Twel™ THE MeHENHT PLAINDEALER Thursd^, January 26, 1956 r- A RINGWOOD By Mn. George Shepard PlMMI T . Five Hundred Club ) The women's five hundred club liras entertained in the home of jritrs. E. E. Whiting at Richmond Wednesday. A 1 o'clock dessert luncheon was served. High score ^ent to Mrs. Ben Walkington and low to Mrs. George shepard. Home Bureau Card Party The Ringwood Home Bureau Will hold a card party at the Masonic ball. Feb. 4 at 8 p.m. W.S.C.S. The Women's Society for Christian Service sewing circle met at the home of Mrs. Ben Walkington Thursday afternoon. „ Church News Rev. Eugene Maxwell of Woodstock preached at the Ringwood church Sunday morning in the absence of the pastor, Rev. James Reid, and family, who are Vacationing in Florida. School News \ We had a movie about development of rubber this week. The lower room had a treat from Yvonne Bruce because of her birthday, which was Jan. 17. Patty Low, Emily, Ortlieb and Jackie Aissen treated the upper grades on Jan. 17, in honor of their birthdays. Some of the high school students from Ringwood visited our school Thursday and Friday. Judy Bruce, school reported Diane Adams 4 Tears Old Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Adams entertained at dinner Sunday, honoring the fourth birthday of their daughter, ~ Diane. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Adams of McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Condon of Richmond, : Mr. and Mrs. Phil Parfary and j son, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Miller | and family and Donna Schmitt of Spring Grove. ^ Personals Mr. and Mrs. Charles Anderson and daughter spent Tuesday in Chicago. Mrs. Viola Low spent Tuesday in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Walter Wilcox, at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard were dinner guests in the Alan Ainger home at Hebron Monday and celebrated the fourteenth birthday of their grandson, George Ainger . Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harrison tod Mrs. Warren Jones were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and •Mrs. Lester Smith at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard spent Tuesday afternoon in the Wm. Claxton home at McHenry. Mrs. C. L. Harrison and Mrs John Hogan attended a sewing class at Woodstock Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas and daughter, Margo, spent the weekend with their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. John fjmith, at Riverdale, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Low Mrs. Emily Beatty and Mrs. Vibla Low -spent ^Sunday in the Walters Wilcox home. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison, Mrs. Ben Walkington and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy attended a bon voyage party for Mr and Mrs. Bill Tammeus at Dundee Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Tammeus are leaving for India soon." Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bruce' and family attended a birthday party in the Stanley Lea home at Belvidere Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ackeri man and sOns of Poplar Grove spent Sunday in the Charles Ackerman home. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Ehlert and ! sons of Kenosha spent Sunday J with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. j John Ehlert. ' Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ainger and j family of Hebron were Sunday j dinner guests of her parents, Mr; I and Mrs. George Shepard. J Among those from here to at- ! tend the soil conservation annual dinner and meeting at the Clarence Olson school in Woodstock Saturday evening were Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bruce. Mr. and Mrs. John Blackman and son. Tommy, of Antioch, Webster Blackman and sons, Jimmie and Leo, of Richmond and Mr, and Mrs. Peterson of Chica- j go were Sunday visitors in the | Dr. Wm. Hepburn home. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Butler of ' Chicago spent tho weekend in the B. T. Butler home. Sunday ; guests were Mr. and Mps. J. N. I Butler of Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. \ Donald Butler and daughter of1 McHenry and Mr. and MfS. An- i drew Butler of Crystal Lake. \ John Anderson, who is attend-1 ing Madison university, spent a few days between exams with his • parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles • Anderson. j Mrs. Kenneth Cristy, Mrs. J George Shepard, Mrs. William Cruickshank, Mrs. Paul Walking-1 ton, Mrs. Frank Harrison and Margo Andreas went to the j Methodist church at McHenry Thursday afternoon to the book review, "Papa's Wife," by Mrs. Harry Stinespring. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler attended a birthday party Friday night for B. T. Butler in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Benoy at McHenry. Charles Anderson is on a business trip to Cincinnati this week. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy attended a production credit annual meeting and dinner at the Westwood school at Woodstock Saturday noon. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fossum were business visitors at Forest Park Saturday. Mrs. C. L. Harrison spent a few days this week in the home of her daughter, Mrs.11 Donald Brenner, at Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Ehlert of Bohner's Lake and Mrs. Millie Rush of Richmond spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert. ^ Mr. and Mrs. George Midler and family of Chicago spent?' Sunday afternoon with Mr. aijd Mrs. John Skidmore and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brennan and family attended the silver wedding anniversary celebration of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mfrs. George Schmitt, at Johnsburg Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. James Wegener were supper guests Sunday evening in the Louis Winn home at Richmond, Mrs. Flora Harrison an<J Stanley Jepson were dinner guests of his aunt at Wauconda Sunday evening. Mrs. Clarence Harrison, daughter, Krystal, and sons, Donald and Gary, of Greenwood spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harrison. Gary spent the weekend there. ' > Mrs. James Wegener and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., spent Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Davis at Genoa City. Johnsburg News By Bin. Betty HettermwiB •i*. Important Meeting A group of Johnsburg residents have called a special meeting for Tuesday evening, Jan. 31, at 7l30 at Memorial hall for the purpose of discussing the incorporation of Johnsburg. It is expected that everyone concerned will attend this very important meeting. LINCOLN STATUE A bronze statue of heroic size, showing Abraham Lincoln as he appeared, beardless and strong, at the time he was nominated for the presidency at the famous Chicago convention of 1860, is to be erected at the intersection of Lincoln, Lawrence and Western avenues on Chicago's North Side. The 69th General Assembly appropriated $35,000 for this' work, which will be executed by Dr. Avard Fairbanks, distinguished sculptor affiliated with the University of Utah. Hospital Notes Quite a few of our residents have been confined to the hospital for one reason or another lately, Hope they are all on the recuperation list real soon. . Ford Jackson is confinSd to a Chicago hospital, Undergoing treatment. Memorial hospital was kept quite busy caring for Harry Ward, who spent a few days there last week. Steve May underwent surgery on his lip last week. Leo Schafer Is In Downey hos- I pital. j Mrs. Lorraine Stahl was in the hospital recently but for a differ- j ent reason than all the rest. She j welcomed her third son, born on ' Jan. 17 and weighing a bouncing j 8 lbs. 2,a oz. Birthdays " Mrs. Edna Kirchoff of Sunnyside Beach celebrated her birthday with a lovely luncheon on Wednesday, Jan. 18. Her gUests were Mesdames Alice Larson, Sylvia Ansell, Alice Lloyd, Anna Wallford andf Alice, Ross, all of Sunpyside Beach, and Mrs. Kate Pepping. „ Happy birthday to Julie Oeffling, who celebrates^ her first birthday, and to Johifny Dehn. who celebrates his fourth birthday this month. Correction: It was Bobby Martinec, not Billy, who celebrated his third birthday on Jan. 15. Florida Bound Mrs. Helen Hettermann leaves for the land of sunshine Thursday to visit her daughter and family, the Jack Keenans, of Pompano Beach, Fla. Donna Dowe of McHenry has been spending several weeks at the Keenan home on vacation. Mrs. Irvin May has been in Florida for a vacation since shortly after the first of the year. Welcomes Son Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Hamsher of Fox Lake welcomed their first son, born on Jan. 14 at S^ Therese hospital. The little fellow will be welcomed home by his two big sisters, Debbie, 5, and Sharon, 3. The proud maternal grandmother, Mrs. Christina Lay, took care of the girls while their mother was confined to the hospital. "He That Is Taught Only By Himself Has A Fool For A Master." •(Authors name below) Many people, who have never spent a day in a medical university, foolishly believe that they can advise their friends how to treat an illness. They mean well, but can cause serious harm. The proper diagnosis of a disease is an art that a Physician acquires only after years of study and internship training in a