Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Nov 1955, p. 2

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WWW Page Two ; '*§ n p z r * r > f P8'®S "f&M W' . TOE MCHENHY PIAINDEALER Thursday, Novomber 10*1955 Frett-Knox I W.C.O.F. (Members , Troth ITold Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Frett of Johnsburg announce the engagei Enjoy. jPot-Luck Forty members of St. Clara's Court, No. 659, enjoyed a delicious ment of their daughter, Cynthia j pot-luck supper in St. Mary's Ann, to John M. Knox, son of 1 school hall last Thursday eve- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knox, Sr. A spring wedding is planned. Shower /Honors , Darlene Aftidreas > shower ning. Rt. Rev. Msgr. Nix and Fr. Schuler were present, £acji sffc&king a few words. j After supper, the meeting was | called to order, with forty-five A,, miscellaneous was . members present. Cards were held at the community hall in played and prizes awarded. Jdhnsburg last Sunday for Miss j The next regular meeting will Darlene Andreas, whose marriage be held Nov. I'D at 8 o'clock, with to Tom Huemann will take place j all members urged to attend. Nov. 19. ! • . : Forty-ifive friends and relatives WHEELER were present to enjoy the party _ _.ppr_._ . j _ T'l'L'g planned the hostesses; Doris ^ ruiJljo f Andreas. Carol Rattray, Pat : PERFORMED SUNDAY Laures and Kate Freund. __ 1 Guests attended from Crystal J After many years had ihter- Lake, Algonquin, Marengo, Mc- vened, childhood sweethearts ex- Henry, Johnsburg and Rockford. changed nuptial vows in McHen- The serving table was centered j ry last Sunday, Nov. 6^ They with a miniature bride and groom j were Mrs. Agnes Wentworth and their attendants. Streamers | Gilly and Dr. Joel E. Wheeler, were suspended above the gift : who were married in a 3 o'clock table, which contained a variety ceremony at his home by Rev. TELL ENGAGEMENT Mrs. Florence Jaeoby of, 2644 N. Sacramento blvd., Chicago, announces the engagement of her daughter, Jackie, to Don Crook of Lakemoor. Miss Jacobv has been a summer residfent of McHenry. for the of beautiful and useful items Games were enjoyed and tasty lunch served. J. Elliott Corbett. a Present for the service were i her sister, Mrs. Bessie Abroms, ! of Rockford, her daughter and i husband, Mr. and Mrs. Henry | Owens, of Rockford, Mrs. Zena the Bacon, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Holly C.D. of A. Plans | Social Meeting A business meeting of Catholic Daughters of America , and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bacon was held on Thursday, after i and SOn, Duane, of McHenry. which pinochle was enjoyed. Win- . jce ci-eam arid wedding cake ners included Irene Guffey, Elea- were served to the guests follownor Freund, Helen Thompson and }ng the nuptial rite "Bobby" May. ! Fr. Schuler gave a talk to \ the members. The committee in charge then served lunch. A social meeting on Nov. 17 will mark the first party of the card toumaiment. Shower honors Mr. and Mrs. Herb Harrison tttra. Uean Kupec ; j are parents of .a daughter, Mrs. Jean Kupec was guest of 1 born Nov. 2 at Memorial hospital, honor at a pink and blue shower ) Lt and Mrs Jack Thies are *held at the home of Lillian j parents of a 5 lb. 9 oz Michels Wednesday evening of!daughter born Nov { in Reno last week. A social hour of games j j^ev gj^ has been named Andrea Lynn. Mrs. Thies is the former Mary Unti. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. J. c. Thies and and Mr. and Mrs. Gus TJnti. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Wirtz and visiting preceded the serving of a delicious lunch. Assisting Mrs. Michels as cohostess Was Cyl Falch. Guests included Eleanor Ebey, Sadie DeYoung, Lelah Howard, , ^ Grace Goffo, Mary Lekawitch, *re 0x6 farents of, » so*\ born Ella Benson, Sis Fox, Pat West,1 Nov" 6 at Memorial hospital. Stella Blades, Ethel Conway, A daughter was bop Nov. 6 Dorothy Miller, Catherine Meyer, at Memorial hospital to ,and Emily Hester, Vera Herdrich and Mrs. Marvin Olson of Island Helen McCurdy. Lake. Opl. and Mrs. James Miller announce the arrival of their first child, a boy, born Mov. 4 and weighing 7 lbs. He has been named James Robert. Mrs. Miller is the former Barbara Diedrich of Volo. The Millers are living in Alexandria, Va., and Cpl. Miller is serving with the Army at Ft. Belvoir. (JACKIE UACOBY , past ten years. She is a 1955 graduate of Immaculata high school, Chicago, and