Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Nov 1955, p. 13

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j* Thursday, NivemBeriO, lSSS" • - ' i - f : •raff I I Wonder Lake News By Vanessa Sells Battle Over 'Building Contracts A county court jury last week decided in favor of a Chicago man in a battle over an uncompleted contract for a house at Wonder Lake. Dennis O'Brien of Chicago sued Russell Holochwost of McHenry (formerly of Wonder Lake) for about $2,000 he claimed was due him when together they called off a contract for a house. Holochwost claimed that he and O'Brien had agreed to settlSp for $800. The jury awarded O'prien just over $1,800. j Turkey Time This Sunday, starting at noon/ the members of the Parents' association of Christ the King Catholic church of \yonder Lake will serve a turkey dinner to the public at St. Mary's church hall in McHenry. Serving will continue until 4 o'clock. Proceeds from the family-style dinner will be used for the upkeep of- the school bus which takes the Wonder Lake children to parochial school in McHenry. Fall Festival The Luther League of the Nativity Lutheran church will have a Fall Festival Saturday evening at 7:30 in the Harrison school at Wonder Lake. All young people of the area, if they are of high school age, are invited to attend and participate in the' games, folk dancing and other entertainment. There will also be refreshmehts. This is a regular monthly social evening, but held) this month at the school instead of the church so that more young people . can attend. clair, Mrs. Bernadine Misiak and Mrs. Ann MiHer. The eight enjoyed fruit salad, blueberry muffins and coffee. The Wonder Center canasta group met with Mrst Helen Coupe on Thursday night, , Nov. 3. Mrs. Marie Milbrandt and Mrs. Lenore Jaesche had high scores. Other guests were Mrs. Helen Henderson, mother of the hostess, Mrs. Judy Rasmussen, Mrs. Pat Gallas, Mrs. Ann Weretka and Mrs. Neva Fuhrer. Assorted sandwiches, cerokies and Coffee were served. Six dollars was donated to the building fund. [Nativity Services • Church services at Nativity •'Lutheran church*4" are held each :ASunday at 8 o'clock and again at *pW):45. Sunday school is at 9:15 I a.m. This Sunday, the Rev. Bur- * ton Schroeder will preach on the } topic, "A .Divided Loyalty," at both services. Infant Dies j The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. ' Kenneth Fossler of Chicago was ) found dead in his crib last Thursl day morning. An inquiry revealed [ that he had strangled to death because of an enlarged gland. Gary Merritt FosSler was born . Aug. 24, the second child and first son of the Fosslers. Mrs. Fossler is the former Louanne Howorka, daughter of Mr. and ; Mrs. Herbert Howorka of Deep 14 Spring Woods subdivision. Kent n e t h F o s s l e r i s ~ ~ f c h « s e n t h e . Merritt Fosslers of Houston, Tex., . former residents of Wonder Lake, t Louanne is a graduate of McHenr , ry high school; Kenneth was graduated from Woodstock high. Only memorial services were held for the little boy. The Fossj lers have a daughter, Paula, 2% « years oldT In Chicago (Hospital Mrs. Lillian Forsberg Belshaw ' of Wonder Center has been a • patient in a Chicago hospital. Hospital Auxiliary Mrs. Ruth Woodward enter- • tained the Wonder Woods canas- . ta group Oct. 27; Six dollars was donated to the building fund. High scores were made by Mrs. ^ ; Mary Sellinger and the hostess. Others playing were Mrs, Cather- • ine Wurm, Mrs. Helen Cope, Mrs. I Mary Sandgren, Mrs. Velma Sin- Soouts Hold (Parents' Night Recently the Boy Scouts of Wonder Lake held a Parents' Night which Scoutmaster Ed Druml reported as being very gratifying. The meeting room was decorated in a Hallowe'en theme and the table was decorated with