-1' ,•:»! u?; ... Thursday. December 29. 1955 REAL ESTATE POE SALE -- Large ranch home on highway 120, walking distance to McHenry, on 1 acre, trout stream in back yard, basement, forced aLr heat, air conditioned. 3 car garage. This property is also zoned for business, ^deal for doctor or lawyer. Full price $18,000. Terms. Call McHenry 430. 23-tf fSR SALE -- I30&SES -- KARM3 CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY Knox Real Estate 405 Richmond Road McHerfry, 111. Phoue: McHenj-y 421-J McHENRY AND VICINITY McHENlRY - 2 bedroom home, face brick all around, gas heat, combination aluminum storm windows, completely decorated, tile kitchen aiid bath, brick garage, red cement drive, large lot, completely landscaped, city water, less than rate year old, immediate possession. Two blocks to R.R. and shopping. A complete, home, no extra expense. Price $l€,500. MISCELLANEOUS " BE SAFE SAVE AT A BANK McHENRY STATE BANK MCHENRY, ILLINOIS 5€j% increase in interest rates over previous year. Deposits Insured by Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. 34 NgrtCE -- Is your old rug worn out ? Ifi it the wrong color or size ? Why not trade it in on a new rug or carpeting by USES. Free estimates. Home shopping service. Easy budget terms. Tidy Floor Coverings, 604 Washington St. (Route ,14 North) Woodstock, 111. Phone 888. 34 NOTICE -- Terra Cotta ReSale Shop will be closed for inventory January 1, 1956 to February 27, 1956. Mrs. R, D. Dietrick, Crystal Lakea 111. 31-4 NOTICE -- Thjs is to inform the public of McHenry and vicinity, that I am no longer associated with Family Album Plan, as of Dec. J, 1955. Worwick ^Studio. A. Worwick. \ 34 Main Street in Johnsburg, 2 story residence, 1 bedrooms, hot air h6at, also suitable for beauty parlor or other small business. Price $8,000.' 2 bedroom home, gas heat, full basement, garage, wooded lot. Price $12,000. For appointment call at our- office in Johnsburg, McHenry 37. JACOB FRITZ - REALTORS 34-tf SITUATION WANTED SITUATION WANTED -- Experienced dish washer and kitchen helper wants full time employment. Call 638-J-2. 34 NOTICE -- To whom it may concern: If the person or persons who left their belongings on my parking lot do not call for them in 30 days they will be disposed of. Walt Freund 34 Insured Savings: Savings invested in Crystal Lake Savings and Loan Association are insnrcgjl by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corp., apd earn 2>/2 Per 06111 plus l/2 per cent extra. 38-tf WANT Wanted :: INSURED SAVINGS Savings invested in Crystal Lake Savings and Loan Assoc- - -ration are insured by the Federal Savings and Loan Insur- "4$nce Corp., and earn 2%% 1 plus K % extra. * 33-tf Speaking of MONEY! You, can make it quick and easy by disposing of unneeded belongings,' or renting a spare room through a Plaindealer Classified Ad. Phone 170 WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY -- Top price paid for iron, metals and junk c^rs. Ed Marsh, phone Woodstock 1610-M-2. . 