v,? w 'Few9** *»**« fp rv i ^ ,-*%n* ^ rj^k^r^v>i ^ ^ ^ >* f r e - * f*Acr- atwrtil There will be some changes made! Yep. Come on down to the MCHS football field Friday night and see for yourself. The Warriors admittedly have not had the heavy, guns to stand up against strong opposition this year but all good and loyal fans are hoping for a better showing the rest of the way. Warren, tied with McHenry in last place, will come to town for our .last home stand of the season. Perhaps Warren has „ Some hidden talent that will break out in a rash this week. They did tie the big Zion-Benton team earlier in the season. But, back to those changes. Coach Pheanis doesn't have the reserve strength to bench a lot of starters. So -- he and his staff are very apt to show you a revised lineup. For instance, Bill Huemann has been getting a workout in a shift from quarter to fullback. Bill can tote the ball and some sideline coaches have felt that his best talents could be brought out in such a move. - The coaches undoubtedly feel that nothing can be lost in switching players to different positions. We think that some of the boys will benefit greatly by the switch. 0 THE GREAT OUTDOORS By Jack Walsh Right now we will get so bold as to say that our Warriors can and will beat Warren. And right now is the time for all of us to stick with the team, i Fair weather fans are always up front with a winner. It isn't easy to stay with a loser, but that's just where we belong -- with the boys. The High School Board took action the past week,, that should prove very popular. They voted to name the new athletic grounds "McCracken Field." Mac *»»» been taking the bumps and sharing the glory for many years, this is not the time to go all those phases. There will a dedication of that new athtic field next year if the Lord the voters are willing. We had some good duck shoot lug last week-end. We hopped a bus at Saint Charles Friday night and arrived in Moltne about 11:00 p.m. My Uncle Joe was at the bus depot'to meet me. We hit the sack at 11:30 and before I knew it the alarm went off and it Was time to start. Three o'clock in the morning! After breakfast we picked up Joe's hunting companions, Emil and his dog, Rex. Their blinds are fifty miles from home and they have to leave early in the morning. They have the best blinds I ever hope to see and have had them for 14 years running. We arrived at Dam No. 17 in New Boston, 111. and unloaded our gear. After crossing the Mississippi River into Iowa, we situated ourselves in the blind. A good bunch of ducks were shot Saturday morning so Emil and I tried fishing in the afternoon. He had one strike. The stretch of water we fished was a trapper's paradise. Beaver, muskrat, raccoon and mink abound. We went again Sunday and got back before 2:00 in the afternoon with full limits. A flight was on Sunday and we saw hundreds of ducks that would not decoy. But, with some good calling by Joe and Emil, the birds came in. Joe was shooting what most of the hunters around there call "Britz's Gas Pipe", an old Winchester 12 pump with a visible hammer. That gun shoots so far it knocks down ducks after other hunters have shot and lost sight of them. I had a wonderful time, but sometimes wonder how some duck hunters wives can put up with them. Florian schmitt tells us that John Kuna bowled a 246 - game that was missed last week. Sorry, John, that is much too fancy a score to lose in the shuffle. Monrie Crouch's high game was printed, but somebody sliced a mere 100 pins from his series, Here is an oddity. Mrt. Marian Sulak, who is bringing her average up fast, bowled identical games in two series this year: 57-57-57 and 98-98-98. ||You can't keep those White fibx out of the news. They are £t>ing to get rid of some of those ftod field-no hit guys and land me power. -- McHenry Recreation -- Foresters-- L. Thennes, 203; A. Phannenstill, 216; Ace Weber, 203. V.F.W.