chrysanthemums, sent to the boys by Karin widen, who is a patient in Memorial hospital at Woodstock. Scoutmaster Druml made an award to Kurt Weisenberger #or his extra help last year. This award was a billfold. Kurt also received his junior assistant scoutmaster's badge. Senior patrol leaders' badges were given to Jim Cecich and Edward Druml, Jr., while to Wayne Feldhan, Joseph Corrado, Fred Dickman and Mick Powers went patrol leaders' badges. Assistant patrol leaders' badges went to. Robert Miller, Tim Mieling. Rich Mann and Ed Walker.. Robert Miller and his mother received first class pins. Second class piris went to several other boys and their mothers. They included Tim Mieling, Brian Powers, Joseph Corrado and Rich Mann. Merit badges earned and awarded: Cooking to Mick Powers, 1; Kurt Weisenberger, citizenship of home and community, 2; Edward Druml, Jr., citizenship and bird study, 2. In attendance of meetings, only two boys achieved perfect attendance for one year. They are Edward Druml, Jr., and Mick Powers. Scoutmaster Druml says the only ex^se acceptable for absence is an illness for which a doctor's letter must be submitted. This way the boy will still qualify as being in attendance. Mrs. Greta Weisenberger and Mrs. Kay Druml served as cohostftiges at the patents' Night festivities. They were assisted by Mrs. Fran Feldhan. Cakes were donated by Mrs. Vee Mieling, Mrs. Mildred Lundborg and Mrs. Ruth Mann. { cBill Kamp and Roy Meiswinkle assisted Scoutmaster Druml with the program. Meiswinkle was made assistant scoutmaster. Scoutmaster Druml says he greatly appreciates the fact that so manjr parents and friends attended the Parents' Nigltt activities. He says the scout roundup, which involves all Scouting units and which was held last year, is being planned. The date will be announced later. Cub iScouts 'Meet The October Cub Scout Pack meeting was held at Harrison school, with a good turn-out recorded. The theme of the month was the study of bees and several f, VmV like the (Beauty. » GMTSB 0o*D HOUMM«P Slot"1 V>00t FEATURES ••III In WHHim HrlppiM «•*•» pHM u Tw* MulUm «n4 l»*»y *•»••» Ine* r tliaiifHi nuM MCHM • Many ityWs «* frill w«Hi t* tt atyl* wt % ytir hern* BUILT TO LAST A LIFETIME Wisco All Aluminum Storm Door* and Screen* add that extra beauty and - dignity to your home that is *o important to fracioiu living ... truly a door that is a genuine satisfaction to own . . . but that's not all . . . Wisco Storm Door* are built to last a lifetime from extruded aluminum . . . two muilion and double corner braces give added strength ... a three section door jamb assures a better fit . . . *•« Ibis outstanding value before you bay. ALEXANDER LUMBER Co. 547 W. Main St. PHONE McHENRY 1424 McHenry, 111. WISCO ALUMINUM CORPORATION IfldMum Irw t* fifliafctd pt»4u«t I* to mw fiaaat dens put on skits, while the remainder dhbwed their handicraft projects. Cubmaster Haerle was unable to attend the meeting so Art Miller filled the office. Many awards were given out. Bobcat awards went to Charles Habich, Daniel Lissy, Richard Lissy, George Lissy and Robert Dickman. Walter Hunt received his Lion badge, one gold and one silver arrow; Roger Hunt, Bear badge; Milt Higan, Bear badge and one gold arrow; J. Stendebach, Lion badge; Chick Enstrom, Bear badge; Chipper Beth, two silver arrows; Gregory Pilgrim, Wolf badge and denner stripes; Butch Cook, assistant denner stripe; Larry Draheim, denner stripes; Fred Kusch, one gold and one silver arrow; Terry ^tiller, assistant denner gtripe; Tommy Weisenberger, denner stripe; Richard Boldt, assistant denner stripe; ' Bob Nielsen, denner stripes; Randy Nielsen, assistant denner stripe; Glenn Johnson, assistant denner stripe. At a pack committee meeting held at the