Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Nov 1955, p. 18

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GOSH MARY, TM SORRY THAT YOUR CORSAGE JUST WILTED AWAY... WHY IT WAS ONLY THIS EVENING THAT I GOT THEM FROM THE BIG TOWN FLORIST/ RAID A GOOD PRICE FOR EM' TOO f . I KNOW YOUR INTENTIONS WERE GOOD... ITS A SHAME YOU WENT ALLTMAT WAY' BUT WE GIRLS KNOW THAT FOR REALLY NICE FLOWERS t ^ NO ONE CAN TOP OUR FLORISTS HERE IN MCHENRY 1£' COPrRIGMT FEATURES ILLINOIS SCHOOL CHILDREN FIGHT ANCIENT ENEMY Illinois school children have been enlisted in a war against an age-old enemy -- cold weather Dr. Richard P. Saunders, president of Save The Children Federation, has declared that Dec. 5 through Dec. 9 will be "Bundle Week in Illinois," a time when public school students will j launch their attack by collecting i good, clean clothing for needy I youngsters at home and abroad j who cannot defend themselves from the chill blasts of winter. Dr. Saunders has written to I local superintendents throughout ; the state to cooperate in the j 1955 "Bundle Week," the four- | teenth annual clothing crusade j of Save The Children Federation. | The federation is an internation- j al child service agency that helps underprivileged boys and girls in isolated rural mountains of the United States, on the windswept Navajo Indian reservation, and in ten overseas countries including Korea. Much of the clothing collected in past drives has been used for emergency purposes. In 1954 and 1955 Save ' the Children Fedieration rushed large amounts of clothing to victims of floods, earthquakes, fires -- in Greece, Italy, North Africa, Austria, Haiti. And over the past three years, the federation has sent more than 2.000,000 pounds of clothing to Korea alone. Dr. Saunders recalled previous years in which Save the Children Federation has held clothing* drives in Illinois. "Illinois schools have taken part in five earlier 'Bundle Weeks'," he said. In the last five years Illinois school children collected almost a million pounds of clothing for youngsters less fortunate than themselves. "Save the Children Federation reduces what would otherwise be a •'herculean task to an easy routine for schools. The federation supplies everything from circulars for students and information for teachers to free shipping and complete publicity kits. Experience has proved this to be an excellent project for promoting social consciousness and international friendship in our students -- as well as providing much needed suits and dresses and coats for children in America arid overseas." j The federation was founded in ; 19.'>2 and has national headquar- j ters at 345 East 46th street, New j York City. Among its national i sponsors ^ are Miss Faith Baldwin, Raymond E. Baldwin, Mrs. Sherwood Eddy, Mrs. Dwight D. Eisenhower, Herbert Hoover, Henry R. Luce, Senator H. Alexander Smith, the Rt. Rev. Henry St. G. Tucker and Thomas J. Watson. By Ann Brzeoinski Fire .Department Please continue saving your newspapers. There Will be a truck picking them up soon. Fire Department Auxiliary ' This is your last week to get your books from Htelen Para for the feather party to be held at the firehouse Saturday, Nov. 12. Food and refreshments will be served. The proceeds from this party go for a Christmas party for the children of the community. Let us all do our best and make this party' as successful as in the past. The auxiliary is grateful to Mr. Sarley for making a. billboard announcing the feather party and future affairs, and to Ray Cynowa, Jr., for drawing the sign. . - [Bowling The bowling sponsored by the Kiwanis club for children is'still badly in need of instructors and scorers. Den 7 has made plans to visit the telephone building on Thursday afternoon. At present they are working on a picture map of the United States: Girl .Scouts A meeting . was held at Mrs. Dorothy Bonder's home on Wednesday, Nov. 16, from 7:30 p.m. to 10 for a leadership training course. " Meetings will be held every other Wednesday evening. Mrs. Avis Gqtr^has been instructing the following, ladies: Mrs. Lieberson of McHenry, and Mesdames Pat Morrison, .Jean Booster, Pope, Marge Beahler and Dorothy Bonder of Lakemoor. Anyone interested in the above course please^ call Mrs; Morrison or Mrs. Bonder. (Correction Louis Pogany, Jr., did not enter the hospital for further examination as stated in last week's paper. MoHenry Bible Church B.C. Teens will hold their meetings on Sunday at 6:45 p.m. at the church in McHenry. Meetings will be conducted by the. young people. Dorothy Pope was in charge of the Nov. 6 meeting. Mark Todd will be in charge of the Nov. 13 meeting and there will also be election of officers. NATIONAL GFARD MONTH Gov. William G. Stratton has proclaimed November as Illinois National Guard Month. His proclamation points to opportunities offered by the Guard to young men when they come to fulfill their military service obligations under the Reserve Forces Act of 1955. It asks civic and patriotic > organizations and schools to back j the National Guard program. An j intensive recruiting drive will be ! carried on all over Illinois during j November by the various units | of the air and army Natignal Guard. j P.T.A. The Lily Lake P.T.A. held a Hallowe'en party for the children at the schoolhouse in Lilymoor. The children enjoyed the party frith ice cream, cookies, toys an<3 a candy treat bag. Thursday Socials The Thursday" night socials are being hel<J- < Wally's Oasis every Thui$diay at $:30- p>m. Everyone is welcome to ' attend. " Here •& There Mr. and Mrs. William Bennett, who have been house guests