-- MOffett, 200; G. Golding, 216; Devine, 210; F. Springer, 200. Commercial-- D. Weber, &56; E. Anderson, 204; R. Pries; 205; C. Hyatt, 200; E. Kroncke, 200; G. Barbian, 221; C. Brennan, 220; A, Wagner, 207; G. Novak, 553. D. of A.-- E. Nimsgern, , 185-522; M. Weideman, 482; B. O'Brien, 467; C. Krinn, 178; D. Reinboldt, 212- 513; Evie, 181; P. Kraus, 498; T. Steffan, 452; M. Thennes, 178- 461. Left Overs-- L. Crouch, 178-461; E. Peisert, 475; J. Stilling, 178; D. Schmitt, 183-460; N. Stilling, 466; T. Stilling, 490; H. Knox, 177; C. Rosing, 465; B. Gilpin, 490. Thurs. 9:1&-- • W L Clark Chev. 12 6 Old Bridge Tavern 11 7 H. E. Buch & Sons 11 7 Prager 11 7 F.M. Television 11 7 Kent Corp. 9 9 Blatz 8 10 Lannes Realtors 8 10 Freund Oil Co. ' 8 10 Park Pub 7 11 Schilling's Resort 6 12 McHenry Auto Body 6 12 I^The greatest distance jumper all time, our own linotyper looksby of the Indiana Rooks- 0 has now switched his allelce from Yale to Navy. Yale a game. But, Navy . is right there, and comes to Notre le Saturday with every right be rated a 7-point favorite. te kid moves fast, but we'll r to find him for a report next - " We hear that Dreymiller and ^Muggs" planned a tour of the jfestern part of our state last Week, hoping to spend some time on th$r return in John's old |ome town of Hampshire. John got all prettied up and ready to Start -- only to find that «Muggs" had suffered a lapse of Ijkiemory. John is very worried §* >out his dear friend. Maybe it on't work, but we advised a jjljght tap on the head. We'd like give it a try. It's Hallowe'en time -- the time for us to worry about our Kids doing the things that our parents worried about us doing. Maybe not the J&nie things, but the general idea is the same. Now and then we heal* of young •hoodlums destroying property. That we can't approve. But the good time parties an<v humorous pranks still strike us as part of Hallowe'en. A program to save the small colonies of prairie chickens still remaining in northern Illinois is suggested by Dr. Ralph E. Yeatter game specialist of the Illinois Natural History Survey division of the state Department of Registration and Education, in an article in the current "Audubon Bulletin." "One of tht most picturesque grassland birds, the prairie chicken, or pinpated grouse, for merly was common throughout the Illinois prairie," Dr. Yeatter writes. "Prairie chickens are still present In several Illinois counties, but in most places their fu ture is threatened by recent changes in agricultural practices. "Hope for perpetuating prairie chickens in northern Illinois centers on the establishment. and maintenance of grassland refuges in the vicinity ofsopie of the surviving coloniejff^fhe sand prairies, on which most of the remaining prairie chickens are found, are of relatively low agricultural value thus minimizing the cost of aquisition of land." central Wisconsin, Dr. Yeatter points out, a restoration plan has been outlined. One 40-acre tract in each square mile of farmland in prairie Chicken range would be purchased or leased and left un- (listrurbed as nesting cover. It is hoped that both public funds and private donations will be available for the program. Perhaps the Wisconsin