Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Dec 1955, p. 14

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It r w: 9&: t 4;? t Page Fourteen h frvM* THE McHENRY PLAINDEALEH "saggigti .. - "..i L . ;.r _ -- 1 ' 1 .* . their fnothers with Christmas feorsages they had made. After a. welcome to the parents by the scoutmaster, Maynard Meyer, the committee wafi introduced to those present. The boys and their parents then sang Christmas carols, accompanied at the piano by Alyce Joyce. A delicious lunch was served of baked ham, potato .salad and cakes. Santa came to distribute his gifts to those present and every child was given a bag of goodies, and all the Scouts received a special gift from the committee. The adult leaders Of the troop were also presented with gilts from, the committee. Music for the evening was provided by M. Bykowski on recordings of Christmas carols. Everyone enjoyed the party. Thuzsd&y* December £2,1955 •yif Wonder Lake News By Phyllis Whitfield A total of twelve dollars was turned over to the hospital building fund due to the meeting of two card clubs recently. Wednes- ?day\gvening, Dec. 14, the Wickline Bay canasta group met at ' the home of Olga Grasser. Others present were Lorraine de Laurier and Jean Motulewicz, who were high scorers, Ann Weretka, Lorraine Piersoii, Eloise Erber, Lillian Plottner and Dorothy Nemsick. Their next meeting will be Jan. 11. The Wonder Lake, Bridge club met Dec 15. Mrs; Harriet McCall was hostess. Grace Sellek and Marie Shrosbree were high scorers and qther guests were . Alice Condren, Velma /Sinclair, Betty Selsdorf and Simone Fuller. Their next meeting will be in the home of Marie Shrosbree. Nativity Church News, AH the young folks in the community are invited to the Nativity Luther League Christmas party to be held on Friday, Dec. 23, at 7:30 at the church. The admission price is a decoration for the Christmas tre6. Bring a seventy-five cent gift for the grab bag gift exchange. There will be games, contests, dancing and refreshments, which all add up to a fine evening. Come and bring your friends. There will be two Christmas Eye services Dec. 24. At 7:30 there will be the traditional Christms| Evet Communion service. "A King Is Born" is the sermon topic. The midnight candlelight service will begin at 11:30. Catfol pinging and the reading of the Christmas story will blend with the beautiful candlelighting ceremony. Everyone is welcome to usher in this day of days, when the coming of the Lord is celebrated. Christmas Day there will be no 8 a.m. service but there will be Sunday School at 9:15 and also the regular service at 10:45. Pastor Schroeder hai chosen "Peace On Earth" as "bis sermon ^opic. v net Koehler from Woodstock and Mrs. Van Sells, Mrs. Neva Fuhrer, Mrs. Simone Fuller, Mrs. Alice Kondron and Mrs. Kay Boldt from the lake. Cards provided entertainment for the evening after a desSert lunch was served. Practical gifts, such as Kleenex, Scotch tape, rubber bands, etc., were given the honoree. As these items arc hard to obtain cverseas, Mrs. McEachren was happy to receive them. Mrs. McEachren, who"fs well known in McHenry county for her association in the Wonder Lake Garden club. League Of Women Voters and as member of the board of the Memorial hospital' auxiliary, plans to istay in Greece until 'May with her cousin, who is in the. diplomatic service. She hopes to complete films of Greece and Turkey begun on a visit two years ago. Shfe will spend the holidays with her sjster and father in Chicago and leave Dec. 27 for New York, from (where she will sail. Iiips on raffic . Safety CHARLES F. CARPENTIER Sccrctjry of St.itc More than a few of our citizens are planning to bring in the New Year with a bit of holiday "cheer." Some of them, however, will not stop at moderately toastingTthe year 1956. And of this number, unfortunately, there will be those who will drive their automobiles while under the influence of alcohol. If you must be behind a steering wheel during the late hours of New Year's Eve or the early morning hours of New Year's Day, be sure to drive cautiously and to be on the lookout for those drivers who just won't believe the fact that alcohol and gasoline do not mix. EDDIE the I 'ATOR says .»L. 5 & Legion News »-• A total of $105 was collected by the Wonder Lake post during the Gifts to Yanks program and was forwarded to the state chairman in Chicago. Thanks to all those who felt it in their hearts to share the spirit of Christmas with the Yanks who Gave. There will be no Christmas party this year due to limited funds. The Legion post needs the