f l i R f p 'Wm ,; . • Ity/l^emWl,1955 _c^:;:".W,,i--,•:vr,.-. >W'\- ?£? *':«." '$• THE ' ^^^-3 .:.M^ • ••_£•_ McHENHY PLAINDEALER • ^"ll'tl 'll"t"i"i't.'|-».i-l..|..8..t'}'iM}..ti.ii.i.l}..i..}..|^.^.i.^.4.4..i..i.^,.t..t..tl.|..^,i..i.j..t.^4 REVIEWING EARLY HAPPENINGS 4 IN McHENRY and VICINAGE PlaJndealer Files Furnish Memories of Yesteryear# Compiled by A. H. Mosher X frfl I Hi H"I'l'•!• •!• .j,ij,,|,•!• •!• •}• •!•»frfr•!• 'M' .| "t1 'H"}' .g..;..g.•;,,|.|..|.<•,|,|..;• fr.j..;..;• ,;.. FORTY TEARS AGO From Issue of Dec. 9, 1915 New Store For Ringwood Joseph J. Miller, who until recently held part interest in the Karls & Miller stores at Spring Grove and Fox Lake, has rented the Welter building at Ringwood and will open a general store therein the first of the year. 'r.N^A. Officers Elected---- Fox River Valley camp, R.N.k„ elected the following officers at a meeting held for that purpose at Woodman hall on Tuesday evening of this week: Oracle, Etta Wattles; vice-oracle, Ellen Weloh; chancellor, Mary Miller; recorder, Loretta Walsh; receiver, Carrie Justen; marshal, Carrie Schreiner; inner sentinel, Elizabeth L<aures; outer sentinel, Clara Schiessle; manager for three years, Alice Buss; physician, Dr. A. I. Froehlich. N I Woodmen Elect-- Valley Camp, No. 97, M.W.A., of this village, held election of officers at their hall here last evening. The new officers are as follows: C., Alfred H. Pouse; P.C., A. M. Brown; W.A., James N. Sayler; clerk, E. E. Bassett; banker, J. W. Freund; physicians, Drs. A. I. Froehlich, D. G. Wells , and Arnold Mueller; escort, L. F. Newman; sentry, AlviifPeterson; ^trustee, Floyd E. Covalt; watchman, Earl Brown. Items of Local Interest-- Now, Mr. Horseowner, don't forget to blanket your horses. The animals will appreciate it 4 and the public in general will give you due credit for the kind act. A number of McHenryites drove out to the country home of Thomas Bolger on Monday evening, where . they tendered him an<| his ibride an old-fashioned charivari. Thomas set up the cigars. Frank Hughes has moved from the house he recently sold to Mrs. Bolger to the Math Freund cottage just vacated by Nick Prtzen and family. Mrs. Bolger has also moved into her newly purchased home. We stepped into one of Mc- Henry's business houses one? day this week and were met with the •following remark: "Schreiner, you can tell <the shoplifters who helped the McHenry storekeepers to get rid' of their Christmas stock last year, that we have their number and will watch, them closely this year." There's no use of our snaking any further comment as this is putting it very plain, indeed. Mrs. Margaret Sohaefer-- Mrs. Margaret Schaefer, one' of Johnsburg's first settlers, passed away at her late home . Tuesday afternoon, following a short illness. With the passing _of this grand old lady, Johnsburg loses another of its first settlers, her family being among the first to take up their place of abode here, Margaret Adams was born at Herten, Germany, seventy-nine years ago and came to this country with her parents when quite young. Being a brother of Casper Adams, who recently celebrated his sixtieth wedding anniversary here, she experienced all the hardships that were encountered by him and which were described in this paper in its issue of Nov. 4. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO From Issue of Nov. 20, 1930 Ringwood Postmaster Weds-- Nelle M. Evans of Woodstock and S. W. Brown of Ringwood were married at Geneva, 111., Saturday morning, Nov. 15. The ceremony took place at the Methodist parsonage in that city with the Rev. Galloway officiating. "A Lucky Break"-- "A Lucky Break" is the name of the class play to be given by the Juniors of the high school on Nov. 21. Thope taking part in the cast included Juanita Keg, Nellie Bylsma, Frances Hughes, Arthur Cox, Francis Harrison, Mildred Thompson, Virginia Engeln, Donald McCafferty, Robert Peterson, Charles Peterson, Arliiie Bacon, Rollo chamberlin, Dorothy Wormley, Agnes Fox, Florence Steffes, Albert Buch, Stanley Schaffer and Elmer Hetterniann. TEN YEARS AGO From Issue of Nov. 15, 1945 Edstrom-Lingpnfelter-- A wedding of great beauty occurred last Sunday, Nov. 11, in Trinity Presbyterian church, Austin, when Miss Betty Jean Edstrom of this city became the bride of Mr. William Lingenfelter of Elgin. Miss Edstrom is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Edstrom, while the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lingenfelter. . Howden-Conway-- A lovely wedding was solemnized