Sixteen By Mrs. George Shepard TEE McHENHY PLAIKDEALER 500 Club to Richmond Mrs. E. E. Whiting entertained the women's five hundred club at her home .in Richmond Wednesday. A 1 o'clock dessert luncheon was served. High score was merited by Mrs. Louis Hawley and Mrs. Whiting. W.S.C.S. Meeting The W-S.C.S. will meet at the home of Mrs. <JBen Walkington Nov. 2 at 8 p.m., with Mrs. Kenneth Cristy as co-hosteSs. be held at the church Nov. through Nov. ll. Pete Sebastian Surprised A group of relatives pleasantly surprised Pete Selbastian in honor of his feirthday at his home Saturday evening. Those to make up the happy group were Mr. and Mrs. Peter MacGihnis, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Morris of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woods, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bullis ahd family of Genoa City, Mr. and Mrs. George Schultz and son-of Twin Lakes, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kaskin and daughter of Twin Lakes and Robert Woods of Richmond. Senior Youth Fellowship Meets The Senior Youth Fellowship niet in the Greenwood church Sunday evening for worship and a Hallowe'en party. Junior Youth Fellowship The Junior Youth Fellowship met in the church Wednesday evening fcr Bible discussion and a Hallowe'en party. Bazaar The annual bazaar and dinner will be held in the churfih basement Nov. 12, serving to stall at 5 o'clock. There will be homemade candy, fancy work, rugs, etc., for sale. Spiritual Life Mission The Spiritual' Life Mission will PROFE55IOriRL DIRECTORY FKANlt W. SEK, MJ>. Physician and Surgeon 110 So. Green gt. Office Hours: 8 to 5 P3L -- 7 to 9 PJM. (Daily - Except Wed.) * Saturdays 2 to 0 Pjif. Phones: Resldenc* 164 8278 Alva Herbert and Emil Eberett of Elgin spent Friday afternoon in the Mrs. Emily Beatty home. Kenneth Cristy, Jr., of Chicago spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy, Sr. Miss Mae Wiedrich, ^Mrs. Lester Carr, Mrs. Grace McCannon and Mrs. Tollefson attended the golden wedding celebration at Greenwood for Mh and Mrs. Joe Coates Sunday.^. Mr. Mrs. Duane Andreas of McHenry were Sunday dinner guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley* were Sunday •' dinner guests in the Ernest Reinwall, Jr., home at McHenry and all spent the afternoon in the Floyd Howe home at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox of Woddstock spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Viola Low. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas and daughter, Margo, spent Sunday afternoon in the Albert Ebel home at Algonquin. Mr. and Mrs. William Cruickshank and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cruickshank, Jr., and children spent Tuesday evening in the C. E. Lovelette home in Chicago. Miss Agnes Anderson of Oconomowoc, Wis., is visiting in the Charles Anderson home. Mrs. Grace McCannon spent a few days the past week in the Lloyd Gratton 'home at Woodstock. Mrs. Donald Brenner and children of Elgin spent'Tuesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison. Mrs. Tollefson of Chicago spent a few days the past week in the Oscar Berg home. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington attended the golden wedding celebration for Mr. apd Mrs. Joe Coates at Greenwood Sunday afternoon. -Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thomas and family of Hinsdale spent Sunday in the Walter Low home. Miss Virginia Jepson of Chicago spent the weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington1. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. 