support of the adults of &iis community, as does every other organization, in order to carry out programs for the children. It was decided at the last meeting to use the money formerly allotted for a children's party to making a happier Christmas for. those families who are in need. By doing this the post feels it will be serving . the community in the true spirit of Christmas. To Visit in Greece Miss Minnie Bohn was hostess 4o a group of Woodstock and Wonder Lake friends of Mrs. Dorothy McEachren, who will sail Dec. 31 for Greece. Those attending the party were Mrs. Blanche Koehler and Mrs. Har- Business & Service Directory of Wonder Lake WONDER LAKE BUILDERS SUPPLY Parents visit doctor* MM! dtnllih in ttw intarett of their children. Why not visit th«ir teach***? Make on appointment. trf»ca<(o« Anociotio* Read the Want Ads PRorasionflL DIRECTORY FRANK W. SEX, RLD. Physician and Surgeon 210 So. Green St, Office Hours: 2 to 5 PJVt -- 7 te 9 PJtt. (Daily - Except Wed.) u Saturdays 2 to 6 P.M, Phones: Office Residence 164 £278 DR. J. C. GOET9C55E51 Chiropractic Physician 25 Orchard Beach Eoad Office Hours: MOIL. Tues., Thurs., A FrL 10 to 12 - 1:30 to 5:30 - 7 to 9 Saturdays: 10 A.M. to 2 PJML PHONE 743 B and B EXTERIOR DECORATING Free Etettmates Frtteclhies Estates PHONE 560-R-2 Besides those who over-Indulge, the motorist must also be on the alert for those who become heavyeyed after a pleasant but long evening with friends. When one is having an enjoyable time with friends, the time seems to fly by and before anyone ia aware of the hour It Is very late--an4 that drive home seems to take an eternity. A tired motorist can be a dangerous MERRY CHRISTMAS | 'M' 1 I1 l"H"M •ft1!11 • 'i"3' BOY SCOUTS Explorer News Explorer-^eSt 662 enjoyed an evening of practice at the rifle range on Nov. 17. Mr. Krickl and Mr. ^Smlth instructed and supervised m^he proper handling of rifles, keepftfg separate targets, competitive shooting and thorough cleaning of rifles. A business, meeting was held on Dec. 5 at the Americanc Legioh home discussing civil defense and the possibility of forming a rescue unit to be available in case of a disaster. Dr. W. A. Nye of McHenry, guest speaker, gave an interesting talk on the medical profession, explaining the progress made in the past thirty years. We are grateful to C. Dietle for his leadership as advisor. He has served us well, always encouraging the Explorers to strive for higher goals. John Moffett of McHenry was introduced a,nd welcomed as our new advisor. Boys over 14 years of age, interested in Explorer Scouting, are invited to attend our meeting on the first Mori day of every month at the.. Legion hdme at 7:30. ' ; Bruce Nelson Troop 164 Troop 164, sponsored by the McHenry Moose lodge, No. 691, held its second annual Christmas party Thursday, Dec. 15, at the Moose home/ The evening opened with the Scouts all presenting . , Troop 162 American Legion sponsored Troop 162 had its Christmas party last w6ek. The first Thursday in the new year will be the next meeting date. Christmas trees are being sold by the troop at the home of senior patrol leader, Steve Pike. All of the profits are to. go for a conservation "good turn" --• feed for wild birds. The largest part will be sent to the Jack Miner (bird sanctuary in Canada. The boys have tentative plans for a visit to this bird haven. Blackhawk 20-mile" trail hike medals were recently won by Steve Fike, Fred Wahl and his father, Bill Anderson and his father and Bill and Jim Kirk and their father. \ It Pays to Advertise Nodlaig Nait Cugat - And A Merry Christmas To You Too If you're looking for something different in the way . of saying "Merry Christmas" to your friends, the Museum of. Science and*' Industry has a few timely suggestions. As part - of its display of Christmas trees decorated in, the traditions of other countries, expressions of seasonal greetings by the various nations represented in the display are , also shown. While al) of these do not translate literally into the familiar "Merry Christmas" used in America and English-speaking countries, they all convey the best wishes of the Yule,tide and express the" hope of peace and good will toward, all mankind/, . So here's twenty times a Merry Christmas to you from the Museum: .Toyeux Noel, French. Glad Yul, Swedish. Wesolych Swiat, Polish. Feliz Navidad, Spanish (Mex.) Chrystos Rozdzajetsia Slawyte Jeho, Ukrainian. Gledelig Jul, Norwegian. Vesele Vanoce, Czechoslovakian. Kala Christougena, Greek. .. Linksmu Kaledu, Lithuanian. Sretan Bozic, Yugoslavian. • ' ' "(J Boldgo Karacsony, Hungarian. Frohliche Weinachten, German. " Zalig Kerstfeest, Dutch. Buon Natale, Italian. Glaedelig Jul, Dutch; Sretan Bozic, Croatian. Schonorhavor Dzeriount, Armenian. Nodlaig Nait Cugat or Beann& ct Oe Ort, Irish. And, phonetically speaking, it's "Christmas oh-tnay-dee-toe go--- zi-mas" in Japanese and "Cktfuil haul seine on" in Chinese. NAME SURVIVORS Among survivors of the late Warren Jones, in addition to those mentioned last -week, are Floyd Foss of Richmond and Wayne E. Foss of Ringwood, uncles. Mr. Jones was the son of Vaughn Jones and the late Dor-, cas Foss Jones. , -VSUNBEAM FRY PAN . 