. . . . . . . . . . Vr^eidayVNovember THE WcHENRY PLAINDEALER Wonder Lake News By Phyllis Whitfield" s Hospital Auxiliary Mrs.' Alice Wagner entertained the Wooded Shores Canasta club Wednesday evening, Nov. 16. High scorers were Olga Trasser and Nfcva Fuhrer. Others present Were Lillian Plotnef, Ann Weretka, Lauraine deLaurier, Loretta Pfearson and Eloise Erber. Six dollars was donated to. the hospital auxiliary building fund. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Grasser had dinner guests Wednesday, Nov. i6, Mr. and Mrs.' Arvid. Nelson of Woodstock, parents^ of Mrs. Grasser. The occasion was Mr. Nelson's birthday and his grandchildren, Jamie and Susan, helped him celebrate. Mrs. Ruth Oonk has returned to her home in Ringwood from a New York hospital, where she has been confined for several months, she formerly taught at Harrison school. Members of her Browrtie troop helped Peggy Wrede of Wooded g Shores celebrate her eighth birthday, Friday, Nov. 18. Those present included Barbara Whitfield, Jeannie Jo Beqoghe, Susan Jacobson, Susan Grasser, Linda Mansfield, Joan Birch and Patrice Grabovy. Friends who kftew Carol Ann Stevens of Perrysbyrg, Ohio, will be interested in hearing \that she was married Nov. 5 to Mr. Laurence Kelley of Toledo. Lois and Earl Hansen, children of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hansen of Wooded Chores, were participants in the • wedding. Lois waa dressed in aqua velvet and net floor-length * dress and served her cousin as * flower girl. Earl performed his duty as ring bearer dressed in a tuxedo. The Hansen family drove to Toledo for the wedding, which was held in the Trinity Episcopal church, Toledo's oldest church. The newly married couple will live in Maumee, Ohio. time after the service. Let us all go into the church of the Lord and give our thanks for the good things He has given to us. . Sunday, Nov. 27, will he "every member" visitation Sunday at the Lutheran church. A dinner will be served to those who Will call on people immediately following the church service that morning. LENDING BOOKMOBILE PROGRAM TO PUBLIC LIBRARIES SUCCESS A special Thanksgiving day service will be held in the Lutheran church at 9;30 ajn. The junior choir .will sing a special number and Rev. gchroeder says people will be able to get to their Thanksgiving dinners in plenty of The Illinois state Library's pro* gram of lending bookmobiles to local public libraries has a 100 per cent record of success and has aided materially in expansion of library service in the state, Secretary of State Charles F. " Carpentier, state librarian, says. Mr. Carpentier made the announcement as a new 2,500-book capacity bookmobile was placed in service, replacing an eightyear- old unit which had travelled more than 100,000 miles over Illinois noftds. The new vehicle has bfeen placed on loan to Hayner Public library at Alton. The purpose of the bookmobile lending program is to enable local libraries to detenjiine the response to bookmobile service in their areas without spending a large sum of money just to experiment, Secretary Carpentier explained. Five public libraries and one school district have borrowed bookmobiles from the Illinois State library, and in each in stance the response has been so enthusiastic, the local group has subsequently purchased its own bookmobile, he said. The five libraries -- at Aurora, East St. Louis, Granite City, Joliet and Rockford *-- have experienced a circulation increase of almost 260,000 and have brought library service to thousands Of additional persons, Mr. Carpentier said. On Safe Driving Day, Thursday, December 1, and every day of the year, Carl A. Miller, S-D Day director for the state of Illinois, urges pedestrians and motorists to be sportsmanlike. While walking or driving, extend a bit of courtesy to the other fellow. He will appreciate it. Objective of S-D Day is to achieve an accident-free 24 hours across the nation. Girl Scouts Shop at Home and SAVE! Troop <5 Troop 5 met in St. Mary's basement. We had a style show. Troop 10 was the audience. The purpefee for the style show was a requirement for a badge. Here are the models and what they modeled: Camille Warnes, M.C.; Suzanne Kauss, ski-suit; Judy Phannenstill, bathing suit; Pat Anderson, • school outfit; Merrilee Liptrot, bicycle riding outfit; Camille CovaJt, tengi ' outfit; Carol Ann Goffo, modern Girl Scout uniform. Merrilee Liptrot called the meeting to order. The minutes were read. We had a flag ceremony. We talked about our Christmas gift for our mothers. They also told us that the two seventh grade troops were in charge of the father and daughter banquet. We played a gaii}e and the meeting was ended at 4:45. Suzanne Kauss, scribe VILLA NURSING HOME ON P1STAKEE BAY, NEAR McHENBY Home- for the Aged • V-6ENILE . . . . BED PATIENTS PHONE McHENRY 461 K 4-H NEWS Cherry Valley Chib The Cherry Valley 4-H club held achievement night Nov. 11 iri the agriculture room of the McHenry high school. .. After a. short business meeting, the new officers were installed as follows: President, Dick Wissell; Vice-president, Mark Zimmerman; secretary, Karen Schmelzer; treasurer, Tom Blumhorst; reporter, Karen Dresdow; recreation chairman, David Buck; program chairman, Judy Bohl. Kathryn Curran spoke to the officers on the responsibility and importance of the officers of the club. Mr. currqn, -the club leader, then showed the officers to