1 James Wegener called on Mr. and Mrs. Joe Coates at Woodstock Sunday morning. Mr.' and Mrs. Leonard Ackerman and family of Poplar Grove spent from Friday until Sunday morning in the Charles Ackerman, Jr., home. With Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ackerman and daughter, they were Sunday din ner guests in the Charles Ackerman, Sr., home at Poplar Grove Mr. and Mrs. John Blackman of Antioch were visitors in the Dr. Wm. Hepburn home Thursday. . Mrs. Edward Harrison and daughter, Louise, of St. John, Kas., spent the first lot the week in the Roy Harrison(home. Mrs. Lena Peet and ^daughters, Alice and Marian, attem^ed the golden wedding celebration for Mr. and Mrs. Joe Coates at Greenwood Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Jones «of McHenry, Charles Krohn and daughter, Ethel, and Mrs' R°y Merchant of Woodstock were supper guests Sunday evening in the Roy Harrison home. , Mr. and Mrs. Kirch of Chicago were visitors in the I5r. Hepburn home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowman i m ..... ursday, October 27, 1 and son, Fritz, spent Tuesday, in. Chicago. . " Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shales at tended the golden wedding celebration for Mr. and Mrs. Joe Coates at the Greenwood church Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Pete Sebastian returned home Saturday evening from it visit with relatives in Chicago, Mrs. Charles Brennan and mother, Mrs. Wm. Hepburn, spent Sunday morning in the Arthur Larson and John Blackman homes at Antioch. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Morrison of Chicago spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowman. and family. Mr. and- Mrs. C. L. Harrison spent Sunday in the Wayne Donahue home at Huntley. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Ehlert and son, Jeff, of Bohner's Lake spent Sunday evening with his parents, Mrf and. Mrs. John Ehlert. * Dr. and Mrs. Shoba and sons of Sugaf* Grove spent Sunday in the Albert Oonk home. Mrs. Wm. Hepburn and Joan Blackman spent Friday in the Russell Soddy home at Kenosha. Mr., and Mrs. Frank Harrison and children attended the Ice Follies in Chicago Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sebastian and Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Sebastian of Chicago were Sunday din- . . . w i t h R e m i n g t o n " E x p r e s s and "Shur Shot" shells that £/< give you SMASHING POWER • LIGHTNING SPEED PERFECT GAME-GETTING PATTERNS We have a fresh supply ... so get your Remington shells now! HARDWARE SHEET METAL SHOP 182 S. Green St. Phon McHenry, IIL DR. J. C. GOETSCHEL Chiropractic Physician 25 Orchard Beach Road Office Hours: Mon.i Turn., Thurs., £ FrL 10 to 12 - 1:30 to 3:80 - J to 9 Saturdays: 10 A.M. to 2 pjfcf. PHONE 748 B and B EXTERIOR DECORATING Free Estimates Fritzches Estates PHONE 560-R-2 DR. G. R. SWANBON Dentist Office Hours: Daily Except Thursday 9 te 12 -- 1:80 to Sate M«IN Wed. and Fri. Evenings By Appointment Only Telephone McHenry 160 frank s. mat BLACK DIRT Sand - Gravel - Driveways Excavating Route 6, McHenry, 111. Phone McHenry 1786-M VIRGIL R. POLLOCK Life Insurance and Annuities Representing Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company 604 Court St. Phone 1168 McHenry, HI. Band unwinum VERN THELEN Excavating Grmvel Black Dirt Dredging TeL McHenry 1884 Box 640, Rt. 1, McHenry, DL A. P. FREUND ft SONS Excavating Contractors Trucking, Hydraulic and Crane Service -- ROAD BUILDING -- Tel. 204.M ' McHenry, m. EARL R. WALSH INSURANCE Auto, Farm St Life Insurance Representing SELLABLE COMPANIES Wfcen Too Need Insurance ot Any Kind PHONE 48 or 958 Green & Elm McHenry, IIL S 8CHBOEDER IRON WORKS Ornamental A Structural Steel 3 Watt Oar Slumnroatip - S SSUee Souht on Rt II FBOMK ?