^*p* qglXBQ wm&fW®iW&- WJWI* - v rv f go Two THE McHENRY PLA1NDEALER i^^lft:' ' ^ ^^^uwday, September 2& 1955 W • n PATRICIA WOHLERT WED TO WOODSTOCK MAN ON SATURDAY Shower Honors Saturday Bride Miss Patricia Wohlert, who became a bride last Saturday, was honored the previous week at a shower given by Phyllis Smith very lovely wedding was and Rose Kloeckner and given at I solemnized last Saturday mornthe Wohlert home. | jng sept. 17, at 10 o'clock at St. About twenty guests enjoyed ; Mary's Catholic church, McHena social afternoon, with a tasty j ry when Miss Patricia Wohlert lunch served from a table at- j became the bride of Mr. James tractively decorated with blue j ^ p|erce, Jr. The double ring and white streamers. The color j service was read by Rt. Rev. scheme was also carried out in other decorations in (he home Msgr. c. S. Nix, uniting the daughter of-Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wohlert of Rt. 4, McHenry, and'- the son of Mr. and Mrs. James R. pierce. Sr., of Woodstock. The pretty, blonde bride, given DARLENE MODERHACK, EUGENE SCHAEFER WEDDING SEPT. 17 St. Patrick's catholic church was the scene of a beautiful wedding ceremony on Saturday, Sept. 17, which united in marriage Miss Darlene Moderhack and Mr. Eugene Schaefer. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Populorum of Chicago and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Schaefer of McHenry. Rev. Fr. E. C. Coakley, pastor, officiated at the double ring rite, which took place at 11 o'clock. Earl Conway w(as soloist, his offerings being "Ave MariftV and "On This Day O Beautiful Mother." " " Given in marriage by her father, the pretty bride approached the altar, lovely in a white lace and net gown, styled with full Surprise Mrs. Gorgo At Birthday Party Mrs. Marie Gorgo of Lakemoor was feted at a surprise birthday i in marriage by her father, chose party given by her daughter and ; a white lace and net floor length son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. James gown, with sequins scattered J. Dercole of Burton's Bridge, ; over the bodice and featuring a one day last week. It was Mrs. lace tunic over net and satin. Gorgo's sixty-fifth anniversary t ! Her veil^, of illusion was held in Attending the party were lyr • place by a tiara of sequins and sons, William T., a photographer i rhinestones and she carried a on the Chicago American, P-ter j coscade bouquet of white pom S-, a musician: and Joseph E.. {poms. chief dispatcher for Grady j - Miss Phyllis Smith, a close -Trucking company, Chicago; also friend, acted as maid of honor, nine grandchildren and two wearing a ballerina length formal of turquoise net lace, a -- matching headpiece and carrying J a bouquet of bronze mums. | Richard Wohlert, brother of great-grandchildren. Faculty-Board t>inner Enjoyed Fifty-nine high school faculty i the bride, served as best man. members, board members and Mrs. Wohlert chose for her their husbands and wives enjoyed j daughter's wedding a navy faille their annual get-acquainted din ner at the McHenry Country .club last week Wednesday evening. President LeRoy Welter of the board introduced the banquet chairman, Donald Howard, who, in turn, made known the other board members. Supt. C/ H. Duker and Principal Carl Buckner then introduced new faculty members. Garden Club At Hobby Shop The McHenry Garden club will hold its next meeting Tuesday, Bept, 27--at- 1^30 o'clock at the Hobby shop in Woodstock, with Mrs. Joseph Waynne as hostess. A style show will be given, with all new merchandise from the West Coast. Announce Troth Of Miss Charlene Done Mr. arid Mrs. Charles Dowe announce the engagement of their .daughter, CfcSFtefce, to Wayne C. Kraus, s<W«fv1ifr. and Mrs. John Kraus of lakemoor. A winter wedding is planned. coat style dress with white accessories and a corsage of pink roses. Mrs. pierce wore a grey taffeta dress with pink trimming, pink accessories and a similar corsage. About 250 friends and relatives gathered at the V.F.W. hall in Woodstock at 5 o'clock for am evening reception. Nancy and Donna Wohlert, sisters of the bride, cut and served the fourtier white wedding cake. Following a short wedding trip into Wisconsin, the young couple will live with the groom's parents until the completion of their new home in Woodstock. The biide graduated from the McHenry high school with the class of 1952 and the groom is a 1950 graduate of the Woodstock high school. C.D. of A. Plana Public Party The C.D. of A. held a social meeting on Sept. 16. Winners in cards were Rose Freund, Ann Rodenkirch and Octavia Weyland in pinochle and Anna Hay and Evelyn Albright in canasta. Refreshments were served by Viola Brda and Olivia Bauer. The next meeting will be a public party at the Legion home, on Oct. 6 at 8 o'clock. Everyone is invited. CARD OF THANKS We would like to thank friends and neighbors for masses, spiritual bouquets, cards of sympathy, floral offerings and the other kindnesses extended to us in our bereavement. We are especially grateful to Fr. Blitsch, the sisters of St. John's school and St. Mary's school for their prayers at the time of our mother's death. 