Haerle home, Howard Werikel, I. R. representative, was a guest. Bill Nielsen gave a talk on how to be better parents. The next committee meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. John Doherty and the next pack meeting will be held at Harrison school Nov. 15. •; • hf"; Child Hospitalized Richard Wright, son of Pastor and Mrs. Richard Wright of the Wonder Lake Gospel church, was a hospital patient at Woodstock last week. 4-H Finish Up Although nine of the county's home economics 4-H clubs finished up their projects 100 per cent this year, none of them was from Wonder Lake. The Wonder Workers club was highest in the Wonder Lake group with 90 per cent. The Livewires had 80 per cent; the Handy Helpers, 62 per cent; and the Busy Bumble Bees, '63 per cent. Potluck aod Party The American Legion post at Wonder Lake will hold an open house and pot-luck dinner party at the post home qn Nov. 11. All the Wonder Lake community is invited to attend and bring a dish to pass. There is no admission chaVge. New Residents Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Burlingham have rented the former J. Hutton Nixon residence in Wickline Bay for the winter. The Burlinghams only recently sold their farm near Woodstock. Lloyd Burlingham is a wellknown radio and television personality and broadcasted over •WBBM from his farm home for a number of years. He was associated with the television program, "Down On The Farm," two seasons ago. On Monday nigjit of last week, Elmer Murphy, chairman of the county Democratic committee, announced that Richai'd Babcock of Woodstock had been endorsed by the committee as candidate in 1956 for the office of attorney general of Illinois. Babcofck, who is an attorney in Chicago, is married daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Burliiigham. Legion IPost News An open house will be hejd at the Legion home on Veterans' Day, Nov. 11. There will be dancing from 9 to 1, TWith mufeic by the Town and Country Boys. A pot-luck dinner will, be served and the public is invited. Those attending are asked to bring a dish to pass. Lois Weeks says that the Legion is open Saturday nights and people of Wonder La,ke 'are invited to drop in and have some fun. She also says that donations placed in the red and silver containers at the stores may make a better Christmas for veterans in hospitals. Bridal Showers Miss Carole Bell, who will be married this month, was honored at two bridal showers recently. Cheryl Is Two Cheryl Elbersen, daughter . of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Elbersen, celebrated her second birthday with a party at her home last week. Turkey Time A turkey dinner will be served at St. Mary's church hall in McHenry on Sunday, Nov. 13, from noon to 4 p.m. The dinner is sponsored by the Parents' association of Christ the King church of Wonder Lake and wlil be served family style. The proceeds of this dinner will support the Catholic school bus which transports the Wonder Lake children to St. Mary's in McHenry. Grand Success The card party given by the N.C.C.Y. (Altar and Rosary) of Christ the King church was a grand success. The organization is grateful to all those who helped. Save More By Shopping At Home- AUCTION Having sold the farm, the undersigned will offer the following personal property for sale at public auction on the farm located 4 miles East of Fox River Grove, 111., 3 miles West of Lake Zurich, 3 miles North of Barrington, Vi mile West of Route 59, on Route 22, on SATURDAY* NOVEMBER 12 Commencing at 1:00 o'clock SI HEAD HOLSTEIN CATTLE - 25 MILCH COWS -- 8 fresh, 5 with calf by side, 5 close, springers, balance milking good; 2 springing heifers due in January, 20-mos. old bred heifer; 5-mos. old heifer; 2 Holstein Bulls, 1 20 