•* ; c NEW 1955 G-I AUTOMATIC WASHER Gives 50% MORE CLOTHES CAPACITY THAN MANY OTHER WASHERS ^ MASTER CONTROL l«t* y«N slop, (hip, «xt*nd or ropoat any cycle. yfr WATER* TEMPERATURE CONTROL toUcH doairod water lomporahiro for the wash. JL WATER SAVER CONTROL permits smaller toad washings.. .You save detergent and gaHons of hot water. MOMLWAJSOM 60 P&CKKGIS Of *%££]$£ VJASHSR alf ,ft 4ay , during,hU REGULAR PRICE $299" SALE PRICE $22495 DON'T MISS THIS SENSATIONAL OFFER..* TODAY! CARE 119 So. .Green Street ELECTRIC PHONE 251 McHenry, 111. ner giiesU of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Sebastian. * Mr. and Mrs. John Powers, Mrs. Martha Bowman and M*s. Gertie Sw&nson of Chicago spent Sunday afternoon in the Fred Bowman home. Mrs. Flora Harrison spent Sunday with her daughter and husband, Mr. and. Mrs. Ardin Frisbie, gt Greenwood and attended the golden wedding celebration for Mr. and Mrs. Joe Coates. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Lovelette and children of Chicago spent the weekend1 with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cruickshank. School News On Oct. 14, Ringwood school students attended the homecoming parade at Mchenry. We would like to thank the parents who provided transportation. School was not in , session on Oct. 21 and 25, due to all, day teachers" ahd- " all .;day council meeti^gf. The a&nual Hallowe'en party is scheduled in the Ringwood Methodist church basement; Oct. 28. Sttean Davis, school reporter Xfcad the Want Ads. Shop at Home I New. arid Beautiful % Haircutting and /'V Styling by "Qiiela" French Hairstylist APPOINTMENTS TUBS. * THURS. - FRI. and SAT. A Complete New Look at a Moderate Price. ALICE MARIE BEAUTY SHOP 202 N. Riverside Drive Phone 890-M McHenry, HI. Be sure to read the Classified Ads each week TRICKS or •TEMPTING TREATS ......... Tracks or Treats.. .We have lots of bothl Over here /BOLGER'S we've done some real tricks for your budget and, of course, all through our store you'll find tempting treats in every day drug needs. CLINICALLY ACCURATE. . Fever Thermometer Q ORAL OR RECTAL *150 MORE FOR THE MONEY KLEENEX CLEANSING TISSUES NOW IN COlOtS, TOOI 400's IT'S! DELUXE SILICONE NIPPLE TASTtlESS, ODOU.ESS LASTS A HFETIMi VASELINE HAIR TONIC NEW 4 OZ. SIZE 69$ ORA DENTURE CLEANSER LEAVES FALSE TEETH GLEAMING WHITE WITHOUT BRUSHING TOOTSIE POPS EVERY KIDDIES FAVORITE 80 IN BOX, EACH VWAPPEPy Suckers,bogc|!5flk....... 49c Hershey Miniature Ban. ........ 29c .3 for 10c Bars., 98c™ Treat Candies 29c 4 $ 1 .25 SIZE ABSORBINE JR. PENETRATES RAPIDLY TO OLSKL PAIN OF SOKE MUSCLE & JOINTS 89c Medicated Throat Discs 23r [Plunders Antacid Tablets $1,001 iCologel laxative, 16 oz. $1.35 'Buffered Anacin Tablets, 39c LMassengif Antiseptic Powder 59c j Johnson's Baby Powder 29c, Tabcin Cold Tablets 49c, Unguentine Rectal Cones 98c, ^Phillips Magnesia Tablets...... 23c N-R LAXATIVE TABLETS ^ ACTS NATUKALir NON IMITATING . 3 2 3 c r ' J k ;"• ^k;s'"--.#.vftv' -\c- v.- v < - A- TT^rV NOSI-HABIT FORMING Sleep]Ez§\ NO PRESCRIPTION NEEDED 30 TABS. *|25 J ERG EN'S LOTION STOPS DETERGENT HANDS 250 FLESH COlbRED CURAD PLASTIC TAPE WASHABLE WATER PROOF NOW IN WIDfc SIZE WAND NEW ALL-NIGHT tnecttesteem VAPORIZE EXTRA WIDE TOP GALLON SIZE VAPORIZES 8 TO 16 HOURS AUTOMATIC SHUTOFF $y95 4 TO 8 HOUR VAPORIZER ONLY $495 Poly-vi-sol Dropsr50 CC. .$3.49 Multicebrln, loo's 5.08 Squibb B-Complex, 100's . 3.39 ABD0L with Vitamin C, 100 3.10 p Upjohn Unicaps, 100's. 3.11 ECON. JAR 570 GREATEST COSMETIC DEVELOPMENT IN YEARS (Mfe VHOMEFACIALI LEAVES YOUS FACE (AOIANTLV ALIVE . IN S MINUTES sjso IRONIZED YEAST TABLETS IRON TONIC PLUS VITAMIN Bt In case of illness, let your physician decide upon the medication, you need, then bring your Pres* cription to us. Our pharmacists are experts. 60 TABS 78c BOLGER'S dmic store 103 S. GREEN STREET PHONE 40 McHENRY, ILL. CHAPSTICK 29c PURSE OR POCKET TUBE Pl«» 10*. Fcdcrol (fcit* Tai «n Teilttritr7 - jV. ....