... « .. •ft •VAV Thursday, February 23# 1956 THE McHfiNRY PLAINDEALER Page Eleven LAKEMOOR & LILYMOOR ®y Ann Brzezlnski and Lois Schiavone • *, Village News All vehicle stickers and dogf licenses are delinquent after Feb. 29. The penalty, beginning March 1, will be fifty cents per month. You may purchase them from Mr. James in th^ McDermott garage. Heart Fund ; JThe Heart Fund drive started 6W Sunday, Feb. 19. More volunteers are needed in Lakemoor tfnd Lilymoor on this important drive. Please g^t in touch with Claude McDermott at 742. fire .Department The firenien have worked on the" second floor this past Sunday. They will be working again in two weeks iand would apprecif all the help they can get. Also, a new siren was installed this past Sunday. It was tested in the late afternoon and turned out to be very satisfactory. There - will be a pick-up for newspapers and magazines on Saturday, Feb. 25. Will, you please tie the newspapers up in bundles and place them in front of your homes near the road. ' i Auxiliary You can be sure to have a pleasant evening if you come to ^he card and bunco party given D^~ the~xauxiliary on Saturday, Feb. 25; Tickets may be purchased from Jean Booster* and other material from Mrs. Buchwalter. Barbecue beef sandwiches, potato chips, cake and coffee will be served and very fine table zes to the winners. P.TA The next meeting of the Lily Lake P.T.A. will be held on Thursday, March 1, at 8 p.m. at the schoolhouse. There will be an election of officers at the. April meeting and there are several matters -that will come up at the March meeting^to be competed. Please try to attend. Brownies There are several openings in the Brownie group for girls 7 or 8 years old. Please call Pat Morrison at 591-R-2 for further information . McHenry Bible Church A wonderful time was had at the Youth for Christ rally at *I$dgefield Bible church on Feb. 18. Attending were' Mr. and Mrs. Ted Beahler and Lorrie, Mr. and Mrs.' John Nixon and Davy of Lilymoor, Dick Beahler, Dorothy Pope, Lorraine Dodd and Carol Phernetten. A musical program was enjoyed, followed by refreshments of pie and ice cream. The ladies of the church held a meeting at the home of Mrs. j^&ubach of McHenry on Tuesday, freb. 21. The ladies also had a* baby shower at this meeting for. Mrs. Winston of Fritzsche Estates, who is the proud mother of a baby girl born on Monday, Feb. 13, at Woodstock hospital. Thurday Socials \ The Thursday night socials are being held at Wally's Oasis every Thursday at 8:30 p.m. Everyone welcome to attend. Welcome We welcome our new neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Vincertf Lorio, who have moved into the village recently. Bowlers' Social Thirty bowlers attended the fowlers' social on Sunday, Fe£, 19, The winners were: 1. Ivan Gustafson and Tom Reed; 2. Steph Szarek and John Kraus; 3. Ray Cynowa, Jr., and Jean Mc- Ginley; 4. Harry Brady and Joan Schuringa; 5. Larry Erhardt and Dick Hyatt; 6. Othelo Brady and Paul Winston. Everyone had t.a wonderful time and they hope to have a larger group at the next social. Details on the next social will follow soon. "" Feeling JBetter Chipper Cynowa went in 'fo^|§. check-up on Thursday last week. Everything was fair, his weight going up steadily. He will go back for another examination in about a month. Gail Marie Checchin underwent surgery for her eye on Friday morning at Children's Merrtorial hospital. She is coming along fine. Mrs. Rita Erickson hasn't been feeling well and was hospitalized at Woodstock hospital for almost a week. She is feeling much better. Wedding Anniversaries Hie Norman Morrisons celebrated their tenth wedding anniversary on Thursday, Feb. 23. Harold and Marcella Foss had their fifteenth on Wednesday, Feb. 22. The Casey Brzezinskis helped them celebrate it with dining and dancing. We wish you all many more happy anniversaries. Some Rest and Fun Estelle Blade just got back from a two-week vacation at Acapulco", Mexico. Just before she left for her vacation, Estelle had a bout with pneumonia and the warm weather and sunshine helped her recuperate very fast. She( : spent a day in Mexico City, attending a bull-fight, sail fish" ing and some night life. Also it was thrilling to watch a 15 year old trey dnfe from