hospital. It is more important to treat the cause of an illness than to just relieve discomfort, which is usually the most any self treatment accomplishes. When you are sick be guided by your Physician. YOUR PHYSICIAN CAN PHONE McHenry 26 WHEN YOU NEED A MEDICINE A great many people entrust us with the responsibility of filling their prescriptions. May we compound yours? • §f¥i BiUGS "Walpiee*. AfeMcy" PHONE 26 129 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, 111 PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS •Quotation by Ralph Waldo Emerson (1808-1882) Post 491 n McHenry, Illinois presents Jeanne Randolph at the Hammond Organ Friday, Saturday & Sunday Evenings FISH FRY 15 EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. Served by American Legion Auxiliary A I 4 SAVE BY MAIL EARNINGS MOMfy Q 111*8 -.1 BACK UP YOU* SAVINGS with automatic insurance up to $ 10,000.This insured safety, provided through our mem bership in the Federal Sav- Silver Anniversary A large group of relatives and friends gathered at Memorial hall last week to extend their congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. George J. Schmitt on their twenty- fifth wedding anniversary. The Schmifts were joined by their daughter's for the evening's celebration. <--• Adele left her college studies to help her parents celebrate. Around the Town About seventy-five persons gathered at St. John's school hall to attend another of the Christian Mothers' public parties last Sunday evening. Many5 lovely prizes were distributed. After the party, sandwiches, cake and coffee were served by the committee. The proceeds of the evening were turned over to the new school building fund. Mrs. Mary Hettermann and daughters, Jean and, Sandy, and Kathy Hettermann and Mrs. Helen r Hettermann visited Carol Ann Stilling at St. Coletta's school in Jefferson, Wis., last Sunday. Mrs. Carl Neiss, and son, Randy, arrives at O'Hara field this week to spend several weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Freund. Pvt. Neiss is attending school in another state and upon completion will pick up his wife and son to return to California', where he is stationed. Pvt. Robert Smith flew to his Army duties in Georgia after spending his furlough with his parents, the Leo Smiths. While Bob was home, he was best man at the wedding of his aunt, Sally King Benson. Classified Ads bring results. Place yours with the Plalndealer today. Ready Mixed ( 9 ...CUTS DOWN WASTE TOOT'S n FRIT M WHICH WAY \JpHEN J0HM ABWrtS CPU* SCC0W PtUMiT\ AN0 HIS WIFE, A8ISAIL, JOURNEYED POM PHILADELPHIA TO WASHINGTON,O.C.,THE % , THEN TINY CITY Cfzf. 3,210) C0UL0 M KBACHEP 0NU/ THKOI6H A WILDERNESS ECAQ IN SHflRT ORDER, TH6 ADAMS WERE HOPELESSLV LOST.1 •ass* ^ 1 Ms vt <*V£S * cn&NCft *T -TH6 .ruKT ftO*^ „ SAVE O* A 6YSTe^^euTt -ro-tws 6C0^oiN«TYASO rut .KING OF THE SEAS GwAW!0N6 Of- THE 6f<6 INTHC 1050#WERE AMERICAN SHIPS BUILT w E9WA,*D coluhs. THEV ESTABLISHES SPEED RECORDS ACROSS • THE ATLANTC, BEATINS OUT THE CRACK BRITISH UNEKS. Stop wasting materials by on-the-job mixing! Tell us your specifications and we'll deliver the right amount of the right concrete mix right on time! McHenry Sand & Gravel Co. "RADIO DISPATCHED" PHONE 920 •!? NOW IS THE TIME . . . . T o b u i l d t h a t R u m p u s R o o m o r c l o t h a t r e m o d e l i n g J o b y o u ' v e b e e n p l a n n i n g . . . WE STOCK EVERYTHING YOU WILL NEED. •• ALEXANDER LUMBER Co. > PHONE 1424 547 MAIN ST. McHEN'RY, ILL. BUILD YOUR FUTURE WITH SAVE WHERE SAFETY IS INSURED s»li|Sr or Tt /< ings and Loan Insurance Corporation, is second to none in its protection of your funds. Here no ^fluctuation in value" can rob you of cherished plans... or delay your action. Funds protected under our system of Insurance have always been worth 1000 on the dollar. Bring the family's reserve fund tn Insured Safety today!- MAMENGO FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 102 Nortli State Street * Telephone 99 M A R E N G O , I L L I N O I S CURRENT DIVIDEND 3% * A complete dinner for 4 costs only pennies to prepore with a modern automatic electric range. How we keep your electric bill down (while everything else goes up) •J Although the cost of living has doubled, electricity today actually costs you less per kilowatt-hour than it did 25 years ago. Commonwealth Edison helps keep your electricity bill down in many ways. Bills sent every two months reduce costs of bookkeeping, meter reading and postage. These and other important "little savings" add up to lower cost electricity. So today, while you use more electricity, you get more for your money (almost twice as much, in fact). v PUBLIC tr.>.OK 11': SERVICE