43-tf WANTED TO BUY -- We pay highest prices for old cars, Iron metals, paper and rags. Prompt pick ups. Also for sale, good used tires, 15 or 16 inch rims. Call Roy Grooms, 1368-M-l or Staines 53-J. W ' 32-tf MISCELLANEOUS Has your drinking become t problem ? Men, women, if so, write Alcoholics Anonymous, Rt. 5, IBox 508, McHenry, HI. Meetings every Monday 8:30 ji.m. lJ2-tf Lend Uncle Sam Your Dollars Buy U.S. Savmgs Bonds ' 35 ' y " y' LOOK Where People Advertise ADVERTISE Where PEOPLE LOOK McHenry Plaindealer sP E DAY ©8J0DI Last Year This Year 1994° 2121° T4OT AL 127 DEGREE DAYS COLDER Call Us Anytime Regarding Degree Day Service. ;S OIL COMPANY McHENRY 32 CASH DISCOUNT SAVE THE McHENRY PLAINfrfcALER THOSE WERE THE DAYS By ART BEL INOTHEN^BOT THE TRUTH by Russ Arnold WHEN 6RANDPA WAS APPIOVE^ YOUNG, HE ACTED APPKOVb c*- PAnjyjj V/CPV kk *n .be rv FRlVOUTY, TO.SUCH THO VERY WATURE Lte EXCESS / WEE THS DAYS COME TO O PARTY TWa POPULATION of iUe woiMd UA&- mora than D0USLB0 iritis past 100v/aars I Nicolas ft*temDd«n b«yr Smm. tNih l HOSSFACE HANK By FRANK THOMAS Service NEW Y0R[£) CAM MOLD A I2.0-1-&. 61RL ai ARM'S, IBM&TH / V*HEW!-rD RUTHER YUH MAILT ME $ CARD J i I' ALSO HE/M.TH%^NQ prospers" SONNY SOUTH By AL COURTSON ffj&h /BOV! IT'S A LONG WAV T' ^ ^ %-NEAR OLD 006, 15 LISTED IN THE BVANSV/Ug/Uy CITY DIRECTORY / i-t-Tl - AH VNON'T WALK OOWNT'TH'CABN !» HAVE It) BUT IF AH JUST AIM MAHSELF AT THAT Ol' TREE SHUCKS NEVER MEDDLE FRIENDLY ARGUMENT/ ROLLIM* \ By AL SMITH RURAL DELIVERY BANG/ BANG! SEE'WHO'S SAY. T'M VOUR DlDM'T YOU \ OH. THAT'S ToH, J/MMV SAW SOME DVNAMrFE^ AT THE DOOR, ROMEO/ HEAR ME' /aK"' WE POUNDING J WERE \ i«« NOISE days--- OURSELV/ES/ COULDN'T UNDERSTAND IT QUITE, & CURIOSITY NEV/ER PAYS, neighbor from JIMMY AT A PASSIN6 GENT A BATCH OFFRESH CEMENT UPSTAIRS SAYING, WAIT UNTIL YOU DRY* f HEN VOO'LL BE A REAL HAR U I LITTLE FARMER By KERN PEDERSON i RclfjtDodrm bya rrSfmi. iNth SJ tnrtec • r i By JOE DENNETT MAIN fcr(f »•»> tr J* WHV. SORE! A SAME Can i WISH VOL) MORE: ? FRIENDSHIP HAPPy HOME AMD HEALTH / BY TOM OKA ACROSS Rek««Oedc mtryt mStm. Nith JS e Look for Prohibit Shaded walk Volcano Make active Things, in la Winded Hand bombs Impetuous fiery soldier Night before Etches Distant God of war Prefix, beforr Stove Woman Curve Story teller By BRAD ANDERSON A number f.RANDPA'S BOY MY,W/ Expensive rMTH£ Wli.SON'4 „.WH09 PG- Forest animal AHVmO'Z LITTLE soy arb you ? Fish egga ARB you? Totals &IL50H! DOWN TILL SOUR /MOMMY I 5AIPHatO, u^DLEYS ins tt Women who make fools out of men usually git a lot of cooperation. Tubby Tyler says his wife Is a public speaker, when she starts on him the neighbors all listen for free. Just how do you pose a prob* lem? Zed Peters asked the pretty waitress for her phone number. She whispered it to him; He called the number and it was the Pest Control. The Ridge Corner barber don't have to use his. head, he uses yours. Crosswerdl 24. Large cask 26. State official 26. Vanquished 27. Girl's name 28. Weight of India SO. Rabbi tt 83. More willingly 34. -Fleet of warships 36. By 37. Part of arm 38. Great lake' 39. Skin disease 40. Rid It. Lade 42. Makes miatakes 45. Fuss The way that the gals eat up flattery It's a good thing it aint fattenin'. * * • Lots of gals who have stars in their eyes ain't heavenly lookers. • • • Tubby Tyler set on a thumb tack and never felt it; Dead end kid, eh? • • • An expensive wife kin sure make a poor husband. • • • A see saw with only one seat Is carryin' economy too far. • • • Many a gal has a nice heart beat for a fast liver. v --REV. CHARLEY GRANTL- 5-55 Manner of sitting Engrave -- Coming in Former German ruler Diagonal Useless City in California Region Prevaricated Boys Force Rava Zodise Riga That sirl ution id &