plan could be modified for use in the relatively small prairie chicken range of northern Illinois," the Natural History game technician suggests. Krause, 233-215-636; Kreutzer, 214-585; R. Gilliford, 201-552; J. Stella, 552; R Cynowa, 210-590; Sutton, 201; A. Kunz, 210-556; Gumardo, 202; Thompson, 222. Gutter Queens--' Al's Welding F.M. McDonald's Seven G's McDermotfc's iBabell's Chefs Service Wally's Lakeside Vogue W 13 10 9 8 8 7 7 T 5 2 K. Kurbyun, 453; J. Ciechon, 451; A. Cable, 466. Business Men-- Won Lost Buss Motors 24 4 Brennans Milk Serv. 17% 10% Freund's Dairy 17 11 Bimbo's No. 1 16 12 Bimbo's No. 2 15% 12% Tonyan Const. 15 13 Johnson Tool 15 13 Crystal Tap 12 16 Highland Shores 10 18 McHenry Welding 10 18 Volo House 9 19 Harry's 7 21 Lake Cleaners Rolalne Grill Geo.'s Firemen Lake View Inn Standard Gas Dean's Market Silk's Boats W. L. Builders 11 10 r 10 11 >0 u 10 il 10 11 9 12 9 12 6 15 M. McCafferty, 553; E. Johnson, 215-557; B. Schau, 235; F. Houda, 210-604; H. Hill, 209-551; p. Bell, 207-559. Correction 10- 14-55: C. Kopp, 230-597, -- Palace -- Ladies 7:00-- E. Hester, 198-495; N. Larkin, 204-489; E. Justert, 188-518; E. Conway, 454; M. Doherty, 199i 515; L. Ferwerda, 189-457; T. Meyer,1 180-475; V. Herdrichi 465 \ W L McHenry Sand Gravel 12 6 Kraft 9ft Blatz g io McHenry Cab 7 11 Old Timers-- ^ Petersen, 222; Rogers, 212. C.O.F. .9:00-- H. Steffes, 554. C.O.F. 7:00-- Bud Thennes, 225*587; D. Rosing, 220-562. Tavern-- Kralowetz, 212-214-590; Smith, 202; Getner, 200-206-583; R. Bujack, 203-555; J. Wakitsch, 205; G. Schaefer, 206-569; H. Steffes, 200-559. City-- Hagberg, 552; D. Weber, 20B; L. Smith, 224; A. Schaefer, 551; A. McCarroll, 220; B. Newkirk, 223; K. Conway, 210-211-591; B. Reid, 206; Budler, 213-552; Schae. fer, 202-553. CATHOLIC YOUTH WEEK OBSERVED IN LOCAL SCHOOLS Catholic yottth in McHenry and the surrounding communities will observe National Catholic Youth Week from Oct. 30 to Nov. 6, using as their theme, "Youth -- Our Hope." The week will center around this special idea and it is hoped that the theme will stimulate constructive thought beneficial to yotith, who in these unsettled times ! are regarded as our brightest' hope. The aims of National Catholic Youth Week are to emphasize the importance of youth by making them aWare of their capacity for- good, and through activities to display their talents, abilities and. resources. His Holiness Pope Pius XII, President Eisenhower, the Cardinals, Archbishops and Bishops of many "dioceses and the governors and mayors throughout the country recognize this special observance. SHORT ILLNESS FATAL TO JUDGE HARRY C. DANIELS -- BowlMg Bar -- Thurs. Nite Ladies-- I. Stilling, 177; B. Meyers, 454; L. Huemann, 198; C. May, 193- 499. *) o E. Pieronl, 200-222-582; R. Weyland, 211; A. AJcCarroll, 559; R. Boro, 553; A. Steinsdoerfer, 202; G. Golding, 202; D. Samuelson, 216; A. Mullere, 219-557X^ NORTH SUBURBAN STANDINGS Nite Owls-- W L Ml Place 18 .3 Al's White House 14 7 McHenry Country Club 14 7 Club 120 13 8 Schroeder Iron Works 13 8 McHenry Theatre 12 9 Wolff Bait Shop 10 11 McHenry Welding 8 13 Club Lilymoor 8 13 Hillcrest Rod & Gun 8 13 McHenry Recreation 5 16 Worts Serv. Station 3 18 S. Sutton, 184-458; B. Hulquist, 450; E. Rand, 178; C. Colman, 191-479; J. Rosing, 468; E. Hoyte, 456. -w TIGERS TROUNC WARRIORS 35 TO AT CRYSTAL LAKE Reporting a lop-sided defeat handed to your favorite football team is not an easy task. It is like riding the clouds to rise to the heights, when your team wins. But, the fates are not with us this time