mos. old, 1 8 mos. old. HORSES -- 2 good farm horses with harnesses. PRODUCE -- 1500 bales good Timothy hay; 900 bales good Clover and Timothy hay; 10 ton loose hay; 400 bales threshed straw; 800 bushel very good threshed oats; 300 bushel old corn; 600 bushel new ear corn; 2 ton Brewers grain. POULTRY -- 40 laying hens. DAIRY EQUIPMENT -- Universal double unit milker with motor, pump and line; McC-D 6 can milk cooler; 22 8-gal. milk cans; 2 wash tanks; electric water heater; pails, strainers, etc. 2 TRACTORS, BALER & FARM MACHINERY -- McC-D M tractor, in excellent condition; McC-D H tractor with cultivator; McC-D 2/14 plow; New Holland 77 baler; John Deere 7 ft. disc; McC-D 7 ft. tractor mower; MH 7 ft. quack digger; New Idea side rake; John Deere 7 ft. drill; MoC-D corn planter; 4-sec. steel drag; McC-D corn binder; McC-D grain binder; U. S.- grain blower; Little Giant 40 ft. elevator with motor and 150 ft. cord; Rosenthal corn "shredder; Case 28 in. threshing machine; 75 ft. endless belt; 100 ft. endless belt; New Idea manure spreader; rubber-tired wagon and rack; John Deere wagon and rack; 2 wagons with flare boxes; David Bradley garden tractor new; other farm machinery and tools. BERTHA HAINK. Owner ROBERS & BEHM, Auctioneers WISCONSIN SALES CORPORATION, Clerk Union Grove, Wis. # RICHMOND-BURTON SPORTS -M-* Soph team couldn't quite get rolling on the ground as they have done in the past. These boys deserve a lot of credit for doing as well as they did with only eight players. They sure were tired after the game, but a couple of them stayed dressed for the varsity game and finally did see some action with the big team. Dave Harris was the quarterback and called all the plays for the team and called a nice game, too. When he found out he could not get anywhere on the ground against the larger opponents, he took to the air and connected on some really thrilling passes. The two receivers were Ken Bergsma and Jerry Dring. They each caught five passes during the game and each scored two touchdowns. George Deidrich scored the Rackets' only extra point. Others to see action in this game for the underclassmen were Mitchell Adams, Mike West, Jim Miller and Dennis Kolmar. By next football season we know that some of these boys will be playing varsity ball so until next season keep an eye on these" boys and see if they put on any size. Frosh-Soph Statistics Eat a Football? VBETTER SCHOOLS BETTER COMMUNITIES Everybody would enjoy eating these delicious, make-believe footballs, for they're simply "hard-boiled" eggs prepared as favors" for fall neighborhood parties. Gridiron table centerpiece is made of green velvet. Ten-yard stripes are strips of paper. Goal posts and flagpole are pencils set in modeling clay. Use a food dye to color the cooked eggs a uniform brown, and a black crayon to draw stitching and lacing lines on "footballs." You can "score" highly with this party idea, the Poultry and Egg National board suggests. R E First downs rushing 2 4 First downs passing 2 2 First downs penalties 1 0 Total first downs 5 6 Yards gained rushing 52 131 Yards gained passing 212 222 Yards lost rushing 22 8 Total net gain 242 345 Passes attempted 20 17 Passes completed 11 13 Passes intercepted by 1 1 Yards penalized 15 30 Fumbles 2 2 Ball lost on fumbles 2 2 Read The Classified Want Ads work for W Family Style TURKEY DINNER will be served at St. Mary's Church Hall in McHenry, 111. SUNDAY, Nov. 13 th from 12 Noon to 4 P.M. Sponsored By: PARENTS ASSOCIATION of CHRIST THE KING CHURCH WONDER LAKE, ILL. | Savings invested in Lake Savings and LoM epdnj^>,; ~Vi% plus >/2% extra,. 