20 Family of Christina Williams CARD OF THANKS I want to thank my friends for the many cards and remembrances they sent me while I ,, was sick. They helped so much 20 Mrs. Charles Mecklenburg Order your Rubber Stamp at the Plajndealer today! ANNUAL BAZAAR OF WSCS PLANNED FOR OCTOBER 25; Photo By Kolin >,Ui' Women of the Community Methodist church who are members of the W.S.C.S. are making plans for their annual bazaar, which will be held this year on Oct. 25. Members signed up at the society's first fall meeting Sept. 22 for service at the various booths for food preparation, table setting, serving afternoon tea, for 'kitchen service and for serving the dinner. Those who could not attend and have a preference for one of these service jobs are asked to contact Mrs. Donald Barger. Work days at the church to make some of the 'bazaar items are set for Oct. 6 and 13 from 10 a.m. on, with those attending asked to bring lunch and remain for the day. Another day set for work is Oct. 20, meeting date for the society, also at 10 o'clock. Ladies are invited to bring lunch. Coffee and dessert will be furnished. skirt in tiers and long sleeves. She wore a pill-box hat, Jewel trimmed, to which was attached a fingertip veil. She carried white orchids and lilies of the valley.' Miss Jeanne Matson of Chicago, a close friend, acted as maid of honor and bridesmaiidts were Miss Ethelmae Hagberg of McHenry, a cousin, and Miss Louise Blomnaert of Chicago, a cousin. The three attendants were attired similarly in gowns of champagne,-- styled--ballerina - - length and trimmed in mink. Blusher veils were attached to matching hats and they carried brown Fuji mums. Barbara Albright, niece of the bridegroom, was the pretty flower girl, wearing a turquoise dress, full length, with mink trim and matching hat. She carried a basket of FUji mums. Donald Schaefer rar^ed • > his brother as best man and groomsmen were Edward Buss, a friend, and Winfield Hagberg, cousin of the bride. Danny Kreutzer of Chicago, a cousin of the bride, served as ring bearer, carrying the rings on a satin pillow. The bride's mother chose a lilac-pink lace dress, black accessories and an orchid corsage Mrs. Schaefer wore a grey suit, pink and navy accessories and a similar corsage. - Following the service, breakfast was served at the Herman Kreutzer home for the bridal party and members of the t\rijj> families. Open house 'was held there throughout the afternoon. At 6 o'clock, 450 guests gathered for supper and a recption atr t^e Legion home. The couple left later on a trip north, after which they will reside with his parents in their new home on John street. The bride graduated in 1052 from Schurz high school in Chicago and has been bookkeeper for Economy Fuse company. The groom received his education in the McHenry schools and is now an employee of the Hay' Construction company. Krumweide-Krickl Vdws Exchanged A very lovely wedding of much interest locally occurred at Grace Lutheran church, Woodstock, last Saturday, Sept. 17, at 5 o'clock when Miss Joyce Krumweide exchanged vows with Mr. Robert Krickl. Rev. Burton Schroeder officiated at the nuptial rite. Miss Carol Gnadt, a close friend, acted as maid of honor, attired in a yellow ballerina length dress and carrying ^ colonial bouquet of carnations. Robert Kelly of McCullom Lake served as best man and ushers were George Krickl, Jr.; and Gary Krumweide. The attractive bride chose a white satin dress, styled with lace bodice, embroidered in pearls, long sleeves and long train. She wore a fingertip veil held in place by a tiara. The mothers of both the bride and groom were attired in navy blue, with which they wore white carnation corsages. Following the service, a reception was held in the Johnsburg community hall for 200 guests. The couple left later on a trip to the Smoky mountains, after which they will return to make their home in Lakemoor. The former Miss Krumweide graduated last June from tb# local high school and is employed by Lennon Beverage company. The bridegroom is a 1953 gradur ate of the local high school and works for McHenry Oil Burner Service. NUPTIAL RITE A 10 o'clock nuptial mass was read at St. Patrick's Catholic church last Saturday, Sept. 17, uniting in marriage Miss Marcella Etten and Wayne Dixon. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Etten of Maple avenue and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Dixon of Fox street. FALL RALLY DAY Sept. 30 is fall rally day foil' the Woman's Societies for Christian Service from Methodist churches in the northern district. The Covenant church of Evanston is the host for this all-day meeting and luncheon, at whicn time banners will be awarded to the societies who had 5 per cent of their membership attend the four district meetings ^.during 1954-55. ReservatijMi^r *4ctf the luncheon are to be made with Ethel Bailey. i *"i"M Ml PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs, Charies (Chuck) Miller left Saturday morning, by motor for Northampton, Mass., where they accompanied their daughter, Dorothea, who entered' her sophomore year at Mary Burnham school in that city. Mr. and Mrs. Leo King, daughter, Dbnna Mae, Henry Stilling and Mr. and Mrs. Nick M. Justen visited Sister Junella and Sister Nicele at St. Joseph's convent, Milwaukee, sund&y. Mr. arid Mrs. jack Boorte and family and Mrs. Boone's mother, Mrs. Kathryn Kramer, spent the weekend with relatives in Dyersville, Iowa. Mrs. Kramer remained for a longer visit in the home of her daughter. Misser Lena and Clara Stoffel visited friends in Hinsdale Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kaelin and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Zelensek of Aurora attended the Moderhack- Schaefer wedding here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Smith left Saturday for a visit in the home of the latter's sister in Long Island, N.Y. Mrs. May Baur of Keokuk, Iowa, is a guest in the home of Mrs. Eleanor Nye.v Miss Dorothy Justen, R. N., of Chicitgo spent a few days the past Week with 'her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nick 1VI. Justen. Dr. Ltiis Trevino of Chicago was a dinner guest in the Justen home Saturday evening. • Miss Dolores Rogers, accompanied by Miss Ruth Herman of Crystal Lake, is vacationing in New York City for a few weeks. They made the trip by plane. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Zieman and little daughter of Chicago were weekend guests in the Gerald Carey home. Mr, and Mrs. Irving Nester and daughters, sheryl and Suzanne, of Des Plaines were visitors in the Nick B. Freund home Sunday evening. Mrs. Zena Bacon and Mr. and Mrs. William Bacon visited in the Bryan Forester home in lington Heights Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Doherty returned Sunday from a trip to the Black Hills and Bad Lands of South DakotsL Miss Mary Nye left Friday for D$Kklb, where she entered her sophomore year at DeKalb State college. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sutton and son of ~ May wood visited his father, - Edward Sutton, Saturday. Sunday visitors in the home of Mrs. Gertrude Thurlwell were Mrs. Kathryn Bijshaw and son, Bob, of Rockford and Mr. and Mrs. Henbert Weyerstrahs and Mr. ahd Mrs. John Nugent of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Alfons Adams, daughters, Joan and Joyce, Robert Wieboldt and Walter Freund, Jr., attended the Invitational Blackhawk Broadhead shoot held at Rockford Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dupuis of Kankakee and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Goyette of St. Ann, 111., were guests in the home of Mrs. Rose Lessard and Miss Emma LaBeau last week. * Mr. and Mrs. A- D. Corkell and daughter, Mr?* H. V. Jackson attended the funeral of Harry B. Reed on Sept. 19 in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. Mrs. Nellie Bacon, Mr. and Mrs. Alfons Adams and daughters and Donald Givens attended the wedding of the former's granddaughter, Carole Courier, and George Anderson, which took place at Marengo Friday evening. Mrs. Helen Heide and Mrs. Elsa Schmidt of Green Lake, Wis., visited in the Nettie Weber home one day last week. Mrs. Joe Guzzardo, Mrs. Richard Guyser and Mrs. William Oeffling of McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. George Miller of Long Lake, Mrs. George Obenauf of Winthrop Harbof and Catherine Pitzen of Chicago visited in the Elmer Schroeder and James Chamberlain homes in Chicago last week. Mr. ahd Mrs. Nick Miller of Milwaukee, Wis., were visitors in the Joe/ Guzzardo home one day last week. y Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Corkell have returned -to" their home in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. Thiir daughter, Mrs. H. y. Jackson, made the . trip with them. • •* ATTEND FUNERAL Those who attended the wake or funeral of Mrs. Christina Williams were Sister Mary Lambert of Stone Lake/ Wis., Mr. and Mrs. Charles. Stoffel, Sr., Charles Stoffel, Jr., Mrs. Angela Rousch and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Lechmeier, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Steber and daughter, all j of Milwaukee;* Martin Williams and daughtei*, Jeanette, Miss Eva Williams, Mrs. Robert Mueller and son, Viola and Helen Neubauer, Mr, and Mrs. Adolph Muller, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Etten, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Etten, Mrs. James