Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Nov 1955, p. 7

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Thursday, November 10,1955 • • • ' ".*••' . „ *8£ McHENRY PLAINDEALER • >r.*1 FKgv Dtwn SAVE $1; TIME HELP WANTED HELP WANTED' -- Part tlhiewaltress. Apply in person. Mi Place Restaurant, Green St. Phone 377. 22-tf HELP WANTED -- In Launderette. Part time worker. Phone 308. .27 HELP WANTED -- Part time work 3 to 5 evenings a week from 8 to 11:30 p.m. Phone 529-R-l. 27 V. ii 'j t i! !> I: ,j WANTED \ ;] ASSEMBLERS * LACERS and SOLDERERS ALSO Part Time work available from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Applications Accepted For * Night Work. APPLY ADMIRAL CORPORATION 507 W. Elm St. McHenry, 111. Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p:m. 16-tf SPECIALTY SALESMEN LEADS Seldom does a bonafide opportunity $.pot this kind present itself, where an average man with sales ability can earn $150-$175 weekly , to Start, selling a product that is now the big seller in its field by , 2 to 1 over .ill competition. NATIONAL . advertising provides a constant supply of qualified LEADS. tMust have car and' be willing to start at once. Write Box 91, care of Plaindealer. 27 <1 Help Wanted The Nation's Industrial Fastener Headquarters is expanding and needs men for the following .full. time, steady jobs. «. t* .«r ~ jf •- * Machine Operators Inspectors Shipping Room Helpers Plating Helpers Machine Repairmen Maintenance We will train on many jobs. This is it if you desire permanent employment with an established and growing concern. Liberal benefits. Employment Office open 8:15 - 4:45 weekdays and Saturday until noon. Phone Elgin 7900 collect. Shakeproof Division Illinois Tool Works St. Charles Road, (Rt. 25) Elgin, 111. 27-4 i WANTED -- Cook experienced in school cooking or cooking for group of apiprox. 50. Ideal situ- • ation for cook who is now employ- • ed in school system, as work is on weekends and school holidays. ? Cooking is for groups using Dun- | can Y.M.C.A. camp 1 mile No. of Volo. Pay excellent. Direct letter • of inquiry and references to Camp ^ Director, Duncan Y.M.C.A., 1515 p W. Monroe, Chicago 7, 111. 27-tf REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE -- 4 room, year round lakefront home, ftill basement, oil furnace, cabinet kitchen, bath, attached garage, wired for electric range, newly decorated inside and outside. Price $10,500. Call 917. „ 5-tf FOR SALE -- Small home, completed, Wonder View on nice high lot. For • quick sale, $4,500.00. Terms. AIRSPUN BUILDERS * McHenry 430 15-tf FOB SALE -- HOMES -- FARMS CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY Knox Beal Estate 405 Richmond Road McHenry, III. Phone: McHenry 421-J 24-tf SITUATION WANTED SITUATION WANTED -- Better coverage. volume. Experienced salesman with car, living in McHenry desires products or services to sell part time, wholesale or retail. ^Commission basis OK. Reply care of Box 87, McHenry Plaindealer. *26-2 CHILD CARE -- Will care for infant or child in town; excellent references. Tel. McHenry 1459-J. •27 WANTED WANTED -- Transportation from McHenry to Gray.iake. Must be there at 8 a.m. and leave at 4:30 p.m. Phone McHenry 1880. 27 WANTED -- Family to board springer Spaniel hunting dog. Phone McHenry 1003. *27 WANTED -- Elderly woman or couple to act as companion to an elderly woman. Must live in home with rent and utilities furnished. Call 135-W after 6 p.m. 27-2 WANTED -- One week only, rags, we pay lc per pound. Pick up or call 53-J, 517 West Waukegan Rd. Bill Staines. 