as we attempt to plod through our duties in recording that, our MCHS Wftrriors were beaten 35 to 0 at Crystal- Lake last Friday night. [ Perhaps it is best to say that the Crystal Lake Tigers have a' very fine . football squad- that showed us why they rate at the top in the strong North Suburban league. ' > Guided by Merrill Johnsdn, & well-equipped quarterback, the Tigers scored a touchdown in the first quarter and led 7 to 0. The winners upset the McHenry team completely in the second quarter, scoring 21 points for a lead that was more than ample. Their first touchdown in this period came as a big surprise to all when Johnson, attempting a quarterback sneak to pick up a first down, bumped his way through the line, then through the secondary all the way oh a 61 yard sprint. Nobody came close to him when he hit stride. • As usual, the Warriors came back with a lot of fire in the second half as the Center of the line charged as they hadn't charged before. The Tigers had' the speed and power in tlieir backfield and it never showed better than when Clark raced around McHenry's left end for a touchdown from the 19 yard line. The Tigers were held scoreless ih the third period and had to work for a touchdown In the fourth. This time It was Mack whS plowed his way through. Mack then passed to Jack Purvey for the final point of the game. McHenry was outclassed and a large Homecoming crowd was made happy by a fine team of Tigers. Circuit Judge Harry C. Daniels of Elgin died Monday night of this, week in Sherman hospital, where he was taken from Yorkville earlier in the day. The 61- yearrold judge was waiting for the, Kendall couttty grand jury to 'return with a verdict when he was taken 111. He died shortly afterward of a cerebral hemorrhage. . He hajj^attended the Minnesota- Michigam game at Minneapolis Saturday and was apparently in good (health. Judge Daniels, elected to the circuit bench in 1951, was well known throughout this county, where he often,, presided while serving as Kane county judge. He had sought the Republican nomination for a seat on the Illinois Supreme Court in 1954 but was defeated. ' Services will be held at 2 o'clock" today ^Thursday) in the Masonic Temple, Elgin, with burial In Bluff City cemetery. BEN TONY AN, 73, BORN IN RINGWOOD COMMUNITY, DEAD Ben Tony an, 73, a native of the Ringwood community, died in an Elgin hospital ^Monday, Oct. 24. He was born- Feb. 21, 1882, a son of Mr. and Mrs. William Tonyan. A construction worker in his jtarly years, Mr. Tonyan never 4nart%iM^" I Survivors Include four sisters, | Mrs. Stephen H. Smith, Mrs. Peter smith and Mrs. Christina Lay of Johnsburg and Mrs. Nick 'Miller of Richmond; also a brother, Frank, of Fox Lake. The *body rested at the George Justetf^fe Son funeral home until ,9:30 o!clock Wednesday morning, < when fast rites were conducted •from St. John's churoh, with raced lburial In the church cemetery. rf * Read the Want Ads NOTICE: OF CLAM DATE Estate of Christina Williams, Deceased. Notice is hereby giv^n to all persons that Monday, December 5, 1955, is the claim date in the estate of Christina Williams, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. / ANTON WILLIAMS and LOUISE WILLIAMS, Eixecutors McCAULEY and .WEIR, Attorneys 35% N. Ayer St. - Harvard, Illinois. (I*ub. Oct. 13-20-27-55) PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of Proposed Change In Schedules • Commonwealth Edison Company and its Public Service Company Division hereby give notice to the public that there has been filed with the Illinois Commerce