is now employed by the First National bank of Chicago. No date has been set for the wedding. McHENRY LADIES HELP CELEBRATE WCOF ANNIVERSARY Six members of St. Clara's Court, No. 659, drove to Rockford last Wednesday evening, where they helped St. Anthony's Court, No. 674, celebrate its thirtieth anniversary. Guests of the evening were Miss Mary McCullough, high chief ranger; Mrs. Anna Rottgen, high vice-chief ranger of the high court of Chicago; Rt. Rev. Louis J. Franey, chancellor of Rockford; and Rev. Maurice Boro, pastor of St. Anthony's parish. Members from five surrounding courts were present, including Johnsburg, Elgin, Free port, Savannah and Sterling. Attending from McHenry were Helen Weber, Evalyn Blake, Martha Freund, Kathryn Worts, Bobby May and Ann Rodenkirch. PERSONALS -•' • Mrs. Alpha Pedereon, Mrs. Kathryn Worts, Mrs. Agnes Gilly and Mrs. Ethel Holly of Riverview Camp, R.N.A., and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Conway and Mrs. Howard cairns were Oak Park visitors Sunday, where they visited their brother-in-law, EcKvard Holle, who is . critically ill at West. Suburban hospital. Mrs. Nellie Bacon was a dinner guest in the.- Weston Bacon home in Crystal Lake Sunday and lat- Alice Lindsay of Fox River Val- j er, in company with the family, ley camp attended a meeting of1 took Mrs. Bacon's mother, Mrs. the McHenry County Past Or- I Scott Davis, a weekend guest, acles club, held at the home of Mrs. Margaret Nason in Algonquin Tuescay or last week. Mrs. c. H. Duker, accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Mabel Longanecker, of Antioch, Calif., visited relatives rn Indiana the past week. ' Mrs. John R. Schmitt and Mr and Mrs. Alex Adams visited the former's husband-at Lake Forest hospital Wednesday evening. Mrs. Edward Tonyan and Mrs. Joseph Glosson visited Mrs. Joseph Vogt at her. hoijie at Roun back to her home in Racine, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Adams and son, Robert, attended the wedding reception for Miss Alice Frankel of River Forest and Herbert Granstrom of Massachusetts, which took place at Oak Park Arms hotel, Oak Park, following their marriage at the bride's home Saturday afternoon^ The Frankel family are summer re'siderfts of piatakee Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. powers and sona.^BiUy and Larry, of Batavia spent Sunday in the home of his Lake, where she is seriously ill ^ mother, Mrs. Mabel Powers. •fnllrvwino* ViAr rolonca (Ko I ^ Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Glosspn and daughters, Carol and Patsy, visited Kenosha relatives Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph May and daughter, Lois, and Mrs. Irene Guffey visited relatives in Kenosha, Wis., Sunday. Mrs. Anna Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Justen, Mr. and Mrs. William Glosson, Mr. and Mrs.. George Glosson and Mr. and Mrs! "Lester Bacon were among the McHenry folks who attended "the Peter Justen silver wedding in Woodstock Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Sibre Whiting were Waukegan visitors Sunday, where they attended the twentyfollowing her release f£om the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Mitchell of Waukegan. were Sunday visitors in the home of her mother, Mrs. Zena Bacon. Mrs. A. J. Grever spent a feudays the past week with her sister, Mrs. Haufe, at Neenah, Wis , and helped her celebrate her birthday. . Mr. and Mrs. Stephen N. Schmitt and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weingart visited John R. Schmitt at Lake Forest hospital Thursday, where he has been a patient for the past month. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Dixon and family and Mrs. Fred Bienapfl visited in the Brugger home in Kenosha, Wis., Wednesday, wjtgre they helped the latter's grandson, Bobble Brugger, celebrate his ninth birthday. Mr. and Mrs. George Larkin visited relatives at Sycamore last week. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stoller and daughter, Mrs. Helen Jacoby, left recently for Pompano Beach, Fla., to spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Muska have returned from a visit with relatives in Minneapolis, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Young, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen N. Schmitt and Mr. and Mrs. John Thelen saw the Ice Follies in Chicago recently. Duane Bacon, a student a? the University of Illinois, spent the weekend with his parents,, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bacon. Weingart (Infant Christened (Sunday The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Weingart was christened Karen Marie last Sunday at St. Mary's church. Sponsors were Mrs. Earl Anderson, an aunt, of Crystal Lake, and1. Edmund Skoney of Elmhurst, an uncle. Paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weingart of McHenry, ^jmd the maternal grandfather, William Selzer of Crystal Lake, were present' at dinner served at the Weingart home following the christening. Help Us Celebrate Our 1st Anniversary In Business^ SATURDAY EVENING, NOV. 12* FREE REFRESHMENTS Thank you friends and neighbors for a wonderful year. CLYDE'S 120 CLUB ROUTE 130 LAKEMOOR Surprise (Birthday, Hallowe'en jParty i j A surprise birthday anck Hallowe'en party was held for ATaster Skinner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Skinner, on his third birthday. It was held in the home of his grandmother, Mrs. Eugenia Tucker, of Sunnyside Estates. Among the guests was Mrs. Anna Botulinski, his greatgrandmother, with whom he spends the week in Chicago. Others attending the party were Mr. and Mrs. C- Skinner, Miss Betty Butler, Mrs. Joseph Butler and son, Thomas, Patricia Ann Tucker, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Zuro and Children, ' Lynne, Richie and Laurie, Miss Bertha Krasnicki and Miss Lillian Marsden, all of Chicago. He received a variety of gifts, including one from his grandmother, Mrs. Stella Wilson, of Oklahoma. The Skinners have a home in Sunnyside Estates. Children's IHealth Discussed iFor p.T.A. St. Mary's P.T.A. held its November meeting in the school hall, with a large crowd in attendance. Mrs. Joanne Rulien was pres- ; en>t to give a very interesting talk on the health of the children. She strongly urged parents i to cooperate with any of the ! health programs coming up and ! mentioned that the serum fqr the secpnd polio shots will be available in the very near future. She seemed pleased over the recent purchase of an audiometer and thanked St. Mary's for their generous contribution. The baby sitting service, offered without charge and put into effect last month, has met with fairly good response and it is expected that more will be taking advantage. It is planned that a mother and several high school girls will be in charge at the 8j30 mass. flue meeting closed with a prayer, after which dessert and coffee "were -served by the committee I* charge. x 9' porch woi *n ith a Worp'j Win dow Material for only $11.50. Thai's !•» than the cost of on* glass window. Moka your own Winter-proof itorm doori and itorm window,j turn windswept porches into warm, cozy rooms. (Tack on right over screens.) closed m JUST CUT AND TACK ON flftSTIC WltDOW MATE GLASS-Q-N!1 piaSiic,Ov£R wvR-isifil l, ClrAP FUSTIC oven %'V^ HASE-OMl* 3S**l|y§. FOR STORM DOORS AND PORCH ENCLOSURES FOR LOW COST STORM WINDOWS E N - TCK&M PLASTIC OVE* ONIT. 17* Sp, 'f,t WIDE ^ lG^RANTEE0 2VeARS imitations LpoK to, the name Wa P along the edge lor your protect. W*«P BROS. CMC- SI f ^>,e--« I Th« P.onecr, - Established FOR GARAGE, BARN, POULTRY AND HOG-HOUSE | WINDOWS KEEP OUT COL8& Flexible Shatterproof Lasts for Years LESS COSTLY THAN GLASS Let in Sunshine Vitamin D ( HEALTH-GIVING ULTRA-VIOLET RAYS) STORM WINDOVV KITS AT YOuP LOCAL DEALERS TiKpe ON. . . OR T£ck ON AS LOW AS 39<| your D«at«r). fifth wedding anniversary celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Anderson. Mrs. Whiting and Mrs.' Anderson were classmates at St. Therese School Of* pursing. US {November ,10 Feather Party -- Fox Hole -- Benefit Shamrock Baseball Team November 11 Woman's Club Meeting .-- Legion Home -- 2 p.m. -- -Theme, "Christmas Decorations" November 12 Annual Bazaar and Dinner -- RingwOod Methodist Church -- Serving 5 to 7:30 p.m. Bazaar and Roast Beef Dinner -- Ringwood -Church Hall -- Service Starts 5 p.m. Annual Feather Party -- Memorial j Hall -- Sponsored By Johnsburg community Club November 17 W.S.C.S. Meeting -- ' 11:45, Board; 12:45, Guided Worship; 1 p.m., Dessert Luncheon McHenry Community P.T.A. Meeting -- High School Cafeteria -- 8:15 p.m. (Nov^miber ,20 , Feather Party -- St. Patrick's Church Hall -- 7:30 p.m. |November (21 , Fall Festival arid Feather Party -- St. Peter's Parish, Spring Grove Art Class Meets ^ At Church Nov. 15 The art class taught by Miss Margaret Dorman will be .held next Tuesday, Nov. - 15, in the Methodist church recreation room. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pheanis will assist her, both having had special training in the fine arts. Mr. Pheanis is an instructor in the local high school and is also football coach. All students are requested -to come equipped with a standing easel, etc. The class will work from a model, - this particular method of working having been found most practical in this section in contrast to the East, where different approaches are used. Working from life is not With the intention of a photographer since the models are merely sources of reference. Savings Invested in Crystal Lake Savings and Loan earn 2 '/2 % plus '/'2 % extra, 28tf Kf." COLD WAVE COMING At4* u ?/y 6 0CO<^< Call 147 Open Tues., Thurs., and Fri. Evenings 'til 9 p.m. (CARD OF {THANKS I would like to thank everyone who sent cards and gifts and offered prayers for me during my recent stay in the hospital. *27 William Brown 0SRITAL Jimmy Greene has arrived home after a fifty-three-day stay at Sherman hospital, Elgin, and is recovering nicely. Mrs. John J.. .McCarthy, wife of the Former chief of police of McHenry, undement . a serious operation at the Mound Park hospital, St. Petersburg, Fla., last week. A. H. Mpsher is- still confined to St. Therese hospital, Waukegan, where he is improving nicer ly. Warren Jones has been tient in Columbus hospital, cago. Randy Klontz, 5-yeiar-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Klontz, is recovering in St. Therese hospital from skin grafting made necessary as the result of burns suffered ,a few weeks ago in an accident. Arthur Jackson underwent surgery at Memorial hospital last week. a pa- 1, Ofi- Buy U.S. Savings Bonds WILL AT Pin-Curl PERMANENT 6 * YOUR LOVELINESS IS OU^ BUSIffESS cJ\iveistJc i'tcurshjling G^iudi 126 N. Riverside Drive McHenry, HI. luaio Phone 147 MONEY AND BANKING 1 In Everyday Living ===== How long should you keep your cancelled checks? Your cancelled checks are automatic receipts for money you have paid out. As a general rule it is well to hold them as long as payipent may be questioned. All cancelled checks should be kept-for two years. After that, keep the most important. It is recommended that you keep indefinitely checks to Federal, state and local governments for taxes; checks for payment of mortgages and similar obligations ; as well as checks for things you buy of substantial value. • • • WHO CAN BORROW money from the bank? Not only businessmen and businesswomen can borrow at our bank, but also factory workers, laborers, clerks, salesmen, housewives, typists, and professional people. Instalment loans, payable in small amounts, make it possible for employed people of good reputation in all walks of life to borrow here at low cost. • • • BANKING TERMS DEFINED "No-minimum-balance checking service": A plan by which you can have your own checking account but need to keep only enough on deposit to cover the checks you write. You gain in bill-paying efficiency and safety; and each check drawn costs only a few cents. • • • "In the public interest . . Our bank performs many such services. For example, we issue and redeem United States Savings Bonds. Like our other services, these extra ones offer you convenience. Bank with us! McHENRY STATE BANK Interest Paid On Savings Deposited Member Federal I^posit. ;|n|u^i^ Corporation ,r Member Federal Reserve System PHONE 1040 m O ! use SUPER 86 HOLIDAY SEC HIGHER COMPRESSION I HORSEPOWER I TORQUE 1 For a new high lr» action and Smoothness I CDIn-h-hi ! Those 'SO The going is great.:. greater than ever . . . when you take command of a '56 Oldsmobile! The Rocket T-350 is one of the big reasons. "T" is for torque . . . and it's terrific! Compression is up to 9.25 to I. And horsepower now hits 240! In every respect, this is the mightiest, safest Roeket Kngine ever built, with its ever-ready reserve of flashing power. And Olds has teamed the Rocket T-350 with new Jetawav Hydra-Matic-- that revolutionary advance in super-smooth automatic driving. This is the time for action! Take the wheel--take the road in a new 1956 Oldsmobile today! -.1 SOLD ONLY ^ HOMETOWN HARDWARE « LUMBER DEALERS l\/l VISIT THI "ROCKIT R O O M " . . . AT YOUR OLOSMOBILI DIALCR'SI R. J. Overton Motor Sales 403 Front street Phone 6 OlDSMOIIll PRISINTS "DIARIST • ANO^HM ORIAT 90-MINUTI MCfSlCAl "ON NBC-TV • SAT., NOV. 21 1 \

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