SbdMB THE McHENRY •VRSR' PLAINDEALEHs „ , ' , 'Z? Cl . ' V RINGWOOD By Mrs. George Sbepard 500 Club > Nancy, visited Fred, Jr. * at the Mr. and Mrs. Pete Sebastian Presbyterian hospital in Chicago entertained their five hundred Wednesday evening. club at their home Tuesday eve- Mrs. Jack Leonard and children ning. High scores were won by i of Lake Geneva spent the week- Mrs. Ben Walkington and B. T end in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., Butler and low to Mrs. Lester home. Carr and Louis Hawley. Mrs. C. jL (Harrison Entertains Mrs. C. L. Harrison entertained the members of her five hundred club at her. home Wednesday. A 1 o'clock dessert luncheon was served. High score was awarded to Mrs. Viola Low and low to Mrs, Lester carr. Sewing Circle at iBergs The Women's Society for Christian Service sewing circle met at the home of .Mrs. Oscar Berg Thursday afternoon. Celebrates Birthday Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fossum and family and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Cristy and family helped their mother, Mrs. Kenneth Cristy, celebrate her birthday Monday evening at her home. School News On Nov. 16, the school basketball team played Lake Zurich. It was played at Lake Zurich. We lost 19 to 12. We have three new players. They are Herb Coupe, Mike Hogan and Monty Corso. There were two birthdays last week. Vince Coupe celebrated his fourteenth birthday and Pat Hogan, who was twelve. On Nov. 18, a movie entitled "How to Catch a Cold" was shown. Susan Davis, school reporter Mr. and Mrs. GuS Roepke, Mr, and Mrs. Howard Christensen and Laverne Whiting of Richmond spent Thursday evening in the John Ehlert home. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hurt of Park Ridge were callers in the Dr. Hepburn home Tuesday. Mrs. Wm. Hepburn -and Mrs. Wm. wilder were Woodstock visitors Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Ehlert of Wilmot spent Mondiay evening with their parents, Mr.' and Mrs. John Ehlert. Mrs. Schneider of Rockford was a visitor in the Dr. Hepburn home Tuesday. REVIEW REACTIONS TO CHANNEL 11 FIRST PROGRAMS Personals Mrs. Ben Walkington spent the weekend in the Ansel Dewey home at Armstrong, 111., and attended the twenty-fifth wedding anniversary celebration for Mr. and Mrs. Roland McCannon of Bloomington, which was held at the Dewey home Sunday. Mrs. Louis Hawley and Mrs. Ernest Reinwall, Jr., were visitors at Crystal Lake and Wood- TIPS ON PREPARING^ DUCK FOR TABLE GIVEN BY EXPERT ; Shooting a duck is only part of the hunt. If you bag it, take care of it. Caring for the bird in the field is important in serving a delicious bird at the taible, says Geraldine Acker, University of Illinois foods specialist. To have a real t-able delicacy, you'll need to bring home a well-cared-for bird to the cook. First, remember to keep the game dry. A game carrier or hunting coat with game pockets is good for this purpose. Plan to cool the bird soon after shooting. Keep it cool on the way home, too. Carelessly throwing a bird into a hot car trunk means that it will go into the garbage pail when you get home. If you hunt a great deal, you'll find a portable refrigerator a good investment. Pick the bird soon after you come home. Picking, rather than skinning, is recommended for duck. Birds with the skin on don't dry out so much in cooking Stock Tuesday afternoon as birds that have been skinned. Mrs. Donald Brenner and chil- i Most hunters have favorite ways dren of Elgin spent Tuesday with to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison. Mrs. Charles Anderson and baby daughter, Mary Christina, returned home Tuesday from Memorial hospital. " Kenneth Cristy attended the I.A.A. convention in Chicago the past week. Mrs. Bula Sturges of Elgin spent Tuesday and Wednesday in the Roy Harrison home. Mrs. Nellie Vollman, who