11M MM* MWFHT after appRane* Automate coxtrsJIsd (ssat. Eeck. 916.85 Alumfmtm eovcr. Cadi. $8*00 #®c» rc&istant glan »v«. fiMh 92,00 LEE & RAY ItiCTRIC 516 W. Main St. Phone 882 McHenry, HL Free Estimates & Delivery Phone Ed & JdSp's Wonder Lake Stoddard Service Phone: W. L. 8241 or S463 All Minor Mechanical Repairs # Lubrication # Washing # Tires & Accessories "If you can't stop in smile as you go by!" Yon Expect More From Standard And Get It! STANDARD DR. G. R. 8 W ANSON Dentist Office Hoars: Dally Except Thursday 9 te 12 -- 1:30 to 5:80 HoDh Wed. suadl Fifi. Evening* By ©a5y Telepiaome McHenry 160 VIRGIL R. POLLOCK 1 Life Insurance and Annuities Representing Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company 604 Court St. Phone 1168 McHenry, Hi. Sand Limestone VERN THELEN 5 Excavating Gravel Black Dlr® Dredging TeL McHenry 1336 . Box 640, Rt. 1, McHenry, ID. and 1DEI TY ~] H General Coataactori an< Phone 5432 -- ifS301 A, P. ITIEI ND & SONS Excavating Contractors Tracking, Hydraulic and Crane Service -- ItOAD BUILDING _ Tel. 204.M McHenry, HI EARL R. WALSH INSURANCE ; Fire, Auto, Farm & Life Inransss ' Representing j RELIABLE COMPANIES ! When Yon Need Insurance of | Any Kind | PHQNE 43 or 958 Green ft Elm McHenry, DL ©©BEMMffiBElffi IKON WOK®§ OrnamentaS & SfcrucCraiHal Hfatf Visit Our ShowFoome 8 Klles Souht oq 81 PHONE 050 //» W'C ml YES We have them here Ice Cu • apd ed Ice For Your Christmas Party Join the merriment here! Fun and laughs galore for every one. Come anytime . . . stay as long as you like. No reser vations sary. OPEN 7:30 a.nv to 1 p.m. CHRISTMAS DAY And December 26 neces- Wish Our Friends A Very Merry Xmas amd Happy -New Year VAN'S Wonder Food & Louitge Wonder Lake. Illinois HOLLY'S Texaco Service Station 400 E. Elm St. ' a t1 i We ve everything to make car something extra special! 1 Hollywood Eisigs lor HeadHgSnAS Front Seat Only / TERRY CLOTH $5.95 FIBRE - Front & Rear .... $14.50 PLASTIC - Front & Rear $19.95 I Gives your old car the "new-look" models iii stock. TRI-POD JACK New, safe and fast way to tire Changing. Set of two Stainless WHEEL - COVERS All Sizes g & Styles. Set of 4 FENDER SKIRTS All Models in Stock Chrome Plate License Plate Frames Adjustable, fits any size pla.te. $9.95 to $16oS0 pair SAFETY SEAT BELTS $6.95 to $8.95 * y /kuto Replacements Parts for all Cars 120 East of New Bridge PHONE 778 I Commu McHenry, 111. You Will Always Find Those Last Minute Gifts at the FRANKLIN STORE ON GREEN STREET FOR THE'MAN LEATHER WALLETS $2.98 - $4.98 BOXED HANDKERCHIEFS .... 79c ARGYLE STRETCH SOCKS .... 69c FANCY SUSPENDERS $1.00 SHAvAg SETS 98c NECKTIES J. $1.00 FANCY HOSE 49c LEATHER GLOVES .. $2.98 - $3.98 FOR THE BOYS FANCY SOCKS 39c POLO SHIRTS 79c - 98c GLOVES 39c - $2.98 MODEL KITS 49c - $2.98 GAMES & TOYS 10c - $9.98 FOR THE BABY NYLON DRESSES ...... $2.98 - $6.98 TEETER BABES $6.98 - $7.98 / ' , TAYLOR TOTS $10.98 TRIMBLE BATH $14.98 TRAINING CHAIRS $5.49 t>t a \TVT.vno AA «hc r\f\ BUNTINGS $4.98 FOR THE LADY LEATHER WALLETS $1.98 - $4.98 NYLON HOSE 98c - $1.19 GLOVES $1,00 - $1.49 NYLON SLIP $2.98 FANCY PANTIES $1.00 Laura May BLOUSES $2.98 - $3.98 PYREX WARE 29c - $3.50 WALL CAN OPENER $3.49 TOWEL SETS $1.98 - $2.98 FOR THE GIRLS WALLETS 59c - $2.98 ANKLETS 39c - $1.00 4 FANCY PANTIES 49c - $1.00 DRESSES $1.98 - $3.98 INDIAN MOCASSINS 98c - $3.49 PERFUME 29c - 79c BRUSH SET 39b - $1.00 FOR THE HOME Wrought Iron MAGAZINE RACKS $2.99 ... Wrought Iron & RADIO TABLES $3.98 WROUGHT IRON SMOKER $5.98 LAMP SHADES . $2.98 - $6.98 Jr'lCTUiOiS .... 4yc - TABLE LAMPS . $6.98 - $7.98 These are just a few of the many high quality gifts from our large selection. Do come in. The entire Ben Franklin Organization fbishes You I and Yours a very Joyful Christmas and that the New j Year will bring, you Health and Happiness. We wish to express our appreciation and gratitude j for the friendship and patronage you have been so | kind to extend to us over the past year. | Thank You i

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