28trV Business & Service Directory of Wonder Laker A ; & WONDER LAKE BUILDERS SUPPLY Free Estimates Jk Delivery Phone W. L. 3231 Ed & John's Wonder Lake Standard Service Phone: W. L. 8241 or S46S All Minor Mechanical Repairs • Lubrication # Washing • Tires & Accessories 'If you can't stop in smile as you go by!" Tou Expect More From Standard And Get ft! CRISTY and STENDEBACH General Contractors NEW HOMES and REMODELING Phone Wonder Lake 5432 -- 2464 -- 5301 If you have news items of interr est to your neighbors in Wonder Lake, please contact your correspondent, Van Sells, at Wonder Lake 2936. Phone 195 AUCTION Power? YJU bet/ The fabulous Thunderbird Y-8 Ford goes like the^Thunderbird! With this exciting nevv "Go"-power you can smile at hills, have new confidence in passing. The Thunderbird Y-8 engine can be yours at no extra cost, for it is the standard eight in all Ford Fairlane and Station Wagon models. Beauty? Of co Inspired by the Thunderbird The ne\V '56 Ford and the fabulous Ford Thunderbird are really look-alikes! You can see the resemblance in every long, low line . . . every graceful contour. And you can expect to be envied no matter where you may drive in your new '56 Ford. M Safety ? Only FORD gives you LIFEGUARD DESIGN Having sold the farm, the undersigned will offer the following personal property for sale at public auction on the farm located 2 miles Northeast of Lake Zurich. 111., 6 miles Southwest of Mundelein, 5 miles Southeast of Wauconda, 14 mile East of Route 63 on the Old McHenry Road, at Fairfield, 111., on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15 '0 Commencing at 12:00 o'clock OTTO'S LUNCH WAGON ON GROUNDS 22 HEAD HOLSTEIN CATTLE -- 12 MILCH COWS -- 8 fresh, 5 with calf by side, 4 close springers; 8 springing heifers due in December and January; 2 6-mos. old heifers; Holstein stock bull. HORSES -- 1 good team of farm horses with harness. HOGS -- 45 choice feeder pigs; 4 bred sows. POULTRY' -- 200 White Rock and Leghorn hens; also poultry equipment. DAIRY EQUIPMENT-- 2 Surge units with motor, pipe and line; 12. 8-gal. milk cans; 2 wash tanks; electric water heater, new; pails and strainers, etc. PRODUCE -- 3,000 bales 1st cutting alfalfa hay; 400 bales 2nd cutting hay; 375 bales threshed straw; 1 stack straw; 11 ft. silage in 14 ft. silo; 1,600 bushel threshed oats; 2.500 bushel ear corn. TRACTOR, CHOPPER AND FARM MACHINERY -- McC-D H tractor with cultivatbr; New Holland chopper with corn and hay attachments; John Deere 2/16 plow; McC-D. 2/14 plow on rubber; 7 ft. tractor disc with rubber carrying wheels; John Deere 7 ft. grain drill with grass seed attachment; McC-D 7 ft. grain drill with grass seed attachment; Buckeye 7 ft. seeder; 8 ft. corrugated roller; John Deere corn planter; New Idea side rake; McC-D side rake; McC-D mower; rubbertired wagon; and a complete line of farm machinery and tools. SOME HOUSEHOLD GOODS including 22 cu. ft. Home Freezer, like new. ALBERT VOLLING, Owner ROBERS & BEHM, Auctioneers WISCONSIN SALES CORPORATION, Clerk Union Giove, Wis. Phone 195 / Even more important than Ford's Thunderbird looks and go is Ford's new Lifeguard Design. It gives you extra protection in accidents. To cushion you from the steering post, Ford has a deep-center Lifeguard steering wheel. To reduce possibility of doors springing open under impact, Ford has Lifeguard double-grip door latches. To help lessen injuries from impact, Ford offers optional seat belts and Lifeguard cushioning for control panel and sun visors. A new double-swivel Lifeguard rear view mirror "gives" under impact. Come in! See how safe, how beautiful, how powerful a car in Ford's field can be. You'll be safer in a '56 Ford The jihe car at half the fine-car price MOTOR SALES 531 Main Sireei Phone McHenry 1 McHenry* HL GREAT TV, FORD THEATRE, CHANNEL 5, WNBQ, 8:30 PJM. THURSDAYS -- mm

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