has been visiting in the Harrison liome, returned home with her. Mrs. Wm. Cruickshank was a visitor at Waukegan Thursday. Among those from here to attend the wedding of James Cris- " ty at New London, Wis., Sunday were Mr. and Mrs: Kenneth Cristy, sons, Kenneth, Jr., and Jerry, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Cristy and family and Mr. and Mrs. Jay Cristy and family. Mrs. Davis of Genoa City spent Wednesday and Thursday in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. Bob Brennan spent Tuesday in Rockford. Fred Bowman and daughter, pick duck. Follow your system, being sure to remove all pin feathers. Now draw the duck. Cut the head, feet and. wings from the body. Slit the abdomen and remove all internal organs. Save the heart, gizzard and liver, because they are nutritious as well as tasty. Instead of washing, wipe the drawn duck with a clean damp cloth. Washing removes much of the flavor. Place the giblets in the abdominal cavity. Wrap the duck loosely in waxed paper and refrigerate until needed* Expert game cooks prefer birds that have been refrigerated for two or three days. They say this storage time improves the flavor and texture of the bird. To freeze duck for prolonged storage, use good packaging materials. Wrap tightly in freezing paper, or place in cellophane or polyethylene freezer' bags and seal. Classified Ads bring results. Place yours with the Plaindealer today. Mourn (Beauty FEATURES la «MlkM iMfflii |Ivm •eSBea esti heavy < «ini»Blh i • Mm • Maay tf|lM af |rii wwfc to Si Hm «tyte «l t BUILT TO LAST A LIFETIME Wuco All Aluminum Storm Do6ft Scfwtu add that #xtra beauty dignity to your home that is so in^ portaat to gracimu living . . . truly a floor that is a genuine satisfaction to own ... but thafs not aU . . . Wise* Stbna Doors ara built to last a lifatima from extruded aluminum . . . two •million and double corner braces give added strength ... a throe lactioa door jamb assures a batter fit , . . so* this outstanding value before you bay. ALEXANDER LUMBER Co. SIT W. Main SI WISCO ALUMINUM CORPORATION PHONE McHENRY 1424 McHenry, 111. M--fm U-- t»9«t » r^l * ew Jg L Reactions of Channel 11 view ers to the station's experimental programs were shared with station staff at the first meeting of the program advisory council held at 2 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 19, in the east wing of the Museum of Science and Industry, 57 South Shore Drive. Representatives from 107 organizations, including Channel 11 picture and interest groups, were introduced at the meeting. Invitations also were extended to officers of the Illinois Congress of Parents and Teachers and to more than 400 P.T.A. radio and television chairmen. All have been participating in a program opinion survey conducted by the new television station, which is completing its permanent Studios in the east wing of the Museum. After the meeting there was a conducted tour of the station. In thefe'-meetfng they heard from Edward L. Ryerson, president of the Chicago Educational Television association; John W. Taylor, executive director; James Robertson, program manager; and Mrs. Walter Berner, president of the Chicago region of the Illinois Congress of Parents and Teachers, and Mrs. William Metzger, radio aryi television chairman for the state. The meeting then will be opened to discussion from the floor. More than 15,000 opinion questionnaires have been distributed since WTTW went on the air with two; days a^ week of test programs Sept. 19. Reactions of these to test programs are being considered in the determination of the five-day program schedule, to begin as soon as Channel IPs Museum studios are ready, he said. SALES RECORD H. V. McNamara, president of National Tea Co., has reported another all time sales record for the four-week period ending Nov. 5. 