a 135 foot cliff into the Pacific ocean. Walter Einspar is back from a vacation in Key West, Fla., and from what I hear had a lot of fun fishing and got quite a catch. He spent his vacation with his daughter and son-in-law, who is stationed in Key West. Also, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sarley have deserted us for the land of sunshine. They left for Florida on Saturday. Mrs. Louis Unruh, Mrs. Leon's Ifiothei^ and Mrs. Jenny Vallone are back with us again from a month at Hot Springs, Ark. They had a very nice vacation up to the last two days when the floods came. The ladies returned on Friday. (Here and There Have you noticed the snazzy fiesta red and white. car Wally and Steph Szarek are getting around in these days? Helen Para entertained her bowlihg team on Tuesday. Guests were Doris Kibbe, Irene Godina and Othelo Brady! Emma Kunz' little boy had a bad cold and she could not join them. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Beahler and family spent a pleasant Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Utz in Deerfield. Mr. and Mrs. Utz are former residents of Lakemoor. Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Leon and two daughters spent two days last week at the home of Mrs. Irene Leon, Johnny's mother. Birthdays Ed Steadman, Sr., celebrated his birthday Feb. 18. Also, John Kraus had a birthday on Feb. 18. Larry Cammarata was 13 years old on Feb. 18. He enjoyed it with a party with relatives. At the party were Mr. and Mrs. Philip Cammarata and family, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nosal and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Schimenti and family from Chicago. Jen McDermott will be celebrating her birthday on Feb. 28. Pat Morrison will have a birthday on Feb. 24. Lorraine Nicholas was 6 years old on Feb. 23. Nancy "Chadwick enjoyed her Wrestling We are all proud of Martin Kinnerk, who took fourth place 9 the wrestling sectional tournament in Waukegan on Saturday. P a r e n t s of C h i l d r e n in S c h o o l Take N o t i c e H b to fcovt yovr fomJTy pliysldait r»fu2e?^ «hfldr«n'i ty*v «oi% and gwwrd htoMk immunity tat* My bnNdijHkt NM cm Cm «Mf lloliiia df»®t Kited cos rtsvft from foiGzrfhg ©9 &DdrWk! health, and «bo from At fcnewtodgc twt fhb pharmacy tfandi ready with 4rvg» and of Mghait qvaMyJt help yog md your dtfldraa ••Iwtah food fctoMfc < BOLGER'S 108 So. Green St McHenry, 111. Phone 40 DRUG S T O R E VETS NO * MONEY DOWN NONVETS $1,200 DOWN >U KNOW f >ou can buy a 3 bedroom home for $9,475.00 and up, lot included, with the following features: • Architect designed • Carpenter-built • Grading & Seeding • Gravel drive • Sidewalk from lot line to Front & Rear doors • Combination Aluminum Screen and Storm windows • Completely decorated interior and exterior 9 Plastic tiled bath 9 Exhaust fan in kitchen The home you select from our Architect designed plans can be built on: 0 Tour paid up lot f A lot on which yon have made • down payment # Anywhere In McHenry County Office Located: 8S2 W. Main Street, McHenry Phone McHenry 1907 Veterans and Non-Veterans can save additional money by doing some of the work themselves . . . Such as grading & seeding, etc. ROBERT .EW GENERAL CONTRACTOR New Construction & Remodeling Route 4 -- McHenry. 111. Home Phone: McHenry 622-W-S * birthday on Saturday with a birthday party. Friends having fun at the party were Hilda Hirsch, Mary Ann Sossong, Sandra Wohlfeil, Christine Hose, Donald Kibbe, Nancy Erhardt, Joe Landl, Sharon, Berkeley, Eddie Samen and Nancy's brother, Duane. Nancy's birthday was on Sunday, Feb. 19, and she enjoyed it again with another party with relatives. A very happy birthday to all, and many happy returns of the day. ' - --; 1 LILYMOOR • Baby Shower Pink booties and blue blankets were the main topic Wednesday evening at the baby shower given by Flo Root, Jerry Minter and Betty Brusso for Fran BudiL Fran received many lovely" gifts; • Luncheon was served. Guests attending were JoAnn Rezabeck, Dawn Foute, Charlotte Sickafoose, Joan Freund, Peggy Garrelts, Pat Gales, June Diedrich, June Monroe, Tomie Scharman, Eleanor Brusso, Marion Olsen, Dagney Lunnis, Silma Sess and Nancy Ohlsen. Birthday Party Bruce Koot was 2 years old on Feb. 10. He enjoyed