of Dr. and Mrs. Leslie Krieger for the past four months, are now returning to foeir home in Sollywood, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brady enjoyed the company of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ugaste and their daughter, Jerilyn, of Meyers Bay on Saturday, Nov. 5. Sandy' Bienamann of Racine, Wis., spent a pleasant weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs; Stan Zabroski. An enjoyable evening was had by Adele Leon, who joined her brothers and sisters at a dance held at the Elmhurst Country Club. On Sunday, Mr. and Mi's. Casey Brzezinski entertained Mr. and Mrs. Michael Para and their daughter, Yvonne, Mr. and Mrs. Al Weathers and Mrs. Charlene Lyons and son, David., Birthdays Miss Elizabeth Schafer celebrated her birthday at tjie last Ladies League meeting, Wednesdaly, Nov.2. At the Nov. 16 social meeting, Jessie and Olive Corbett will celebrate theirs. Jimmy Bolda will be 3 years old on Friday, Nov. 11. A happy birthday to - all of you, and many happy returns of the day. 7 Shop at Home and SAVE! Brownies The busy little Brownies are still working on the corsages for Christmas and also a surprise gift for their mothers. Cub Scouts Order yonr Robber Stamp at the Plaindealer today! YOU'VE TRIED THE REST NOW TRY THE TOP BEST mur "AMERICA'S FINEST FOOD SUPPLEMENT' Added to your diet, it assures a more complete nutrition. Call: FLORENCE ENGDAHL McHenry 1074-R COME ONE! COME ALL! St. Mary's Annual FEATHER PARTY SUNDAY Nov. 20th 8 p.m. • POPULAR PINOCHLE First appearing In games books about a hundred years ago, Pinochle (also spelled Pinocle) is German in origin and belongs to the same family^ card games -as Bezique which it closely resembles in mode of play and scoring. It has become one of themost popular family games at rural America, especially in the great mid- West. Hera and e l s e - w h e r e throughout the land, it is a particular favorite in men's social and fraternal organisations. But there are also thousands of excellent women Pinochle players today. Pinochle differs from Bridge and other games of the partnership family principally in the value of the cards. These are not confined, as in Bridge, merely to their trick-taking power but they also count in the score according to their being combined in certain patterns and also according to certain values assigned --to ;i ndividual cards. » Pinochle is further distinguished by having its'own special deck which differs from the full pack of 52 cards used in Bridge and Poker and other games. In Pinochle only 48 cards are used. They are the Ace, King, Queen, Jack, ten and nine of each of the four suits, each card appearing twice. In a Pinochle pack, therefore, there are 2 Aces of Spades, 2 nines of Diamonds, etc. Like Cribbage, Pinochle has its own colorful expressions (dix, roundhouse. shmeer, royal marriage^ common marriage) which may baffle those who ara playing the game for the first time. The dix" (pronounced deece) is the nine of trumps; "shmeering" or fattening the trick is to play a high counting card on a trick that pawner is likely to win; a roundhouse is a meld of one King' and Queen in each suit; a meld of the King and Queen of Trumps is a royal marriage while a common marriage is the King and Queen of an ordinary suit. Although there -are many variations of Pinochle, including Auction Pinochle, Partnership Pinochle, Check Pinochle and Contract Pinochle, the liveliest and most popular by far is Two-Hand Pinochle. You can obtain a free copy of the easy-to-follow rules for playing Two-Hand Pinochle by writing to Playing Cards, 420 Lexington Avenue, New York, 17, N. Y. Modern Living TURKEYS TURKEYS TURKEYS COMFORT AND CONVENIENCE. Comfortable? Yes... but more than that. A bedside telephone offers convenience and protection, too. It brings peace of mind worth far more than the low extra cost. Wouldn't you like to enjoy "modern living" convenience? You can have an extension, phone promptly installed in your bedroom. The charge is only about 3^ a day. For more information, please call or stop by your local Telephone Business Office. Illinois Bell. Telephone Company. CLEAN! C-L-E-A-N-E-R T-H-E C-L-E-A-N-E-S-T TYDOL HEATING OILS You Pay No More, . You start on our profit sharing plSn with your first fill. CASH DISCOUNT CALL 730 McHENRY FOR FULL DETAILS McHENRY COUNTY FARMERS' CO-OP ASS'N. McHenry, Illinois After 4:30. p.m. Call 1502 Coronet 4-door Lancer Com share the rewards if the treat Dodge success! Here's the only full-size, full-styled, fall-fashioned KING SIZE CAR to invade the low-price field with a full line of body styles! Here is no stripped-down "price special" . . . but a full-size, fullstyled, full-fashioned beauty that's KING SIZE in every way. This new Dodge Coronet takes the measure of all others in the low-price fieid on every point of value: Size! Beauty! Style! Power! Roominess! Comfort! It is actually bigger and more luxurious than cars costing up to a thousand dollars more! You have a full choice of body styles, Si full choice of advanced power features. And . . . you get the Magic Touch of Dodge push-button driving! Come discover the dividend of extra value that Dodge brings you in the Coronet. It's the King Size buy in the low-price field! Valw Lmadmr of th» Forward Look Win' Hew Dodge for the rest of your life! Enter fabulous "Dodge for Life" Contest at your Dodge Dealer's now! , A. S. BLAKE MOTORS, Inc. 301 E. PEARL STREET PHONE 156 McHENRY- ILL. Showroom Open Daily 'Til 6 p.m. -- Wednesdays and Fridays 'Til 9 p.m. -- Sunday 9 'Til 12 Noon

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