27-5 WANTED -- Small furnished apartment by employed couple. Phone 425. *27 WANTED WANTED -- Free. fill. 700 So. Fourth St., 2 blocks from high school. Phone 801-R. *26-4 WANTED For Fair Prices And Good Service Plus Proper Disposal of Down Or Crippled Cattle {Must Be Alive) Please Consider The Importance of Proper Disposal L. BURNSIDE & SONS CALL MARENGO 907 COLLECT % . Marengo, Illinois 12-tf WANTED -- To let our customers know we are again upholstering furniture during the winter months. Call us for an estimate. Carl Rietesel, 289-W. 27-3 WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY -- Top price paid for iron, metals and junk cars. Ed Marsh, phone Woodstock 1610-M-2. 43-tf MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE -- Choose your new rugs or carpeting, at your convenience, right in your own home. A phone call will bring one of our carpeting experts with scores of samples of -- those heavenly carpets by LEES. Tidy Floor Coverings, 604 Washington St. (Route 14 North) Woodstock, 111. Phone 888. 27 FRIDAY NIGHT FISH FRY / Boneless Perch - French Fries Salad - Rolls & Butter -- 75c Childrens Plate -- 50c French Fried Shrimp Dinner -- $1.25 RUTH SMITH AT THE HAMMOND ORGAN ' CLUB LILYMOOR 24-tl NOTICE -- After Nov. 10, we will not be responsible for any debts contracted by any ^ne but ourselves. Delia & August Lunkenheimer *27 NOTICE -- Angel Casey is coming to visit the Toddler Shop. Watch for the date. 27 Has your drinking become i problem ? Mem, women, if so, write Alcoholics Anonymous, Rt. 5, Box 508, McHenry, 111. Meetings every Monday 8:30 p.m. 12-tf TO BE GIVEN AWAY WANTED TO BUY _ We pay highest prices for junk cars, iron and metal. 2 used house trailers for sale, cneap. Cail Grooms, 1368-M-l or Staines, 53-J. 26-tf TO BE GIV3N AWAY -- Persian kittens. Phone 1384-W-2. 26-2 ii n 11 in i inn iTUiir'MiOTiim rnii;«t mil LEGALS 1MIIIIIIII MIIIIIlllifllllllHIIIlliniiiniii | OFFICIAL NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the Board of Education of McHenry Community High School District No. 156, McHenry County. McHenry, Illinois, for the construction of a new Football Field, Quarter-Mile Track and Floodlighting System, for said School District, including Gener-ad- Construction Electric Wiring Wire Fencing At the office of the Board of Education, McHenry High School Building, McHenry, Illinois, until the 29th day of November, 1955, <it the hour of 8 o'clock p.m., at which time Bids will be opened and publicly read. Plans and Specifications will be available at fhe offices of Board of Education McHenry Community High School District No. 1(56 McHenry County, McHenry, Illinois W. F. McCaughey and Associates Architects and Engineers Pickwick Building Park P.idge. Illinois at any time after date of this Notice. Proposals shall be accompanied by Bidders Bond or certified check, payable to McHenry Community High School District No. 156, McHenry County, Illinois, in the amount of three per cent (3%) of the Bid. Checks and Bonds will be returned to all except the three (3) lowest bidders on each branch or branches, immediately after awards of contract is made. The Owner reserves the right to reject all bids, to waive minor informalities in any bid, and to make awfard in the best interests of the Owner. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION, McHENRY COMMUNITY HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 156, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS. Dated at McHenry, Illinois, this 4th day of November. 1955. A. J. WIRTZ, Secretary son, Elsie M.