics Anonymous, RL 5, Box 508, McHenry, 111. Meetings every Monday 8:30 p.m. 12-tf Buy U.S. Savings Bonds, NORTHERN ILLINOIS GAS COMPANY hereby gives notipe to the public that it has filed , with the Illinois Commerce Commission on August 31, 1955, Rider 7-- Municipal Compensation Adjustment. ; This filing proposes that effective with meter readings ,t^ei),o» and after October 1, 19p5, the Company's standard rates and charges for gas service shall, in any municipality to which the Compahy pays a percentage of its revenues for gas service under a franchise ordinance, be increased by an additional charge to cover the amount paid to such municipality under such franchise ordinance. Further information with respect thereto may be obtained either directly from this Company or by addressing the Secretary of the Illinois Commerce Commission at Springfield, Illinois. A copy, of the proposed change in the Schedule may be inspected by any interested party at any business office of this Company. NORTHERN ILLINOIS GAS COMPANY By W. J. Crowley Comptroller (Pub. Sept. 8-15-55) OUTSTANDING 4-H MEMBERS DELEGATES TO DAIRY MEETING Outstanding Chicagoland 4-H members who will serve as delegates at the first annual 4-H Dairy conference and tour will be held Oct. 7-11 in connection with the International Dairy show. The board of directors of Pure Milk association offered $1,000 to sponsor delegates and chaperones from the Chicagoland areas m Wisconsin, Illinois and Indiana. The delegates will come into Chicago for tours, discussions and entertainment. They will hear from national leaders of the dairy industry and will see several of the big Chicago dairy products manufacturing plants. The conference gives an opportunity to older 4-H members who have done outstanding work in 4-H dairy projects to look farther in the industry. They will be shown the opportunity in the processing and marketing of dairy products. A total of nine delegates will be selected from Illinois, eight from Indiana and fourteen from Wisconsin for the conference. PAROLE VIOLATOR Marvin Karls, 23, who was taken into custody Aug. 30 for violation of his parole granted a month previous from state prison, admitted to sheriff's deputies that he stole gasoline and tools valued at more than $100 from the Roesslein farm Aug. 24. He was charged with larceny and held to the grand jury. Lend Uncle Sam Your Dollars COLLECTIONS No Collection -- No Charge Personal Cans Nation-wide Service Lakeland Credit Adjusters 210 S. Green St. Phone McHenry 1400 FARMERS If you have something to Buy, Sell or Trade ADVERTISE m the , PLAINDEALER PRICED FOR QUICK SALE 3 bedroom home with attached garage. On Va acre of land. Aluminum Combination windows. 19 Phone 539-R-l FOR SALE -- Enjoy living more fully in your own home, situated ! on a- large beautifully landscaped ; lot. This 4 year old building over- • looks Pistakee Bay and the Fox -River. Has beach privileges. 2 bedrooms with larjge closets, living i Toom, large lanhon stone, wood' 'turning fireplace, dinette, cabinet j 'kitchen, full bath, utility room, at,-1 tached JL can garage, automatic! * gas heat. Call McHenry 160. 19 ATTENTION! Legion members . . . Guests- Frie*4s . . . > POST 491 PARTY NITE * FREE ADMISSION -- MUSIC -- DANCING -- EATS and That BIG DRAWING at 10:30 P. M. Remember The Date SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1ST from 8:00 P. M. Legion Heme «. McHenry. IIL 4» ytt ttifh this impt * • • iPii ;UL DRIV 1 TtflQl LOW INSURANCE COSTS "Careful" drivers have fewer accidents and have ^ fewer claims against their insurance company. At State Farm these lower claims costs mean lower insurance cost for State Farm policyholders -- since State Farm aims to insure "careful" drivers only. If you are a "careful" driver you should look into this low-cost automobile insurance plan -- it may mean big insurance savings for you. Call us today -- to see if you can qualify as a "careful" driver. There iflio obligation -- and you may save money on your auto insurance. xlt p&ys t& KMW Your StaH farm Bob Conway Phones: 285 or 783 539 W. Main Street Auto McHenry, 111. COME IN AND SEE THE GREAT s \ \ \ \ \ \ 1 i / / / / / / / %T«r \ # 1955 Jeep MADE IY THE WORLD S LARGEST MAKER OF 4-WHEIL- DRIVE VEHICLES WILLYS MOTORS, INC., Toledo 1, Ohio MCHENRY GARAGE WILLYS SALES & SERVICE 600 Front St. PHONE 403 McHenry, DL. SCHOOL DAYS call for MORE MILK Children going to school require even more wholesome milk every day. Now's the time to jiave your milk and other taste-tempting dairy foods delivered jresb ... from dairy to your doorstep. Call us today. Start the new school year with our Milk Delivery Service. You'll find it a timesaving, step-saving, gas-saving convenience on busy fall days . . . and the year round. Mickey the Milkman says --f "Start having your milk DELIVERED now!" For Your Convenience We Deliver Two Hall Galldns at Gallon Prices Freund's Dairy, Inc. Route 31 Phone McHenry 195 21/, Miles North of McHenry M.

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