1955, as well as for the year thus far. Sales for the year to date amounted to $477,429,351 as compared to $434,662,104 in 1954, an increase of 9.84 per cent. Lend Uncle Sam Tour Dollars PROFE^IQnRL DIRECTORS' FRANK W. SEK, MJD. Physician and Surgeon 210 So* Green St. Office Hours: 2 to 5 pjVL -- 7 to 9 P.M. (Dally - Except Wed.) Saturdays 2 to 5 PJV1. Phones: Office Residence 164 £278 DR. J. C. OOETSCHEL Chiropractic Physician 25 Orchard Beach Road Office Hours: Mon.« Toes., Thurs., ft FrL 10 to 12 - 1:30 to 5:30 - 7 to 9 Saturdays: 10 A.M. to 2 PJVL PHONE 743 B and B EXTERIOR DECORATING Free Estimates Fritzches „ Estates PHONE 560-R-2 DR. O. R. SWANSON Dentist Office Hours: DaOy EExoept Thursday 0 to IB -- 1:30 to 3:30 HoUm Wed. and Fit Eveninga By Appointment Only Telephone McHenry 160 VIRGIL R. POLLOCK Life Insurance and Annuities Representing Massachusetts Mutual - Life Insurance Company 604 Court St; Phone 1168 McHenry, HI. Sand Limestone VERN THELEN Excavating Gravel Black Dirt Dredging TeL McHenry 1388 - Box 640, Rt. l, Mctlenry, BL A. P. FREUND ft SONS Excavating Contractors Trucking, Hydraulic and Crane Service -- ROAD BUILDING -- Tel. 204-M McHenry, 111. EARL B. WALSH INSURANCE Fire, Auto, Farm & Life Insurance Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES When Ton Need Insuranoe of Any Kind PHONE 48 or OSS Green ft Elm McHenry, 111. SCHROEDER IRON WORKS Ornamental ft Structural Steel Visit Our Showrooms S Miles Souh t on Bi SI PHONE 050 Lakeland Paris- West Shore Beach LAKELAND PARK NEWS Jetta Gleeson Dorothy Uttich Board of [Directors Meeting The Lakeland Park board of directors held their monthly meeting Tuesday evening with all members present. The final draft of the by-laws were reviewed and made ready for presentation to members of the association • at . the general meeting Sunday., ' c " ? • (Good ILuck The best of luck to Rose Blanc and Marie Sternler who opened a new delicatessen Monday, Nov. 21. This is our firsf business en terprise in Lakeland Park. brated her seventh birthday on tfov. 18. "to Michael Gleeson, who blew out three cahdles on his birthday cake Nov. 18. Welcoming Party The cold weather didn't keep the members of the welcoming committee and their, .guests from coming out for an evening of fun on Thursday, Nov. 17. The clan met in the home of Jetta Gleeson. The evening was spent in getting acquainted with the newcomers, playing games and visiting over coffee and cake. Jackie Ahrens was the lucky prize winner. Newcomers attending were Marilyn Stanek, formerly from West Chicago, Ann Dawson from Blue Island, Erline Davis from Elmwood Park, Dolores Delohlavy and Jean C2ajkowski from Chicago. Other guests besides the committee were Lucille Kulbit, Prances Cina and Jean Parisi. niiiiimimw HAVI YOUR DIRTS •OT TOU ON THC MERRY-GO-ROUND inoBBiN _ _ ro PAT taMcn OUT or DOT j V yea Molly wart to. ItMndiM hew nine It yea •we. yea im GROW All YOUR i DEBTS--witkowt i loss wWhoutE lienors. M Tsiay Oas Place to Pay OAR PLAIN ADJUSTMINT CO. MS K. OelvMefe, Onyatftk* .t BA 3-4811--If m alMki Happy Birthday To Paulestte Rizzo, Who ^irai 8 years old Wednesday, Nov. 16. Her •" irlfends braved the cold, strong winds to come to the birthday party. The basement, where the party was held, was colorfully : decorated with crepe papef ' bow ties and streamers. • f,v * * The party girls who attended were • Frattcine Parisi, Josephine" Cina, Valerie Franklin, Mary Sweeney, Linda Davis, Susie Meineke, Bobby Ann Prindell, Terry Gershon and her cousin from Elmhurst, and of course we have to mention Paulette's little sister, JoAnn Some of the mothers came in later and had coffee and cake. To Susie Laurence, who celeftetteve it Or Not tmigihe the surprise and pleasure of Mr. and Mrs. Tony Pintozzi when their identical twin daughters, Deborah and Donna, each cut< their first tooth on the same day. Let'.s see if this happens again on the next tooth. Coming fcfid |Going s Mrs. 