Commission on October 18, 1955, Schedule 8-R, Information and Requirements for the Supply of Electric Service, which will cancel and supersede Information and requirements now effective in Chicago and in Public Service Company Division territory. -In this filing It is proposed (1) that minimal, provisions for the addition of major appliances be included in the service entrance re- TODAY THRU SATURIDAY mag* -i »i _ n •• Wichita Joel McCrea One Desire1 •l Rock Hudson - Anne Baxter ll Horror, Thrills, Suspense Halloweeii Midnight Show Separate Admission Box office re-opens 11:30 p.m. 'The Thing From Another World Plus Boris Karlo'ff in "The Isle Of The Dead" "All. patrons staying until the end of the Midnight Show will receive a free ticket to return to the Miller Theatre on a future date." SUN., MON. & TUBS: "The Kentuckian" Burt Lancaster in Cinemascope LADIES - LADIES - LADIES Every Tuesday Is Date Nite. You Will Be Admitted Free With Your Escort's Ticket. SATURDAY MATINEE 1:30 to 4 PJ0. Opening Evenings Tues., Wed., Fri., Sat. and Sun., 8 io 11 p. m. JUST FOR FUN ROLLER. RINK McHENRY. ILLINOIS Come to think of it, times have changed. In our day the tricks were many, but 'twas a long time between treats. ?>AILY PINUPS: The first reason for taking it fasy is that it's so easy to take. < If you whistle while you Whittle, you may wear your woes away. A little less pull, a little more pluck, mix it with common sense, it could stand for luck. There's no accounting for tastes, there's bo average on thoughts. Bargaining for permanent happiness is like buying a pig in a poke. Circumstances can be hard to jjflad but could be, easily made. t\. Anonymous After the past weekend of football, Crystal Lake and Zion remain tied for first place in the North Suburban Conference rape. Crystal Lake romped away to a 35-0 win over BfcHenry. Zion had to work harder for a 26-12 victory at Libertyville. Barrington breezed to a 38-6 win over Woodstock. JAke Forest took to the air to beat Warren 26-7. The big battle comes off Nov. 4 t when Zion invades Crystal Lake. Something has to give in that one. Standings Crystal Lake Zion Barrington Libertyville Woodstock Lake Forest McHenry Warren fUBIHSBI • , B0SDB8T S, CHEAPEST WORKBB0 IN TOWN n&NlMBAIJSR WANT APS W 4 4 4 2 1 1 0 0 Wonder Lake Business Men-- Won Lost Mill Inn 14 7 Paul's Variety 13% 7% Kreuger's Fuel 12 9 W. L. Repair 11% 9% Remaining Games October 28-- Crystal Lake at Woodstock Warren at McHenry Lake Forest at Libertyville October 29-- Barrington at Zion November 4-- Woodstock at Warren McHenry at Lake Forest Zion at Crystal Lake November &-- Libertyville at Barrington At Home BIG HALLOWE'EN Masquerade Dance SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29 FEATURING JOHNNY KAY and His Orchestra PRIZES FOR BEST COSTUMES ALSO WEDNESDAY. NOV. 2 "THE POLKA KING" FRANKIE YANKOVIC BLUEM00N BALLROOM ELGIN, ILLINOIS iohnsburg Bowling 00 CLUB Resort THIS WEEK'S JACKPOT TRY YOUR LUCK! Members MUST BE PRESENT For Dbor Prize Thursday, Oct. 27 at 11 p.m. Open Bowling Every Wednesday and Thursday After 9 p.m. Qur Kitchen is Famous lor Fine Foods -- TRY OUR PIZZfA! ~ r r s f - - r r ~ Johnsburg Bowling Resort PHONE McHENRY 1475 At the Johnsburg Bridge Johnsburg, DL qmrements for" multiple-occupancy residential building, (2) that meter connection devices for self-contalned meters, heretofore supplied by the Company, be furnished by the Customer, and (3) that when it is impossible for the Company to construct a vault in the first sub-sidewalk space for customers who voluntarily