last Saturday morning in St. Joseph's church, Richmond, when Miss Teresa Howden, daughter of the late Frank Howden and Mrs. Howden of that city, became the bride of Mr. Leroy Conway, soni of the late Michael Conway, and' Mrs. Conway of this city. Thought For The Week-- "Life would be a perpetual flea hunt if a man were obliged to run down all the innuendoes, inveracities, insinuations and misrepresentations which are uttered against him." -- Henry Ward Beecher. Classified Ads are Read by Everyone! WORKMEN'S SPECIAL! Monday Ihru Friday from 4 to 7 p.m. 1 Shot and a Beer 30c CLYDE'S 120 CLUB ROUTE 120 LAKEMOOR Veedol Motor Oils Fif * CLEAN BURNING EATING OILS REMEMBER You Pay No More. You start on our profit sharing plan with your first fill. CASH DISCOUNT CALL 730 McHENRY FOR FULL DETAILS ,/ J* McHENRY COUNTY FARMERS' CO-OP ASS'N. McHenry, Illinois After 4:30 p.m. Call 1502 - f| PigyHlnr iMgaiii LOOK! THERE ARE MORE LOW PRICES AT A&P! Th|se potatoes ire firm and fine flavored . » . the top at the crop t Extra special ajk these extra thrifty prices^HW Btock up 'Siow t U.S. No. I Grade Colons^# | mftim-- McCLURE POTATOES There's only a hundred ceata to a dollar, but they seem to go farther la an A*P afore! why? Becaaa* .j you'll get more low pricee on more itenu at A*P! That means 50a can buy more good food for your money, or ipcnrf |e«« and keep the taring* for other thing*! Take your choice, you can't mba when you ahop at AaPl loofa A&P LEADS THE WAY! OUR LOW PRICES * / GO EVEN LOWER THIS WEEK OH FAMOUS BRAND GROCERY PRODUCTS (452 prices cut since September 1st) Perfect for Frying, Boiling or Baking 45° Winesap Apples 4 149* Florida firapefruits 1.1049' Yellow Cling in Slice^ or Halves HUNT'S PEACHES A Real Treat for Your Dinner Meat 29-or. Mb 29 FlorMi MM OrMps Si* Bamuet lonnl Chickw Anjra Pears 5 „ 29- BroricastPott^Meats2':': 2S fireen "eans ^ • JJ" Broadcast Snuge$.~.2 Z 35 New CaMan r: 2-19- Mushrooms ** 85' HEINZ KETCHUP 2 Libby Golden Corn 14-01. MlSa Cream Stylo tartlet} Halves Florida Tangerines fweet ft Juicy dox. 33 410-ox. pkgi. FROZEN FOOD VALUES Strawberries Libby's Peas Chicken Ala King Libby i or Birdseye Sweet Yf>ung andTonder io-oi. jje Quart Carton Gallon Jug Plus Deposit V2 Gallon Carton % pint IraatetCkil T "123 $ Carnation Creamed Tuna l5T;37 Gorton Fish Flakes 2 'Z 47 Pure Beet Sugar 5 £ 50 Whole Mushrooms Brandywlna tin 37 REDUCED ITEMS CARRY TNE SHELF SIGH "VALUE LEADER." LOOK FOR THEM WHEN YOU SHOP! 47® 2 r 29* Del Monte Pears "2 27* Del Monte Cherries It, 'Z 35' Libby Pumpkin '72 tlO' Dole Pineapple Juice 3 "T 29* Real Prune Prune Juice 2 Tr 49* Tangerine Juice '^10* Heart's Delight Itr: 2 r 23* Whipping Cream Ihlf and Half 0.\ .4\ /f% /t>. & Jane Parker ANGEL FOOD CAKE * each large size 39e Regular Retail Frail Cake 1} *1" 3 lb *2" 5 ,b *39a Sliced While Bread PORK LOIN ROAST Rib End Portion "Super-Right" Quality 4 to 8 lb. Smoked Picnics * "Super-Right" 1st thru 6«h Rib--7" Cuf Beef Rib Roast Round Steak Allgood Sliced Bacon Pork Sausage Loin End Portion Centar Cut 25' '39* -55 tIDUCBD tigffIMUM Pt Swim Bon* In--Full Cut Jana Parker 19* GOOD GIVING ... GRAND GETTING! AftP FOOD CERTIFICATE tlert «f Ideas for Cbrlstmas ilvlagt Try presentinf AftP Sift Certificates. Available ia $1.00 and $5.00. ARMOUR QUALITY MEATS Treet Uumeon Meat 39° Chopped Ham Chopped Beef Chili Con Carne Corned Beef Hash Corned Beef Armour Star Armour's Star With Beans 2 12-ox. tin 12-oz. tin 16-oz. tins Tender Lean 16'OZ. ^ tin 12-oz. tin 33e 49c 29° 49c y Eight O'Clock Coffee tt. Eag fSc Eight (FClock Coffee 3-Ib. bag $2.19 A&P, Vacuum Coffee lb. tin 93c Barry Cookies 'hT 39' Starkist Tuna Chunl Whit* Meal J S'/a-oz. $|( RCTAIUf...SINCt IS» THS MEAT ATLANTIC A PACIFIC TSA COMTANY All prices effective through December 3rd Chinese Maid Chop Suey Noodles Chinese Maid Room Deodorant Blue Cheer Tide Detergent Fluffo Shortening Fels Naptha Soap Instant Fels Cashmere Bouquet Cashmere Bouquet Ad Detergent Bean Sprouts Chineie Maid Chop Suey Sauce Florient Aerosol New Washday Detergent Tide's In Dirt's Out! Pure Vegetable 2 I 9 C 2-27' i-ox. Ac bti. 9 «•/»«. ygc 2 tin ><•* COc pk|t DO r 7ie lb. tin 87e 25e Soap Oranulel Fecial Soap Bath Soap For Automatic Wash*)* 3 3 2 3 Z 26e 2 r 25* 39° l(h CO1 »•«*• Da 21'iz. Pkf. IN BAR-B-Q SAUCB Terry's Sliced Beef **59° ORLEANS Dog Candy 10-oz. 23c i« FLAVOUR CANDY Melt-O-Mints ::2- GREENWOOD Sliced 2 16-ox. ni€ GAS STRA Se mora ^la-MoHt CopyHflM, 1955, them Mnafe Got Compoaf ORTHERN L . L I N O I S Read Plaindealer Wal .-•A,:;