'Ella x>awson from Chicago is spending two weeks with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Dawson, in their new home. Recent? visitors at the Herbert Dents* were Marge's sister add husfband, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rich-. Jer, of. Chicago. _ _ Bud '. and Dorothy Uttich attended "open house" In the home 'of the Warren Sullivans of Evanston on Saturday, Nov. 19, after the Illinois-Northwestern football game. HARDEST BUSIEST CHEAPEST WORKERS IN TOWN PLAINDEALER WANT ADS GAS PUMP THOUGHTS By: Ed Guettler You can always tell when summer is over. The tourist traffic begins to disappear and the detour signs are being taken down. The main* highways are opened ag&ln so that the autumn repairing of side roads can be made ready for next springs detours. You'll also notice the stacked cans-of anti-freeze solutions, tire .chains, SHQW tires, and what-not cluttering the floor space at GTJETTLER'S CITIES SERVICE. More people stumble over th&m on the way to the powder room then you can guess. We'll have to build bigger at Highway 31, McHenry, 111., pretty soon. Phone 331 SPECIAL DISCOUNT TO COMMITTORS MAKE IV s "Lylnf in ked all day isn't the ii' answar, Hector -- yen obttrva S-D Day by driving saftly for 24 hours!" OIL-GAS MAP The State Geological v**, tfrbana, has prepared a map of the Illinois oil and gas fields for public distribution. It shows the^ principal pipe lines, and give# locations of more than 400 oil and gas pools. Illinois has produced approximately 1% billion * barrels of oil since the first flow- < ing Well was drilled in 1866. Production now is increasing as secondary recovery revives older pools. Requests for the map should be made to the State Geological Survey at Urbana, and should include the designation Illinois Petroleum 74." SHOP AT HOME and SAVE MORE! YOUR SAVINGS ACCOUNT IS AS NEAR AS 'YOUR MAILBOX We like for you to coma and sa# us wbtnaror can. But, anytime you'ri too busy to coma in, it'i quick and oaty to save by mail. Saves tima and steps; CURRENT DIVIDEND 3 PERCENT Federal AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 102 N. State St. Phone 99 MARENGO, ILLINOIS INSURED oo Trading High •0 N. I. OAS Co. DURING OUR immnitiiiiii TOP NAME BRANDS we've corralled! cxcm 1* 24* wide oven; "center-simmer" lop burners; 4-hour buzzer minute minder. Reg. $234.95 SO" Now $189.96 INSTALLED and your old rang* Super Alltro! Hcenter*simmer" burners; f| || II Timer Alarm-time Clock; large "Bake- 1 ' " Master" oven. Reg. $245.50 36" NOW $189.98 INSTALLip •nd your old rongo If your old-fashioned range f>6eds to be put out toepasture, steer it into our corral. Now, during our "old stove round-up", you'll find top brand GAS ranges priced lower than ever .. . and with hefty tradein allowances, too! Only GAS ranges offer sp many exclusive features-- smokeless broiling, a "thousand and one" heats, instant on/oflf heat--and^are so economical to use and maintain. Quf Red Wheel oven regulator; Magic-Ute> . •wing out broiler. Reg. $219.95 SO" NOW $184.60 IN9TALLIO and your old rango Two glont and two regular top burners with kiep -warm settings; porcelain burner bowls. "In-adoor" broiler. Reg. $229.75 SO" NOW $188.78 IN*TALL1D and your old rango -..LirtlllHVM wen and bmkr UQHT °" CENTURY 900 tfcos# and ofhar rang* bargains at our stolro or your dealer's during ovr Can fury of Servlte Cehbrationt Remtfflbcr, the GAS piped into four homo readily accommodates any "OAS appliance. No costly service connections are needed. NORTHERN I L L I N O I S 3-way range top; Florence Governess . .. the thermostatically controlled surface burner. Reg. $299.95 30" Now $224.98 INSTALLED and your old rango ENTERPRISE 1441 Gas C O M PA NY •Trode-Mdfk . CcpyrieM, 19ii, Nertban. Mtaoh CwtCwM** 1 i •'