it with a birthday party with his friends. Attending tiie party were Phillip and Ricky Zahn, Danny, Mike and Bobby Sickafoose, Mike and Linda Zimmer, Denise Bethlesson, Mike and Sid Scharman, Mike Molinaro, Steven and Walter Riggs and Debbie Garrelts. Ice cream and cake were served. . Feeling Better We are glad to hear that Buddy Milinac is feeling better. He was in the hospital recently with an injured knee. j in on the fun. Guests enjoyed | dinner, dancing and a few games. ' Welcome I To Mr. and Mrs. A. Loveless I and family, who recently moved 1 into the community. "LITTLE SNACKS" ADD INCHES TO YOUR WAISTLINE Although "just a little sand- I wich" doesn't seem like much at ! ! the time, many of them can add : ! a good bit to your waistline, j By eating only lOO excess cal-j ories a day, you can gajn 10 j pounds in one year, says Geraldine Acker, University of Illinois foods specialist. If you eat or serve refreshments ' and snacks frequently, you may be taking in more calories than you can use. Save some of your meal' (a slice of bread, the salad or even the dessert) and eat it when you feel like a between-meal snack instead of nibbling on nuts, candy or potato chips. In this way, you don't add extra calories to your diet. You just spread the necessary ones over a loijger period of time. "Sou can serve your guests snacks such as fresh fruits, fruit juices, milk or raw vegetables {Sticks, without adding too many calories and give them valuable nutrients at the same time. ^ Or serve beverages and small wafers, a help-yourself-tray or a low-calorie dessert. You can find recipes for the latter in several recent magazines. On the whole, these recipes are trimmed down to as little sugar as possible and whipped creani is completely omitted. Non-fat dry milk solids usually substitute for either whole milk or cream. Remember that foods containing chocolate, hotter, cream, sugar and nuts are high in calories. Shop in McHenry Stores. Farewell Party A farewell party was given for Pat and Jerry Golbeck at Club Lilymoor on Saturday night. Almost all of their friends joined * .»HW« make It your formula for SECURITY IN '56 SAVE BY MAIL - CURRENT DIVIDEND 3% Msrengo Federal Sewings a^°ton MARENGO, ILLINOIS 102 N. Stat* St. Phona 9S TOTAL ASSETS OVER $6,000,000.00 unir SAVINGS HOMEOWNERS Do You Need \.v \ * \NO DARK ROOMS f I / DOUBl VENTILATING LOUVRES AT ENDS ! STURDY ALUMINUM FRAME* WEATHER-TITE ion ittut+c (?<H+tC(xa teat D O O R S Th. Qualify Door that lend* pride to your homo. Built to the AnMt architectural stand* ardt, priced for the average homo Doors Only $59.50 Installed STORMS & SCREENS $19.00 Installed and Guaranteed FREE ESTIMATES WEATHER-TITE ALUMINUM COMBINATION For beauty and value seo this window before you buy- Change from storm sas?3 to screens in 30 seconds. Enjoy drof* free ventilation. Phone your local UIMTHER-TITE Representatives CHARLES L. HANSEN McHenry, 111. Phone 1593-M E. WISE, JR. Harrington, 111. Phone MErcnry 9-5253 Aluminum STORM WINDOWS? SCREENS? COMBINATION,.DOOMS? PORCH or JALOUSIE ENCLOSURES? Steel or Fibre Glass AWNINGS? CANOPIES? PATIO COVERS? No Money Down! Terms To Suit fv- > - I ™ -Ox f Y 3 ' *! * » ! >: v.v. vX&a* iUPER •« HOLIDAY SEDAN Buy a Ro IVI i W l » n M L I e InB 9 B Rocket T-350 Aftion! Jetaway Hydra-Mafic * Smoothness! Stunning New Starflro Stylingl Double-Duty "Intagrille Bumper"! New Safety-Ride Chassis! Trend-Setter Instrument Panel! Flairaway Fender Design! Fashion-First Interiors! Stay a step ahead of tomorrow . .. sten up to an Olds right now! See the future of automotive design lake shape in every sweeping line of Starfire styling ; i t styling that keeps pace with tomorrow's trend, with features like the ultra-smart "Intagrille Bumper'*. Then, get set for action! The Rocket T-350 Engine steps out to make short work of the miles . . . and you breeze along with the air-borne smoothness of Jetaway Hydra-Matic*. • And how this Rocket takes care of your future . . . with value that's tops at trade-in timef Let us show you . . . notv! •Standard on .Vinwv-fciffcj whMi. fUimnal at extra tM on Suptr M mtadtU. TOP VALUE TODAY TOP RB TOMORROW ( VISIT THE "ROCKET ROOM". ..AT YOUR OLDSMOBILE DEALER'S!---- / " ' R. J. Overton Motor 403 Front Street Phone 6. *