^Sinith, Ella M. Buss. Ward No/ 3 - Judges: i^tick Weingart. Lillian Huck, Martha B. Freund. Clerks: Maud Rothermel, Gertrude Schaefer, Beatrice Justen. The polls of said election will be opened at Six o'clock in the morning and will close Sat Five o'clock in the evening of that day. Dated at McHenry, Illinois this tenth 110) day of November, in the year of Our Lord, One Thousand Nine Hundred and Fifty- Five (1955). EARL R. WALSH, City Clerk ELECTION NOTICE Notice is hereby given, that on Tuesday, the sixth (6) day of December A.D., 1955 a special election will be held in the City of McHenry, County of McHenry and State of Illinois for the election of one Alderman in Ward No. 2 and one Alderman in Ward No. 3 to fill vacancies in said offices. • , The polling places in said election shall be as follows: Ward No. 2 . Buss Motor Sales, 531 Main Street. Ward No. 3 - A. S. Blake Motors, Inc., 301 East Pearl Street. The judges and clerks of election at said election shall be: Ward No. 2 - Judges: Vera Kane, Beatrice Newkirk, Marion Schoenholtz. Clerks: Alma Ander- Buy U.S. Savings Bonds WORKMEN'S SPECIAL! Monday thru Friday from 4 to 7 p.m. 1 Shot and a Beer 30c CLYDE'S 120 CLUB ' ROUTE 120 o LAKEMOOR * FOR SALE -- Large ranch home i on highway 120, walking distance to McHenry, on 1 acre, trout stream in back yard, basement, , forced,air 'leat, air conditioned. 3 ' car garage. This property is also zoned for business. Ideal for doctor or lawyer. Full price $18,000. Terms. Call McHenry 430. 23-tf FOR SALE -- McHENRY AND VICINITY -- Johnoburg: 3 bedroom home, full basement, oil * heat. 2 car garage, lot £2x217, 1 plus 15 ft. Fox River frontage, all landscaped. Price' $15,500. McHenry: 4 bedroom home, 2 baths, gas heat, fireplace, large •lot, 2 blocks to railroad - and » shopping. Price $24,000. Near McHenry: 2 bedroom, 5 room home, newly remodeled, oak floors, birch kitchen, gas heat, ] wooded lot, '<> block to beach. Price only $12,600. Ringwood: 4 room home, large lot, automatic oil heat. Price $6,000. For appointment call at our office in Johnsburg, or phone McHenry ? 37. • JACOB FRITZ • Realtors > Statu 1955 G-E AUTOMATIC WASHER Gives 50% MORE CLOTHES CAPACITY THAN MANY OTHER WASHERS • * * f -- • WASTER CONTROL tat* yov (top, ((tip, extend or repeal any cycle. WATER TEMPERATURE CONTROL selects Retired water temperature far the wath. WATER SAVER CONTROL permits smaller load washings. . .You save detergent and gallons of hot water. MOOfi WA-590 M 30DAYS OWiir ">» REGULAR PRICE $29995 ^pKKAGESOf | SALE PRICE $22495 W w i t h t h e W A S H E R DON'T MISS THIS "oner \ SENSATIONAL OFFER... COME IN TODAY! CAREY ELECTRIC PHONE 251 119 So. Green Street McHenry, 111. RUBBERIZED WAIL SATIN For walls and ceilings • SATIN IMPERV0 ENAMEL for trim in matching colors Moored Consult us about your painting questions ELM PAINT & SUPPLY PHONE 864 208 E. Elm St. McHenry, 111. VINCE CHARLES, Prop. A SATINIMPERVO low LUSTW ENAMEI Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Freund, daughter, Darline, and son, Allen, Mr§. A. P. Freund and) John Blake visited the latter's sisters, Sr. M. Ildefons, O.SLF., and Sister M. Arcadia, O.S.F., at Campbellsport, Wis., one day last week. Father Of Jolmsbiirl^ Resident Died Nov. 9'^ Robert F. Ruge, 75, father of Mrs. Lillian Bossier of Johnsburg, died Nov. 3 at Swedish Covenant hospital. Chicago. ' Survivors include, besides daughter, two sons, Robert and Adolph. of Chicago, three grand*' chifdren and one great grandchild.; He was preceded in death by bif wife twelve years ago. Services were held Nov. 7 at Schmit's funeral chapel In Chicago,; with the remains taken to Graceland cemetery. A frequent visitor at his daugh" ter's home, he was well known in this area. (Savings invested in Crystal Lake Savings and Loan earn 2\'i% plus >/2% extra. 