convert from direct to alternating current, the Company will make certain vault cost reimbursements to such customers. In addition to the foregoing, this filing includes changes necessary* to affect uniformity of practice throughout the Company's service areas and for clarification of in- Further, information with respect thereto . may tie obtained either directly from this- Company or .by addressing the Secretary of cwystai. .I& «« Two Shows Nigiitly v 1st Elbow at 7:1$ FRI. & SAT! OCT. 28-29 "PONY EXPRESS" Also "THE VANQUISHED" Midnight "Spook" Show SAT., OCT. 29 "BRIDE OF THE GORILLA" SUNDAY, OCT. 30 Pre-Hallowe'en Show DUSK TO DAWN "TO CATCH A THIEF" (Shown Twice -.At 7:15 & 9:26) MON. & TUES. OCT. 31 & NOV. 1 "TO CATCH A THIEF" WED. & THURS. NOV. 2-3 "Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House" • " • •• .• ' the Illinois Commerce Commission, at Springfield, Illinois. - i A copy of the proposed changes may be inspected by any inter-; ested party at any business office; of this Company or its Public Ser* vice Company Division. COMMONWEALTH EDISON CO. By: D. ROBERT BOWER . s Treasurer ^Pub. Oct. 27 - Nov. 3) Lend Uncle Buy U.S. Sain Tour Dollars Savings Bonds 1 HtaaMMWr FRI. & SAT. OCT. 28-29 "LUCY GALLANT' Jane Wyman. - Charlton Hestoni | VistaVision & Technicolor . SAT. AFTERNOON MAT. 2:15 - Oct. 29 KIDDIES' SHOW 15 Color Cartoons SUN., MON. & TUES. OCT. 30-31 - NOV. 1 "SUMMERTIME" Katherlne Hepburn - Rossano Brazzi Technicolor Also Disney Hallowe'en Special, "TRICK OR TREAT" GENOA T H E A T R E O r S O ' C I T Y , W I S C O N S I N Box Office opens Mon thru Sat. 6:45 - Sun. 2:45. THURlS. - SAT. OCT. 27-29 Fred MacMurray - Charlton Heston 'TAR HORIZONS" VistaVision - Color And "THE NIGHT HOLDS TERROR" Jack Kelly - Hildy Parks One Show Only - 7:00 p.m. SAT., OCT. 29 - 2:00 p.m. HALLOWEEN COSTUME PARTY , And 'Treasure Of Lost Canyon" SAT., OCT. 29 - 11:30 p.m. Halloween Spook Show "HOLD THAT GHOST" And "NIGHTMARE" Special Tickets - Separate Show WED. & THURS. NOV. 2-3 "A LIFE IN THE BALANCE" Ricardo Montalban - Anne Bancroft SUN. - TUES. OCT. 30-31 - NOV. 1 "FRANCIS IN THE NAVY" D(onald O'Connor - Martha Hyer WED. - SAT NOV. 2^5 Jack Palance - Barbara Rush "KISS OF FIRE" , Technicolor And "A BULLET IS WAITING" Jean Simmons - Rory Calhoun Color ELM THEATRE Wauconda, 111. Route 176 Adults 60c Children (under 12) 25c Open Dally at 6:40 p.m. Open Sundays at 2:30 p.m. FREE PARKING - 125 CARS WED. & THURS. OCT. 26-27 Double Feature Program "ONE DESIRE" with Anne Baxter - Rock Hudson Also "tffiK PMJHtt. \<7J,nicofor ,JSS°£ FRI. & SAT. OCT. 28-29 Double Feature Program^ i MIJ.II!I,III» ED Ruhf TlrMM hctter IT TECHNICOLOR tlirtlnj 6C0R6E MONTGOMERY SAT. MATINEE - OCT. 29 KIDDIE SHOW • 15 Color Cartoons Doors open 1:00 - Start 1:30 SUN., MON. & TUES. f OCT. 30-31 - NOV. 1 JUAN JEFF WED. NOV. 2 Wauconda Lions Club Presents "BELLES ON THEIR TOES" FRI. & SAT. OCT. 28-29 Cinemascope & Technicolor 'THE KENTUCKIAN" ,Burt Lancaster - Diana Lynn MATINEE SATURDAY, OCT. 29 - 1:30 P. M. Dean Martin - Jerry Lewis "THE STOOGE" plus 3 Cartoons SUN.. MON. & TUES. Paramount presents OCT. 30-31 - NOV. 1 KIRK SILVANA DOUGLAS • MANGANO WED. & THURS. NOV. 2-3 Last chance to see this outstanding feature! jShown,, once each evening at 7:45 p.m. ON WIPE SCREEN 1 UNCUT1 FULL LENGTHI DAVB 0. SELZMCX*S PnfccttM «f WMARCT MITCHELL'S Stwy f Hw MJ SOOTH GONE WITH THE WIND * -- J . T E U O W O I O T COMING: NOV. 10-11-12. The Catholic Picture of the year* '7 CITIES OF GOLD" Sponsored by McHenry Council 1288 Knights of Columbus.