their stations. ( Mr. Curran gave out the checks and awards from the McHenry county junior ffcur. ' Ctehe Brown, assistant farm ad-, viser, gave a short talk on how the club could improve. He then Bfiowed some interesting slides from the camp trip which made .the members anxious to include camp in their 4-H activities for the coming year. Refreshments and a social time were enjoyed by all. 1 Karen Dresdow, reporter Help Fight TB ; 1956 CHRISTMAS * GRffiTWWSJ®S51 Buy Christmas Seals .f.11 SPRING GROVE By Mrs. Charles Freund •1. .g. i .i, •}. fl .141 ft <i .1.1. fl Mrs. Agnes May entertained members of her club Tuesday night. Games of; five-hundred were played and prizes went to Mrs. Arthur Klein, Mrs. Ray May and Mrs. Norbert Klaus. A delicious lunch was served after cards. - Rev. John Daleiden and the ushers of St. Peter's parish held their regular meeting at the Charles Freund home on Tuesday night. There was a social evening at cards. Plans were ftiade for the feather party which was held Nov. 21. After the meeting a lunch yras served. ^ A group of ladies gathered at the home of Mrs. Frank Wagner on Thursday afternoon for cards. Those receiving prizes were Mrs. William Britz, Mrs. Frank Tinney, Mrs7 Math Nimsgern, Mrs. Ben May, Mrs. Charles May and Mrs. Jake Miller. A lovely lunch was served to complete the party. Dr. and Mrs. Lyle Franzen and baby, Mark, left oh Saturday for New York, having spent the last month with his aunt, Mrs. Alice,. Wagner. Dr. Franzen will be stationed in* France for two years and they expected to leave around Nov. 19. Miss Charlotte FreuncJ was pleasantly surprised Sunday afternoon when a group of girls came to her home to help celebrate her birthday. The girls had a gab-fest and refreshments were served which included birthday cake and ice cream. In the evning they all went to * Charlotte was the ent of lovely gifts. • WORWICK'S McHenry Camera Center Cameras Photographic Equipment Amateur and Professional Bought, Sold and Exchanged PHOTO SUPPLIES View Masters and Reels Color Films Processed Family Albums See Us Before You Buy Worwick's Studio 117 N. Riverside Drive PHONE McHENRY 275 WMOSODBO* Rubberized WALL SATIN takes the work out of painting interior walls and ceilings. • Ftows on easily with brush or roller • Dries in an hour • Easy to clean up-- lust wash brush in soap and water Benjamin Moorepadints Consult us obout your painting questions ELM PAINT & SUPPLY PHONE 864 208 E. Elm St. McHenry, 11L VINCE CHARLES, Prop. Savings Invested Lake ; Savings and 2«/j% plus y2% extra* & CqnM 2Stt Business & Service '"ISP; Directory of ; ^ Wonder Lok# ^y p-Vi - WONDER LAKE build: suppLy % Free Estimates &' Delivery Phone * W. 1. 3231 Ed & John's Wonder Lake Standard Service Phone: W. L. 8241 or SMS All Minor Mechanical Repairs § Lubrication § Washing # Tires ft Accessories "If you can't stop in smile as you go by!" Tea Expect More From Standard And Get 11! CRISTY and STENDEBACH General Contractors NEW HOMES and REMODELING Phone Wonder Lake 5432 _ 2464 -- 5301 If you have news items of interest to your neighbors in WondeSr Lake, please contact your correspondent, Van Sells, at Wonder Lake 2933. With Thund»rbird Y-B powar ... Tbvnderbird styling ... and •xtluslv new Lifeguard Detign Eight-passenger Country Sedan More stylish than ever, with new colors . . . stunning interiors. Like the Country Squire, it has an easily removable rear seat. Four doors give easy access for all eight passengers. THRU WITH 4 DOORS o Six-passenger Country Sedan Designed for thosp who want 4-door convenience with seats for six. Like other models, it has Ford's fold-into-the-floor Stowaway seat Country Squire A queen among station wagons. Mahoganyfinished steel panels give woodlike beauty to this luxurious, 8-passenger dreamboat. There's more than meets the eye as to why Ford Station Wagons sell more than the two runners-up combined! Their Thunderbird beauty is apparent in all six models. But underneath that beauty there's a heart of "GO"--for the Thunderbird Y-8 engine is the standard eight in all Ford Station Wagons, at no. extra cost. If you need any more reasons why Ford is your soundest station wagon buy--look into new Lifeguard Design which was designed for your protection ... is found only in the '56 Ford. THRU WITH -- : Parklane Brand-new and carpeted throughout, this 2- door, 8-passenger dandy has limousine comfort and doesn't mind rolling up its sleeves. Ranch Wagon This favorite has two wide doors, easily seats 6 people. As in other models, lift gate and tail gate can be operated easily with one hand. Custom Ranch Wagon A 6-passenger beauty that converts in a split jiffy from luxury liner to a super-spac ious cargo carrier. Easy-to-clean interior can take it. FORD STATION WAGONS BUSS MOTOR SALES 531 Main Street Phone McHenry 1 GREAT TV, FORD TIIEATRE, CHANNEL 5, \VNBQJ:30 P.M. THURSDAYS McHenry, 111. 0 **0 lilii p itPli iw "A Join . The New Christmas Club NOW OPEN At THE McHENRY STATE BANK A Club for every income -- A Club for every member of the family -- SAVE -- $ .50 a week $ 25.00 3.00 a week ..... 150.00 1.00 a week 50.00 5.00 a week 250.00 2.00 a week 100:00 10.00 a week .... 500.00 $20.00 a week $1000.00 CHECKS WILL BE MAILED NOVEMBER 3, 1956 McHENRY STATE BANK COMPLETE BANKING SERVICE \ Telephone McHenry 1040 Member Federal Reserve System Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Interest paid on savings deposits