23tf The Farmers Trading Post 5K#^VWUV¥VUWUWUWUWaWWWWW¥WW¥l*»^ FOR SALE - Registered Tarnworth boar, bnrn Mar. 17. $85. Call McHenry 1074-R. 27 ! i McHENRY COUNTY FARMERS CO-OP ASSN. Ful-O-Pep Super Greens Pellets Extra Vitamin Boost For Your Layers. Sprinkle On Top Of Regular Mash. 2 to 4 Lbs. Per Day Per 100 Birds. PHONE McHENRY 729 623 Waukegan Road FOR SALE - Lundell chopper, shredder with corn stalk hammers, reasonable. Hall Bros., Woodstock. Phone Woodstock 1612-R-2. *27 Dead Animal Removal WHEELING RENDERING WORKS Be Legal, Keep a Clear Conscience Prompt Service, Day or -Night Sundays and Holidays No help needed to load. Operating under State Inspection Made by Dept. of Agriculture. Highest cash prices paid. Phone Wheeling 3, collect 45-tf GEO. P. FREUND Authorized Dealer for SALES & SERVICE PHONE McHENRY 420 801 Crystal Lake Road WANTED -- Down and crippled cattle at better cash prices. OrvilleKrohn, Woodstock. Phone tMl-R-1, collect *15-tf FOR SALE -- Wilson Bulk Milk Coolers. Disston and Homelitfe chain saws sold with service by Laurence E. Anderson, Dairyman's Supply Co,, McHenry 475. 23-tf. R. M. FLEMING & SON NEW IDEA -- PAPEC DEALEB TRACTORS SALES & SERVICE A Complete Farm Im( Service. PHONE McHENRY S3 5912 Waukegan Road ATTENTION FARMERS Need a tool shed, loafing barn, hog or poultry house? Yon can have a 12 sow portable hog housfe for $850.00. Save today on Doane Designed low cost buildings. For further information call or writs Arnold May, Richmond, Illinoii, Office 4381 - Res. 4744. 18-tt McHENRY EQUIPMENT CO. 8ALES & istuv icni GUS FREUND PHONE McHENRY 115 SOS W. Elm St. (Basement! HOGS WANTED -- ah causes and weight for highest net return. Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Marengo Daily Hc£ Market phone Marengo 262. 50-tf Blumhorst Trucking and Grain Service. Corn shelling, grain buying. Livestock. Local and long diafr* tance ha&ling. McHenry RR. 1 Phone 777-W. 16-tf Silhouette of power -- the new Windsor Newport two-door hardtop *- This is how power looks... and feels! One look at this new "PowerStyle'* Chrysler tells you this world-beater is long and low and lean . . . that this is how power looks! But mister, what a thrill you're missing until you pilot "PowerStyle." From the word "go," you boss two real sweet performers -- a Chrysler airplane- . type V-8 engine . . . and Pushbutton PowerFlite automatic transmission. Plus full-time PowerPilot Steering and Power- Smooth Brakes. You'll know then--this is how power feels! Come see it, try it yourself . . . today! Two more fabulous Chrysler "First*"! • Highway Hi-Fi* -- enjoy long-playing records while you drive! • New airplane-type Instant Heating System* -- warms your car to living room temperature in seconds. (*Optional) New Optional "Power-Trait^1 Gives Windsor 2SO hjt.1 Here's a factory-installed super-power system -- Increases horsepower 9%! Boosts torque^'10% . . . uses no extra gasoline. wmmmmmmm Power on the move in the "PowerStyle" Chrysler Windsor THE NEW 1956 "PowerStyle" CHRYSLER NOW MORt THAN EVER . . . AMERICA'S MOST SMARTLY DIFFERENT CAR COLBY MOTOR SALES 12 SO. MAIN ST. PHONE CRYSTAL LAKE 1110 CRYSTAL LAKE. FOR THE BEST IN TV, SEE NirS A GREAT LIFE" AND "ClIMAXI"-- SEE TV PAGE FOR TIMES AND STATIONS'

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