Mullins, Sir. and Mrs, Art Rauen, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barker; Wendelin Kattner and Mr. and Mrs. George Kattner, all of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Martin Williams of Plainfield; Albert Stoffel of Waukegan; and Mi*, and Mrs. Schuyler Case of Sharon, Wis. Siavlngs invested In Crystal Lake Savings and Loan earn -Vi % pl«» Vi% extra. ZStf OSRITAt Mrs. Marie Havlatka tinderwent surgery Sit Memorial" hospital last week. \ Mrs. Ruth Barbian has b?en a medical patient at Memorial" hospital. * ; Arthur Bickler is ill at his home in Cooney Heights. > CHURCH {SPEAKER BiShop Gerald Burrill, bishop of the dioceses Of Chicago, will speak at a special -10 tfclock service at St. Mary's Episcopal church, Crystal Lake, Sunday, Sept. 25. There will not be arj 9:15 or 11 o'clock service that day. , . - JUNIOR HIGH BAND The organization of the Junior high school band is practically completed. This year the band, under direction of Paul Raasch, will have approximately thirty members. It meets at 8:30 o'clock three days a week for practice sessions in addition to regular class scheduling for individual instructions. Mr. Raasch also directs {he school's choral groups. These are at present in the organizational stfege. IT'S MAGIC! 5 BIG CHANGE NOW ON . 10S N. Riverside Drive Phone 459 faqHenry, 111. "The Permanent that is literally rained into your hair" There's really no "Hokus-Pokus" to this amazing new Permanent . But the difference that takes place in your hair is new "magic" softness and lustre. Call 147 for appointment now and see for yourself! Open Tiles., Thurs., and Frt., >' Evenings 'Til 9 p.m. . YOUR JLOV^LINESS IS OUR BUSINESS ^ $tu9$Mide> Studio, I***. lUvsfltfdellltt* McHenry, m. Phone 147 112 ELM STREET McHENRY, ILL. Teen Corner Winter Is Coming! SNOW SUITS and COAT SETS. Make Your Selection NOW! IIERLIHY DEATH William Herlihy, 70, of 1 Burton's Bridge, died at his home in Riverdale subdivsion last Thursday morning. He was retired seven years ago after being associated with Marshall Field & Co., Chicago, in the millinery department for thirty-two years -- ; " . . i- i MONEY AND BANKING In Everyday Living =t THE AVERAGE WIFE spends more of the family dollar for food than for any other item in the budget: About 30 to 40%. To make these dollars count the most, here are a few suggestions: Plan menus a week in advance; choose a balanced diet; shop wisely, watching for bargains advertised in local papers ; study labels for Contents and weights to be sure you get the best value. By doing all the marketing for the week on a day and at an hour when the stores are not overcrowded, you can save time. BANKING TERMS DEFINED "Time Dfeposits": The dollars you deposit in a savings account with us for withdrawal at a later date--reserve cash for emergencies and future needs. To build your cash reserve, why not start making "time deposits" every payday in a savings account with us? A HOUSEWIFE ASKED, ['U opening a checking account a complicated procedure ?"' "No," our officer replied. "You simply fill out a few forms and answer a; few questions. Then with your first deposit you are ready to pay your bills by check -- to save time, carry funds safely, and h$ve more orderly records!" The young woman found that opening a checking account with us is just as simple as the officer had made it sound -- and the account itself has proved to be even more valuable than she had expected. Come in and open your account. McHENRY STATE BANK Interest Paid On Savings Deposited Member federal Deposit Insurance X^orpomttQn k J*HONE 1040 -T 'II probably pay least -this rauoh [e ar* extremely proud to hcrvo beei^appointed Authorized Representatives of mc EoRisE m n o i RT mI fCi nS CELIA WARNES 30 East Ann Street PHONE FOR A COMPLETE COMPLIMENTARY DEMONSTRATION Phone 1464 McHenry, 111. 1 Block East of the Old Bridge .1 •V 'V \ :n^| WM y / Sedan • • • why rio't: IN/li^KE IT AIM OLDS I Chances are you've always considered Oldamobile a high-priced car. And it's true, it looks like a high-priced caY . . . performs like a high-priced car . . . has all the prestige of cars costing many, many dollars more. But actually, vou can own a big, beautiful "Rocket" Engine Oldsmobile for less than some models in the loirest priced field. What's more, you'll find a "Rocket" is worth fjif more vrhen your ready to trade! And there never was a better time than now to make your move . . . now when Oldsmobile value is higher than ever, now when trade-in allowances are at their peak . . . now when Oldsmobile is rocketing to the greatest year in its history! So come in and try a "Rocket"! We've got one that will fit your pocket! IN/1 I I S I T T H E " R O C K I T R O O M " . . . A T Y O U R O L D S M O B I L E D E A L E R ' S ! R. J* Overton Motor Sales 403 Front Street Phone 6 M CARINA -.DRIVE SAFELY I m